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Grant of two parts of the tithes of the lordship of Eatune [Eaton Mascott, co. Salop]. Witnesses: Henry his [Marescot's] ...,

  1. Marescot;. 2. The Church of St. John the Baptist and the Canons of the said church. Grant of two parts of the tithes of the lordship of Eatune [Eaton Mascott, co. Salop]. Witnesses: Henry his [Marescot's] son, Adam de Arundel, Guy L'Estrange, Rodbert de la Mara, Rodbert son of Herbert, Rodbert son of Halevric. Latin. Seal.

Grant in fee-farm of fourteen selions of land in the fields of Bruges [Bridgnorth, co. Salop] lying between the land ...,

  1. Peter de Dudemoneston;. 2. Roger Piscator de Quatford. Grant in fee-farm of fourteen selions of land in the fields of Bruges [Bridgnorth, co. Salop] lying between the land of the Abbot of Lilleshull on each side and extending from Monte de Erditun to Severn near the ferry of Quatford. Rent: 2d. annually. Witnesses: Raymund and Allan de Castell, reeves, Anketill the clerk, Robert his brother, Roger Wendac, William his son, William Tinctore. Latin. Seal.

Grant for free grinding without toll of all corn from his own house in Pulton Launcelin at the mill of ...,

  1. William Launcelin;. 2. Richard de Pulford and Joan his wife. Grant for free grinding without toll of all corn from his own house in Pulton Launcelin at the mill of Radeluke [co. Salop]. Witnesses: dominus Richard de Coudrey, Richard de Pulford, clerk, William Walensis de Hoton, Bernard Walensis, Henry his brother, William de Prempton, Alan de Blamvile, Robert de Forton, William the clerk. Latin. Seal.

Grant in fee-farm of one messuage in Brug' [Bridgnorth] lying between the lands owned by Reginald le Gaugy and Ernald ...,

  1. Geoffrey son of William de Cantrena;. 2. Robert Bagod de Brug' and Sarah his wife. Grant in fee-farm of one messuage in Brug' [Bridgnorth] lying between the lands owned by Reginald le Gaugy and Ernald son of Igge and the town Wall and extending from the highway to the land of John son of William son of Ade, and of an annual rent of 6d. which the said Ernald used to pay issuing from the house which is between the said messuage and the wall. Rent: 2s. 10d. payable half yearly to the Hospital of the Holy Trinity (hospitals S'cte Trinitatis) of Brug'. Witnesses: Phillip de Petra and William bolding, reeves of Brug', John de Castello, Henry ?Coynterel, William bon amy, Robert Tinctor, John de Mortuomari. Latin. Seal.

Grant of land in the field of Bruggenorth lately had of the gift of John son and heir of Thomas ...,

  1. Thomas le Forcer, lord of Lynleye;. 2. Edmund de Pichford and Alice his wife. Grant of land in the field of Bruggenorth lately had of the gift of John son and heir of Thomas Robert. Witnesses: John le Palmare, John Crouk', John de Hulle, Henry le Goldsmyth, Robert Bergham, John Hobald, Richard de Swyney. Latin. Seal.

Grant for life of lands, etc., in the city of Chester and in the liberty of the said city had ...,

  1. John de Grey, parson of the church of Astebury, and Robert de Bredon, parson of the church of St. Peter, Chester;. 2. Richard le Bruyn, citizen of Chester. Grant for life of lands, etc., in the city of Chester and in the liberty of the said city had of the gift of John de Neston, chaplain, and which at one time the said John de Neston had of the gift of the said Richard le Bruyn, with the remainder of half of the aforesaid property to go to Alice wife of the said Richard, and after her decease to Henry le Bruyn de Cestr', the other moiety to be set aside for the aforesaid Henry le Bruyn. Witnesses: John de Whitemor, junior, mayor of Chester, Robert de Brocton and Richard Birkehod', sheriffs of the said city, Alexander le Bellezotter, Adam Ingrem, Henry Doune, Thomas de Apulton, Geoffrey de Flynt. Latin. Seals.

Grant of all the services due from Roger Pym de Conedouer in respect of lands held of the grantor in ...,

  1. Roger son of Ralph Sprengheose;. 2. Richard de Etone iuxta Pycheford. Grant of all the services due from Roger Pym de Conedouer in respect of lands held of the grantor in Conedouer [co. Salop] and all the services due from Thomas de Charnes, parson of the church of Mudle, John son of William le Campion, chaplain, and Cecilia his wife for a moiety of a mill in Condouer which the said Thomas and Cecilia held for life. Witnesses: William Burnel de Longeleye, Walter de Burton, John de Byriton, William his son, William de Goldene, clerk. Latin. Seal.

