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A. Stanley Davies Manuscripts Jones, Morris Charles, 1819-1893.
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Letters to Abraham Howell,

Sixty-six holograph and autograph letters addressed to Abraham Howell at Welshpool, in London (2) and in Salop (1), 1836-1846 and undated. The writers include Sam[ue]l Bakewell, Oulton near Stone [Staffordshire], 1845 (5) (the mental and physical condition of recipient's brother [Samuel] who had been placed in the writer's care) (attached to one of the letters is a copy of the reply sent by Abraham Howell), Charles Benbow [? Newtown], [18]46 (2) (financial matters), Geo[rge] Broughall, Oswestry, 1841 (the making of Pont Llanerchymris, Llanfechan bridge and New Bridge over the Verniew [co. Montgomery] into county bridges), [ ] Clarke [London], 1841 (2) ( business matters), J. Foulkes, Milford near Newtown, 1841 (the birth of recipient's son, financial and property matters), J. Griffiths [London], 1838 (personal, law books), John Hamer, Werglodd y Maip, 1837 (uncertainty as to whether Union Chapel [in the parish of Kerry, co. Montgomery] had been licensed, some details concerning the chapel), Ed[ward] Hughes, Llanbrynmair, 1836 (personal, a request for money for the writer's mother, a temperance meeting at the 'Old Chapel'), Edward Hughes, Cambridge, 1838- 1841 (4) (the writer's journey from Pool to Cambridge and his activities at Cambridge in preparation for entering [Queen's College] (1838), applications for money, the writer's degree prospects, news that 'the Cantabs have beaten the Oxonians in a rowing contention on the Thames' (1839), the presence of a small number of 'Oxford-tract-men' at Cambridge and sermons by Professor [James] Scholefield against their views), Charles Jones, Manchester, 1841 (a) (personal, payment for a horse), David Jones, Park Llwydiarth, 1840 (? an answer to applications by recipient for a lease of farms in the Llanbrynmair area), J. Jones, Montgomery, 1836 (enclosing a letter from Messrs. Edye and Jefferson, Montgomery, to A[ braham] Howells, 1836, concerning personal matters), J. Jones, Henllan, 1851 (matters relating to y Ty Mawr farm), John Jones, Bank, Machynlleth, 1839 (a request for copying work from recipient's office), Lewis Jones, Shrewsbury [recipient's uncle], 1836-1841 (3) (personal, financial matters) (enclosing a letter from Hugh Davies, Machynlleth, to the writer, 1839, re financial matters), Morris Cha[rle]s Jones, Welshpool, Liverpool, etc., 1839-1841 and undated (16) (personal, legal and business matters, the tithe commutation agreement for the parish of Hirnant [co. Denbigh], attendance at a ball at Bruce Castle where Rowland Hill 'the immortal penny postage man' was present, the birth of the recipient's first child), Henry Kitson, Shrewsbury, 1840 (the premium on an [insurance] policy), D. Macrorie, Liverpool, 1841 (medical advice for Mrs. H[owell, recipient's wife]), Messrs. Milno, Parry, Milno, and Morris, Temple [London], 1841 (3) ( recipient's application for admission [as an attorney], the regulations relating to the admission [of articled clerks as attorneys]) (enclosed are a circular dated 1836 relating to the said regulations, with a copy of a questionnaire to be completed by the clerk seeking admission and by the attorney under whom he had served his articles, and a copy (printed) of the said questionnaire with the answers supplied (pencilled in) in the case of Abraham Howell), [the Reverend] Thomas Morgan, Tipton [ Staffordshire, previously Independent minister at Welshpool, circa 1832-1837], 1840 (personal, ? the possibility of [the Reverend Cyrus] Hudson becoming [Independent] minister [at Welshpool], comments on Hudson, a meeting at Stafford of the association of the ministers in Staffordshire, the writer's unhappy