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Dundas of Aske, Thomas Dundas, Baron, 1741-1820. Beacons -- Wales -- Conwy.
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Letters to John Lloyd of Wigfair,

Fifty-one holograph and autograph letters, notes, etc., addressed to John Lloyd at Garden Court, London, at Hafodunos near St. Asaph, at Wigfair near St. Asaph and elsewhere, 1767-1815.
They comprise letters from John Call, Whiteford House, [Cornwall], 1799 (a request for help in obtaining returns of baptisms and burials in four parishes in Flintshire in connection with a proposed population check); Arch[ibald] Campbell, Edinburgh, 1801 (the death of [John Campbell], Lord Stonefield); Phoe[be] Campbell, Darlington, Inveraray and Edinburgh, etc., 1791-1796 (6) (her marriage to Lord Stonefield, personal health, detailed accounts of her social activities in Scotland, financial matters); Mr. Champion, Scrivelsby, [Lincolnshire], 1795 (personal); Mr. Chapeau, [London], 1803 (3) (personal, the eagerness and willingness 'this great City is in to meet the first consul and his barbarous Troops', the surrender of Tobago, the possibility of peace with Bonaparte, a fire in Frith Street [London]); Mrs. Anne Cleaver [wife of the bishop of St. Asaph], Bruton Street, [London], and St. Asaph, 1815 and undated (3) (personal, the slight damage to Sir Joseph and Lady Banks's house in Soho Square, [London], mob violence in parts of London, comments on Peter Roberts [of Llanarmon]'s book on Cambrian Customs [The Cambrian Popular Antiquities or An Account of some Traditions, Customs and Superstitions of Wales, etc., London, 1815], the bad news from America); W[illiam Cleaver, bishop of] St. Asaph, [1806x1815] (a request to purchase brandy at a sale at Vron iw); Roger B[utler] Clough, Eriviatt, 1793 (the appointment of overseers of the poor at Llangerniew, [Denbighshire], a riot in the Hope and Mold neighbourhood and intervention by the military, a request to recipient to call at the First Fruits and Tenths offices [in London] on behalf of the writer and some of his friends to pay sums due in respect of the canonries of Rad[ulphi de] Berkinhead [sic] and Arthuri Bulkeley [in the cathedral church of St. Asaph] and the benefices of Thakeham, [Sussex], Llanelidan, [Denbighshire], Halkin, [Flintshire], and Ashington, [?Sussex]); Th[omas] Clough, Roger B[utler] Clough and others [?justices of Denbighshire], Denbigh, 1797 (times and places for training and exercising the supplementary militia [of Denbighshire] and the appointment of an adjutant and paymaster); Thomas Colby, Abergeley, 1806 (mathematical calculations relating to 'the Ruthlan Base or any other part of the Survey'); R. S. Cotton, Combermere Abbey, 1783 (a lease to the writer's father of the minerals in the lordship of [ ] and the granting of tack notes for digging near Llanrhaiader); Tho[ma]s Cotton, Treasury, [London], 1814 (a request for information concerning the heir at law of Mr. Richard Lloyd of Gray's Inn); Henry Cowper, Old Palace Yard, [London], 1811 (arranging a day convenient for both to be present to be called to the Bench of the Middle Temple); Will[ia]m Cox, Captain and Assistant Quarter Master General, Liverpool, 1804 (5) (the payment of expenses incurred in constructing a beacon and but at St. George and the payment of people stationed there, the installing of tubes at St. George Beacon to point in the direction of adjoining beacons at Ormshead and at Gop); Geo[rge] Cumming, London, 1812 (personal, papers read at the Royal Society, the writer's introduction and visits to the reading room of the British Museum, 'this institution truly does honour to the nation', a lecture on the properties of metals by Mr. [Humphry] Davy on the day before he was knighted, the sale of Mackinlay's shop); Foster Cunliffe, Acton Park, [17]88 (apologies for being unable to provide a copy of the rules