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J. M. Howell Manuscripts, Jenkins, John, 1770-1829. File
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Letters to 'S.R.',

Forty-four letters, 1820-1883, nearly all addressed to the Reverend Samuel Roberts ['S.R.']. The correspondents are Evan R. Bebb (cousin), New York, 1833 (his employment, family news), William Bebb (cousin), Hamilton [Ohio], 1840 (the result of the presidential election, family and other news), B. W. Chidlaw, Paddy's Run, Ohio, and New York, 1841 (2) and 1848 (the death of his wife, Hannah, religious affairs, the cause of Anti-Slavery, his work on behalf of the Am[erican] S[unday] S[chool] U[nion], with a note, 1848, from Samuel Roberts, Llanbrynmair, to J. F. Parker, Birmingham (reference to the approaching departure of thirty(-five) or more members from Llanbryn-mair for America)), J[ames] Evans, Hon. Sec., Cymmrodorion, London, 1823 (re sending the medal awarded to Samuel Roberts for the best essay from the schools in North Wales on the subject 'O Dduw y mae pob peth'), E. L. (?) Gardenhire, Sparta, Tenn[essee], 1859 (mention of his charges to the grand juries, his hope that the addressee will be able to have a speedy adjudication of his claims), Jas. Griffiths, Treliwyd, 1833 (unaddressed and possibly to the Reverend John Roberts, Senior ?) (news of Henry, etc.), H[enry] Griffiths, Stroud, 1842 (requesting help in translating into Welsh some words to be written on the cover of a book for presentation to a Mrs. Mailing), David Howell, writing from Machynlleth, London and [Paris], 1874-1876, (4, copies, the first to Griff[ith] Jones, Solicitor, Aberystwyth) (sending some autographs for exhibition, with a list, thanking 'S.R.' for the copy of his Helyntion Bywyd, doubting whether Mr. D. Davies would want to be involved in any new venture, mention of the diverse nature of talents, etc.), Ezekiel Hughes, Ebensburgh, 1835 (news of America, the inpouring by Papal Europe of Jesuits and money into the Western part of the country, and the exertions of the Protestants), J. A. James, Edgbaston, [postmark 1834] (the case of the Welsh chapels has been admitted by the Board), John Jenkins, Kerry, 1828 (satisfaction in hearing that he purposes to publish his essay on the excellence of the Welsh language), Griffith Jones, Hon. Sec. (Cymmrodorion) [London], 1826 (2) ('S. R.'s essay on 'Calondid' has been adjudged one of the best on that subject, reasons for the delay in forwarding the medal), J[ames] Rhys Jones ['Kilsby'], Bolton, 1852 (thanking 'S.R.' for the admirable letters he put into his hand at Liverpool and asking him not to write any more against a trunk line to Milford Haven via Llanidloes, with a plan and particulars of distances and also a reply) (copy), Josiah Jones, Braichodnant [Llanbrynmair], 1835, to 'S.R.' in Birmingham (sending greetings to their pastor, with various items of news, and hoping they will soon hear that he is coming home) (with notes also from R[ichard] Roberts [Llanbryn-mair] and John Roberts, Newtown, to their brother (items of news)), David Lewis (cousin), Erdington, 1829 (acknowledging a letter, mention of religious meetings, etc.), Edwd. Miall, Leicester, 1835 (the application by the Welsh Congregational churches for assistance) (with a draft of a letter from 'S.R.'), (Rees and) Grace Morgan [America], 1820 (to the Reverend John Roberts and his wife and in part to a sister) (family news, sympathizing with the sister on the death of her husband), Caleb Morris, [at] Bedwell Park, Herts., 1840 (thanking him for his reply to Edwards, wishing to know about the great Revivals in North Wales, mention of Brecon College, his stay at Bedwell Park with Sir Culling E. Smith, etc.) (continued)