memories of his ministry at Welshpool with unfavourable comments on the inhabitants) (added as a postscript is a letter from Jane Ann Morgan [wife of the Reverend Thomas Morgan], with personal greetings, remarks on ? the manse, and news of a Baptist missionary meeting at Dudley attended by twelve ministers from London, Birmingham, and America, and a slave), J. R. Ogle, Harlescott and Gungrog, [1839]-1841 (6) (transactions relating to a mare), A[nne] W[arburton] Owen, G[lan] S[evern], 1845 and undated (3) (the possible sale by the proprietors of the [Montgomery] Canal of the 'Feeder from the Rhiew', the powers the said proprietors claimed under the 'General Sale Act', a debt due from Mr. [John] Burke [genealogist] whose Peerage had been advertised, the wish of all the proprietors of the [Montgomery] Canal, with the exception of the writer, to sell the canal, mention of the turnpike road at Brithdir, a request to recipient to write to London concerning Berriew tithe commutation book, the rents for property [in Liverpool]), Rich[ar]d Griffithes Parry, 1841 (personal, business affairs), John Phillips, Newtown, 1846 (a request for aid for the writer's brother Evan to go to America), [the Reverend] Henry Rees [Methodist minister], Shrewsbury, [18]36 (a request for information concerning any small farms in the Carno-Llanbrynmair district, and more especially concerning Bryn Cae Miler farm near Machynlleth, which were for sale as part of the Esgir Evan estate, information the writer had received about a farm near Whitechurch 'Ond nid oes yno un Seiat, Cyfarfod Misol na ddaith Sabboth yn agos'), Mary Ryder [1840] (a request to recipient to hand a note to Mrs. Jones concerning her son's illness), James Smith, Chester, 1839 (a request, on behalf of the writer's friend, Mrs. Collins of Little Sutton near Chester, for information concerning the settlement of the affairs of her uncle, Mr. Clarke, deceased, of Welshpool), W[illia]m Ward, 1841 (a request for an increase in his salary as a clerk in Mr. Jones's office, from twenty-one to twenty-five shillings a week), C. Wilding, [18]40 (a promise to consider an application by a friend of the recipient in respect of Gesseldu farm), and J. Yearsley, Welchpool, undated (the writer's return from Brighton, congratulations on the birth of recipient's son).

Miscellaneous correspondence

Seventy-seven miscellaneous holograph, autograph, and other letters, 1847-1938 and undated, including:
(a) Twelve letters to A[rthur] Stanley Davies at Welshpool, from E[ric] L[loyd] Horsfall Turner, town clerk, Aberystwyth, 1936 (2) (books borrowed by the writer's father [Ernest Richmond Horsfall Turner], the manuscript of his father's work [? on the Chartists in Montgomeryshire, now NLW MS 12888E]), H. R. Waiting, Richmond, 1935 (3) (enquiries about the making of 'old style, horn lanterns' in Welshpool, the writer's interest in local types of wains or waggons, and his making of scale models of these, suggestions for photographing and measuring local waggons,? at Welshpool), Frank Ward, Bettus y Coed, [19]35 (2) (the writer's interest in Welsh legends connected with Llyn Tarw, Llyn Dau Ychen, and Llyn Du), W[illia]m Watkins, Eastbourne, [19]19 (personal, the purchase of slides), D. R. Comley White, Hereford, 1935 (photographs of the writer's great-great-grandparents, enquiries re books), A. Bailey Williams, Llanymynech, undated (2) (plays called 'Judith' and 'Richard Roberts',? by the writer, the writer's intention of writing a play called 'Wtra Wen', a lecture or talk on Llanymynech by the writer), and Jack B[utler] Yeats, Dublin, 1938 (permission for recipient to use an illustration from the writer's book Life in the West of Ireland [(Dublin and London, 1912)], in his proposed booklet on Welsh ballads [The Ballads of Montgomeryshire (Welshpool, 1938 )]).
