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Giraldus, Cambrensis, 1146?-1223? Snowdon (Wales) English
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Miscellaneous correspondence,

Ninety-nine miscellaneous holograph and other letters:- Daines Barrington, London, to John Strange in Venice [late 18th cent.] (introducing Mr. [John] Lloyd of Hafodunos, F.R.S., stones at Towen and on top of Caderydris, Lloyd's knowledge of North Wales as a fossilist); Godfrey Bingley to Lady Jackson, London, undated (two bonds for £50 apiece); [George Booth, 2nd earl of] Warrington, Dunham [Massey, co. Chester], to . . ., 1700-1708/9 (2) (a request for certain deeds, comments relating to the king of France, a deed relating to the advowson of [the church of] Thornton [co. ]); R. [Byerley] to Lady Jackson, London, undated (financial and legal matters); John Calvert, London, to ? Tho[ma]s Kyffin, 1774 (instruments ordered by squire Jones, an account for the same, a request for specimens of ? moths from the Snowdon area, recipient's possible election to ? the Aurelian Society); Walt[er] Clopton, [ ]nant, to . . ., 1686/7 (points concerning a lease); Joseph Duke, Chester, to John Lloyd, Havedunos [sic], 1767 (an account for goods bought) (endorsed with receipts); Will[ia]m Eccles, Manchester, to Hugh Roberts, Mold, [18]22 (legal matters) (copy); R. Edwards, London, to . . ., 1748-1750 (3) (business and financial transactions, mention of ships from India and of the African Company); Samuel Edwards, Newport, to Mr. Warne, 1682 (financial matters); [Sir] G[eorge] Shuckburgh Evelyn [6th bart.], Shuckburgh Park [co. Warwick], to Nath[anie]l Jones, Wygfair, 1795 (enquiries about J[ohn] Lloyd of Wygfair who had gone to Ireland to see newly discovered gold mines); J[oh]n Foulkes, Wrexham, to the Rev[eren]d B. C. Conway, Lower Soughton, Northop, 1832 (enclosing a copy of an opinion by John Jervis of the Middle Temple dated 1832, and of a letter by the present writer to the Rev[eren]d Dr. Howard relating to a case ?concerning an obstruction on Soughton highway); T[homas] Gaisford, [dean of] Ch[rist] Ch[urch, Oxford], to the Rev[eren]d Archdeacon Jones, 1832 (the examination of Mr. Howard ? for admission to Christ Church) (addressed to Reverend Dr. Howard, Mold); John Garnons, Rhiwgoch, to Miss Gwynne [the writer's grand-daughter] at Havodunos, 1780 ( personal); Rob[er]t F[ ] Greville, Great Cumberland Street [ ], to . . ., 1803 (the work being done by Sir R[ichar]d [Colt] Hoare [2nd bart.] on a translation of Giraldus Cambrensis [The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin Through Wales . . . by Giraldus de Barri. Trans . . . by Sir Richard Colt Hoare, London, 1806], attempts to identify places such as Hilcuria, Castrum Isabelis, etc., mentioned by Giraldus, queries re copper works near the summit of Snowdon, news of acquaintances); Ralph Griffith, Chester, to Charles Owen, Toke's Court, London, 1760-1762 (2) (legal matters including the Grosvenor v. Swymmer case [See NLW MSS 12438-12439E above]), and to Mr. Pardoe, 1767 (bills relating to the Mold cause) (draft); Will[ ia]m Griffith to the Rev[eren]d Mr. Rich[ar]d Griffith, Carnarvon, 1751-1752 (3) (financial matters in connection with a legacy to the writer from his mother); J. Haggersten, Berwick, to Edward