Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 4 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Llawysgrifau ac archifau T. Llew Jones ffeil
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:


Dyddiadur T. Llew Jones ar gyfer 1984, sy'n cynnwys cofnodion yn ymwneud â'i ddiddordebau a'i fywyd bob dydd, yn ogystal â barddoniaeth ganddo (ff. 129 verso, 152 verso, 180 verso, 181). = Diary of T. Llew Jones for 1984, giving an account of his daily life and interests, together with poetry by the author (ff. 129 verso, 152 verso, 180 verso, 181).
Cynhwysa'r gyfrol gyfeiriadau at Dic Jones (passim), penddelw o'r awdur a gerfiwyd gan John Meirion Morris (ff. 72, 148, 149 verso, 166, 167 verso, 174), Coron yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol a enillwyd gan John Roderick Rees (f. 110 verso), John Alun Jones (passim), gweddw Tydfor Jones (ff. 129 verso, 150, 181 verso), a marwolaeth Gerallt Jones (ff. 115 verso-117, 130, 135); ceir hefyd gyfeiriadau at llosgi dau dŷ haf ger Llangrannog (ff. 28, 35), yr haf poeth a'r sychdwr (ff. 89-108, 116 verso-124 verso, 141), a Streic y Glöwyr (1984-1985) (ff. 36-183 verso passim). = The volume includes references to Dic Jones (passim), a sculpted head of the author made by John Meirion Morris (ff. 72, 148, 149 verso, 166, 167 verso, 174), the National Eisteddfod Crown won by John Roderick Rees (f. 110 verso), John Alun Jones (passim), the widow of Tydfor Jones (ff. 129 verso, 150, 181 verso) and the death of Gerallt Jones (ff. 115 verso-117, 130, 135); also included are references to the burning of two holiday homes near Llangrannog (ff. 28, 35), the drought and dry summer (ff. 89-108, 116 verso-124 verso, 141) and the Coal Strike of 1984-1985 (ff. 36-183 verso passim).


Dyddiadur T. Llew Jones ar gyfer 1989, sy'n cynnwys cofnodion yn ymwneud â'i ddiddordebau a'i fywyd bob dydd, ynghyd â barddoniaeth ganddo (ff. 140 verso, 164). = Diary of T. Llew Jones for 1989, giving an account of his daily life and interests, together with poetry by him (ff. 140 verso, 164).
Cynhwysa'r gyfrol gyfeiriadau at Dic Jones (passim), Gwilym Prys Prys-Davies (f. 55 verso), rhaglenni teledu a gynhyrchwyd gan Carol Byrne Jones (passim), Caneuon y Misoedd gan Mansel Thomas (ff. 53 verso, 57), y llofruddiaeth a gyflawnwyd gan Clive Roberts (ff. 33 verso, 35 verso), a chystudd a marwolaeth Roy Stephens (ff. 65 verso, 66 verso, 155-157 verso, 162, 166 verso-167); ceir hefyd gyfeiriadau at arferion cefn gwlad ardal Llandeilo, gan gynnwys traddodiadau'n ymwneud â'r fedwen (f. 133), ffotograff o Bwlchmelyn, Pentre-cwrt, lle ganed T. Llew Jones (f. 81 verso), a charreg ogam a siambr gladdu yng Nghapel Mair, Llangeler (ff. 27 recto-verso, 82, 85). = The volume includes references to Dic Jones (passim), Gwilym Prys Prys-Davies (f. 55 verso), television programmes produced by Carol Byrne Jones (passim), Caneuon y Misoedd by Mansel Thomas (ff. 53 verso, 57), the murder committed by Clive Roberts (ff. 33 verso, 35 verso), and the illness and death of Roy Stephens (ff. 65 verso, 66 verso, 155-157 verso, 162, 166 verso-167); also included are references to folk customs of the Llandeilo district, including traditions involving the birch tree (f. 133), a photograph of Bwlchmelyn, Pentre-cwrt, birthplace of T. Llew Jones (f. 81 verso) and the ogam stone and burial chamber at Capel Mair, Llangeler (ff. 27 recto-verso, 82, 85).


Dyddiadur T. Llew Jones ar gyfer 1980, sy'n cynnwys cofnodion yn ymwneud â'i ddiddordebau a'i fywyd bob dydd, gan gynnwys crynodeb o ddigwyddiadau ar gyfer 1979 (ff. 1 verso-3), yn ogystal â barddoniaeth gan yr awdur (ff. 16, 37 verso, 63). = Diary of T. Llew Jones for 1980, giving an account of his daily life and interests, including a summary of events for 1979 (ff. 1 verso-3) and poetry by the author (ff. 16, 37 verso, 63).
Cynhwysa'r gyfrol gyfeiriadau at Dic Jones (passim), John Alun Jones (passim), dyddiaduron Joseph Jenkins (ff. 3, 17, 18 verso, 39), hunangofiant Alun R. Edwards (ff. 11 verso-54 verso passim), Donald Evans (ff. 35 recto-verso, 37), Sarah Jacob, yr ymprydferch (f. 23 verso), ac arferion cefn gwlad Llansawel, gan gynnwys traddodiadau'n gysylltiedig â nos Galan a gyda'r fedwen (f. 5). = The volume includes references to Dic Jones (passim), John Alun Jones (passim), the diaries of Joseph Jenkins (ff. 3, 17, 18 verso, 39), Alun R. Edwards's autobiography (ff. 11 verso-54 verso passim), Donald Evans (ff. 35 recto-verso, 37), Sarah Jacob, the 'Welsh fasting girl' (f. 23 verso), and the folk customs of Llansawel, including traditions associated with the New Year and with the birch tree (f .5).


Dyddiadur T. Llew Jones, 18 Chwefror-31 Rhagfyr 1999 (MS 23844iB), sy'n cynnwys cofnodion yn ymwneud â'i ddiddordebau a'i fywyd bob dydd, ynghyd â barddoniaeth ganddo (ff. 73 verso, 77, 80 verso, 83 verso). = Diary of T. Llew Jones, 18 February-31 December 1999 (MS 23844iB), giving an account of his daily life and interests, together with poetry (ff. 73 verso, 77, 80 verso, 83 verso).
Cynhwysa'r gyfrol gyfeiriadau at Dic Jones (ff. 5 verso, 39 verso, 46 verso, 48-50 verso), addasiadau teledu gan Carol Byrne Jones (ff. 12 recto-verso, 32 verso), a'r cyhuddiadau o droseddau rhyfel yn erbyn Anton Husak (Avto Pardjanadze), Aberporth (ff. 21 verso-39, 50 verso, 58-63, 66, 69 verso, 73). Mae torion papur newydd yn ymwneud â Husak, yn ogystal â'r gêm rygbi rhwng Lloegr a Chymru, 11 Ebrill 1999, wedi'u ffeilio ar wahân (MS 23844iiB). = The volume includes references to Dic Jones (ff. 5 verso, 39 verso, 46 verso, 48-50 verso), television adaptations by Carol Byrne Jones (ff. 12 recto-verso, 32 verso), and the accusations of war crimes against Anton Husak (Avto Pardjanadze), Aberporth (ff. 21 verso-39, 50 verso, 58-63, 66, 69 verso, 73). Press cuttings relating to Husak and to the Wales v. England Rugby Union match of 11 April 1999 have been filed separately (MS 23844iiB).