Wm. Stern Palmer, London, [18]43 (acknowledging receipt of a donation to the [Congregational] Union, mention of the meeting of the Union at Leeds), Thomas Picton, New York, 1840 (acknowledging receipt of the memoir of 'S.R.'s father and the note, other Welsh reading, family news, the great schism in their church, etc.), Mary Prodgers (?Rodgers) (cousin), Ebensburg, 1854 (the death of her father [the Reverend George Roberts], reference to having received the letter containing an account of Cousin Ann Williams's death), Tho[mas] Raffles, writing from Donegal, 1842 (replying to a letter), Geo. Redford, Worcester, 1835 (a reminder concerning a pulpit engagement), George Roberts (or George and Jane Roberts), Ebensburg, 1835-1844 (4) (reference to hearing of the death of the writer's only brother [the Reverend John Roberts], and to sending a bundle of his letters for 'S.R.' to make selections from them, mention of D[avid] Lewis and his new wife, religious affairs, his resignation from office (1839) and the appointment of Richard Lewis as his successor, serious difficulties in the church and the resignation of Mr. Jones and himself in June 1838, family news, the death of the President [W. H. Harrison], critical mention of (theological) disputes between John [Roberts] and his cousin Richard Williams and between Samuel [Roberts] and a certain person, [Alexander] Campbell, the death of their dear relative, the Reverend David Lewis (1844), etc.), John Roberts [Senior], Llanbrynmair, [18]29 (they much wish to know when to expect him home from London, Lewis Pugh, the conduct of Mr. Morison in not publishing the memoir of Mrs. Lewis) (with a (?) draft reply in shorthand), J. Pye Smith, Homerton [London], 1840 (his inability to take on another applicant for help, what Mr. Methuselah Davies should do, requesting information concerning affairs at Machynlleth) (with a copy of 'S.R.'s reply concerning the church at Machynnlleth [sic] (end wanting)), A[rthur] Tidman, Sec[retar]y (Board of Congregational Ministers for London and its vicinity), London, 1834 (to the Revd. D. Morgan, Machynlleth, and 'S.R.') ( the appeal of the Welsh Congregational churches) (with draft letters from 'S.R.' to other persons), (?) W. C. Vaughan (nephew), Paddy's Run, O[hio], 1883 (acknowledging receipt of a paper containing a notice of the death and funeral of Richard [Roberts], the state of health of the writer's mother) (with a draft reply), Robert Vaughan, Kensington, 1842 (how to dispose of and send the books which he and brother Blackburn have collected for distribution among their more needy brethren in North Wales) (with draft reply), Algernon Wells, London, 1841 (arrangements for a delegation from the English to the Welsh Branch of the Congregational Union) (with a copy of a reply), J[ohn] B[ickerton] Williams, Shrewsbury, 1834 (sympathy on hearing of the death of the addressee's father), W[illiam] Williams, Wern, 1834 and undated (2) (re writing to London and some other places in England about the Union in Wales, a copy of an announcement to be printed on the wrapper of the Dysgedydd for March, George Lewis's accident, some of the features in the late the Reverend John Roberts that deserved to be emulated [cf. Cofiant y Parch. John Roberts . . . (1837), pp. 28-30]), Joshua Wilson, [London], 1842 (Mr. Blackburn had handed to him 'S.R.'s letter as he (J.W.) was the writer of the article (specified) in the late Supplement to the Congregational Magazine, a query concerning the meaning of an expression in Dr. Dan[ie]l Williams's will (dated 1711)) (with draft reply), and W. Wilson, Nottingham, 1835, under cover to the Revd. J. A. James, Birmingham (acknowledging a letter, individuals in St. James' Street and Friar Lane in Nottingham may help 'S.R.' a little, but the only congregation open to him is, he fears, Mr. Alliott's, suggesting that 'S.R.' should write to Mr. Alliott).

