Aberdare (Wales)



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Aberdare (Wales)

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Aberdare (Wales)

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Aberdare (Wales)

7 Archival description results for Aberdare (Wales)

7 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Aberdare British schools,

  • NLW MS 10586E.
  • File
  • 1866.

A report of the Committee of Management of the Aberdare British Schools to the annual meeting of subscribers, 5 July 1866, with emendations by Dan Isaac Davies.

Account and memoranda book,

A volume containing miscellaneous accounts and memoranda for the period 1688-1711 with additional later entries for the years 1756-1758. The financial entries for the period 1688-1711 record, inter alia, sums received in respect of the sale of oats, barley, and livestock, payments made in respect of servants' wages and work done by ? labourers and craftsmen, rents received and rents still in arrears, and sums of money borrowed, and the memoranda for the same period refer to the movement of cattle to and from the mountain (the name Pant Tywyll occurs frequently in this context), the number of sheep and lambs shorn (the phrase 'at the Castle' occurs frequently in connection with shearing), etc. There is also an account of 'talladges' received from the overseers of five hamlets [in the parish of Merthyr Tudful, co. Glamorgan] in 1693 towards the repair of a highway, an account of money received and expended in respect of Merther Bridge in 1699, and a valuation of the parish of Merther Tydvill as divided into five hamlets in 1702. Place-names which occur in various entries in addition to that of Merthyr are Aberdare, Bedwellty, Carphilly, Eglwys ilan, Kellygare, Mynyth yslwyn and Vaynor. The entries for 1756-1758 include an account of money received from various individuals towards the 'minstery' in 1756 in the hamlet of Garth [? in the aforesaid parish of Merthyr] and for the same purpose in 1757 in an unspecified place.

Pregeth John Jones, Aberdâr,

  • NLW MS 21846A.
  • File
  • 1827 /

A sermon, 'Pechod Gwreiddiol', by the Rev. John Jones, Aberdâr, Glamorganshire, Unitarian minister and schoolmaster. 'Natyrymenyn [sic] Medi y 3dd 1827' on f. 30 verso, followed by a list of chapels at which the sermon was delivered.

Jones, John, 1802-1863

Pregethau'r Parch. William Harris, Heolyfelin,

  • NLW MS 16266B.
  • file
  • [?19 gan., hwyr] /

Llyfr nodiadau (ff. i, 1-97) a dalennau heb eu rhwymo (ff. 98-140) yn cynnwys pum pregeth, [?19 gan., hwyr], ar y Testament Newydd yn llaw'r Parch. William Harris, gweinidog capel y Bedyddwyr Heolyfelin, Aberdâr, Morgannwg. = A notebook (ff. i, 1-97) and unbound leaves (ff. 98-140) containing five autograph sermons on the New Testament, [?late 19 cent.], by the Rev. William Harris, minister of Heolyfelin Baptist Church, Aberdare, Glamorgan.

Harris, W. (William), 1830-1911.