Dangos 26 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Wales -- Politics and government -- 20th century.
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Papurau Ymgyrch Senedd i Gymru,

  • NLW ex 2607.
  • ffeil
  • [1951]-[1956], 1984.

Papurau, [1951]-[1956], 1984, yn ymwneud â'r ymgyrch i gael Senedd i Gymru. = Papers, [1951]-[1956], 1984, relating to the Parliament for Wales campaign.

Papurau Frank Price Jones

  • GB 0210 FRANJON
  • Fonds
  • 1937-1975

Nodiadau darlithoedd, yn bennaf ar gyfer dosbarthiadau allanol ar hanes Cymru, 1943-1975; papurau ynglŷn ag ymchwil a chyhoeddiadau Frank Price Jones, 1947-1975, yn cynnwys drafftiau erthyglau ac adolygiadau, gwahanlithoedd a chopïau printiedig o'i waith cyhoeddedig; deunydd yn ymwneud ag erthyglau awduron eraill, 1932-1975; papurau, 1943-1975, yn deillio o waith Frank Price Jones ar gyfer y cyfryngau, y cynnwys sgriptiau radio a theledu, ac i bapurau newydd; papurau gwleidyddol, 1910-1975, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth, torion o'r wasg, pamffledi ymgeiswyr ac anerchiadau etholiadol, canlyniadau etholiadau, deunydd yn ymwneud ag Ymgyrch Senedd i Gymru yn y 1950au cynnar a Chomisiwn y Cyfansoddiad, 1969-1970; papurau, 1947-1975, ynghylch y gwaith cyhoeddus a gyflawnodd Frank Price Jones, yn cynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud â'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, 1922-1974; deunydd, 1966-1975, yn ymwneud â Phatagonia; papurau,1966-1975, yn deillio o waith Frank Price Jones ar gyfer Panel Cyfieithu'r Swyddfa Gymreig, Pwyllgor Amgueddfa Werin Cymru, 1956-1967, ac Urdd y Graddedigion Prifysgol Cymru, 1963-1975; gohebiaeth gyffredinol, 1941-1975, yn cynnwys grŵp mawr o lythyrau,1941-1975, oddi wrth Iorwerth C. Peate, cefnder Frank Price Jones; ac amrywiol. = Lecture notes mainly for extra-mural classes in Welsh history, 1943-1975; papers concerning Frank Price Jones's research and publications, 1947-1975, including drafts of articles and reviews, offprints and printed copies of his published work; material relating to articles by other authors, 1932-1975; papers, 1943-1975, deriving from Frank Price Jones's work for the media, including television and radio scripts, and for newspapers; political papers, 1910-1975, including correspondence, press cuttings, candidates' pamphlets and election addresses, election results, material relating to the Parliament for Wales Campaign of the early 1950s and to the Commission on the Constitution of 1969-1970; papers, 1947-1975, concerning the public work undertaken by Frank Price Jones, including in relation to the National Eisteddfod, 1922-1974; material, 1966-1975, relating to Patagonia; papers, 1966-1975, deriving from Frank Price Jones's work for the Welsh Office Translation Panel, the Committee of the Welsh Folk Museum, 1956-1967, and for the Guild of Graduates of the University of Wales, 1963-1975; general correspondence, 1941-1975, including a large group of letters, 1941-1975, from Iorwerth C. Peate, a cousin to Frank Price Jones; and various miscellanea.

Jones, Frank Price, 1920-1975.

