Ffeil Peniarth MS 161 [RESTRICTED ACCESS]. - Rheolau cerdd dafod,

Open original Gwrthrych digidol

Ardal dynodi

Cod cyfeirnod



Rheolau cerdd dafod,


  • [16-17 cent.] (Creation)

Lefel y disgrifiad


Maint a chyfrwng

46 ff. (ff. i-iv + pp. 1-84) ; 199 x 146 to 150 mm. Formerly ‘sewn in limp vellum’ [RMWL]. Rebound at NLW. A hole in the lower part of pp. 57-84 increases in size as the manuscript progresses; by p. 84 most of the lower half of pages are missing. Folio iv is a vellum wrapper of [19 cent.].

Ardal cyd-destun

Hanes archifol

On f. iv are notes on the manuscript by W.W.E. Wynne.


Ardal cynnwys a strwythur

Natur a chynnwys

A composite manuscript probably made up from unbound fragments, on different paper stocks. Comprising:
(i) pp. 1-2: A leaf containing on p. 1 a grammar in the hand of Siôn Cain.
(ii) pp. 3-56: A compilation on bardic grammar, evidently a personal draft, in the hand of Rhys Cain, largely corresponding to the grammars of Gutun Owain and Simwnt Fychan [Gramadegau’r Penceirddiaid, eds G.J. Williams and E.J. Jones (Caerdydd, 1934), p. lvi]; the section ‘Y beiau gwaharddedig’ (pp. 33-40) is printed from here in Gramadegau’r Penceirddiaid, pp. 194-6.
(iii) pp. 57-84: All in the later hand of John Davies of Mallwyd [not before 1617, since there are references to his collection of Lewys Glyn Cothi, London, British Library, Additional MS 14871]. Includes: quotations from the Cywyddwyr, classified to exemplify beiau and questionable cases (‘edrych y rhain’) (pp. 57-68); quotations from the Cywyddwyr exemplifying words, alphabetically arranged (pp. 69-77); further quotations (pp. 80-1); notes, with folio references, to his collections of poetry (p. 84). All leaves of this part have suffered damage by rodents.

Gwerthuso, dinistrio ac amserlennu


System o drefniant

Ardal amodau mynediad a defnydd

Amodau rheoli mynediad

Access to the original manuscript by authorised permission only. Readers are directed to use surrogate copies.

Amodau rheoli atgynhyrchu

Usual copyright laws apply.

Iaith y deunydd

Sgript o ddeunydd

Nodiadau iaith a sgript


Cyflwr ac anghenion technegol

Cymhorthion chwilio

A detailed list of the manuscript's contents may be found in J. Gwenogvryn Evans, Report on Manuscripts in the Welsh Language, vol. I (London, 1898-1905), 947-948.

Description based on Daniel Huws, A Repertory of Manuscripts and Scribes c.800-c.1800 (Aberystwyth, 2022), I, 403.

Cymorth chwilio a gynhyrchir

Ardal deunyddiau perthynol

Bodolaeth a lleoliad y gwreiddiol

Bodolaeth a lleoliad copïau

Digital version available https://hdl.handle.net/10107/6108196 (November 2023)

Available on microfilm at the Library.

Unedau o ddisgrifiad cysylltiedig

Disgrifiadau cysylltiedig

Ardal nodiadau


Formerly Hengwrt MS 267.


Preferred citation: Peniarth MS 161 [RESTRICTED ACCESS].


Title based on contents.

Dynodwr(dynodwyr) eraill

Virtua system control number


Pwyntiau mynediad

Pwyntiau mynediad pwnc

Pwyntiau mynediad lleoedd

Pwyntiau mynediad Enw

Pwyntiau mynediad Genre

Ardal rheolaeth disgrifiad

Dynodwr disgrifiad

Dynodwr sefydliad

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales

Rheolau a/neu confensiynau a ddefnyddiwyd


Lefel manylder disgrifiad

Dyddiadau creadigaeth adolygiad dilead

October 2023.




Nodyn yr archifydd

Description revised by Maredudd ap Huw.

Gwrthrych digidol (External URI) ardal hawliau

Gwrthrych digidol (Reference) ardal hawliau

Gwrthrych digidol (Thumbnail) ardal hawliau

Ardal derbyn

Pynciau cysylltiedig

Pobl a sefydliadau cysylltiedig

Genres cysylltiedig

Lleoedd cysylltiedig

Storfa ffisegol

  • Microform: $h - MEICRO PENIARTH MS 161.
  • Text: Peniarth MS 161 [RESTRICTED ACCESS]; $q - A hole at the bottom of pp. 57-84 increases in size as the manuscript progresses; by p. 84 most of the bottom half of the page is missing.; $z - Access to the original manuscript by authorised permission only. Readers are directed to use surrogate copies..