Burdet, Holborne, London, [ ] 82 (personal and financial matters); Mr. Hay, St. Asaph, to Mr. Lloyd [ early 19th cent.] (a list of tokens the writer wished to collect) (in third person); J. Holland to . . ., 1810 (recommending a tenant for Havodynnos); R. W. Howard, Eton College, to his mother, undated (the writer's activities at Eton); Richard Howard, Llanrhaiadr, to Arthur Roberts, Mold, solicitor, 1847 (legal matters) (copy); Ow[en] Hughes, Bewmares, to Dr. Andrew Birch at Gwyder, 1679 (purchasers for lands in Merionythshire, Penmachno and Treflan); John Humffreys to Mrs. Vaughan of Caergay at Havodynnos, 1706/7 (financial matters); John Humffreys, Llanvyllin, to Mrs. Vaughan of Caergai at Eyarth, near Llanver, 1737/8 (an interview with Mr. Mainwaring concerning Caergai); Dauid Jones, Sallop, to . . ., 1637/8 (personal); Jos. Jones, Mold, to Mr. Griffiths, 1761 ( losses suffered owing to the [Mold mountain] dispute) (copy); Richard Jones, Carnarvon, to . . ., 1758 (business affairs); S[amuel] Jones, Kilken, to Watkin Williams, Penbedw, 1770 (a protest concerning the toll gate at the west end of the town of Mold) (endorsed with a reply from Will[iam] Lloyd, Maesmynan) (?both copies); W[illia]m Jones, Llan-fihangel, to Mr. Goodman, attorney, Anglesea, 1779-1784 (2) (a dispute with Mr. Howard concerning lands and rents, land at Trefriw); J[oh]n Langley, junior, London, to Jns. Williams, attorney, Mould, 1680 (queries concerning the estate of Sir Richard Langley, deceased, in Mould), and to Thomas Williams, Mould, 1680 (queries concerning ?the same estate as in the previous letter ); C. Lloyd, Wellow [near Bath], to the Rev[eren]d Ben[jamin] Conway Potter, Soughton, Northop, 1819 (the death of Dr. Griffith, news of acquaintances, activities in Frome); Dauid Lloyd, Southwark, to John Lloyd of Wickwer, 1673 (a journey by Sir Euan Lloyd, the captain of the writer's company, into Wales, to recruit forty men, a projected crossing into Holland with 15,000 foot men) (endorsed with a note by J. Ll. who had opened the letter by mistake); Eliza. Lloyd, Rhu . . ., to . . ., undated (enquiries concerning the Vaughan family); Ellis Lloyd, Pen Lan, to. . ., 1687/8 (legal affairs); Robert Lloyd to [Richard Nanney], 1609 (arrangements for a meeting and the delivery of a letter from Captain Salisbury) (endorsed with recipient's reply); M. Lockhart to . . ., undated (recommending Mr. Pauling); Geo[rge] Lowe, Chester, to Mr. Howard, 1756 (legal matters); H. M., to . . ., 1737 (personal); [Kenneth Mackenzie, 1st earl of] Seaforth [Ireland], Calais, to [Daniel Charles Solander], 1777 (a request that Mr. Lloyd should have any of the writer's books which were in recipient's custody); Edw[ard] Mainwaring, Wrexham, to John Edwards at Pen y Lan, 1680/1 (financial matters); M. Mainwaring, Whitmore, to Mrs. Vaughan at Eyarth, 1737 (the ? secret marriage of recipient's daughter); W. Manley, Temple, to Messrs. Phillips and Ellis, attorneys, Ruthin, 1796 (legal matters); T. Trevor Mather, Pentreholn [? Pentre-hobin ], to Mr. Richards, Holywell, 1803 (the fencing of an allotment on Mold mountain) (continued)

