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Coleman collection of deeds
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Agreement whereby Edward Powell the younger, late of p. Clunn, Shropshire, yeoman, third son of Edward Powell the elder of ...,

Agreement whereby Edward Powell the younger, late of p. Clunn, Shropshire, yeoman, third son of Edward Powell the elder of the Wain in p. Kerry, co. Mont., yeoman, covenants to convey to Thomas Kitchin of Clothie in said p. Kerry, gent., a m. and lands called The wain in the t. of Pen-y-gelly in said p. Kerry and in the tenure of the said Edward Powell the elder and John Jones. Proviso that the said Edward Powell. the elder shall occupy for his life the house and garden belonging to the said premises at the yearly rent of 40s. Consideration: £160. Witnesses: J. Livesay; Chas Gardiner Humphreys.

Agreement whereby (after reciting that John Scurlock the elder of Carmarthen, esq., had lately dec. intestate without having made any ...,

Agreement whereby (after reciting that John Scurlock the elder of Carmarthen, esq., had lately dec. intestate without having made any provision for his wife, Mary Scurlock the elder, or for their younger children, Mary Scurlock the younger, Jane Scurlock, and John Scurlock the younger) the said Mary Scurlock the elder covenants to renounce the administration of the goods of her said husband in favour of his son and heir, Jonathan Scurlock, of Carmarthen, gent. and the said Jonathan Scurlock covenants to assure to the said Mary Scurlock the elder all shop goods, &c. of her said dec. husband after payment of his debts, other than for merchandise, &c., and also to assure to her for 9 years or (in the event of her surviving the 9 years) for her life the capital m. wherein the said John Scurlock the elder lived, a close of land adjoining called Park y velvet, 3 water grist mills called The priory mills and the [field] upon which the said mills stand, comprising 3 a., and situate in p. St Peter in the co. bor. of Carmarthen, but reserving 2 rooms in the said m., called The new chamber and The greene chamber, and a moiety of the stable of the said capital m. for the use of the said Jonathan Scurlock. The said Jonathan covenants to pay the said Mary Scurlock the elder £30 yearly for 9 years and, in the event of her surviving that term, £50 yearly for her life. The said Mary Scurlock the elder covenants to pay to her second daughter, Mary Scurlock (sister of the said Jonathan Scurlock), £300, to Jane Scurlock (third daughter of the said John Scurlock the elder), £200, and £200 to John Scurlock the younger (the second and youngest son of the said John Scurlock the elder and brother of the said Jonathan Seurlock). Witnesses: Theo. Bevan; Martyn Beynon; William Harrys.

Agreement (unsigned), for the sale by John Philipps Laugharne of Orlandon, co. Pemb., esq., of the fee simple of his ...,

Agreement (unsigned), for the sale by John Philipps Laugharne of Orlandon, co. Pemb., esq., of the fee simple of his seven undivided tenth shares in the m. and lands called Alltybwlla in p. Llandigwidd, co. Card., to William Owen Brigstocke of Blaenpant, co. Card., esq. Consideration: £3,920.

Agreement for the sale and conveyance by Katherine Moneley of the Moore, co. Flint, widow, and her daughter, Alice ffazakerley ...,

Agreement for the sale and conveyance by Katherine Moneley of the Moore, co. Flint, widow, and her daughter, Alice ffazakerley, of the Moore, spinster, to Robert Whitley of Aston, co. Flint, esq., of a m. and lands in Mancott, co. Flint, formerly purchased by William Ashmore (dec. grandfather of William Ashmore of Mancote aforesaid) from John Wigan and by the last mentioned William Ashmore conveyed to Thomas ffazakerley, the father of the said Alice ffazakerley. The said Robert Whitley agrees, on the conveyance being executed, to grant a lease of the said premises to the said Katherine Moneley for the lives of herself, of the said Alice ffazakerley, and of Katherine ffazakerley. Yearly rent: 5s. Consideration: £13. Witnesses: John Mitten; Wm Baylie; Hugh Ledesham. Memorandum (endorsed), dated 10 June 1659, of the attornment, as tenants to the said Robert Whitley, by the said Katherine Moneley and Edward Yearsley of Great Mancott, for the mansion house and 21/2 lounds of land called Dale land and by John Ledsam of Little Mancott for half a lound in Hibberts Hey by the payment of 6d. each as an acknowledgment of their tenancies; also of the delivery by the said Katherine Moneley to the said Robert Whitley of a lound in Mancottfield 'shutinge upon' the Clark-brooke-hey, all being part of the m. and lands in Mancott, co. Flint, mentioned above. Witnesses: John Mitten; Wm Baylie; Hugh Ledesham; David Lloyd. Memorandum, dated 10 June 1659, whereby Edward Yearsley undertakes to pay to the said Robert Whitley the rent of 5s., payable under the above mentioned lease. Witnesses: John Mitten; Wm Baylie; Hugh Ledesham; David Lloyd.

