Dangos 201 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Llanstephan Manuscripts
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

8 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Meddygon Myddfai,

A manuscript, mainly in the hand of James Davies ('Iaco ab Dewi') of 'Trerhedyn yn Llan Llawddoc' and completed 15 July 1713 (see p. 30), containing 'Meddygon Myddfai', being a transcript from the Red Book of Hergest, Col. 928. The manuscript is interleaved throughout, and passages of the text are translated here and there on the interleaves by Moses Williams.

Davies, James, Iaco ab Dewi, 1648-1722

Cywyddau Dafydd ap Gwilym

A manuscript mainly containing cywyddau of Dafydd ap Gwilym (pp. 1-240). Pp. i-xviii are in the autograph of Moses Williams (1685-1742) and the remainder of the text in that of his brother Samuel Williams. P. i is headed 'Welsh names of Men & Women' and p. xviii is headed 'Librorum MSS. Catalogus'. Pp. 241-250 contain a table of contents.
The one hundred and sixty three poems contained in the text have been numbered by Moses Williams's friend William Jones (1675-1749), who once owned the Shirburn collection of manuscripts.

Williams, Moses, 1685-1742


A manuscript containing poetry (pp. 17-42), the poets including Taliesin, Iolo Goch, Dafydd ab Edmwnt and others, with poetry included also within other sections of the text; triads attributed to Taliesin (p. 16); the Rood legend (pp. 97-103); apocryphal gospels (pp. 104-153, 259-269, 272, 274-276); the Purgatory of Patrick (pp. 202-212); lives of saints (pp. 161-187); proverbs and adages, etc. (pp. 10-12, 14-15, 299-300); prayers (pp. 13, 238-250, 255); vocabulary (pp. 95-96); a planisphere, calendar, planetary tables and other astrological material (pp. 43-86, 89-90, 281-291); interpretation of dreams (pp. 91, 94); palmistry (pp. 92-93); directions concerning bleeding, medical recipes, etc. (pp. 1-9, 87-88, 236, 277-280, 300c-301); &c. A note on p. 221 states that 'Ieuan ap William ap dd: ap ejnws ajysgrivenodd yllyvr hwn i gyd ari gost ihvn i gael o bobyl ddifyrwch o hono alles yw heneidiav o hwn'; there are, however, a few pages (pp. 139-142, etc.) in other hands. There is a table of contents at the beginning in the hand of Richard Morris, 1784-1785, and another at the end by ?William Jones, who states that the manuscript was 'procured me by Mr. Holmes of the Tower'.
The dates appended to many of the subjects in the text show that the binder is responsible for the present derangement of the folios.

Ieuan ap William and others.


A manuscript, written in the same hand as Llanstephan MSS 123-125, containing poetry, the poets cited including Taliesin, Iolo Goch, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Lewis Glyn Cothi and Siôn Phylip. The first half of the cywydd at p. 35 is missing. The poems at pp. 37, 40, 43 were copied from imperfect originals and are full of lacunae. That which appears at p. 292 is apparently not the beginning of the poem as there is a page left blank between this and the previous poem. On pp. 633-646 is an index, with the poets' names arranged alphabetically, 'made by Richard Morris for Wm: Jones F.R.S. in London 1746.'

Richard Morris (index) and another.


A manuscript written after 1643 (see p. 199) containing poetry, the poets cited including Iolo Goch, Ieuan Tew Brydydd, Wiliam Cynwal, Lewis Menai and Siôn and Rhisiart Phylip. An index, with the poets' names arranged alphabetically, has been added at pp. 641-651 by Richard Morris 'i Wm: Jones F.R.S. yn llundain 1746'.
The original or originals of this manuscript were apparently often defective as many lacunae and imperfect lines occur: the beginning of the poem at p. 139 is wanting and the rest is very imperfect; the beginning of the poem at p. 181 is wanting as that which is noted as the first line here is in fact the 8th or 10th line; 'A chanoes ac ychwaneg a ranno dvw ir wen dêg' is added in a later hand on p. 316; an addition in the margin at p. 435 ends the poem with 'do'n ifanc ai i nefoedd'.