J. Montagu to . . ., 1706 (the taxing of vaults taken out of streets); Arth[ur] Newcomen to Tho[mas] Williams, Bronkoed, near Mould, [16]99 and undated (2) (dilapidations at Argitt, orders from Lord Derby [? William George Richard Stanley, 18th earl of Derby] re letting Argit, a request for a rent roll); C. Owen, Took's (Toke's) Court [London], to Tho[ma]s Owen, attorney, Mold, 1754 (legal matters), to Ralp[h] Griffith, attorney, Chester, 1756 (enclosing a copy of an order for viewing the area in dispute in the Grosvenor v. Swymmer suit [See NLW MSS 12438-12439E above ]), to Mrs. Trevor in Berkeley Square [ ], 1761 (arranging a meeting, non-payment of a bill by Ralph Griffith), and to . . ., 1762 (legal matters relating ?to the Grosvenor v. Vincent suit) (copy); Robert Pardoe, Lincoln's Inn, to Mr. Boydell, 1763 (the expenses in the [Grosvenor v. Vincent suit]); Tho[ma]s W. Partington to Mr. Griffith, 1756 (notification that the Grosvenor v. Swymmer case would be tried in Michaelmas term ); [ ] Paynter, Chelsea, to . . ., 1744 (the death of Cad[walad]r W[ illia]ms, who had served on board the ships Shrewsbury and Suffolk, in 1743, and pay due to him); Thomas Pennant, Downing [co. Flint], to the Hon. Daines Barrington, 1773 (the measuring ? of mountains in Snowdonia by ? [Jean André] De Luc, whom Pennant had met in Geneva, a request for goatskins, a letter from [ ] Forster, Pennant's intention of writing to [Charles] Linnaeus, a proposed journey) (endorsed with a note from D[aines] Barrington forwarding the letter to ?John Lloyd with a request for the Gwyder pedigree); Henry Perkins, Chester, to Mrs. Eliz. Jones at Trecastell, 1750 (financial); Prof[essor] M[arc] A[uguste] Pictet, professor of nat[ural] phil[osophy] at Geneva, to [Sir Joseph Banks], 1805 (the application of [John] Hadley's sextant for observing the meridian transit of the celestial bodies); W[illiam] Pitt, Downing Street [London], to. . ., 1799 (the decision to assemble parliament in order to propose a bill re the militia volunteers); John Price to . . ., undated (personal); M. Price, London, to Mr. Ing . . .y, senior, at Fearn, near Holywell, to . . ., and to Mr. Jones of Mold Mountain, 1763 (requests for payment of bills due in respect of the Mold cause); J[oh]n Roberts, Denbigh, to . . ., undated (legal matters); Domingos Rodrigues, Tellichery [India], to . . ., 1743 (commercial matters); Robert Roper to Robert Foulks, Chester, [1]703 (the letting of ? Argoed on behalf of the representatives of the late earl of Derby [William George Richard Stanley, 18th earl]); [Hew Sempill, 12th baron] Sempill, Lyons, to Mons[ieu]r Vaughan at Montpellier, 1736/7 (personal); Rob[er]t Sherbrooke to Lady Jackson, Lincoln Inn feilds, London , [16]93 (personal); Rich[ar]d R. Short, Lichf[iel]d, to Mrs. Margarett Griffith of Caraglwydd, at Carnarvon, 1774 (personal); Arch[ibald] Spark, London, to Mrs. Kathrine Lewys at her house near Northop, 1683/4 (personal ); John Tho[ma]s Stanley, Penrhos, to . . ., 1816 (the death of the writer's mother, Lady Stanley); Henry Swymmer, Bristol, to Mrs. Margit Owen, Mold, 1761 (arrangements in connection with a court leet); Henry Swymmer and Edw[ ar]d Lloyd, Mold, to Sir Rich[ar]d Grosvenor [7th bart., created baron Grosvenor of Eaton, co. Chester, 1761, and viscount Belgrave, co. Chester, and earl Grosvenor, 1784] at Eaton, 1756 (informing recipient that Mr. Swymmer (not the writer) would not take advantage of his privilege if the case [Grosvenor v. Swymmer] proceeded