Agreement for the conveyance by Roger Williams of Newport, co. Mon., gent., to Thomas Prichard of Newport, cordwainer, of the ...,

Agreement for the conveyance by Roger Williams of Newport, co. Mon., gent., to Thomas Prichard of Newport, cordwainer, of the fee simple of a m. and gardens in the said town of Newport late in the tenure of Blanch Foster, widow, and a parcel of land adjoining called Cae clomendy, containing one a. and in the tenure of Thomas Dumayne, gent. Consideration: £205.5s. and the cost of the conveyance to be paid by the said Thomas Prichard. Witnesses: Thomas Phillips; John Richards; William Jones.

Agreement for a lease from Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot of Margam Park, co. Glam., esq., MP, to George Somerville Digby ...,

Agreement for a lease from Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot of Margam Park, co. Glam., esq., MP, to George Somerville Digby of Bishops Caundle, Dorset, esq., of a portion of a field (part of Longland Farm in the tenure of Rees Maddock) in p. Pyle and Kenfigg, co. Glam. (bounded on the north by Pyle River, on the south by the fence of the Duffryn Llynfi and Porthcawl Railway, through which an inclined plain has been lately made connecting the Margam Colliery with the said railway), on which to erect two cupolas, ovens, &c. for the purpose of smelting iron ore, with liberty to divert the water of the River Pyle for the use of the said works. Term: Co-extensive with a term granted by a lease dated 21 April 1838 between the same parties. Rent: 10s. Coal and iron ore from the estate of the said Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot to be used only at the works. Witness: William Llewellyn, solicitor, Neath.

Agreement between Samuel Brees of Pandy Rhewsaison in p. Llanbryn-mair, yeoman, Richard Jones of Gerddigleision in p. Cemais, farmer, and ...,

Agreement between Samuel Brees of Pandy Rhewsaison in p. Llanbryn-mair, yeoman, Richard Jones of Gerddigleision in p. Cemais, farmer, and Jane, his wife (which Samuel Brees and Jane Jones are the administrators of the goods of Jane Jones of Tycanol in said p. Llanbryn-mair, widow, dec.), John Brees of Tycanol aforesaid, farmer, Jane Bebb of Tygwyn in said p. Llanbryn-mair, widow, Richard Richards of Pwllyllan in p. Carno, shoemaker, and Sarah, his wife, Thomas Davies of Manafon, yeoman, Samuel Davies of Llanwnnog, yeoman, David Davies of Blackhall in p. Newtown, yeoman, John Baxter of Mochdre, yeoman, and Mary, his wife, and Andrew Richard of Newtown aforesaid, yeoman, all in co. Mont., which said Jane Bebb, Sarah, the wife of Richard Richards, Thomas Davies, Samuel Davies, David Davies, Mary, the wife of John Baxter, and Andrew Richard are, with Samuel Brees, Jane, wife of Richard Brees, and Jane, wife of Richard Jones, the next of kin of Stephen Jones of Tycanol aforesaid, a lunatic. It recites that Richard Jones of Tycanol, father of the said Stephen Jones, dec. 1812 intestate, leaving his wife, Jane Jones, who took out administration to his effects in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; that the said Jane Jones dec. and, by her will, bequeathed all her effects to her executors, John Jones and Griffith Griffiths, who renounced the executorship, and administration with the will annexed of the said Jane Jones was granted by the same Court to the said Samuel Brees and Jane, the wife of the said Richard Jones. The parties to the agreement now appoint the said John Brees to be the custodian of the said Stephen Jones during his lunacy, and agree as to the distribution of the estates of the said Stephen Jones and Jane Jones.

This agreement is executed but not witnessed.

Agreement between Rev. John Griffith, clerk, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (agent for his brother, Richard Griffith, of Llaniestyn, co. Caern ...,

Agreement between Rev. John Griffith, clerk, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (agent for his brother, Richard Griffith, of Llaniestyn, co. Caern., esq.), and Thomas Bethell Bicknall of the Penrhyn Arms and Nathaniel Atkinson of the Mona Inn. both in co. Ang., innholders, for a lease of a m. and lands called Cae glour, otherwise Bangor Ferry, containing 23 a. 2 r. and 12 p. in p. Bangor, co. Caern. Term: 7 years, if the said John Griffith shall so long live. Yearly rent: £250. Covenant by the lessees to keep on the said premises during the said term, 4 pair of post-horses to be used in the posting-trade, besides such horses as they shall keep for any stage or public coach. Witnesses: Jno. Hughes, deputy registrar, Bangor; Edwd Jones, his clerk.

Agreement between Henry Jones of the city of Hereford, gent., and his brother, Thomas Jones, of p. Pendoylen, co. Glam ...,

Agreement between Henry Jones of the city of Hereford, gent., and his brother, Thomas Jones, of p. Pendoylen, co. Glam., in regard to a partition of the leasehold estates of Thomas Jones and Catherine Jones (their dec. father and mother), whereby it is agreed that the said Thomas Jones should enjoy the lease (granted by Michael Richards, esq., to the said Thomas Jones, dec.) of the farm called Corrug genol, late in the tenure of Howell Robert, dec., and lands called Philip Edward's lands in said p. Pendoylen, and that the said Henry Jones should enjoy the lease (granted by Sir John Aubrey, bart, to the said Thomas Jones, dec.) of the farm called Corrug in said p. Pendoylan, except two a. by the church, which are allotted to the said Thomas Jones as part of his share), also the lease (granted by the said Mchael Richards, since dec.) of the tmt and lands called Tir ton y gader, late in the tenure of the said Catherine Jones and in said p. Pendoylen.