Letters to 'S.R.',

Fifty-nine letters, 1825-1884, to the Reverend Samuel Roberts ('S.R.') from the following correspondents:- [H. A. Bruce, 1st baron] Aberdare, London, 1875 ('S.R.'s scheme for preventing the pollution of rivers, etc.), A. Albright, Birmingham, n.d. (sending a donation) (with outline of reply), Marcus Beresford, M.P. [London], 1872 (promising a contribution towards the [Boro'] church) ('Col. B[eresford] handed in Five guineas'), J. Jenkyn Brown, Birmingham, 1883 (thanking 'S.R.' for the books, the truth in 'S.R.'s case as in many others of the saying 'One soweth and another reapeth') (with copy of reply), H. S. Bryant, Privy Council Office, 1884 (a reply from Mr. Mundella to the letter sent by 'S.R.' and Mr. John Roberts to Mr. Gladstone on the subject of Conway College) (with a letter from 'S.R.' to the Mayor of Conway advising that the Conway Corporation should secure at once the Fawcett College as it would prove a fine spot for an Intermediate School), James Carlile, Hackney, [18]43 (apologising for inserting 'S.R.'s name in a circular without his permission formally obtained) (with draft reply) (incomplete), Pat[rick] Chalmers, Wimbledon, 1883 (thanking 'S.R.' for his enclosure, re justice to his father's memory [i.e. James Chalmers], mention of Pearson Hill), James Colley, Shrewsbury, 1826 and 1875 (2) (a query on behalf of Mr. Wynne concerning the Welsh language, acknowledging a packet and a note, an invitation), R. H. Collins, Claremont, Esher, for H.R.H. The Duchess of Albany, 1884 (thanking him for his letter of sympathy and enclosure), John Crossley, Halifax, 1873 (sending a donation towards Bala College), D. Charles Davies, London, 1872 (promising a guinea to the Boro' Welsh church) (with draft reply), W. W. Dawson, Officer of Health's Department, Town Hall, Manchester, 1875 (acknowledging 'S.R.'s circular, the Manchester Corporation sewage system) (with a draft of a letter from 'S.R.' to J. F. Roberts, Manchester, on the same subject), Victor Drummond, H.B.M. Charge d'Affaires, British Legation, Washington, 1881 (replying to a letter addressed to the Hon. L. S. Sackville West), Henry T. Edwards, The Deanery, Bangor, 1883 (thanking him for sending his ('S.R's) temperance addresses), Will: Fowler, Birches Green near Birmingham, 1867 ('Hen gyfaill i Deulu Wynnstay, a Bodelwyddan') (acknowledging a letter, their wish to have seen 'S.R.' when they passed through Llan-brynmair, readiness to contribute to the testimonial), G[riffith] Francis , [?London], [18]72 ('Yr Hen Griffith Francis ddaeth i gyfoeth drwy Lafur a gofal . . .') (he is very poorly, will expect 'S.R.' on Sunday evening), Herbert J. Gladstone, [London], [18]81 (returning 'Diosg Farm', he cannot undertake to advise 'S.R.' in the matter of reprinting it, subscribing to the Testimonial Fund) (with copy of reply), G. Leveson Gower, Whitehall, 1883-1884 (2) (acknowledging letters to Mr. Gladstone), [John Griffith] 'Gohebydd' (nephew), Llangollen, 1872 (? the Boro' Chapel appeal, whether to come up for Thanks-giving day), H[enry] Griffiths, Brecon, 1842, and Bowdon, 1872 (an appeal for help towards the Library, mention of Mr. Hughes and Kerry, his inability to help with 'S.R.'s case [? the Boro' Chapel appeal] in Bowdon), D[avid] Howell (cousin), [18]81 (3, copies) (letters to be read in conjunction with some of those in NLW MS 13195D), Evan Howell (cousin), London, 1872 (the American claim, the Boro' Chapel appeal, an invitation) (with draft reply), John Jenkins, Kerry, 1825 (he has sent 'S.R.'s essay to Mr. Walter Davies), J. Morlais Jones, [London], 1872 (contributing to the Boro' Chapel appeal) (with draft reply), (Sir) Wilfrid Lawson, Carlisle, [18]83 (thanking 'S.R.' for sending him a copy of his temperance addresses), Morgan Lloyd, [London], 1872 (enclosing his subscription to the Boro' Chapel appeal) (with draft reply), [Sir] John Lubbock, House of Commons, [18]83 (acknowledging a letter and pamphlet), (continued)