Papurau Alwyn D. Rees,

  • GB 0210 ADREES
  • fonds
  • [c. 1930]-1974 /

Papurau'r cymdeithasegydd Alwyn D. Rees, 1911-1974, yn cynnwys papurau'n ymwneud â Phrifysgol Cymru, yn bennaf â Choleg Prifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth, 1920au-1974, gan gynnwys papurau'n ymwneud â'r comisiwn a sefydlwyd i archwilio strwythur ffederal Prifysgol Cymru yn y 1960au; papurau ynglŷn â lle'r Gymraeg yn y Brifysgol a'r ymgyrch i sefydlu neuadd Gymraeg i fyfyrwyr yn Aberystwyth,1967-1974; papurau'n ymwneud â llyfrau, erthyglau a darlithoedd Alwyn D. Rees, 1933-1973, a Chymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, [c.1964]-1974; papurau'n ymwneud â Barn, 1966-1967; papurau'n ymwneud â darlledu yng Nghymru, 1938-1974; papurau'n ymwneud â'r diwydiant llechi yng Nghymru,1946; papurau'n ymwneud â gwleidyddiaeth yng Nghymru, 1911-1974; gohebiaeth gyffredinol, 1935-1974; a phapurau a gohebiaeth bersonol , 1930-1974 = Papers of the sociologist Alwyn D. Rees, 1911-1974, including papers relating to the University of Wales, mainly the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1930s-1974, including papers relating to the commission established to examine the federal structure of the University of Wales in the 1960s; papers concerning the place of the Welsh language in the University and the campaign to establish a Welsh student hostel at Aberystwyth, 1967-1974; papers relating to the University of Malta, 1940-1951; Alwyn D. Rees's research papers, 1933-1973; papers relating to Alwyn D. Rees's books, articles and lectures, and further related research papers assembled by him, 1925-1974; papers relating to the Welsh language, 1952-1974, and 'Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg', [c. 1964]-1974; papers relating to 'Barn', 1966-1975; papers relating to broadcasting in Wales, 1938-1974; papers relating to the Welsh slate industry, 1946; papers relating to politics in Wales, 1911-1974; general correspondence, 1935-1974; and personal papers and correspondence, 1930-1974.

Rees, Alwyn D.

Lord Rendel Papers

  • GB 0210 RENDEL
  • Fonds
  • 1819-1996

Papers of Stuart Rendel and family members, including papers relating to the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and the proposal to establish the National Library of Wales and its development during the early years of its existence, 1883-1916; speeches, addresses and political papers relating to disestablishment of the church in Wales and the 1889 Intermediate Education Act, 1882-1909; press cuttings, 1881-1913; photographs, 1892; miscellaneous letters, 1878-1912; letters to Stuart Rendel, 1853-1912, including letters from A. C. Humphreys Owen, 1877-1905, family letters, 1853-1902, and letters from prominent political figures and Welsh public figures; letters and copies of letters from Rendel, 1880-1912; diaries, mainly recording details of Stuart Rendel's business activities, 1863-1869; notes of conversations with W. E. Gladstone, John Morley and H. H. Asquith, 1888-1910; papers relating to Chinese affairs and French and Chinese peace talks, 1884-1886; papers of James Meadows Rendel, including letters, 1828-1856, and papers relating to his estate, 1856-1859; letters of Catherine Jane Rendel, 1845-1855; letters and papers of George Wightwick Rendel, 1871-1902; papers relating to Rendel's other brothers, 1841-1889, and his daughters, 1882-1910; letters and papers of Harry Stuart Goodhart-Rendel, 1898-1959, and other papers concerning him, 1963-1977; papers, mainly letters, of the Goodhart family, 1819-1957; papers of Miss Rosemary Rendel, 1986-1996; papers of Sir George William Rendel, including: Foreign Office papers, 1917-1967, correspondence, 1912-1973, papers relating to the Catholic Union of Great Britain, 1942-1979, lectures, diaries and notes, 1915-1954, personal and family papers, 1908-1980, and material relating to the book The Sword and the Olive (1957), 1954-1986.

Rendel, Stuart Rendel, Baron, 1834-1913

Papurau Gwynfor Evans/Gwynfor Evans Papers,

  • GB 0210 GWYNFOR
  • Fonds
  • 1929-2002 /

Llythyrau cyffredinol, 1939-2002, wedi eu cyfeirio at Gwynfor Evans, ynghyd â ffeiliau o lythyrau, 1940-1996, oddi wrth bedwar-ar-ddeg o unigolion blaenllaw a fu'n gohebu'n gyson â Gwynfor Evans; ffeiliau ar bynciau penodol, 1968-1983, ynghyd â ffeiliau cyffredinol ar bynciau amrywiol, 1971-1979; a ffeiliau amrywiol, 1929-1981; papurau personol amrywiol, 1938-2001, a phapurau amrywiol, [c. 1930-1998]./General letters, 1939-2002, addressed to Gwynfor Evans, together with files of letters, 1940-1996, from fourteen prominent individuals who corresponded regularly with Gwynfor Evans; files on specific subjects, 1968-1983, together with general files on miscellaneous subjects, 1971-1979; and various files, 1929-1981, miscellaneous personal papers, 1938-2001, and miscellanea, [c. 1930-1998].