of the Society of Royal British Bowmen); Edw[ard] Davies, Wrexham and Newmarket, 1803-1805 (2) (horticultural notes, an account of Wrexham fair and a murder committed at the time, an enquiry on behalf of Mr. Davies of Broughton [?Mr. Whitehall Whitehall Davies] concerning the whereabouts of pictures of Mr. Mutton Davies and his lady which had formerly been hanging at Llanerch and were supposed to have been 'drawn by Sir Peter Lilly'); Edw[ard] Davies, Mostyn, 1806 (the Porthymaen estate); J. Davies, London, 1782 (legal); W. Davies, Highbury House, [Islington], 1805 (the bringing home of the body of [Alexander Aubert] and the funeral); Walter Davies ['Gwallter Mechain'], 1803 (the Ystymcolwyn coat of arms, the arms and inscription on the tomb of Meriel Williams, wife of John Williams of Ystymcolwyn, at Myfod, escutcheons in Myfod church); W[hitehall] W[hitehall] Davies, Whittington and Broughton, 1803-1812 (2) (arrangements relating to ? the loan or sale of books, a copy of the catalogue of the Llanerch library compiled in 1778 in the writer's possession [possibly the copy now designated NLW MS 17126D in the National Library of Wales, formerly Gwysaney MS 54], letters from Charles I to the writer's ancestor); Mr. Deluc, 1775-1795 (2) (personal); Rob[er]t Dodd, Terrick, 1767 (personal); Jon[as] Dryander, Soho Square, [London], 1783-1809 (6) (personal news and news of acquaintances, disagreements at the Royal Society (1783), the death of Mrs. Banks [Sir Joseph Banks's mother] in 1804, lack of news of [Frederik] Hornemann [the explorer]); and [Sir] Tho[ma]s [created baron] Dundas [of Aske, Yorkshhire, in 1794], Arlington Street [London] and Upleatham [Yorkshire], 1791-1798 (5) (personal news, preparations for a journey to the Shetlands, the discovery of copper on the race ground near Richmond and at Aske, the results of assays made of the copper ore found at Aske).

Letters to John Lloyd of Wigfair,

Fifty-three holograph and autograph letters, notes, etc., addressed to John Lloyd at Garden Court, London, at Hafodunos near St. Asaph, at Wigfair near St. Asaph and elsewhere, 1772-1812.
They comprise letters, etc., from Sam[ue]l Gale, Brick Court, Temple, and York, 1798-1805 (3) (personal, news of acquaintances); Alex[ander] Galloway, High Holborn, London, 1812 (business matters); John Garnons, Rhiwgoch, 1780 (personal); R[ichar]d Garnons, Carnarvon, 1793 (business and legal matters); G[eorge] Gilpin, Somerset Place, [London], 1798-1804 (2) (notification of meetings of the Royal Society, medical advice); F. Gower, Chelmsford, 1772 (a transcript of a certain manuscript); E. W. Gray, The British Museum, 1798-1800 (2) (acknowledgement, on behalf of the trustees of the Museum, of receipt of a pig of lead found near Salop, personal); C. F. Greville, Carnarvon, 1789 (a journey to North Wales with places visited, and a proposed visit to Aberystwyth and Pembrokeshire, the collecting of specimens on Paris mountain); Rob[er]t F. Greville, The King's Mews and Oxford Street, [London], 1797-1805 (2) (a request for information regarding routes prior to a visit to North Wales, a Roman villa near Rhaiadr y Wenol, a discovery by recipient in the Hengwrt library, a report of an earthquake shock in the Vale of Clwyd, a fir tree with cones dug up in the lead mines on Halkin mountain, Flintshire, personal); Hu[gh] Dav[id] Griffith, Caer Rhun, [17]98 (a request for genealogical information to support a claim to the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Trevor of Llanfyllin, deceased, reference to the pedigree of Sir John Trevor, Master of the Rolls in 1692, in the Heralds' Office); J. W. Griffith, Garn, [17]94 (a contest for ?the coronership in [Denbighshire]); T. Griffith, Rhual, 1794 (a dispute between Rob[er]t Roberts and Jonathan Armstrong concerning possession of a mine, the writer's opposition to a petition to Parliament 'for granting further powers