Court records Extracts from court rolls and presentments, NLW MSS 5209-5215 -- Wales -- Glamorgan



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Court records Extracts from court rolls and presentments, NLW MSS 5209-5215 -- Wales -- Glamorgan

Termau cyfwerth

Court records Extracts from court rolls and presentments, NLW MSS 5209-5215 -- Wales -- Glamorgan

Termau cysylltiedig

Court records Extracts from court rolls and presentments, NLW MSS 5209-5215 -- Wales -- Glamorgan

6 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Court records Extracts from court rolls and presentments, NLW MSS 5209-5215 -- Wales -- Glamorgan

6 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Glamorgan Manors

One of seven volumes of printed and manuscript collectanea by G. T. Clark relating to manors in Glamorgan. They include extracts from surveys, court rolls and presentments, and rent rolls, whilst in some of the volumes Clark has incorporated transcripts and notes by William Davies, Cringell.

Glamorgan Manors

One of seven volumes of printed and manuscript collectanea by G. T. Clark relating to manors in Glamorgan. They include extracts from surveys, court rolls and presentments, and rent rolls, whilst in some of the volumes Clark has incorporated transcripts and notes by William Davies, Cringell.

Glamorgan Manors

One of seven volumes of printed and manuscript collectanea by G. T. Clark relating to manors in Glamorgan. They include extracts from surveys, court rolls and presentments, and rent rolls, whilst in some of the volumes Clark has incorporated transcripts and notes by William Davies, Cringell.

Glamorgan Manors

One of seven volumes of printed and manuscript collectanea by G. T. Clark relating to manors in Glamorgan. They include extracts from surveys, court rolls and presentments, and rent rolls, whilst in some of the volumes Clark has incorporated transcripts and notes by William Davies, Cringell.

Glamorgan Manors

One of seven volumes of printed and manuscript collectanea by G. T. Clark relating to manors in Glamorgan. They include extracts from surveys, court rolls and presentments, and rent rolls, whilst in some of the volumes Clark has incorporated transcripts and notes by William Davies, Cringell.

Glamorgan Manors

One of seven volumes of printed and manuscript collectanea by G. T. Clark relating to manors in Glamorgan. They include extracts from surveys, court rolls and presentments, and rent rolls, whilst in some of the volumes Clark has incorporated transcripts and notes by William Davies, Cringell.