Dangos 11 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Disgrifiadau lefel uchaf yn unig Nationalism -- Wales.
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Papurau'r mudiad Cofiwn,

  • NLW ex 2493.
  • ffeil
  • 1981-1986.

Papurau, 1981-1986, yn ymwneud â Cofiwn, gan gynnwys cylchlythyrau a thaflenni ar gyfer trefnu digwyddiadau i gofio Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. Yr oedd yn un o’r grwpiau amrywiol hynny a fu’n hyrwyddo hanes a threftadaeth Cymru a'i arwyddair oedd 'heb dreftadaeth heb enaid'. = Papers, 1981-1986, relating to Cofiwn, comprising newsletters, and leaflets relating to the movement, including papers about organising events to commemorate Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. It was one of the various solidarity groups involved with promoting the history and heritage of Wales and its motto was 'no heritage no soul'.

Papurau Lewis Valentine,

  • fonds
  • 1874-1983 (crynhowyd [20fed ganrif cynnar]-1983) /

Papurau'r Parch. Lewis Valentine, 1874-1983, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth gyffredinol, 1916-1983; llythyrau oddi wrth Saunders Lewis, [1926]-1983; llythyrau oddi wrth D. J. Williams, 1930-1969; llythyrau oddi wrth Kate Roberts, 1937-1976; llythyrau'n ymwneud â'r Ysgol Fomio a charchariad Lewis Valentine, 1936-1937; dyddiaduron rhyfel,1916-1919; anerchiadau gan Valentine ac eraill, 1930-1972; a phapurau amrywiol a gasglwyd gan Valentine, 1874-1980. = Papers of the Rev. Lewis Valentine, 1874-1983, comprising general correspondence, 1916-1983; letters from Saunders Lewis, [1926]-1983; letters from D. J. Williams, 1930-1969; letters from Kate Roberts, 1936-1976; letters relating to the Bombing School and Lewis Valentine's imprisonment, 1936-1937; war diaries, 1916-1919; addresses by Valentine and others, 1930-1972; and miscelleneous papers collected by Valentine, 1874-1980.

Valentine, Lewis.

Hunaniaeth Gymreig/Welsh identity,

  • NLW ex 2390.
  • ffeil
  • 2004 /

Copi o'r cyhoeddiad Hunaniaeth Gymreig/Welsh identity (Rhiwfawr : Grŵp Ysgrifennu Rhiwfawr, 2004), wedi ei lofnodi gan y cyfranwyr, ac eraill. = A copy of Hunaniaeth Gymreig/Welsh identity (Rhiwfawr Writers' Group, 2004), autographed by the contributors and others.

golygydd/editor: T. Graham Williams.

John Legonna Papers

  • GB 0210 JOHNNA
  • Fonds
  • 1928-1978

Papers of John Legonna, including correspondence with Per Denez, Alan Heusaff, Goulven Pennaod (George Pinault), Harri Webb and others; diaries; poetry; prose; autobiographical notes and personal reflections; farming records; college notes on Welsh and Irish history and law; material relating to Legonna's political views and his activities with Welsh and Celtic nationalist organisations, especially Mudiad Gweriniaethol Cymru (Welsh Republican Movement), the Welsh National Party, and the New Nation Movement and its journal, 'Cilmeri'; printed and cyclostyled ephemera; personal and family records; miscellaneous printed material relating to Christopher Murray Grieve, 'Hugh MacDiarmid'; programmes for local eisteddfodau at Llannon and Llanrhystud; and typescript drafts of unpublished plays.

Legonna, John.

Letters to Elwyn Davies

  • NLW MS 21711E.
  • Ffeil
  • 1934-1981

Letters to Elwyn Davies, translator and poet, from literary friends. They contain personal news and observations on the correspondents' own writing, on Anglo-Welsh literature and on current affairs in Wales. The main correspondents are Raymond Garlick (44) 1963-1980, Glyn Jones (23) 1934, 1944-1981, and Roland Mathias (7) 1965-1972.

Davies, Elwyn, 1912-1994

Lord Hooson Papers,

  • GB 0210 HOOSON
  • Fonds
  • 1949-1997 /

Correspondence and papers relating mainly to Lord Hooson's political career, including papers regarding parliamentary questions, 1967-1978; the Welsh Liberal Party, 1963-1979; Montgomery County Liberal Association 1965-1979; Welsh Affairs, 1961-1978; University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1961-1968; Dyfed-Powys Constabulary, 1970-1976; foot and mouth disease in Wales, 1967-1968; transport problems in Mid-Wales, 1962-1974; National Theatre for Wales, 1968-1969; Rural Development Board for Wales, 1967-1970; Mid-Wales Hospital Service, 1972-1973; Farmers Union of Wales, 1966-1973; Aberfan Disaster, 1966-1967; television and radio reception in Wales, 1969-1976; Wales Tourist Board, 1968-1976; Plaid Cymru, Welsh nationalism, Welsh language, Devolution, Federalism, Welsh economy, unemployment, Rhondda West by-election, etc., 1960s-1970s; the Liberal Party correspondence, 1960s-1970s, Liberal Party organisation and policies, 1967-1971; Liberals and the Industrial Relations Bill, 1971-1973; Lib-Lab pact, 1977-1978; Liberal Foreign Affairs Panel, 1966-1967; NATO and the North Atlantic Assembly, 1966-1978; correspondence files of the Welsh Liberal Party, 1966-79; engagement diaries, 1966-1978; typescript speeches and notes for speeches, 1960s-1970s; parliamentary accounts, 1970-1972; miscellaneous speeches, press statements, newspaper cuttings, etc., 1960s-1970s; political papers [c. 1950]-1973, produced by various parties; Local Government Reform in Wales, 1993-1994; the Liberal Party's Pantyfedwen Conferences, 1956-1963; the London Welsh School, 1983-1993, the Llangollen International Eisteddfod, 1986-1997; the provision of speech therapy and physiotherapy in Clwyd, 1984-1990; constituency correspondence and papers, [1960]-1979; personal correspondence, 1965-1979; and correspondence, press releases and newspaper cuttings relating to Jeremy Thorpe, former leader of the Liberal Party, 1967-1979; together with papers relating to his business interests including, Laura Ashley Holdings Plc., 1984-1997; Severn River Crossing Plc, 1990-1997; and his legal career, 1949-1962. A further collection of Lord Hooson's papers were received in May 2011 - this group remains uncatalogued.

