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Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury receipt

A document, dated 8 October 1645, bearing the signature of the poet and philosopher Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury, acknowledging receipt of his 'weeklie allowance' of £10 from Thomas ffauconberge [Fauconberg or Fauconbridge], Esq., Receiver General of the Public Revenue.
The receipt also contains the signatures of two witnesses, including Matth[ew] Clay. Although Herbert had been granted a weekly pension of £20 by Parliament the previous February the present receipt is for only half that amount, possibly on account of a warrant of 6 June cited in the receipt.

Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648

Legal Matters,

Correspondence, papers, printed matter and press cuttings on a number of subjects of legal interest including human rights, 1974-85, the London Welsh School Appeal, 1983-84, the Labour Defence and Disarmament Group, pensions policies, the establishment of 'black sections' within the Labour Party, the Labour Party campaign against the Community Charge, and a wide range of other subjects of legal interest.

London Welsh School.