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Welsh Red Kite Archive Saesneg
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Kites at Hafod,

Original file of correspondence, mainly between the Nature Conservancy, the Forestry Commission and the RSPB, relating to the kites breeding in the Ystwyth Forest at Hafod, co. Card., including maps of nest sites, 1947-1972, the policy of "playing down" the Hafod kite population (see also E 8), forestry operations, Kite Committee voluntary wardens, the Caravan Club site at Hafod Old Mansion, 1972-1974, and the sale of the Hafod Arms Hotel, with the sporting rights over the old Hafod estate, 1980.

Kites v. environment project,

Original file from a folder (discarded) entitled "Kites vs environment project 1992-3", comprising correspondence and notes relating to land use, including forestry and landfill, 1991-1993; a copy of I. Newton, D. Moss & P. E. Davis, 'Red kites and land-use in Wales' (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology report, June 1993); and a draft of P. E. Davis, I. Newton & D. Moss, 'Distribution and breeding of red kites Milvus milvus in relation to afforestation and other land use in Wales', [1994?].

Leaflets, reports and published papers,

Original file of miscellaneous kite-related leaflets and publications. Includes copies of 'Birds' magazine, Winter 1983 and Winter 1985; RSPB annual reports of offences against wild bird legislation, 1990-1992; second draft of English Nature/RSPB 'UK Red Kite Action Plan', Oct. 1997; English Nature research report no. 451, 'The red kite reintroduction programme in England', 2002; and 'Jahresbericht 2000 zum Monitoring Greifvögel und Eulen Europas' (Monitoring of raptors and owls of Europe, annual report 2000), Martin Luther University, 2001.

Post mortems and toxic analyses (2),

Original file of reports of dead kites, post mortems and analyses for poisons and toxic chemicals. Also publications relating to pesticide poisoning and illegal poisoning of wildlife.

Post mortems and toxic analyses (3),

Original file of reports of dead kites, post mortems and analyses for poisons and toxic chemicals, mainly 1998-1999, with one report for each of 2005 and for 2006. Also publications relating to pesticide poisoning and illegal poisoning of wildlife.

Published papers,

Original file including an off-print of P. Walters Davies & P. E. Davis, 'The ecology and conservation of the red kite in Wales', 1973; off-prints of articles of which Peter Davis was author or co-author, 1981-1996; print-outs of Peter Davis et al., 'Movement, settlement, breeding, and survival of red kites Milvus milvus marked in Wales' (2001), and Davis's chapter on the red kite for 'Birds of Ceredigion' (2010); and a copy of Tony Cross & Peter Davis, 'The red kites of Wales', Welsh Kite Trust, 2005.

Red kite : miscellaneous historical references, papers etc., Wales,

Original file of e-mails, extracts, letters, lists, memoranda, drafts and photocopies of articles etc., including the death of Colonel H. Morrey Salmon, 1985; an English translation of the section on red kites from W. Miall Jones's unpublished manuscript 'Adar gogledd Ceredigion', c.1944; list of letters re. kites in the Condry correspondence file, 1948-1963, and the 'dead' RSPB kite file, 1958-1968 (now C 1-3 below); a draft of Peter Davis's obituary for R. S. Thomas (1913-2000); an obituary to Frances Evans, who started a kite feeding station at Tyndomen, Tregaron (Cambrian News, 19 March 2009); and extracts from papers at NLW and the Carm. CRO.

Red Kite Country,

Original file of letters, memoranda, papers and publications relating to the Welsh Office / Development Board for Rural Wales / RSPB / Welsh Tourist Board initiative to develop the Spotting the Red Kite (the Red Kite Trail) project, the name being changed c.Feb. 1994 to Red Kite Country. A letter in the general correspondence file for 1990-2011 (E 32 below) mentions that the initiative expired in 1997.

Red kite DNA studies : publications,

Original file of scientific papers by Celia A. May and David T. Parkin, both of Nottingham University, on the genetic fingerprinting of wild birds, and particularly birds of prey.

Red kite DNA studies (1),

Original file of correspondence and related papers, mainly between Peter Davis, Celia May and David Parkin relating to DNA studies, including the early twentieth century genetic bottleneck, and the more recent introgression by a German female into the Welsh population.

Red kite DNA studies (2),

Original file of correspondence and related papers, mainly between Peter Davis, Celia May and David Parkin relating to DNA studies, 1993-1994, and follow-up letters and emails, 2004 and 2012. Also a draft application by Matthew Hegarty of Aberystwyth University for a Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarship (KESS) for an MPhil student to assess the impact of introgression of continental birds on the diversity of the Welsh kite population since Dr Celia May's 1980s study, [post 2009].

Reports on marked birds,

Original file of reports of and notes on ringed or tagged dead kites, including the recovery of a ringed female (HT27208, ringed June 1988, found dead May 2012), probably the oldest recorded Welsh kite, displacing HW08418, a male that died at Tregaron in March 1992, a month younger than this new bird, 2012; and the recovery of HT25680, a male ringed at Talsarn, June 1990, found dead Aber-arth, at 23.5 years the third oldest kite known by ringing, Jan. 2014.

RSPB papers

Original file of general RSPB kite correspondence (orig. file ref. 1003). The original file cover (discarded) was entitled "RSPB Kite Correspondence, 1958-66. 'Dead' file per Andy Jones" and endorsed "RSPB 'dead' file, 'rescued' from recycling". The file mainly comprises letters addressed to Mr Brown, secretary of the RSPB, and P. J. Conder, assistant secretary, and copy replies, 1958-1968, many from Captain H. R. H. Vaughan, including relating to the kite reward scheme; "you will be interested to hear that I have unearthed, pretty nearly literally, Kite correspondence dated way back to 1900 and something", 9 Sept. 1959; the transfer of RSPB's early kite papers to Morrey Salmon, Jan. 1960; the RSPB's purchase of part of the Cawdor estate at Ystrad-ffin, co. Carm., 1963-1967; the switch by farmers from arsenical sheep-dips to dips containing dieldrin, including a recommendation to read Rachel Carson, 'Silent spring', 1963-1964; the proposed Llyn Brianne reservoir, 1965; the RSPB's purchase of Mrs Mappin's Ynys-hir estate, co. Card., 1966-1967; a proposed extension of the Pendine Proof & Experimental Establishment danger area, 1967; the lack of Welsh representation on the "Countryside in 1970" conference, 1968; and a newspaper cutting reporting the award of the RSPB gold medal to Captain and Mrs Vaughan, 1968.

Welsh Kite Trust papers

"Three years ago the Countryside Council for Wales decided it could no longer afford to contribute towards the cost of annual monitoring of the Welsh kite population, and in 1995 the RSPB followed suit ... So we set up the WKT in an attempt to replace the funding which was no longer available from CCW and RSPB, for monitoring, protection, research, and public education about kites in Wales" (Peter Davis letter to R. S. Thomas, Jan. 1997). Peter Davis was a trustee of the Welsh Kite Trust, 1996-2012.

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