to trial); H. T. to . . ., 1683/4 (personal); Rob[er]t Tamberlain, Flint, to John Williams, Lincoln's Inn, London, 1763 (? legal matters); Maurice Trygarn, London, to . . ., 1669 (legal points relating to the outlawry of John Foulkes and others); H. Ussher to the Rev[eren]d Dr. W. Richardson, Portrush, near Coleraine [late 18th cent.] (introducing Mr. [John] Loyd of the Royal Society who was 'going to the Causeway in pursuit of natural history, thence to Ila and Staffa'); A. Vaughan to Miss Vaughan at Kensington, 1736 (personal); Evan Vaughan to John Vaughan, high sheriff of the county of Merioneth, 1670 ( legal); [? M.] Vaughan to [? Lady Mainwaring], undated (? the secret marriage of the writer's daughter); L. W., to Henry Lloyd near Bedford Row, London, 1745/6 (personal, soldiers quartered in the village and at Bromley ); W. Wake and John Spencer, Bombay [India], to Richard Edwards and Robert Nanny, 1747 (2) (the death of Hugh Howard and matters relating to the settling of his estate in India); John Wilkin, Office of Woods and Forests [London], to T. T. Mathew [? Mather], Pentrehobbin, Mold, 1830 (the purchase by Mr. Conway of encroachments on Soughton common, the sale of the tolls of Northop and the crown rents on the Wigfair estate); E. Bulk[ eley] Will[ia]ms, Baronhill [Anglesey], to Miss Griffiths at Carnarvon, undated (personal); [Sir] Wat[kin] W[illia]ms Wynn [3rd bart. after 1740], Downing Street [ ], to Hedd Lloyd at Havod ynos, 1738 (the loan of a chair to recipient who was suffering from gout), and to John Lloyd at Havodynos, 1743/4 (an approach to [Peregrine Bertie, 3rd] duke of Ancaster , ? on behalf of recipient, strained relations between the writer and the Ancaster family owing to his having inherited Wynnstay, concern about recipient's brother How[ar]d, the possibility of purchasing a commission ? for Howard, the writer's lack of influence with people in power since the success of the Denbigh petition, the advisability of deferring [the question of the commission] until they saw which of the competitors Lord [John] Carteret [2nd baron Carteret of Hawnes, co. Bedford, and later 2nd viscount Carteret and earl Granville] or Mr. [Henry] Pelham prevailed); [Sir] Wat[kin] W[illia]ms Wynn [4th bart.], Wynnstay, to . . ., 1774 (the writer's inability to visit the Vale owing to the dissolution of parliament, the decision of Sir Lynch [Salusbury] Cotton [4th bart. of Combermere, co. Chester, and Llewenny, co. Denbigh] not to offer himself for election [as member of parliament for the county of Denbigh] in the forthcoming election, the writer's hopes of securing 'the voice of this county', a request for support on election day 19 October); [Sir] W[atkin] W[illia]ms Wynn [? 5th bart.], to . . ., undated (2) (news of acquaintances, expectations of an heir at Coed Coch, hopes that Garthewin would follow suit, visits with Lord Darnley [? John Bligh, 4th earl of Darnley, co. Meath] to the tower on Cyrn y Brain, angles taken and observations made by ? Col[onel] [ ] Madge from the site of the tower, mention of Sir J[oseph] Banks, a report of a water spout above Rhiwedog); and Robert] Wynne, St. Asaph, to Hedd Lloyd at Havodunos [late 17th cent.] (enclosing a copy of the will of Catherine Vaughan of Hirdrevaig, co. Anglisey, dated 23 November 1691).