Grant of lands had of the gift of William Bouche, chaplain, and John Hendemon in the field of Brugg' called ...,

  • Ottley (Pitchford Hall) Estate/1297.
  • File
  • 1338, Thursday next after the feast of the Conception of the Virgin Mary.
  • Part of Pitchford Hall (Ottley) Papers

  1. John Crouk' de Brugg';. 2. Hugh de Aldenham son of John de Aldenham. Grant of lands had of the gift of William Bouche, chaplain, and John Hendemon in the field of Brugg' called le Ree opposite Quatford [co. Salop]. Witnesses: Nicholas de Pychford, William de la Hulle, Reginald de la Hay, John Glydde, John Rondulph. Latin. Seal.

Lease for two lives of two messuages and lands in Picton [Cheshire] in the tenure of Henry Broun de Picton ...,

  1. John de Sancto Petro, lord of Pecforton;. 2. Richard le Bruyn de Cestr'. Lease for two lives of two messuages and lands in Picton [Cheshire] in the tenure of Henry Broun de Picton and Robert son of Robert de Crouton, a serf in Picton. Witnesses: dominus Henry de Ferrariis, justice of Chester, Ralph de Olton, vicar of Chester, Roger le Brwyn, Richard de Troghford, William de Picton. Latin. Seal.

Grant of a tenement with a garden adjoining in the castle of Bruggenorth had of the gift of John Holbache ...,

  1. John Yngwardin, rector of the church of Lydam;. 2. John Fitzpiers. Grant of a tenement with a garden adjoining in the castle of Bruggenorth had of the gift of John Holbache, John Mewalle and John Morevalde, chaplain, and Thomas Edes. Witnesses: John de Bruyn de Bruggenorth, Richard Horde, Henry Tayoc, Madoc Lloyt ap Madoc, John ap Hoell. Latin. Seal.

Sale by Elis ap Madoc,

Sale by Elisse, son of Madoc, to the monks of Stradmarchell, for three pounds, in proper and perpetual possession, free and quit of all secular exaction and custom, fully, entirely and honourably, the whole of that land which is called Llecheudin, with all its bounds and appurtenances, namely, in wood, plain, waters, meadows and pastures, and in all uses and utilities. The bounds of the land are from Abercummein to its source, and from Blaincummehin straight to Kair runhoh and from Kairunhoh, as that stream goes as it falls near the ford of Dolwen, and also the stream Ritdolwen to Gweunrutd, and as Gweunrutd goes to the source of the stream called Nanthucheldref and down Nanthucheldref to Manachduuer to the stream called Alarch and so along Alarch to Geyro. As he wishes that this sale shall remain to the monks in peace for ever, it is sealed with his seal and attested by witnesses. -- Witnesses: Grifin, abbot of Stradmarchell, Phillipp, prior, Cadugan, conversus, Master Riuaun, Master Heylin, Howel, son of Ythael, Yoruerd Seithmarchog and many others. -- This sale is made at Eskengainoc, in the year of the Incarnation 1183, 14. Kal. May.

Gift by Elis ap Madoc,

Helisse son of Madoc, moved by piety, has given and confirmed to God, the Blessed Mary and the convent of Stratmarcell in pure and perpetual alms all pasturage in the province of Penllin, from the river called Dwer anudon to Hedeirniaun, and in breadth from the river called Geiru to the Berrwin Mountain, well and peaceably, freely and quietly, fully, entirely and honourably. He has given the said pasturage especially to the above mentioned monks for their own use, so that it be not lawful for any others to posses the same pastures either through purchase or gift. Something greater and dearer to him has he given to them, namely, his body to be buried and, after his death, one third of all his property, both in cattle and in all his other household furniture. These gifts were given and confirmed at Bala into the hand of Abbot Gruffydd before witnesses (named) the second year after the death of his brother Gruffydd when he first became possessed of the said province.

Gift by Howel ap Howel,

Gift by Howel, son of Howel, to St Mary and the monks of Stradmarhel, of the land called Cumluit, in pure and perpetual alms, free from all due exaction, both secular and ecclesiastical, in all its limits, bounds and appurtenances, in wood and plain, cultivated and uncultivated, in meadows and pastures, moors, waters, fishings and fisheries, and in all uses and utilities, above the same land and below it, for the souls of himself, his father, ancestors and successors, as before him, Katwaladyr, his brother, gave and confirmed by his seal, and he (Howel) has received a price of fifteen marks from the monks of Stradmarhel. These are the bounds of this gift: from the place called Pennanbacho to the stream called Luyt, and on both sides of the same stream, in all its bounds and appurtenances. -- This gift was made in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1198. -- Witnesses: Madoc, son of Grifin, Morgant, son of Ris, Lowelin, son of Rodri, Ioab, son of Maredut, Gorony, son of Keldelu, Dauid, son of Iacob, Madoc, son of Owin.