(b) Thirty-one letters to Morris Charles Jones [1818-1893, antiquary, founder of the Powysland Club], at Welshpool and Liverpool, from John Black, Garthbeibio, Cann Office, 1883 (the location of a vault found near Gwynyndu farm [parish of Llangadfan. See letters from the Reverend Griffith Edwards below]), [Colonel] Jos[eph] L[emuel] Chester, London, 1865 (2) (recommending Mr. Clarence Hopper, 'the paleologist of the Camden Society', as a transcriber of documents, an offer to, and the dispatch to, recipient of a set of the United States Diplomatic Correspondence for 1863 and 1864, in four 8vo volumes, acknowledging receipt of a copy of 'the Evans pamphlet' [probably the work listed in the British Museum Catalogue under A., J. R. and J., M. C. Evans [Genealogical notices of the family of Evans of Montgomeryshire. By J. R. A. and M. C. J., i.e., John Reed Appleton and Morris Charles Jones], Newcastle-upon-Tyne [1865]], the writer's genealogical researches into the history of the early New England settlers, an offer to procure for recipient a set of the N[ew] E[ngland] Hist[orical] and Gen[ealogical] Register), William Courthope, Somerset [Herald], College of Arms [London], 1865 (acknowledging receipt of the 'Evans Pamphlet'), H. Syer Cuming [London], 1883 (the writer's opinion concerning a ?pre-Roman, stone vessel in the [?Powysland] Museum), [the Rev.] G[riffith] Edwards, Llangadfan Rectory, 1883 (2) (an 'old interment' [sic] discovered in the parish of Llangadfan, notes relating thereto sent by the writer to the Shrewsbury Chronicle [see letter from John Black above, and Collections Historical and Archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire..., vol. XVI, 1883, pp. 379-80]), E. Bickerton Evans, Worcester, 1864 (comments on a draft copy of [the pamphlet on] the Evans family), Edw[ard] Evans, Beamaris [sic], 1865 (personal, thanks for a copy of 'the Evans pedigree', and comments thereon), Edward Evans, Worcester, [18]65 (acknowledging receipt of a copy of 'the Evans Genealogy', the presenting of 'a rare copy of an old Bible' to [H.R.H. Prince Augustus Frederick], Duke of Sussex [ob. 1843], by John Bickerton Williams, the belief that Mr. Williams had been knighted as a result, and that this was 'the first instance since the accession of the House of Hanover, that such an honour had been conferred on a Dissenter'), J[oh]n Evans, Llanberis and Leamington, [18]61-1865 (2) (personal, the [Evans] pedigree), John H. Evans, London, 1865 (thanks for the 'pamphlet Evans', comments on the name Evan), [ ] Goldsbro, London, 1865 (acknowledging receipt of a copy of the 'Genealogical Memoirs of the family Evans'), Edw[ard] Griffiths, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1865 (personal, acknowledging receipt of two pamphlets, viz. 'Reminiscences of Old Oak Panelling now at Gungrog' [i.e., Morris Charles Jones: Reminiscences connected with Old Oak Panelling now at Gungrog (Welshpool, 1864)], and 'Evans'), H. A. Hudson, Abergele, [18]65 (personal, acknowledging receipt of 'the pedigree of the Evanses'), Roger Kinsey, Berthddu Farm, Llandinam, 1883 (notifying recipient that he was forwarding 'the lumps of lead' for the Powysland Museum, the locations where the lead, a stone vessel, and a quern had been found, payment for the lead), S[amuel] S[avage] Lewis [librarian], Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1879 (publications of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society), William V. Lloyd, Kimbolton Vicarage, St. Neots, 1879 (2) (problems relating to [the Rev. Robert Kater] Vinter [vicar of Kimbolton, 1879-1880], and ?the tenancy of a farm belonging to the living), [ ] Marsden, Bedford Row [London], 1865 (thanking recipient for a pamphlet, and referring him to the Rev. I. C. Evans, Slough, for information), Tho[ma]s Newill, Powis Castle Office, Welch Pool, 1865-1876 (2) (information about minerals, readiness to provide information for the Evans's Pedigree, documents relating to Montgomery castle