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Confirmation of gift and sale by Cadwaladr ap Hywel,

Notification by Alan, bishop of Bangor, addressed to all sons of Holy Mother Church in the bishopric of Bangor, that Kadwaladr, son of Howel, for the souls of himself and his parents, has given to the brothers of the church of the Cistercian order, St Mary of Estradmarhel, in perpetual and quiet alms, free from all exaction and custom, all the land from the stream called Bacho to the stream called Dengum; and also has sold for fifteen marks the feeding ground from the stream Dengum to Cumluith, to the same brothers for their own use. -- The witnesses of this gift and sale are: Laurence, Hospitaller, Sulien, archdeacon, Ioreuerth, dean, son of Howel, Ieuwaf, son of Ioreuerth, Philipp, prior of Lanwinnauch, Master Helias, Master Roger; of laymen: Meiler, son of Nennian, Griffud, son of Kadugaun, Karadauch the Little, Griffud Hiruein, Gurgeneu Preco, Henir Vates -- Because the present age is prone to evil and ingenuity tempts it calumniously to infringe what it endeavours to extort to itself, he confirms this gift and sale with his seal. Whomsoever shall presume to annul or disturb this gift and sale and the confirmation of this charter, by God’s authority and his own, he shall be overwhelmed by the sentence of anathema and thrown out of the bounds of Mother Church as long as he remains in his presumption.

Gift by Gwenwynwyn ap Owain,

Gift by Wennwyn, son of Owen of Keveillauc, for the souls of himself, his parents and all his sons and successors, to St Mary and the monks of Stratmarchell, in pure and perpetual alms, of the whole land of Dolwen, with all its appurtenances, in wood, plain, ways and byeways, waters, mills, woods, and woodlands, mountains, feeding grounds, pastures and all other advantages (comodis) belonging to the said land, in these bounds: on one side, namely of Nodwyd, from the place where it descends in Ewernoe, by the length of Nodwyd to its source, from its source by the midst of Kevenbruyennau to Blaenbolo, from Blaen bolo to Blaen kannon, and thence as it leads between Kerenaun and Keuellyauc to Blaen evernec, from Ewernoc in its length to the said place Aber nodwyd. Wenunwen, accordingly wishes that the monks shall possess, by right, for ever, all the said land in the said bounds, well and in peace, freely and quit, without any exaction, claim or secular service, in all its uses, utilities and liberties. Lest any of his heirs or successors shall infringe this gift, it is sealed with his seal and attested by witnesses. -- Witnesses: Anian ab Kenvelin, Sullen, archdeacon, Goronwy ab Enyavn, Master Heylin, Gruffud ab Edneweyn, Kadugavn ab Griffri, David Coch, Edneweyn Flam and many others. -- In the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1200 at Duwalwern.

Gift by Gwenwynwyn ap Owain,

Gift by Wennunwen, son of Owin, to St Mary and the monks of Stradmarchell, in pure and perpetual alms, of all the pastures of the province called Mochnant, within these bounds: namely in length from Doleweneu, next Aber Kenllith, to Cum vagel, in breadth from Kenneureon to the stream called Euernoe and Llanwothin. He wishes that the said monks shall possess the said pastures, by right, for ever, well and in peace, and without any exaction and secular custom, in wood and plain, within the said bounds, as fully as he Wennunwen, possesses them, and that no other men of religion shall ever have any pasture, or land or possession in that province, except only that the Brothers Hospitallers shall have the lands they have already acquired, but, in future, shall have no occupation or possession of lands or pastures, either by prayer or price or in any other manner. Sealed and attested by witnesses. -- Witnesses: Master Heilin, Master Mabin, Eynniavn, son of Kadugavn, Eynniaun, son of Madauc, Griffud, son of Howel, Morithic, son of Aearthur, Kellennin, son of Ythael, Gurgenw, son of Yago, and many others. -- This gift was made at Stradmarchell, in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1204, the day before the ides of February.