Evans, Gwynfor

Letters to Elwyn Davies

  • NLW MS 21711E.
  • Ffeil
  • 1934-1981

Letters to Elwyn Davies, translator and poet, from literary friends. They contain personal news and observations on the correspondents' own writing, on Anglo-Welsh literature and on current affairs in Wales. The main correspondents are Raymond Garlick (44) 1963-1980, Glyn Jones (23) 1934, 1944-1981, and Roland Mathias (7) 1965-1972.

Davies, Elwyn, 1912-1994

Political activity,

Material relating to political activity, 1949-1963, with which Harri Webb appears to have been involved, comprising papers connected with the Parliament for Wales Campaign, 1954-1955; a number of leaflets and pamphlets relating to Plaid Cymru, 1955-1963; and some election guides, 1949-[c. 1963].

Wales for the Assembly Campaign (1979) papers

  • GB 0210 WALBLY
  • Fonds
  • 1975-1979

Papers of the Wales for the Assembly campaign, 1975-1979, including minutes, correspondence and papers of the Wales for the Assembly Action Committee and Research Sub-committee, 1976-1977; minutes of the Campaign's committee meetings, 1978-1979; pamphlets and leaflets, 1979; publicity and speeches, 1978-1979; correspondence, 1975-1979; press statements, 1979; and miscellaneous papers, 1978-1979.

Wales for the Assembly Campaign.

Papers relating to the Liberal Democrats in Wales,

  • NLW ex 2754.
  • Ffeil
  • 1995-2007.

Miscellaneous papers, 1995-2007, of the Liberal Democrats in Wales, many relating to the party's Welsh conferences and other events; material produced by the 'Yes for Wales' campaign in the 1997 devolution referendum, including the minutes of meetings of its steering committee; papers deriving from the 2008 Welsh party leadership election contest between Kirsty Williams and Jenny Randerson; and papers relating to possible voting patterns for the forthcoming National Assembly elections. = Papurau amrywiol, 1995-2007, y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol yng Nghymru, llawer ohonynt yn ymwneud â chynadleddau’r blaid yng Nghymru a digwyddiadau eraill; deunydd a gynhyrchwyd gan yr ymgyrch 'Ie dros Gymru' yn y refferendwm datganoli yn 1997, gan gynnwys cofnodion cyfarfodydd y pwyllgor llywio; papurau’n deillio o'r etholiad ar gyfer arweinyddiaeth y blaid yn 2008 rhwng Kirsty Williams a Jenny Randerson; a phapurau’n trafod patrymau pleidleisio posib ar gyfer etholiadau’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol yn y dyfodol.

Welsh Liberal Democrats.

Addresses by Saunders Lewis,

  • NLW ex 2553.
  • Ffeil
  • [1947]-[1959] /

Addresses relating to the political scene in Wales, written by Saunders Lewis on behalf of his daughter, Mair Saunders Jones, the donor; three are from the late 1940s and another from the 1950s.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985


Letters mainly addressed to E. W. Evans, largely in connection with contributions to Y Goleuad and other publications.
The correspondents include G. Osborne Morgan, Wrexham, etc., 1887-1895 and [n.d.] (opposition to the erection of a chapel, Local Government Bill, etc.); John Morgan, Cardiff, 1901 (the case of W. O. Jones); W. Prichard-Morgan, [M.P. for Merthyr Tydfil], 1892 (interference in an appointment outside the writer’s constituency); John Morley, viscount Morley of Blackburn, 1887 (declining to write a letter); T. E. Morris, Porthmadog, 1900 (the writer’s biography, in connection with the Merioneth parliamentary election); P. D. Morse, Wolf’s Castle, 1901 (the case of W. O. Jones); Max Nettlau, Bloomsbury, 1888 (the writer’s study of Welsh dialects); Thomas George Baring, 1st earl of Northbrook, 1887 (Disestablishment); David Owen, solicitor, Bangor, 1901 (the case of W. O. Jones); J. Owen, The Deanery, St. Asaph, 1889 (declining an invitation to write to Y Goleuad); L. Owen, Llanfihangel [Glyn Myfyr], Corwen [1901] (the case of W. O. Jones); Owen J. Owen, Rockferry, 1901 (the case of W. O. Jones, the proposed Liverpool edition of Y Goleuad), with a copy reply; John Parry, Llanarmon, Mold, 1888 (a contribution to Cymru Fydd); Love Jones Parry [Madryn], 1885; Robert Parry (Robyn Ddu Eryri), Ludlow (contributions to Y Goleuad, etc.); D. Phillips, Swansea, 1890 (a publication for the writer); D. Phillips, Glogue, Llanfyrnach, 1901 (contribution to Y Goleuad, a mis-quotation by Y Tyst from Y Goleuad); Thomas Powel, University College, Cardiff, 1889 (a contribution to Y Goleuad on book-reading); Pryce Pryce-Jones, Newtown, [n.d.] (the purchase of the first number of Merionethshire News); Owen Prys, Trevecca College, etc., 1895 and [n.d.] (condolence, the function of Bala and Trevecca Colleges); Hugh Pugh [of Mostyn], [n.d.] (Mary Jones and the British and Foreign Bible Society); and H. J. Ellis Nanney, Criccieth, 1888 and [n.d.] (the writer’s treatment of the recipient’s uncle).