G. O[sborne] Morgan, [London], 1872 and 1877 (2) (enclosing a contribution [ towards the Boro' Chapel], acknowledging a letter with enclosures), S[amuel] Morley, London, 1851 and n.d. (2) (replying to a letter, wishing to see 'S.R.'), Hugh Owen, London, 1872 (2) (the Boro' Chapel appeal) (with a copy of 'S.R.'s reply to the earlier of the two letters (reference to the warm reception given at the Albion Hall Eisteddfod to Hwfa [Môn]'s advocacy of Hugh Owen's election to the London School Board)), General Sir Henry F. Ponsonby, Buckingham Palace, 1884, on behalf of the Queen (acknowledging a letter [of sympathy] and a book), Wm. Rathbone, London and Llanbedrog, 1883 (2) (acknowledging a note, thanking him for sending the Temperance Addresses), (Dr.) Thomas Rees, Swansea, 1882 (a request for further help to make the denominational statistics perfect) (with copy of reply), Henry Richard, London, 1867 and 1871 (2) (reference to 'S.R.'s return from America, liberty for Mr Hughes of New York to republish his (Henry Richard's) letters in America, mention of a deputation from Merthyr and Aberdare inviting him to become a candidate for the representation of the new seat, and the Committee and 'S.R.'s suggestion about giving lectures or holding meetings for the Peace Society) (with a note (crossed out), 1884, from 'S.R.' to Henry Richard on the back of the 1867 letter and a draft reply on the back of the second), George H. Roberts, Ebensburg, 1881 (the death of his father, [cousin] Edward Roberts) (with a covering letter, 1881, from 'S.R.' to D[avid] Howell, Dolguog, in which the 'Hen Bregethau' and 'J.R.'s health are also mentioned), Lionel de Rothschild, London, 1872 (the Boro' Chapel appeal), E. G. Salisbury, Chester, 1884 (sympathy on the death of [John Roberts] 'J.R.'), John Sibree, Coventry, 1834 (sending a volume he had published on Nonconformity) (written on a sheet containing a printed announcement of the impending publication of Ecclesiastical lectures; or, a series of discourses, on subjects connected with Nonconformity by John Sibree), Wm. Sommerville, Bitton Hill, near Bristol (contributing to the Boro' Chapel appeal), [John Poyntz (Spencer), 5th earl] Spencer, Irish Office, 1884 (he had received the petition and would present it to the House of Lords), David Thomas, Cotham, Bristol (contributions to the Boro' Chapel appeal, mention of having seen and heard 'S.R.' and of once passing a couple of hours with his father), Mary Vaughan (cousin), Paddy's Run, 1883 (the death of 'S.R.'s friend, David Howell, blacksmith, inquiring about Richard Roberts, various items of news) (with copy of reply), Hugh Williams, writing from New York, 1859 (sending a small publication (unspecified), his headquarters during his brief visit would be at Chicago, before returning to New York on his way to Europe he would be glad of an opportunity to meet 'S.R.'), Joshua Wilson ('mab hael yr hen Foneddwr Hael Thomas Wilson'), Tunbridge Wells, 1872 (2) (the Boro' Chapel appeal) (with a copy of a reply to the first letter), C. W. Williams Wynn, London, 1837 (acknowledging receipt of a letter re the want of postal communication between Llanbrynmair and other places), C. W. Williams Wynn, London, 1872 (contributing to the Boro' Chapel appeal and himself appealing for interest in the Welsh Charity School, Ashford, of which he is treasurer) (with copy of reply), and Owen S. Wynne, Rhuabon [sic] 1883-1884 (2) (writing on behalf of Sir Watkin to acknowledge a letter of sympathy [on the death of his daughter] and on behalf of Miss Williams Wynn to acknowledge congratulations). Also an envelope addressed to 'S.R'. in the handwriting of Lady Hall [Llanover], 1848.