Dangos 713534 canlyniad

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Llythyrau amrywiol a phapurau eraill, gan gynnwys taith taith feicio yng Nghymru ac Iwerddon, Mehefin-Gorffennaf; cais Dolen Cymru i raglen grantiau rhyngwladol y Gronfa Gymunedol, Awst; a dyddiadur dirprwyaeth is-bwyllgor Dolen Cymru yn ymweld â Lesotho, Medi-Hydref.


Llythyrau amrywiol a phapurau eraill, gan gynnwys yn ymwneud â marwolaeth (Medi 2003) y Frenhines 'Mamohato; 'Summary of events in Lesotho', cyf. 11, rhifau 1-4 (Q1-Q4 2004); ymweliad Lesotho Wales Link â Chymru, Mawrth; sefydlu dolen rhwng gardd fotaneg Prifysgol Bangor, Treborth, a gardd fotaneg Katse yn Lesotho, Ebrill-Mai; a chynhadledd Llywodraethu ac Eiriolaeth i Lesotho, Awst-Medi.


Llythyrau amrywiol a phapurau eraill, gan gynnwys 'Summary of events in Lesotho', cyf. 12, rhif 1 (Q1 2005); ymweliad gan gôr eciwmenaidd o Lesotho, Meh.-Gorff.; ymweliad gan arweinwyr eglwysig o Lesotho, Medi-Hydref; ymweliad Cymdeithas Seneddol y Gymanwlad (Cangen Cymru) â Lesotho, Hydref; ymweliad y Tywysog Seeiso Bereng Seeiso, comisiynydd uchel, â Chaerdydd, Rhag.; cau Uchel Gomisiwn Prydain yn Maseru; Welsh International Sustainable Development Framework; a chopi o 'Dolen Cymru: a chronology, 1982-2004'.

Toriadau o'r wasg

Toriadau o bapurau newydd, papurau bro, cylchgronau ac ati am weithgareddau Dolen Cymru a Lesotho yn gyffredinol.

Cyhoeddiadau amrwyiol

Cyhoeddiadau o Lesotho ac am Lesotho, gan gynnwys pecynnau gwybodaeth a chanllawiau Dolen Cymru ar gyfer busnesau, eglwysi a thwristiaid, c.1980-c.1989; rhaglen Gŵyl Elái, gan gynnwys perfformiad gan Gôr Athrawon Maseru, 1988; a thaithlyfr i eglwys plwyf Welshampton, Swydd Amwythig, gan gynnwys bedd Jeremiah Libopuoa Moshoeshoe (bu f. 1863), [ar ôl 1999].

'Dolen Cymru'

Copïau o gylchlythyr chwe-misol 'Dolen Cymru' (rhif 1-46, gyda bylchau).

Cylchlythyrau a.y.b.

Cylchlythyrau yn ymwneud â Lesotho a deunydd printiedig arall, gan gynnwys pecyn Dolen Cymru yn cynnwys copïau o lythyrau King Moshoeshoe II at Nelson Mandela a F. W. de Klerk, ac o anerchiad gan General Lekhyana yn nodi diwedd apartheid yn Ne Affrica, Chw. 1990; Gŵyl Feithrin Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin 1991 ar y thema 'Ffrindiau'; Dr Mosebi Damane, 'Moshoeshoe's application of international law and diplomacy in southern Africa' (19eg ddarlith goffa Moshoeshoe), 1992; llyfryn ar 'Morena Moshoeshoe I, mothehi oa sechaba sa Basotho = the founder of the Basotho nation', 1995; adroddiad blynyddol Uchel Gomisiwn Lesotho Llundain, 2007/08; a rhaglen ar gyfer dathliadau pen-blwydd 46 oed y Brenin Letsie III, 2009.

Cyhoeddiadau amrwyiol

Cyhoeddiadau, yn bennaf pamffledi ar gyfer cyrchfannau twristiaid Lesotho, hefyd cardiau post, buddsoddiad busnes ac ati.

Ron Davies's resignation as Secretary of State for Wales

Papers relating to Ron Davies's resignation as Secretary of State of Wales, including the Secretary of States's diary, 24 Oct. 1998 onwards, and Welsh Office press summaries, 26-29 Oct. 1998; Ron Davies's public statement, letter to the Caerphilly Labour Party, and House of Commons resignation statement; letters of support, including from Gwynfor Evans (in Welsh) and Robin Cook; and newspaper cuttings, Oct.-Dec. 1998.

Ron Davies and devolution

Papers including Alun Michael's report to the Wales Labour Party executive committee, Nov. 1998; Ron Davies's speechs to launch the RSPB Green Agenda, Jan. 1999, to the Wales Council for Voluntary Action National Assembly Policy Forum, 5 March 1999, to Siarter Cymru at Portmeirion, March 1999, his visit to Pennal Church, the site of Owain Glyn Dŵr's first parliament, April 1999, and his speech to the UNISON dinner at the Wales TUC conference, April 1999; newspaper cuttings, Jan.-May 1999; copies of 'Barn', Feb. 1999, and the 'Sunday Times magazine', 28 March 1999, including interviews with Ron Davies, and David James Smith's interview notes for the Sunday Times magazine piece, May 1999; papers relating to the National Assembly of Wales election, and to Ron Davies's candidature and campaign, March-May 1999; a copy of the 'Think Twice' leaflet against Alun Michael on the Mid and West Wales regional ballot; Labour Party Group induction papers for Assembly Members, May 1999; and draft of Paul Flynn, 'Dragons led by poodles' and Lee Water's comments, Sept. 1999.

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