Lampeter (Wales) Grammar School, education at, 1854-8, pupil's account of, NLW MS 22705A, ff. 34-9 Education at, 1859, pupil's account of, NLW MS 22705A, ff. 49-50



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Lampeter (Wales) Grammar School, education at, 1854-8, pupil's account of, NLW MS 22705A, ff. 34-9 Education at, 1859, pupil's account of, NLW MS 22705A, ff. 49-50

Termau cyfwerth

Lampeter (Wales) Grammar School, education at, 1854-8, pupil's account of, NLW MS 22705A, ff. 34-9 Education at, 1859, pupil's account of, NLW MS 22705A, ff. 49-50

Termau cysylltiedig

Lampeter (Wales) Grammar School, education at, 1854-8, pupil's account of, NLW MS 22705A, ff. 34-9 Education at, 1859, pupil's account of, NLW MS 22705A, ff. 49-50

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Lampeter (Wales) Grammar School, education at, 1854-8, pupil's account of, NLW MS 22705A, ff. 34-9 Education at, 1859, pupil's account of, NLW MS 22705A, ff. 49-50

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

Memorandum book

  • NLW MS 22705A
  • Ffeil
  • 1852-1859

Memorandum book, 1852-9, of Evan Davies Jones, Esgergraig, Betws Ifan, co. Cardigan, containing a brief account of his education at Glynarthen School, Adpar Academy, Lampeter Grammar School, and St David's College, Lampeter, 1848-59, and of books read; monetary accounts, 1850-7, including details of books purchased from John Richards Davies, printer and bookseller, Newcastle Emlyn and Thomas Evans, bookseller, Carmarthen (ff. 2-6, 14-15); miscellaneous memoranda and verse in Welsh and English.