Richard Morris (index) and another.

Welsh arms and pedigrees

A manuscript containing a collection of Welsh arms and pedigrees compiled and abridged from the works of several authors during the years 1697-1698 by John Gruffydd of Cae Cyriog, Ruabon, here transcribed and rendered into English by William Jones of Llangadfan. P. ix contains 'A list of the Heralds and Genealogists from whom the author compiled the following Book and the dates of their MSS'; amongst the names mentioned are Gutun Owain, William Salesbury of Rhug, John Salisbury of Erbistock and Foulk Owen of Nantglyn. At the beginning of the volume are loose papers which include two letters in the autograph of Walter Davies ('Gwallter Mechain'), one of which is dated 3 June 1799 and relates to the Board of Agriculture. At the end of the volume (pp. 155-166) are copies of letters from Robert Vaughan concerning Gwaithfoed, Lord of Cardigan, with a reply from Mr Kynaston of Pant y Byrsley.

Jones, William, 1726-1795

The Burial of Arthur, Æsop's fables, &c.

A manuscript containing The Burial of Arthur (ff. 505-508), Æsop's Fables (ff. 509-521), the Lives of St David and St Beuno (ff. 522-525b, 528-541), the Purgatory of Patrick (ff. 542-557), etc.
There is a lacuna between ff. 507b and 508. The text of 'Buchedd Dewi' is the same as that printed in Llyvyr agkyr Llandewivrevi, pp. 106, l. 4 to 113, l. 28 and pp. 114, l. 28 to 118, l. 22. The text of 'Buchedd Beuno' is the same as that printed in Llyvyr Agkyr Llandewivrevi, p. 119, l. 23 to p. 127. One folio is missing near the beginning of the text of Breudwyd Pawl which differs from that in Llyvyr agkyr Llandewivrevi. The text of 'Purdan Padric' is practically the same as that printed by Canon Robert Williams (from Peniarth MS 5), but wanting p. 194, l. 31 to p. 196, l. 27, p. 201, l. 14 to p. 205, l. 3 and p. 209, l. 29 to p. 211. The writing resembles that of much of the Red Books of Hergest and Talgarth. The manuscript is a continuation of 'Didrefn Gasgliad' Vols I-III.

Brut y Brenhined

A manuscript, written in two hands of the first half of the sixteenth century, containing Brut y Brenhined, the text also including the Prophecy of Myrddin.
The fly leaf has a note (1749) on the manuscript by Lewis Morris, who calls the manuscript Brut Tyssilio; there is another note by him at the end of the manuscript.

Medical precepts and prescriptions, &c.

A manuscript in the hand of 'David ap Griffith effyriad' (see pp. 13, 14) containing medical precepts and prescriptions (pp. 15-27, 54-92), material of botanological (pp. 28-40), physiological (pp. 41-49) and theological (pp. 1-12) interest, and poetry (pp. 13-14, 50-53). The section on botany includes a Latin-Welsh vocabulary of plant names. Poetical works cited are those of Taliesin, Dafydd ap Gruffydd and Gruffudd Gryg.
There are traces of the hand of Sir Thomas Wilems (p. 40), and also of another hand on many folios.

David ap Griffith and others.

Roman Catholic primer

A manuscript containing a Roman Catholic primer in Welsh compiled from English sources. The text is full of English words and some of the headings indicate its sources (see ff. 70, 147).

Translation of the psalms into Welsh

A transcript of 'Captain W. Middleton's translation of the Psalms into Welsh' copied by Samuel Williams from a transcript in the hand of 'W. Dafydd Lewelyn o blwyf Llangynydr Eglwys Yail o. c. 1606' (p. 312).
Samuel Williams found W. Dafydd Llewelyn's text 'more correct than the printed copy'. The manuscript bears Samuel Williams's inscription: 'Yscrifennwyd ym/mhen y wern ym hlwyf Llanarth. 1696.' (p. 313).

