Church records and registers -- Wales -- Darowen



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Church records and registers -- Wales -- Darowen

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Church records and registers -- Wales -- Darowen

Termau cysylltiedig

Church records and registers -- Wales -- Darowen

2 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Church records and registers -- Wales -- Darowen

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

Transcripts from Montgomeryshire parish registers, &c.,

Transcripts of miscellaneous entries of baptisms, marriages, and burials from the parish registers of Cemmes, Mallwyd, Machynlleth, Penegoes, Trefeglwys, Llanwnog, and Darowen; genealogical notes and extracts relating to individual families, e.g., Tibbott of Llanbrynmair, Swancott of Trefeglwys and Llanwnog, and Bowen of Trefeglwya; lists of Bennett marriages, burials, and baptisms, 1631/2-1859, from the parish registers of Trefeglwys, Llanbrynmair, Llanidloes, Llangurig, Carno, and Llandinam; transcripts of miscellaneous memorial inscriptions; extracts from printed matter; etc.

Montgomeryshire genealogical extracts, &c.,

Extracts (seventeenth-nineteenth century), largely of baptisms, marriages, and burials from the parish registers of Tref[eglwys], Ll[anbryn-ma]ir, Darowen, Llandinam, Carno, Llanegryn, Towyn, and Llanfrothen, relating to individual families, e.g., Benbow of Trefeglwys, Ashton of Trefeglwys, Wilson of Llandinam, Trefeglwys, and Carno, Evans of Tref-eglwys, Brees of Trefeglwys, Jones of Llanbryn-mair, etc.