Gift by Gwenwynwyn ap Owain,

Gift by Wenuinwin, son of Owin, to St Mary and the monks of Stratmarcell, in pure and perpetual alms, of all the land which is called Riu Kaenessiet, with all its bounds and appurtenances, in plain and wood, in waters and pastures, and in all other uses and utilities, and in all other advantages (comodis), freely and quit and immune from all exaction and custom and secular service. He gives the said land to the said monks, well and in peace, freely and quietly, fully and entirely and honourably, the bounds of which are: from Carno in length to the ford of the river called Riu at Cumhewen; and in breadth from the river Finnant to the river called Bretwen. This gift is given and confirmed, that it may be ratified and unbroken at Stratmarcell, unto the hand of Philipp, abbot, before the convent, 4 Non. March in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1200. -- Witnesses: Hoitliw Seis, Grifri, son of Ioruert, Madoc surnamed Tanwr, Meuric, son of Res, Teguaret, son of Etnevet, Ioruert, son of Riwallaun, Huveluiu son of Kengen.

Sale by Gruffudd Goch ap Gruffydd of Carno,

Sale by Griffudd Coch, the son of Griffudd of Carno, by his mother Leuchu, daughter of Kadwallaun, to the monks of Stratmarchell, of the following lands in all their bounds and appurtenances: namely Pennanbacho, Defrenmerthir, and Cum lluit and Cum Buga, and likewise, the half of Deupiu, half of Scoruaur, and half of the whole land which is from Arannell to Ridewoch, namely Blain karno, in all their bounds and appurtenances, by circuit, and the lands which they have in Aberbredwen, and the whole land called Ruicanesseit. He wishes that the monks shall possess, by right, for ever, all the said lands and pastures, freely, quit, well and in peace, and without any exaction of secular custom, namely in wood, plain, waters, ways, meadows, mills, pastures and in all their uses and utilities. He gives, in addition, to the said monks, all pastures within the bounds of Arwistili, namely from Havren towards Powis, to be possessed, by right, for ever, well, in peace, freer; and quit. Because the present age is prone to evil, wherefor it endeavours to extort gain to itself, this sale is corroborated by seal and the attestation of good men. Witnesses: Geruase, monk, Anian, monk Kediuor Cryc and Kediuor, conversi of Stradmarchell, the two sons of Ioruert, Enniaun, and Grifri, the two sons of Goronuy, Gurkenev and Benwin, also the two sons of Grifut Hyrvein, Yewaph and David and many others. Given at Lanwynnauc in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1207.

Grant by Owain ap Madog to the Abbey of Valle Crucis,

Grant by Owin, son of Madog, for the ransom of his sins and those of his parents, to the monks of Valle Crucis, serving God and St Mary there, of a certain parcel of land, in pure and perpetual alms, free and quit of all exaction, which is at Moyluav, between Garht hevigin and Weun Ruth, in wood and in plain and in all usages. At this gift, his heirs were present, willingly granting the same under him, and defending it from all wrong. Besides, lest any claim should arise in future, the deed is corroborated by his seal and the testimony of these letters, and the witnesses present, whose names are contained in the present sheet. Witnesses: Einniaun mab Einniaun mab Kathvor, Meuryg mab Kadugaun, John mab Edneveyn, Madauc mab Gorgeneu, Einniaun mab Ioab and many others. In the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1207, in the month of June.

Gift by Meilyr ap Nennau, Glasadain ap Nennau, Gruffudd ab Iorweth ap Cadwgon and Gruffudd ab Elli? Cynig,

Gift by Meiler, son of Nennau, to St Mary and the monks of Stramarhel, of the whole land, from the stream called Luht and from its source to Clawedauc, by him and all his heirs and successors, to be possessed, by right, for ever, freely, quit, well, in peace, in wood, plain, meadow, feeding grounds and pastures, in all its uses and utilities, for the souls of himself, his parents and heirs. In addition he gives to the said monks, the field beyond the stream Lluhit, called Lannerhc cumluhit, for a certain bull of the value of eighty pence, until for a similar sum he redeems the said field from them. Glasadein, son of Nenau, and his four sons, namely Kefnerht, Gurgeneu, Griffud, and Lewelin, have given the said lands to the said monks in pure and perpetual alms for themselves and all their heirs, in the same manner and the same liberty as their said coheirs have given, freely and quietly, without claim in future, and having previously accepted certain benefits, namely Glasadein having received a horse of the value of one mark, and his four sons having received two pounds in hand. The witnesses of these gifts and grants are: Brother I. master of the conversi, I. cellarer, of the conversi G. son of Kadugaun, Dauid, son of Yeuaff, and M. his brother; of secular persons, I. dean of Arustli, I. priest of Landinan, M. Tanur, and many others. In addition Grifud, son of Ioruerth son of Kadugaun, gave the said land, with all its bounds and appurtenances, for himself and his heirs, in the same liberty as his said coheirs gave to the house, having previously received a mark and forty pence. Grifud, son of Ellih Kenig, gives the said land, namely Cumluiht, with all its lands on both sides of the stream to the said monks, both for himself and for all his heirs and successors, freely and quit, as well as his coheirs gave. These gifts and grants were made in the chapter of the monks by witness of the convent.

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