Affidavit of William Haslewood of Moreveild, Shropshire, that, having received a writ of execution of a decree in the suit ...,

Affidavit of William Haslewood of Moreveild, Shropshire, that, having received a writ of execution of a decree in the suit in Chancery of Arthur Weaver, esq., plaintiff v. Mathew Jones, defendant, for the payment of £35.7.6 by the defendant to the plaintiff, he, on 23 July 1690, left a copy of the writ under the door of the defendant's house, as he could get no answer to repeated knocks at the door, although he believes that there was some one in the said house.

Administration with will annexed, of John Williams of Fron-haul in p. Mold, co. Flint, gent. Testator devised as follows:- To ...,

Administration with will annexed, dated 28 Dec. 1811, of John Williams of Fron-haul in p. Mold, co. Flint, gent. Testator devised as follows:- To my wife, Catherine, and her heirs (provided she remain a widow), all my houses in the said t. of Mold in my holding and of John Williams, gardener, also a field near the Bailey Hill, a field in Maesydre in the t. of Mold, and a parcel of land called Lot yr odyn in the t. of Hendre Biffa lately purchased by me from John Lloyd, esq.; to William Wynn of Mold, gent., and my brother, Thomas Williams, of Hendri in p. Mold, farmer, a field called Erw'r pandu in p. Mold, a m. and lands called Pentrebach in p. Mold, parcels of land called Erw groesffordd and Erw cornel in p. Mold, and a field called Frith on Mould mountain lately purchased from Mrs Brown, upon trust for my said wife, Catherine, for her life, with remainder (as to Erw'r Pandu) to John Williams of Long Chinney in the t. of Gwsaney in said p. Mold, yeoman; with remainder (as to Pentrebach) to William Bagshaw of the t. of Arddynwent, yeoman; with remainder (as to Erw croesffordd) to Jane, wife of David Jones of the t. of Hendre Biffa, labourer; with remainder (as to Erw cornel) to Elizabeth Williams, daughter of Rachel, wife of William Jones, miner; with remainder (as to The frith) to my brother, Thomas Williams, for his life, with remainder to John Williams of the t. of Aston in p. Hawarden, labourer; to the said John Wynne, a meadow called The lords' meadow in p. Mold, upon trust for my brother, Thomas Williams, for his life, with remainder to the said Elizabeth Williams; to the said John Wynne and Thomas Williams, £500 on trust to pay the income thereof to my said wife for her life, and thereafter to pay the following legacies:- Mary Anne Wynne, Frances Wynne, Margaret Wynne, Ellen Elizabeth Wynne, and Llewelyn Wynne (children of the said William Wynne), £20 each, Anne Davies of Ruthin, £100, the said John Williams of Long Chimney, £50, Thomas Williams (son of Mr Robert Williams of Gwsaney Hall), £50, John Jenkins of Northop, yeoman, £50, Thomas Jones of Mold, bricklayer, £50, Diana Jones (sister of the said Thomas Jones), £30, Catherine (wife of George Lloyd of Mold, labourer), £30, Barbara Williams (granddau. of the late Edward Williams of Croes Onnen in p. Mold, labourer), £20, Charlotte Brown of Gwsaney, £20, and John Williams (son of Edward Williams of Croes Onnen), £20. My said wife to be executrix.

Witnesses: William Thomas, Trefview, Mold; Thomas Rowlands and R. Jones, clerks to Mr Wynne, Mold.

The administration grant is missing.

Endorsed: '8 May 1822.'

Administration of the goods of William Gruffith ap William Wynne, late of p. 'Denis' [? Derwen] in the diocese of ...,

Administration of the goods of William Gruffith ap William Wynne, late of p. 'Denis' [? Derwen] in the diocese of Bangor, gent., dec., was granted by Gruffith Hughes, M.A., clerk, and vicar in spiritualities to Lewis, bishop of Bangor, to Margaret verch William John Wynne, widow, and Catherine verch William John Wynne, widow, the paternal aunts and next of kin of the dec.

Administration dated 4 March 1843 (with the will dated 13 Aug. 1838 annexed) of the goods of Sir William Ouseley ...,

Administration dated 4 March 1843 (with the will dated 13 Aug. 1838 annexed) of the goods of Sir William Ouseley, kt, dec., of Boulogue, formerly of Crickhowell in Wales. Witnesses to will: D. I. Olivier, rector of Clifton, Bedfordshire, Richard John Meade, M. A., minister of British Protestant Episcopal Church at Boulogne sur mer.

Results 1561 to 1580 of 1596