Samuel Williams.

Immanuel neu Ddirgelwch Cnawdoliaeth mab Duw

A manuscript entitled 'Immanuel neu Ddirgelwch Cnawdoliaeth mab Duw' in the hand of the Reverend Samuel Williams. The text is a Welsh translation of Archbishop James Ussher's Immanuel: or, The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God (1638). Samuel Williams ends his text with a citation from the work of the poet Sion Phylip.

Samuel Williams.

Historia Judas, &c.

A manuscript containing 'Historia Judas', 'Trioedd Taliesin' and a fragment of 'Purdan Padric'.

The Red Book of Talgarth

This manuscript is apparently in the same hand as large portions of the Red Book of Hergest and Peniarth MS 32. The contents, with few exceptions, are manifestly taken from Jesus College MS 2 and Peniarth MS 5. Pp. i-vi belong to the fifteenth century and contain pedigrees (p. i) which are somewhat difficult to decipher; triads (p. ii); and poetry by Dafydd ap Gwilym and Ieuan Dew Brydydd (p. iv-vi).
The twenty folios which are missing between ff. 20b and 21 now form part of Peniarth MS 12, pp. 77-116. For f. 26 (Y llyvyr hwnn yw y trydydd llyvyr or llyvyr aelwir Kyssegyrlan Vuched ...) see Llyvyr Agkyr Llandewivrevi, pp. 86-103; for f. 41b (Dangos pa delw ydyewir y tat ar mab ar yspryt glan ...) see ibid., pp. 162-3; for f. 42 (Mal hynn y digawn ytat ar mab ar yspryt glan ...) see ibid., p. 138-40; for f. 43b (Dangos y mod y dylyo dyn gredu ...) see ibid., pp. 141-4; for f. 46 (Llyma seith rinwed yr eglwys) see ibid., pp. 145-6; for f. 47 (Valhyn ydyweit hu sant o wedi y pader) see ibid., pp. 147-51, l. 3; for f. 52 (Breudwyt bawl) see ibid., p. 152-6; for f. 54b (Llyma ebostyl y sul) see ibid., pp. 157-9, l. 6; for f. 56 (Rinwedeu offeren sul) see ibid., p. 151; for f. 56b (Ypotis weithon y gelwir hwnn) see ibid., pp. 128-37; for f. 62b (Valhyn y treythir o ach dewi ...) see ibid., pp. 105-18; for f. 71b (Dywededic vu hyt hynn o vuched dewi sant ...) see ibid., pp. 119-27. The text at f. 80 (Historia de Adamo morituro et de Seth in paradiso ...) is the same as that in Peniarth MS 32, p. 239 (cf. Bodley MS Laud Misc. 471, f. 66). The Welsh text at f. 84b corresponds with chapters I-XLI of B. Harris Cowper's edition of The Apocryphal Gospels, pp. 29-82.For f. 125 (Ystorya titus aspassianus) see Peniarth MS 5, f. 36; for f. 129b (Llyma ual ytreythir o ystorya pilatus ...) see ibid., f. 10; for f. 131 (The end ... of the Life of St Catherine) see ibid., f. 21; for f. 132 (Buched meir vadlen) and for f. 135b (Llyma weithyon vuched martha) see ibid., f. 26; for f. 137 (Purdan padric ...) see ibid., f. 58, but with verbal differences throughout. At f. 160 (Athrawon agawssant y geluydyt honn ...) note that in the older MSS the month Rhagfyr (December) comes before Tachwedd (November). For f. 160b (Argoelon y vlwydyn ...) cf. Peniarth MS 12, p. 124; for f. 163 (Dy gygor ath gyssul yw ...) see ibid., p. 125. For f. 164b (Llyma ual y treythir o gynghoreu catwn ...) cf. Peniarth MS 3, p. 31 and 27, ii (pp. 16-20). For f. 172b see Peniarth MS 14, pp. 1-20, omitting items under pp. 6, 7, 14; there are slight verbal differences in the text and a tendency to insert passages about the 'Catholic faith' and the 'virgin mother'. The end of the manuscript is missing: the final words are 'Lleidyr oed gynt . ae enw ebbo ... tebygu na ladyssei y magyl arnaw . yn y lle nessau attaw aorugant ar uedyr'. A letter dated at Talgarth on 19 September 1719 and addressed to 'the Rev. Moses Williams att Dyfynnog in Breconshire' is bound in at the end of the manuscript.