Lloyd George Manuscripts

  • Fonds
  • 1890-1968

Papers, 1886-1968, of the Lloyd George family. The collection is comprised mainly of correspondence, the bulk of which is addressed to David Lloyd George, mostly from contemporary political figures and from members of his family. The political correspondence relates largely to Welsh affairs, including Disestablishment, the Welsh Church Commission, education and the investiture of the Prince of Wales in 1911, as well as to the Irish Question and the First World War. David Lloyd George's family correspondence includes letters, [c. 1886]-1941, between David Lloyd George and his wife Margaret, from David Lloyd George to his uncle Richard Lloyd, 1890-1916, and to David Lloyd George from his brother William George, 1891-1915; other family correspondence includes letters to Margaret Lloyd George, 1893-1939, from various correspondents, and from Margaret Lloyd George mainly to her daughter Olwen Carey-Evans, 1917-1939; correspondence and papers of Megan Lloyd George, daughter of David and Margaret Lloyd George, including letters, 1939-1957, to and from Labour politician Philip Noel-Baker and from other correspondents, 1910-1966, including her parents, together with a tour journal, 1923-1924, and diary, 1947, and correspondence and papers, 1914-[c. 1963], of Gwilym Lloyd George, son of David and Margaret Lloyd George, including a typescript draft, [c. 1960]-1962, of his (unpublished) autobiography; together with speech notes, notebooks and miscellaneous papers, [c. 1904]-1939, of David Lloyd George, and correspondence and papers, 1898-1909, relating to Mair Eluned Lloyd George, daughter of David and Margaret Lloyd George.

Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945

Newport West Labour Party Records,

  • GB 0210 NEWLAB
  • Fonds
  • 1966-2001 /

Papers, 1966-2001, relating to the Newport West Labour Party; the Newport County Borough Council Labour Group; the Manufacturing, Science and Finance Union (MSF), Newport 9909 Branch; the South East Wales European Constituency Labour Party, and various election campaigns, including correspondence, minutes, financial records, reports and material relating to election campaigns.

An additional file of letters, 1956-1957, and printed leaflets etc., 2005-2006, relating to the Labour Party's activities in Newport West constituency were received. This group remains uncatalogued.

Additional papers of the donor, MP for Newport West and former member of Gwent County Council, mainly relating to local, Parliamentary and European elections, and in particular to the 2001 election. This group remains uncatalogued.

Newport West Labour Party.

Welsh Liberal Democrats Papers,

  • Fonds
  • 1986-1992 /

The collection consists of papers relating to the Interim Federal Policy Committee, 1988-1989, the Association of Social and Liberal Democrat Councillors, 1988-1991, the Federal Executive of the SLD, 1990, copies of the Federal Green Papers, 1988, the Social and Liberal Democrats, 1986-1989, the Welsh Liberal Democrats, 1987-1991, the formation of the Social and Liberal Democrtas, 1988, the Brecon and Radnor Liberal Democrats, 1988-1990, local elections, 1988-1991, and application forms of prospective parliamentary candidates, c. 1988-1991.

Welsh Liberal Democrats.

