- NLW MS 2453C.
- File
- [late 19 cent.]
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Biographical references, and notes on the poetry of Dafydd ap Gwilym and his successors and on phonetics.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Biographical references, and notes on the poetry of Dafydd ap Gwilym and his successors and on phonetics.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Welsh literature and philology,
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Drafts of articles relating to Welsh literature and history and to Celtic institutions; lists of Welsh words derived from English and of words common to both branches of the Celtic family; and a poem entitled 'Rhiangerdd Gwenfalwy o Gastell Caerphili' by 'Idwal Trefor', 1874.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Drafts of articles and reviews relating to Welsh grammar, literature, etc.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Studies in comparative ethics, Christian asceticism, anthropology, etc.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
A Latin vocabulary, notes for the study of the Mabinogion, extracts from printed sources, notes on 'Y Gogynfeirdd' and their vocabulary, etc.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Personal accounts; a note of money collected in some Cardiganshire and Carmarthenshire districs for the Armenian Fund, 1896-1897; and a mathematics notebook.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Notes on Old Testament History, the apocryphal scriptures, prehistory, and archaeology.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Notes on phonetics.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
An address on 'The Higher Criticism of the Old Testament', notes on the scriptures and on modern Greece, and Arabic vocabulary, etc.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Notes on New Testament theology; extracts from the poems of William Llyn taken from Cardiff MS. 8; etc.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Notes on early Welsh chronicles, the Book of Leinster, inscriptions, etc.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Notes on Latin philology and a transcript of a cywydd by Tudur Penllyn.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Extracts relating to early Welsh written remains taken from Henry Bradshaw : Collected Papers ... (Cambridge, 1889).
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Notes on the Celtic mind, etc.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Replies to a questionnaire relating to Welsh dialects circulated by the Dialect Section of the Guild of Graduates of the University of Wales, of which Edward Anwyl was secretary.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
A list of Pembrokeshire dialect words.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Draft manuscript of a commentary by Edward Anwyl on the Book of Hosea published by the Welsh Congregational Union, 1910.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Notes made on reading an article on 'Y Gogynfeirdd' by Joseph Loth in Revue Celtique, J. Gwenogvryn Evans's Reports on Manuscripts in the Welsh Language, etc.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Notes made on reading Lucretius : De rerum natura.
Sir Edward Anwyl.
Celtic folklore, institutions,
Part of Sir Edward Anwyl manuscripts
Notes and extracts, mainly from printed sources, relating to the Celtic family, Celtic institutions, laws, customs, folklore, etc.
Sir Edward Anwyl.