in the office), John Gough Nichols, Malvern Wells and Brighton, 1865 (2) (acknowledging receipt of the 'Genealogy of Evans', the receipt from Mr. [William] Pagan of a copy of his 'volume on Paterson' [The Birthplace and Parentage of W. Paterson ... (Edinburgh, 1865)]), Rycroft Reece, secretary, Genealogical and Historical Society of Great Britain, London, 1865 (acknowledging receipt of a copy of the Evans pamphlet), Thomas Richards, London, 1879 (a promise to try to make up deficiencies in a set of Arch[aeologia] Camb[rensis], a reference to the printing of Mont. Coll. [Collections Historical and Archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire...]), [the Rev.] L[awrence] W[illiam] Riley, The Parsonage, S. Cross, Knutsford, 1865 (thanking recipient for the 'Evans Pedigree', mention of the pamphlet on oak panelling, two Bibles, dated 1769 and 1773, in the writer's possession, one containing entries re members of the Evans family, genealogical information, the writer's 'large household ... upwards of twenty pupils'), and W[illia]m Wilding [?town clerk], Montgomery, 1876 (3) (a plan [of the town and castle of Montgomery] in the corner of [John] Speed's map of Montgomeryshire, 1610, documents relating to Montgomery castle, a proposed article [on the said castle] by the Rev[eren]d George Sandford [see Collections Historical ... relating to Montgomeryshire..., Vol. X, 1877, pp. 61-124]).
(c) Twenty miscellaneous letters from Professor [aft. Sir] E[dward] Anwyl, Aberystwyth, to Mrs. Davies, 1910 (permission for recipient to use the writer's name as a reference for her son); [Francis] T[revelyan] Buckland, London, to C. Thomas, Newtown, [18]74 (articles by the writer, his wish to submit the 'mummies' eyes' to Mr. W[illiam White] Cooper, the occulist, for an opinion); H. Syer Cuming [London], to W. G. Smith, 1883 (personal, a stone vessel found in a marsh in Montgomeryshire); [the Rev.] E[dward] B[lackstone] Cokayne Frith, The Vicarage, Market Lavington, to [Charles Edward] Howell, [18]94 (personal, congratulations to recipient on being elected mayor [of Welshpool], a parish council election in the writer's parish, stormy weather and floods); W[illiam] A[rthur] Griffiths, HM Dockyard, Malta, to Mr. Owen, 1915 (genealogical points relating to members of the Griffiths family in co. Montgomery, prehistoric, Phoenician, and Roman remains in Malta, the publication of the writer's book [Tales from Welsh History and Romance (London, 1915)]); R[obert] F[raser] Isaacson, Public Record Office [London], to 'My dear Lloyd', undated (his inability to find any records relating to [?Dolforwyn] castle); Morris Cha[rle]s Jones, Liverpool, to the Rev. Geo[rge] Sandford, 1876 (3 ) (?notes for recipient's proposed article on Montgomery castle [see letter from William Wilding in section (b) above]); Geo[rge] Matthews [Newtown], to Tho[ma]s Bowen, Welshpool, 1847 (a bond for securing £100 on the road leading from Newtown to Machynlleth); [David Pryce Owen], mayor of Welch Pool, to Councillor Rogers, 1873 (an invitation to the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the new town hall, 15 September 1873) (in third person; endorsed with pencilled draft of recipient's reply); W[illia]m Pugh Phillips, Newtown, to Mr. [?E. R.] Horsfall Turner, 1935 (the writer's concern because of proposed changes in the administration of justice in co. Montgomery); George Rae, Birkenhead, to Charles [Edward] Howell, 1894 (congratulations to recipient on becoming mayor of Welshpool); Samuel Roberts [S.R.], London, to Mrs. Gardiner, 1872 (written to accompany a printed circular appealing for funds for a proposed new Welsh Congregational chapel in Southwark [London], towards which Samuel Morley, MP, had promised £500); [ ] Rogers [Welshpool], to C[harles] Howell, [18]85 (inviting recipient to become mayor [of Welshpool] for the following year); H. Lester Smith, Llanbrynmair, to Mr. Simpson Jones, 1895 (a gift to the Powysland museum of a stone arrow-head found in 