Confirmation of sale by Gwenwynwyn ap Owain,

Confirmation by Wennunwen, prince of Powis and lord of Arwistili, to the monks of Stradmarchell, in free and quiet and perpetual possession, of those lands, namely Gardlliuein, Cumber, and Hauot Gwgaun, and thence the whole land upwards, in wood and plain, to Red houoch and to Red arcum howen, in all their bounds and appurtenances, which lands they bought from him and the true heirs of those lands, for sixteen pounds, in perpetual possession. Wennunwen, accordingly, wishes that the monks shall possess, by right, for ever, all the said lands, in all their bounds and appurtenances, freely, quietly and in peace, without any exaction or secular custom, namely in stood and plain, and in all their uses and utilities. Lest anyone should presume to go against this sale, it is corroborated by seal and the attestation of good men. Witnesses: Sulian, archdeacon, Gervase, dean of Arwistili, Master Helin, Master Mabin, Daniel, son of the priest, Philipp, priest, John, priest, son of Kenewreic, Edenewein, priest, Anian and Grifri, sons of Goronui, Kener, son of Cadugaun, Meiler, son of Nenneaun, Madoc and Robert, sons of Griffud Hireuin Karadauc, son of Grifri Were, Eyniaun, son of Luarch, Eueleuu, son of Kengen.

Gift by Gwenwynwyn ab Owain,

Gift by Wennuinwin, son of Ovin, for the souls of himself, his parents and heirs, to the monks of Stratmarchel, in perpetual and quiet alms, free from all exaction and custom, with the full donation of the heirs, that land called Defrynmerthyr, from Dencum to Cum luit, and Cum luit on to the sides of the river, in all its bounds and appurtenances, in wood and plain, from Luit to Clawedauc. Sealed and attestation of witnesses. Witnesses: Goronuy, son of Einniaun, Kenyr, son of Kadugaun, Meilir Du, Teguaret, son of Ydneuet, Meilir, son of Nennyan, Heynniaun, son of Deheweint, Moruran, son of Cuhelin, Kadugaun son of Grifin, Daniel, son of Kendelu, priest.

Gift by Llywelyn ab Iorwerth,

Gift by Lewelin, prince of North Wales, to St Mary and the monks of Stradmarchel, of the land called Banadellaucluidion, in pure and perpetual possession, free and quit and withdrawn from all secular exaction and custom, so that the said monks shall possess the said land, by right, for ever, with all its bounds and appurtenances, in all its utilities and uses, without any claim, firmly, well and peaceably, so that no one, either secular or ecclesiastical, shall have any right or proprietary use or usufruct in it, except the monks of Stradmarchel, to whom he gives the gift of the said land, namely Banelauc luidion, in all its bounds. As the present age is prone to evil, wherefor it extorts to itself what gain it can, he corroborates the gift with his seal and the attestation of good men. Witnesses: G. prior of Stratmarchel, and I. conversus of that place; of laymen, Malgun, son of Ririt, Guen, son of Ehtnewein, Goronui mab Trehrud Owen. The letters given 7 Kal. December, the twenty fourth day after the new moon at Dinnorben. In the hand of G. prior of Stratmarchel.

Confirmation of gift by Madoc ab Owain Brithdir,

Confirmation of gift by Madoc, son of Owin of Briddir, to St Mary and the monks of Stratmarchel, in pure and perpetual alms, free and quit of all exaction, custom and secular service, of all the lands and pastures, which the said monks possess and hold, of the region called Arustli, by gift of his brothers and coheirs and ancestors, so that no other monks shall have proprietorship, use or pastures, in that region, from the river Severn (Sabrina) towards Powis. These are the names of the lands which the said monks possess, by right, in proper and perpetual possession from him and his ancestors, namely Defren merthir, Cum buga, Cum luit and thence to Kevelioc, and half of Deupiu, and half of Scoruaur, half of Aberbredewen, and half of the whole land from Aranell to Rit euoch, and Riu kanesseit, with all their bounds and appurtenances, in wood, plain, meadow, pastures, mills, and in all uses and utilities, well and in peace, fully, entirely and honourably. This gift is made in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1215. Witnesses: Owin of Brogintin, with his two sons, namely Kadugan and Howel, John and Anian, monks, Geruase, son of E., Madoc, son of I., conversi of Stratmarchel.

