The 1976 group comprises autobiographical data, reminiscences and impressions of Aberystwyth, 1900-1904, recollections of Welsh colleagues, correspondence, 1951-1967, notes and working papers, 1904-1910, notes and drawings for lectures, 1906-1907, copies of addresses, slides, maps, and ordnance survey charts of Aberystwyth, 1905 and 1912; brief manuscript and typescript account of life in the Channel Islands under German occupation during World War II mainly Guernsey, 1944-1954; letters of condolence to Mrs. Fleure; cash books, 1869-1914, which, for the period 1869-89, was kept by Fleure's father; research papers and correspondence relating to the distribution of blood groups in the United Kingdom, with particular reference to Wales. The 1982 group comprises the research notes of Herbert John Fleure, 1966-1967, mainly concerned with the distribution of blood groups in the United Kingdom, with special reference to Wales, comprising notes and drafts for Ada C. Kopc, The Distribution of the Blood Groups in the United Kingdom (London, 1970), lecture notes of Dr. Kopc, 1963-1965, and offprints of articles by Elizabeth S. Brown and I. Morgan Watkin, 1963-1967; correspondence, 1963-1968, mainly from Ada C. Kopc, A.E. Mourant and R.A. Pelham; miscellaneous papers and correspondence on the archaeology of the Channel Islands, Cornwall and Devon, 1963-1965.
Fleure, H. J. (Herbert John), 1877-1969