1886); [Archdeacon] D[avid] R[ichard] Thomas, Llandrinio, to [Richard] Williams, 1901 (arrangements with regard to meetings [of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, to be held at Newtown, 29 July-2 August], a promise by the writer of a paper on the camps and earthworks of the [Newtown] district [see Archaeologia Cambrensis, sixth series, vol. II, 1902, pp. 33-42], and by recipient of a paper on Dolforwyn castle [Arch. Camb., sixth series, vol. 1, 1901, pp. 299-317], excavations at Caersws); Isabel M. Welch, Abermule, to Mr. Jones, undated (her brother's failure to find time to search certain documents for recipient); D. R. Comley White, Hereford, to E[rnest] R[ichmond] Horsfall Turner, 1935 (searches in Llanidloes parish registers, genealogical matters); and J[ohn] B[ancroft] Willans, Kerry, local representative of the Office of Works, to Mr. [?E. R.] Hosfall [sic] Turner, [19]35 (arranging a meeting with recipient to discuss proposed alterations to Long Bridge, Llanidloes) (enclosed are copies of a letter from Sam. Evans, divisional road engineer for Wales and Mon[mouthshire], Cardiff, to W. Owen Jones, county surveyor [for co. Montgomery], 1935, and of a letter from the said W. O. Jones to J. B. Willans, 1935, concerning the proposed alterations).
(d) Fourteen letters, in which the addressee is not named, from J. Anderson, The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1883 (a query relating to a two-handled, stone cup), Frances Arbuthnot, Winchester, 1901 (permission for the Cambrian Archaeological Association to visit Newtown Hall), Rob[er]t W[illiam] Eyton, Ripple Court [Kent], undated (the printing of charters of Llanlugan [sic] [nunnery], comments on transcripts of the charters submitted to the writer, Sir Watkin [Williams Wynn]'s objections to publishing charters, similar difficulties encountered by the writer in Shropshire) (this letter is possibly intended for Morris Charles Jones, the recipient in section (b) above, for whose article 'Some Account of Llanllugan Nunnery', incorporating transcripts of charters, see Collections ... relating to Montgomeryshire ..., vol. II, 1869, pp. 301-10), Albert Hartshorne, Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London, 1883 (a query concerning an [ancient] stone ?quern, a ?Roman bronze mortar purchased by the writer), John G. Jones [London], 1884 (Humphrey Jones of Garthmill [co. Montgomery], founder of Berriew school, and some of his immediate descendants), T. G. Jones, Llansantffraid, undated (mention of 'Caer droiau', and the possible engraving of the Figures so called [see Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Rhan VI, Caerdydd, 1953], a reference to monks at Pool ? in a history of Wales by [Robert John Pryse] 'Gweirydd ab Rhys' [?Hanes y Brytaniaid a'r Cymry (Llundain, 2 gyf. ?1873-1876)], a cywydd by Gutto'r Glyn referring to the marble in Ystrad Marchell [abbey] [see Ifor Williams a John Llywelyn Williams, Gwaith Guto'r Glyn (ail arg., Caerdydd, 1961), pp. 14-16], an account of monks and their labours in an ecclesiastical history by [John Williams] 'Ab Ithel' [?The Ecclesiastical Antiquities of the Cymry or The Ancient British Church ... (London, 1844)]), John Lloyd, Abermule, [18]85 (the marriage and children of the writer's grandfather), Marquise Catherine Niccolini [née Pryce], Firenze, 1891 (a request for copies of a part of Vol. XI of Collections Historical ... relating to Montgomeryshire ..., [in which a genealogical article on the Price family of Pertheirin, parish of Llanwnog, co. Montgomery, from whom the writer was descended, had appeared], also a request that the marriages of the writer and of her sisters, Sarah and Emelie, to members of the Italian aristocracy, be recorded in the volume), and W. G. Smith, London, 1883 (6) (a 'stone mortar' and another stone vessel submitted by recipient for examination, palaeolithic implements ? in the writer's collection, drawings by the writer of a large cromlech near Glan Conway).