- BMSS/39621.
- File
- 1918, Nov. 4.
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
Requests position details and current situation.
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Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
Requests position details and current situation.
Operation Order (Secret) between 4 battalions on the battlefield (Belgium, around Pilckem),
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
Locations; command to clean up trenches and dugouts; command to complete burials.
Map : ‘Reproduction of captured German Map with British grid superimposed.’ Northern France,
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
Indicates locations of trenches, dugout shafts, centres of machine gun resistance, wire, organised shell holes and rifle pits, damaged areas. Scale - 1:20000.
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
Regarding the liberation of the town by the allies and the union between the British and French. (Typed, in French).
Newspaper cutting : “Welsh Gallantry on Pilckem Ridge”,
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
‘H.M. Forces Overseas (in Uniform) Combined Leave and Railway Tickets’,
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
‘H.M. Forces Overseas (in Uniform) Combined Leave and Railway Tickets’ granted to Wheldon: (i.) First Class, from France to Senior Officer’s School, Aldershot; (ii.) First Class, from Llanberis to France; (iii.) First Class, from Llanberis to France.
Photograph of Major Wheldon with 3 other men in uniform [officers?], France,
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
German Prisoner of War Letter,
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
From [unknown] to ‘Josef Werner’, München, Bayern, Germany. The German Soldier speaks of how his camp was taken over by another regiment, and that he was left behind as he was not the best in the section. The enemy attacked, he was injured and was left in a ditch where the crew of an English tank found him. He was then taken through German artillery fire to an English Red Cross Aid post and then on to an English hospital in France where he states he was treated perfectly by the English.
Letters and Messages of Congratulations,
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
Letters and Messages of Congratulations from various correspondents to Major W.P. Wheldon on the receipt of his D.S.O. (Distinguished Service Order): (i.) Blackader, C.G., Major General; (ii.) Hugh Jones, Sergeant, 14th Battn.; (iii.) H. (?) Davies; (iv.) S. Tucker, 14th Battn. RWF; (v.) Huw Pryce-Jones, G.H.Q.; (vi.) E.S. Anton, C.S.M., B. Coy.; (vii.) G. Banks; (viii.) E. Uniacke; (ix.) H. Egerton, J. Rausing, J. Ivor Williams; (x.) J.E. Lloyd, Secretary & Registrar, UCNW; (xi.) Harry Reichel, Principal, UCNW.
Map of South East of Cambrai, Northern France (Bohain area),
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
Indicates enemy trenches and organisation. Scale – 1:20000.
Map of Louvignies-Quesnoy, Northern France (near the Belgian border),
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
Indicates: British Front Line, points of likely resistance, lines of rifle pits or organised shell holes.
Map of Engelfontaine, France (on fragile tracing paper),
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
Indicates objectives, hazards, inter-battalion boundaries and battalion assembly areas.
Map of Englefontaine, Northern France,
Part of Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon,
Displays enemy dispositions. Scale – 1:20000.
U.C.N.W. (University College of North Wales) Collection of Papers relating to the First World War,
Letter from J.E. Lloyd, Secretary and Registrar, UCNW,
Part of U.C.N.W. (University College of North Wales) Collection of Papers relating to the First World War,
Letter from J.E. Lloyd, Secretary and Registrar, UCNW, to an unknown recipient, regarding the fact that ‘no teacher will be called up for service until his employees have had an opportunity of appealing against his removal.’
Letter from the Secretary of the Ministry of National Service, Westminster,
Part of U.C.N.W. (University College of North Wales) Collection of Papers relating to the First World War,
Letter from the Secretary of the Ministry of National Service, Westminster, to the Deans of the Medical Schools in Great Britain, regarding the National Service Instruction, No. 35 (BMSS/39671).
Letter and Circular 1054 regarding the military service of tutors,
Part of U.C.N.W. (University College of North Wales) Collection of Papers relating to the First World War,
(i.) Letter from the Secretary of the Welsh Department, Board of Education, to Prof. J.E. Lloyd, UCNW. Regarding the Military Service of Tutors, 24 July 1918; (ii.) Circular 1054, L.A. Selby-Bigge. Regarding the Military Service of Tutors, 19 July 1918.