Letters, vol. I,

A volume made up of correspondence, poetry, printed items, etc. The letters, about one hundred and six in number, 1786-1806, are addressed (except where otherwise stated) to William Owen [-Pughe], and the correspondents, in alphabetical order, are the following: p. 505, Mary Belk, French Gate, Doncaster, 1805 (1, to Mrs. Owen) (mention of visions of Mrs. Southcott, etc.); p. 443, Edward Charles ['Siamas Wynedd'], London, n.d. (1) (he wishes to subscribe to the dictionary, a series of twelve 'englynion' ('Molawd y llyfr')); p. 471, Wm. Cunnington, Heytesbury, 1806 ( 1) (an account of Marden or Merden between Devizes and Everly [sic]); p. 278, J[ohn] Daniel, [Carmarthen, 1793] (1) (a note re copies ordered of the dictionary); pp. 239, 241, 245, Edwd. Davies, Sodbury, 1792 (2, and 'Scheme of an Essay on the History of the Bards') (sending a paraphrase of Taliesin's elegy on the death of Owain son of Urien prince of Reged); p. 470, Hugh Davies, Beaumares, 1806 (1) (mention of the abridgement of the addressee's great work, he has nearly completed the trifle containing the account of the British names of plants, a gout prescription); pp. 219, 273, 291, 501, Walter Davies, 'Gwallter Mechain', All Souls Col[lege], Oxford, and Myfod,1793-1805 and undated (4, one to Owen Jones) (the addressee's dictionary, the Cylchgrawn, re the return of Owen Jones's books, the writer's work in connection with the S.P.C.K. Welsh Bible, he is setting off for South Wales owing to Iolo [Morganwg]'s strange conduct); p. 163, G[eorge] Ellis, London, [1803] (1) (mention of Walter Scott, the Mabinogion, Leyden's opinion); p. 155, W[illiam] Gunn, Irstead, Norwich, 1803 (1) (the illness of his eldest daughter, requesting further assistance in identifying the British cities of Nennius, the 'Vindication of the Celts' by the addressee's friend); pp. 483, 488, 491, Richd. Hoare, [1805] (2, and a list of persons and places mentioned in the Hirlas poem) (various queries re Giraldus); pp. 281, 379, John Jones, curate of Llangadfan, Llangadfan, 1790 and [1793] (2) (the specimen of the addressee's dictionary, a request concerning a near relation (a girl) who is anxious to come to London); pp. 255, 263, 288 ('englynion'), 381, 439, Thomas Jones, Colommendy, Corwen, Llanrhaiadr in Mochant [sic], and Excise Office, Bristol, 1789-1795 (4, two to Edward Jones ['Bardd y Brenin']) (sending 'penillion' (enclosure wanting), the Bala Eisteddfod (1789), the St. Asaph Eisteddfod (1790), the addressee's proposed dictionary, chance and not choice has brought him to Bristol for two years, mention of John Evans, the Penmorfa Eisteddfod (1795), a young Quaker in Bristol (unnamed), the writer's health); pp. 267, 282, 289, 301, 303, 311, 339, 343, 367, 371, 373, 377, (?)387, 415, Will[iam] Jones, 'Cadfan' or 'Gwilym Cadfan', Llangadfan, 1789-1794 (13 and an address) (words for the dictionary, emigration, autobiographical details, an address 'To all indigenous Cam- brobritons', mention of Ezeckiel Hughes, etc.); p. 345, John Lloyd [Holywell postmark, 1790] (1) (hints concerning the specimen of the addressee's dictionary, subscribers' names); pp. 495, 497, Tho[mas] Lloyd, North Walsham, 1805 (2) (requesting translations of passages (specified) in the 'Wisdom of the Cymri [sic]', Iolo Morgannwg [sic] and the History of the Bards, the Welsh Archaiology); p. 385, Thomas Owans, New Inn, Llanrwst, 1791 (1, to Owen Jones) (a letter to the Gwyneddigion in London mentioning the Llanrwst Eisteddfod and hoping they will be no less assiduous in