The 'Demetian Code' of Welsh laws

A manuscript containing the 'Demetian Code' of Welsh laws.
The text seems to follow pretty closely the text of the Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales (Vol. i, pp. 408, xv-590, l. 2).


Welsh poetry transcribed by Moses Williams from Llyfr Coch Hergest (the Red Book of Hergest), cols 1026, 1028-1031, 1034, 1039-1049-1056. At the end of the manuscript is a copy of a letter (f. 60), dated at Oxford, 7 September 1708, relating to the burning of Irish and British manuscripts by Jesuit missionaries in Brittany, 'excepting such as tended to Devotion'.

Moses Williams.

The poetical works of Edward ap Raff,

The poetical works of Edward ap Raff in the hand of Ifan ap John of Scorlegan [or Richard ap John according to the online Dictionary of National Biography (under heading for Richard ap John of Scorlegan)]. Many of the poems are dated. Pp. 1-2 contain poetry by Ieuan Tew Brydydd and Hywel ap Dafydd ab Ieuan ap Rhys.

Ifan ap John.


Poetry in praise of William Owen of Henllys (c. 1486-1574) and his son George Owen (c. 1552-1613), of George William Griffith (1584-1655?) of Penybenglog, Pembrokeshire and others. The text is in several hands; pp. 1-62 shows beautiful penmanship. Some of the poems are dated and several (Dafydd Emlyn (pp. 145, 161, 186), Dafydd Llwyd Mathew (pp. 149, 153), Gruffudd Hafren (p. 157), Harri Howel (p. 180), Robert Dyfi (p. 182), Siams Emlyn (p. 183) appear to be autograph. Pp. 129-136 are apparently in the autograph of R. Phillipp [Rhisiart Phylip]. Other cited poets include Iolo Goch, Dafydd Nanmor, Sion Mawddwy and Taliesin.

The poetical works of Lewis Glyn Cothi and Tudur Aled,

A manuscript containing the poetical works of Lewis Glyn Cothi, Tudur Aled, Tudur Penllyn, Sion Cent, Ieuan ap Tudur Penllyn, Rhys Cain and others. There is some controversy as to whether f. 137 contains work by Llewelyn ab Ieuan or by Deio ab Ieuan Du. The volume is labelled 'Odlau a Chywydda. A. 4°'.
Ff. i-ii, 137-143b are not in the same hand as the rest of the manuscript, and ff. 144b-146 are in a modern hand. Ff. 1-56 may be copied from Peniarth MS 109; the order of the poems is the same at first, but the readings do not always agree, and there are four poems in this manuscript which are not in Peniarth MS 109. Pp. 11-96 of Peniarth MS 77 are copied from this manuscript. William Salesbury or Sir T. Wiliems has written what looks like 'rhyderch ap Howel ap Dauyd' on f. 136b.


A manuscript containing poetry by Hywel Swrdwal, Siôn Cent, Iolo Goch, Dafydd ap Gwilym and others, including cywyddau by Dafydd ap Gwilym which are numbered in the text 1-244.
The manuscript is written in the same hand as that in Peniarth MSS 48 and 134 and Llywarch Reynolds MS. The leaves are in good condition. On pp. 565-580 is an index to the authors of the poems compiled by Richard Morris for William Jones, London, 1747.

Canlyniadau 41 i 60 o 201