in the damned inclosure Bill', which powers would enable part of the commons to be sold so that a poor house, a round house and an infirmary could be built); Sackville Gwynne, Glane Brane, 1787 (personal); A. H., [London], undated (medical); S[amuel Hallifax, bishop of] St. Asaph, Warsop, [Nottinghamshire], 1789 (a vacancy in [the benefice of] Llandegla); Major R [ ] Hamilton, Assistant Quarter Master General, Gloucester House, London, 1805 (a request for three copies of the monthly accounts rendered of expenses incurred in respect of wages, fuel, etc., at the beacon under the recipient's superintendance); Tho[ma]s Hanmer, Bettisfield Park, 1795-1796 (2) (disturbances in the neighbourhood of Denbigh and the threat of such incidents in the writer's own district (1795), a request for support with regard to the [parliamentary] representation of the county [of Flint] (1796)); T. B. Hatchett, Ellesmere, 1811 (personal, the writer's acquisition of the Nymphaea Stellata); Ja[mes] Hayes, Conway, 1784 (thanks for information re. the Dean of St. Asaph's cause, the interruption of law business by the election battles in Anglesey and the borough of Carnarvon, the acquittal of a clergyman tried for murder); Mr. Henry, King Street, [Manchester], [1802] (an invitation to dinner, personal); W[illia]m Herschel, Slough near Windsor, 1791-1796 (2) (personal, the dispatch of a telescope to Lloyd (1796)); [Sir] Rich[ar]d Hill, [M.P. for Shropshire], London, 1804 (the candidates for the mastership of Wem school [Shropshire]); J. Holmes, London, 1793 (the death of Mr. Smeaton [? John Smeaton, civil engineer] and the sale of his instruments); J. Holmes, Llysmeirchion, 1810 (a request for an opinion as to the value of a book described in [Joseph] Ames's Typographical Antiquities [London, 1749], under the article 'Faques' or 'Fawkes', as a psalter printed in 1504); S[amuel Horsley, bishop of] St. Asaph, 1803-[1805] (2) (personal, the refusal of the living of St. Martins by Mr. Tisdall); David Hughes, Jesus College [Oxford], [17]93-1794 (2) (the admission of Mr. Jones [to Jesus College] and a grant to him of a Meyrick Exhibition, a violent 'contest' in Denbigh); Edw[ar]d Hughes, Kinmel, [17]92 (the price of Sir T[homas] Dundas's polished glass plates); Edw[ar]d Hughes, Kinmel, 1811 (an appeal for support in dealing with poachers); Ph[illi]p Humberston, Chester, 1803 (genealogical queries); Mr. Hunter and other gentlemen of Shetland, Lerwick, 1791 (an invitation to dine); Dr. John Hunter, Leicester Fields [London], 1778 (the election of a physician to the Westminster General Dispensary); Rich[ar]d Jackson, Abergele, 1804 (the disappearance of birds into a well near [?Abergele]); [Robert Banks Jenkinson, baron] Hawkesbury, [later 2nd earl of Liverpool], Whitehall, [London], 1807 (acknowledging receipt of a loyal address to the King from the High Sheriff and Grand Jury of the county of Denbigh, expressing gratitude for his solicitude in preserving the security of the Protestant Church); Edw[ard] Jones, Soughton, 1780 (personal and legal); Edw[ard] Jones, Adelphi, [London], and Wepre Hall, 1787 (2) (financial matters, ?differences between recipient and his family); Herb[ert] Jones, Llynon, 1784 (the writer's decision to emigrate ?to America, a request for an introduction to Dr. Franklin); J[oh]n Jones, Denbigh, 1799 (thanks for important news, expectation of successes and of favourable news from Italy and Germany and from the fleets, comments on 'this horrid system of French tyranny', cases to be heard at Shrewsbury Assizes); John Jones, Kinmel, 1804 (2) (the erection of a beacon and but ?at St. George); Thomas Jones, Llantysilio, 1806 (a request for a recipe for walnut ketchup and for the titles of certain books); Ll. Kenyon, 1779-1782 (2) (returning a case with opinion, thanks for congratulations); and Edward King, Bedford Row, 1775 (personal, drawings of Elden Hole).