Miscellaneous pamphlets of political interest

  • NLW ex 2721.
  • Ffeil
  • [1934]-[1987]

Miscellaneous twentieth century pamphlets and leaflets of political interest, [1934]-[1987], many relating to Plaid Cymru and nationalist groups, collected by J. E. Jones, secretary and organiser of Plaid Cymru, 1930-1962, including some manuscript notes by him and publications by him. = Pamffledi a llyfrynnau amrywiol o'r ugeinfed ganrif o ddiddordeb gwleidyddol, [1934]-[1987], nifer ohonynt yn cyfeirio at Blaid Cymru a grwpiau cenedlaethol, wedi eu casglu ynghyd gan J. E. Jones, Pwllheli, ysgrifennydd a threfnydd Plaid Cymru, 1930-1962, gan gynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif ganddo a chyhoeddiadau ganddo..

Jones, J. E. (John Edward), 1905-1970

1910 General Election ephemera

  • NLW ex 2425.
  • Ffeil
  • 1910.

Election addresses and leaflets circulated in various constituencies including East Glamorgan Division, Mid-Glamorgan, Merthyr Boroughs and Breconshire during the December 1910 General Election.


Letters mainly addressed to E. W. Evans, with some to William Williams, Dolgellau, and others largely in connection with contributions to Y Goleuad and other publications.
The correspondents include Alfred George Edwards, bishop of St. Asaph, 1890; Griffith Ellis, Bootle, 1886, with copies of letters of E. W. Evans, 1885-1886 (a controversy over the publication of the writer's Hanes Methodistiaeth Corris); Thomas E[dward] Ellis, Cynlas, Llandderfel, etc., 1884-1896, with copies and drafts of letters of E. W. Evans (contributions to Y Goleuad, the editorship of Cymru Fydd, the publication of Merionethshire News, the eviction of the recipient's father David Evans, Cae Einion, Dolgellau, and other tenants of H. J. Ellis Nanney, Liberal nominations in local government elections); De Charles Evans, Conway, 1901 (the case of W. O. Jones); D. Silvan Evans, Llanwrin Rectory, 1888-1898 (hymnology, editions of the Welsh Prayer Book, the publication of the writer's Welsh Dictionary?); J. Daniel Evans, Garston, 1901; John Evans, Aber Rectory, 1889; Thomas John Evans, Llanfynydd School, Mold, 1867 (personal); William Evans, Liverpool, 1901-1902 (the case of W. O. Jones); W. Wynn Evans, solicitor, Wrexham, 1901 (proceedings against the recipient); Thomas Gee, Denbigh, 1891 (contributions to Y Gwyddoniadur Cymreig); J. Monro Gibson, South Hampstead, 1907; Richard Glover, Bristol, 1908; and Ellis Griffith, Cambridge, 1887 (the editorship of Cymru Fydd).

Roger Roberts Papers,

  • GB 0210 ROGROB
  • Fonds
  • 1929-2015 (predominantly 1950-2015) Accumulated: [c. 1950]-2015 /

The second group, described here, comprises the personal political papers of the Rev. J. Roger Roberts. These include electoral ephemera, minutes, newspaper cuttings, reports and letters mostly relating to the Liberal Party / Liberal/SDP (Social Democratic Party) Alliance / Liberal Democratic Party, and in particular to the Liberal Party in the Conwy Constituency mainly between 1950 and 1999. The first group, donated in 1997, and described elsewhere, also contains some personal political papers relating to the Liberal Party, in particular to the Conwy Constituency, between 1946 and 1993. These include newsletters, leaflets, various publications, manifetstos, policy and constitutional papers, annual reports, newspaper cuttings, correspondence and minutes.

Roberts, Roger, 1935-

"No Assembly" Campaign Papers

  • GB 0210 NOABLY
  • Fonds
  • 1978-1979

Correspondence relating to the No Assembly Campaign, 1979; press releases, speeches, and articles, 1979; miscellaneous administrative papers, 1978-1979; and press-cuttings, 1979.

No Assembly Campaign.

Pre-election opinion polls,

Pre-election opinion polls, 1979-2004, comprising copies of the questionnaires used and tabulated results. The polls were carried out across Wales by NOP and Beaufort Research Limited, amongst others, to survey voting intentions and behaviour amongst representative samples of the Welsh electorate in various general elections, Welsh Assembly elections and the 2004 European Election. Issues such as devolution are also examined. The series also includes a report on British voting trends between 1979 and 1987.

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 26