Hooson, Emlyn, 1925-2012

Papers relating to the growth of Welsh Nationalism,

  • NLW Facs 993.
  • Ffeil
  • [2005].

A copy of the National Archives's file, HO 144/22915, relating to the growth of the Welsh National Movement in Wales and how to use the royal family in order to try to impede this, 1939-1941.

Dr Noelle Davies Papers,

  • GB 0210 NOEIES
  • Fonds
  • 1934-1957 /

Papers, correspondence and press cuttings relating to Ireland, 1926-1978; Plaid Cymru, 1929-1965; Welsh political, economic and social affairs, 1931-1962; Pantybeiliau Folk School, 1933-1938; world economics, socialism and communism, 1934-1951; and Brittany, 1946; and personal papers, including correspondence, 1924-1978, diaries, 1921-1979, and academic papers, 1922-1946.

Davies, Noëlle, 1899-1983

Ty Cenedl papers

  • GB 0210 TYCENEDL
  • Fonds
  • 1913-1995 (accumulated 1983-1995)

Papers relating to fringe Nationalist and left wing groups, 1963-1989, including material relating to Welsh Nationalist and Republican Groups, 1963-1989, material relating to Welsh left wing groups, 1969-1979, and papers relating to solidarity groups and campaigns, 1968-1989; published political material such as newspapers and periodicals, 1913-1989, records and papers of Cofiwn, 1970-1990, including material relating to the American Indian Movement Tour of Wales, 1986; papers relating to campaigns and activities of groups such as the the Owain Glyndwr Society, 1975-1990; papers relating to maritime history and heritage, 1973-1995; and miscellaneous papers, mainly relating to organisations in Aberystwyth, 1976-1989.

Ty Cenedl (Organization)

Cliff Bere Papers,

  • GB 0210 CLIERE
  • Fonds
  • 1933-1998 /

Welsh Republican Movement and Plaid Cymru papers collected by Cliff Bere, 1940-1973, including correspondence, [c. 1947]-1965; membership forms and subscriptions, [c. 1948]-1957; constitution, meetings and reports, 1949-1952; newspaper cuttings, 1949-1991; political and personal correspondence, 1933-1997; papers relating to Plaid Cymru, [c. 1949]-1996, including the Parliament for Wales Campaign, Cymdeithas yr Iaith (Welsh Language Society) campaign for bilingual road signs, 1971; 'Cofiwn', the National Commemoration Association, 1976-1987; the Welsh Socialist Republican Movement (Mudiad Gweriniaethol Sosialaidd Cymru) 1975-1985; Cymdeithas Cyfamod y Cymry Rhydd (the Society of the Covenant of the Free Welsh) 1986-1994; Cardiff City Planning Department, 1965-1982; Harri Webb papers, 1949-1996; Eurig ap Gwilym [d. 1988], 1976-1988; papers relating to holiday homes arson campaign and Bere's arrest, 1980-1982; Yr Undeb Celtaidd /The Celtic League, 1988-1993; the Free Wales Army, 1993-1998; unpublished drafts of articles, 1934-1996; various journals and pamphlets, [c. 1946]-1976; newspapers cuttings, 1946-1997; undated translations of pamphlets published by the National Museum of Wales; papers, 1984-1998, relating to his publications, and other printed ephemera, 1935-1956.

Bere, Cliff, 1915-1997

Leo Abse Papers,

  • GB 0210 LEOABSE
  • Fonds
  • 1961-1996 /

General and parliamentary correspondence, 1961-1987; constituency correspondence, 1970-1987, files relating to constituency affairs, 1947-1987; files relating to the following: Welsh affairs, 1985-1987, including transport, 1959-1973; health service, 1960-1978; Welsh language and nationalism, 1966-1979; devolution, 1970-1979; Select Committee for Welsh Affairs, 1975-1985; the Labour Party, 1964-1987, mainly annual conferences and general elections; industrial affairs, 1958-1985, penal reform, 1961-1987, children, 1968-1987, abortion, 1969-1979, nuclear energy, 1977-1987, genetic engineering, [c. 1977] - 1985; and personal papers, mainly letters, [1930s]-1946, and articles, notes and diaries, [1930s]-[1980s]. A further consignment of papers were received. These remain uncatalogued.

Abse, Leo