Dangos 137 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Is-gyfres Saesneg
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

'Welsh Time'

Papurau (2004), yn cynnwys yn bennaf detholiadau o waith Emyr Humphreys, yn ymwneud â'r cyhoeddiad 'Welsh Time' (Y Drenewydd: Gwasg Gregynog: 2009). / Papers (2004), consisting mainly of extracts from Emyr Humphreys' work, relating to the publication 'Welsh Time' (Newtown: Gregynog Press, 2009).

Vouchers delivered by Capt. Pryse to the trustees of Pryse Loveden

Bundles of bills and vouchers or receipts in original wrappers, 1855-1858, addressed to Pryse Loveden’s trustees and described on the wrappers as ‘Vouchers delivered up by Capt. Pryse on passing accounts of estates in Wales’. They cover the Gogerddan and Abernantbychan estates. Typically they record payments of Mrs Loveden’s jointure and family allowances, interest, tradesmens’ bills, estate labour and wages, especially of the keepers and gardeners, property maintenance and repairs, poor rate, highway rate and church rate, income tax, land tax, crown rents, chief rents, groceries for rent day dinners, rent collection and agent’s expenses. Some of the vouchers have original numbers, noted at file level.


Papurau (1998-1999), gan gynnwys nodiadau, drafftiau, teipysgrifau, a gohebiaeth, yn ymwneud â chynhyrchu sgript ar gyfer drama deledu chwe rhan gyda'r teitl 'Visitors'. / Papers (1998-1999), including notes, drafts, typescripts, and correspondence, relating to the production of a script for a six-part television drama titled 'Visitors'.

'Unconditional Surrender'

Papurau, yn cynnwys nodiadau, drafftiau, a theipysgrifau yn ymwneud â nofel Emyr Humphreys 'Unconditional Surrender', a gyhoeddwyd yn 1996 (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 1996). / Papers, including notes, drafts, and typescripts, relating to Emyr Humphreys' novel 'Unconditional Surrender', published in 1996 (Bridgend: Seren, 1996).

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg genedlaethol a rhyngwladol a phapurau cysylltiedig eraill gan gynnwys teipysgrifau, nodiadau, a gohebiaeth ([?1924]-2005) yn ymwneud â gweithiau gan Emyr Humphreys. / Cuttings from both national and international press and other related papers including typescripts, notes, and correspondence ([?1924]-2005) relating to works by Emyr Humphreys.

Toriadau a phamffledi / Cuttings and pamphlets

Toriadau o'r wasg a phamffledi amrywiol (1917-1918; [?1931]-2004) a gasglwyd gan ac yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys. / Various press cuttings and pamphlets (1917-1918; [?1931]-2004) collected by and relating to the works of Emyr Humphreys.

'The Woman at the Window'

Papurau, gan gynnwys nodiadau, drafftiau, teipysgrifau, a phroflenni (2003-2014), yn ymwneud â'r casgliad o straeon byrion a gyhoeddwyd fel 'The Woman at the Window' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2009). / Papers, including notes, drafts, typescripts, and proofs (2003-2014), relating to the collection of short stories published as 'The Woman at the Window' (Bridgend: Seren, 2009).

'The Gift of a Daughter'

Papurau, yn cynnwys nodiadau a drafftiau, yn ymwneud â nofel Emyr Humphreys 'The Gift of a Daughter', a gyhoeddwyd yn 1998 (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 1998). / Papers, including notes and drafts, relating to Emyr Humphreys' novel 'The Gift of a Daughter', published in 1998 (Bridgend: Seren, 1998).


Llythyrau a chardiau (1970-2010) at Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys wedi'u ffeilio o dan 'T', gan gynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Wyn Thomas, John Thompson, Etain Todds, ac M. Wynn Thomas, ymhlith eraill. / Letters and cards (1970-2010) to Emyr and Elinor Humphreys filed under 'T', including letters from Wyn Thomas, John Thompson, Etain Todds, and M. Wynn Thomas, among others.

Straeon byrion cyhoeddedig eraill / Other published short stories

Papurau, [?1938]-[?2009], yn cynnwys nodiadau a drafftiau, yn ymwneud â straeon byrion eraill gan Emyr Humphreys a gyhoeddwyd naill ai'n unigol neu fel rhan o gasgliadau. / Papers, [?1938]-[?2009], including notes and drafts, relating to other short stories by Emyr Humphreys published either individually or as part of collections.

Rod Richards

Papers (1999-2013) consisting of printed material from web pages, and press cuttings, relating to the Welsh politician Rod Richards.

'Rhodd Mam'

Papurau (1965; 1995), yn cynnwys teipysgrifau yn bennaf, yn ymwneud â chynhyrchu sgript o ffilm ar gyfer y teledu wedi'i theitlo 'Rhodd Mam' gan Emyr a Siôn Humphreys. Darlledwyd gan S4C yn 1995. / Papers (1965; 1995), consisting mainly of typescripts, relating to the production of a script of a film for television titled 'Rhodd Mam' by Emyr and Siôn Humphreys. Transmitted by S4C in 1995.

Published catalogues,

Published catalogues arranged by composer. Include biographical notes, compositions and performance dates. Compiled from the 1980s, with some earlier additions, 1968-2011.

Other Files

The sub-series contains files relating to the work of Fforwm Iaith Genedlaethol including financial records, press cuttings and membership lists.

'Old People are a Problem'

Papurau, gan gynnwys nodiadau, drafftiau, a theipysgrifau ([?1993]-2003), yn ymwneud â'r casgliad o straeon byrion a gyhoeddwyd fel 'Old People are a Problem' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003). / Papers, including notes, drafts, and typescripts ([?1993]-2003), relating to the collection of short stories published as 'Old People are a Problem' (Bridgend: Seren, 2003).

Nodiadau a drafftiau anghyhoeddedig eraill / Other unpublished notes and drafts

Llyfrau nodiadau a phapurau (1992-2010), yn cynnwys nodiadau a drafftiau, rhai yn rhannol a di-deitl, yn ymwneud yn bennaf ag amryw o straeon byrion eraill heb eu cyhoeddi gan Emyr Humphreys. / Notebooks and papers (1992-2010), containing notes and drafts, some partial and untitled, mainly relating to various other unpublished short stories by Emyr Humphreys.


Contains papers relating to meetings of Y Cabinet Iaith (The Language Cabinet) and Fforwm Iaith Genedlaethol (National Language Forum) including agendas, minutes, reports.

Materion llenyddol eraill / Other literary matters

Gohebiaeth, yn cynnwys llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr Humphreys yn ymwneud â materion llenyddol eraill, gan gynnwys gweithiau'r llenor Cymraeg W. S. Jones a'r bardd R. S. Thomas (1929; 1992; 2001-2002); materion eraill gan gynnwys Pwyllgor Apêl Saunders Lewis, Llyfrgell Gwynedd, Gŵyl y Gelli, comisiynau, a chyhoeddiadau (1989; 1991-1993); a'r trefniadau ar gyfer y pryniad o bapurau Emyr Humphreys gan LlGC yn 1994 (1983-1995). / Correspondence, comprising letters to and from Emyr Humphreys relating to other literary matters, including the works of the Welsh writer W. S. Jones and the poet R. S. Thomas (1929; 1992; 2001-2002); other matters including the Saunders Lewis Appeal Committee, Gwynedd Library, the Hay Festival, commissions, and publications (1989; 1991-1993); and the arrangements for the purchase of Emyr Humphreys' papers by NLW in 1994 (1983-1995).

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 137