Judgement of Maredudd ap Rhobert,

Judgement of Mareduth, son of Rhobert, lord of Kedeweinc, on the controversies which arose between Gurgeneu and Benuen and Madoc, Ieuaf, and David, sons of Griffud Hyruein, and Caradoc, son of Grifri, and Ithael and Ioruerd, sons of Kefnerth, son of Gwin and others their coheirs of the one part and the men called fettaneit on the other, concerning the lands called Deupiu and Hirard, which were thus determined and settled. Lewelin, son of Ioruerd, lord of Arwistili, fixed an appointed day for all the said men at Llandinan that there, by the arbitration of good men, knowing the truth of that land the matter should be settled. But because Lewelin could not be present at that meeting he appointed him (Mareduth) in his place in that cause. Accordingly there came together, at the appointed day and place, many men, as well from Kedeweinc as from Arwistili. The men called fettaneit claimed no inheritance in the said lands, namely Deupiu and Hirard. At their request twenty four arbitrators, who are called in the Welsh language datuerwer, of the better men of Arwistili were accepted. They having discussed the truth of this cause diligently and prudently, arbitrated there, namely at Llandinan, that the men called fetteneit had nothing and ought to have nothing in the said lands, namely Deupiu and Hirard. After this was done there was discussion on that arbitration, and it was again adjudged that those men, namely, fetteneit were entirely disjudged from the lands for eternity. All these aforesaid things were done in the sight of good men whose names are underwritten. These are those who were present: John, son of Kenewreic, priest of Llandinan, Griffud, his son, Kenir, son of Cadugaun, abbot of Llandinan, Einniaun, son of Kenuelin, Gurgeneu the Little, ‘sengennab’ Llandinam, Ioruerd, son of Hewel, dean of the land, two stewards of Lewelin, Madoc Tanur and Einniaun, son of Edenewein, Eeinniaun and Grifri, sons of Ioruerd, son of Gurgeneu, bailiffs of that land, Cadugaun, son of Griffud, Griffud Coic, son of Griffud Carno, Miles, son of Ithael, Kediuor, son of John, Mareduth, son of Knetha, Griffud, son of Meilir, Griffud, son of Ieuuaf, Madoc Goch, Gurgeneu, son of Clasadein, Ithael, son of Karadoc. In addition these good men of Kedewein were present: Heilin, son of Hoideleu, David Coch, Ioruert Bochan, clerk, Cadugaun, son of Ioruerd, Ideneuet, son of Goronui, Einniaun, son of Budrihossan. And so all claim was lost on that day of the men who are called fetteneit, entirely for all time, concerning the said lands. So that the said judgement should remain ratified and stable for ever, without any reclaim, Maredud has corroborated the present writing with his seal.

Grant of land in the vill of Salop. Witnesses: John Hoord and John Guttyns, bailiffs of the vill of Salop ...,

  1. Walter Westbury and Maurice Gwyneth de Salop, chaplains;. 2. Robert Beynon de Salop, draper, and Margaret, his wife. Grant of land in the vill of Salop. Witnesses: John Hoord and John Guttyns, bailiffs of the vill of Salop, Thomas Mytton, Thomas Thornet, John Colle de Salop. Latin. Seals.

Grant of messuages and lands in Conedoure [co. Salop] which Edmund Charles and Alice, formerly wife of Richard de Eton ...,

  1. Robert de Patemere and Sibil his wife, John de Upton subtus Haghmon and Alice his wife, and Agnes sister of the aforesaid Sibil and Alice;. 2. Thomas son of Richard de Eton, senior. Grant of messuages and lands in Conedoure [co. Salop] which Edmund Charles and Alice, formerly wife of Richard de Eton, junior, hold for life, and the mill of Conedoure lately in the tenure of Richard de Eton, junior. Witnesses: Edward Burnel, William de Palileye, John de Atton, Thomas de Hoghton, John le Rede de Biriton. Latin. Seals.

Grant of lands and tenements which formerly belonged to the said Reginald at le Hay near Erdynton, and lands and ...,

  1. Richard Nowel, parson of the church of Upton Waryn, and John Martyn, parson of the church of Sudbury;. 2. John de la Hay son of Reginald de la Hay. Grant of lands and tenements which formerly belonged to the said Reginald at le Hay near Erdynton, and lands and tenements in the field of Brugge called le Rye opposite Quatford, with remainder successively to Roger, Henry and Eleanore, brothers and sister of the said John de la Hay, and the rightful heirs of the said Reginald. Witnesses: Henry de Mortuomar', Roger de Foxecote, John de Vpton, Alan de Galseleye, John de Dodemaston. Latin. Seals.

Grant of one messuage in Northgate strete in the city of Chester formerly belonging to John the son of Reginald ...,

  1. Thomas of Cristelton', chaplain;. 2. Richard le Bruyn, citizen of Chester. Grant of one messuage in Northgate strete in the city of Chester formerly belonging to John the son of Reginald and lying between the lands of Robert de Huntindon' and Roger de Macclesfeld and extending from the aforesaid highway to the land of John Carbonel, and one messuage formerly belonging to Nicholas Roser and Margery his wife in the same street and lying between the lands of Roger le Sadeler and William de ?Wico, chaplain, and extending from the aforesaid highway to the land which belonged to John Carbonel, and one messuage which belonged to Roger de Lincoln and Emma his wife in the same street and lying between the lands of Richard Payn, chaplain, on either side and extending from the highway aforesaid to the lands of the said Richard Payn in the same city which belonged to Ada le Brewester in the lane of St. Werburg castle lying between the cemetery of St. Werburg and the land which belonged to the monks of Chester and extending from the aforesaid lane to the land which belonged to Sir John de Orroby, Knight, and one garden above les croftes of the aforesaid city which lies between the lane leading to the church of St. Cadd and the lands of Henry le ?Letfunth and extending from the lane which leads to the weir of the abbot of Chester as far as the aforesaid Church of St. Cadd. Witnesses: John de Brichull', mayor of Chester, Richard de Wheteleg and Gilbert Dunfoul, sheriffs of Chester, Richard le Lewede, Richard Russel, Roger de Northleg', Warin Blunt', John Dunfoul. Latin. Seal.

Grant, in accordance with the will of the said Adam, of a barn with a right of way in the ....

  1. William de Rugge and Simon Dod de Bruggenorth, executors of the will of Adam de Scheynton de Bruggenorth, lately deceased;. 2. John atteyate de Bruggenorth. Grant, in accordance with the will of the said Adam, of a barn with a right of way in the street called Lutlebrugg' between the land formerly of Roger de la Merchs and the land formerly of the said Adam and extending from the highway to the croft of Reginald de Leghe. Witnesses: John Rondulph, William Selymon, bailiffs of Bruggenorth, William de la Hulle, John Glidde, Robert le Palmer, Robert de Bergham, Richard de Bergham. Latin. Three seals, including that of the deanery of Bruggenorth.

Award of John, abbot of Salop, John, prior of Wenlok, Hugh Borgh, and George Hankeston in disputes between John Bruyn ...,

Award of John, abbot of Salop, John, prior of Wenlok, Hugh Borgh, and George Hankeston in disputes between John Bruyn, senior, esq., Richard Archer, Roger Lynay, John Bruyne, junior, Thomas Asscheton, Rauf Shepe, Thomas Chaumberleyn, Hugh Grene, Henry Cardemaker, William Serdon, William Rogers, Richard Scherwyn, Thomas Hethhill, Richard Whitmer', Thomas Whitmere, John Merchill, Gruff', servant of John Bruyn senior, John Kynsley, Owen de Oldesbury, William Wilkokes, Thomas, servant of John Bruyn, senior, Rye, servant of the said John Bruyn, William Hikeman, Richard Crowder, Simound Mason and John Wal on the one part and John Gatacre, esq., John Tonge, John Crompe, Richard Graunger, etc. [named] on the other part between Thomas Chamburleyn, John Bruyn, senior, etc., on the one part, and Isabell Iadis, wife of Roger Lokwode, on the other part. French. Seals.

Letters Of Attorney of James de Ormond, Knight, son and heir of the Earl of Ormond, empowering Thomas Eueresdon and ...,

Letters Of Attorney of James de Ormond, Knight, son and heir of the Earl of Ormond, empowering Thomas Eueresdon and Thomas Byshull to take the livery of seisin from Bartholomew Brokesby, esq., of the manor of Picheford, co. Salop, which the said Bartholomew lately had jointly with John de Beauchamp, lord of Bergevenny, Phillip Morgan and John Bache, clerks, deceased, of the gift of Hugh Burnell, Knight, lord of Holgot and of Weoleigh. Latin. Seal.

Letters Patent of Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, Magister Tomas Buxhall, clerk, and Henry Sothell, gentleman, feoffees of the possessions of ...,

Letters Patent of Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, Magister Tomas Buxhall, clerk, and Henry Sothell, gentleman, feoffees of the possessions of Richard, Duke of York, to William Aleyn, granting the custody of the properties late of John Bruyn, deceased, late of Bruggenorth during the minority of Margery and Joice, daughters and heirs of the said John. Latin. Seals.

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