caring for the work of the old poets, reference to the manuscripts of Dafydd Sion, 'Dewi Fardd', at Trefriw, and to a manuscript of Welsh poetry belonging to Thomas Holland of Manchester, son of John Holland of Te[i]rdan in the parish of Llan-Elian yn rhos, co. Denbigh, his own circumstances); p. 159, Jane Owen, Nassau, New Providence, 1801 (1) ( her plight following the death of John Owen, with a cutting headed 'The Bahama Gazette', 16 Oct. 1801); pp. 285, 295, Richard Powel, 'Y Bardd Glas o'r Gader', Yspytty Ifan, 1793-1794 (2, one to [Thomas Jones, Llanrhaiadr y Mochnant]) (he has not yet received the medal, items of poetry addressed to Thomas Jones, William Owen [-Pughe], and [David Thomas] 'D. Ddu o Eryri '); pp. 277, 307, Morg[a]n J[ohn] Rhees, Carmarthen and Philadelphia, 1793 and 1796 (2 and a printed prospectus of the Cambrian Company); (continued)

pp. 349, 353, 403, 461, W[illiam] Richards, Lynn, 1790-1803 (4) (the addressee's proposed dictionary, the Welsh Indians, how he relinquished his design of compiling a small Welsh dictionary for the use of Gwŷr Dyfed chiefly, mention of three bungling Welsh dictionaries now set on foot); p. 271, Evan Richardson [i.e. Evan Pritchard], 'Ieuan ab Risiart alias Ieuan Llyn', Bryncroes, [17]93 (1) (wishing to know the price of the addressee's dictionary, whether to come to London); pp. 465, 467, 479, Griffith Roberts Senior, Surgeon &c., Dolgelley, 1804 (3) (intelligence that his son Jhon [sic] Roberts is dead, the writer's MSS); pp. 447, 449, D[avid] Samwell, 'D. Feddyg Du', [1797] (2) (the printed proclamation [of the (1798) Caerwys Eisteddfod]); pp. 249, 275, 313, 318, 319, 321, 325, 329, 333, 335, 357, 389, 393, 397, 419, 423, 427, 431, 435, 455, 457, David ( Dafydd) Thomas, 'Dafydd Ddu Eryri', writing from Waunfawr, Llanddeiniolen, Bettws Garmon, Caernarfon, Llanystumdwy, Plas Gwyn, Llanfair Bettws Geraint, and Amlwch, 1786-1798 (21) (literary matters, etc., including the intention of the writer and others to form a society called 'Eryron' (Snowdonians), Barddoniaeth Dafydd ab Guilym, draft proposals for printing 'A Guide to the British Language' by H. & D. Thomas, a draft title-page, etc., for 'Awdlau ar destynau Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion i'r Eisteddfodau B. A. 1789, 1790, 1791 . . . gan Dafydd Ddu o'r Eryri', and items of poetry); p. 509, G[eorge] Thomson, Edinburgh, 1805 (1) (to Thomas Johnes, see NLW MS 13223C, p. 257) (a request for original Welsh airs, to be harmonized by Haydn); p. 399, John Walters, Cowbridge, 1790 (1) (re the specimen of the addressee's dictionary); and pp. 11, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 49, 53, 55, 59, 63, 67, 71, 75, 79, 83, 87, 91, 95, 99, 103, 107, 111, 115, 119, 123, 127, 131, 135, 139, 143, 147, 151, Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg', writing mainly from Flimston but also from London, Llanrwst, Hafod Uchtryd, Cowbridge, and Gileston, 1788-1806 (33) (literary and personal matters). Some items of poetry are to be found in the letters (see under the names Edward Charles, Edward Davies, William Jones, Richard Powel, and David Thomas). At the beginning of the volume, pp. 3-10, 15-24, are a number of 'cywyddau' attributed to Dafydd ap Gwilym, with notes. These are in the autograph of Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg', and they include the poems now known as 'Cywyddau'r Ychwanegiad'. Also in the volume are poetical compositions, some holograph, by Goronwy Owen (pp. 199-218, 451-3), and Lewis Morris, 'Llewelyn Ddu' (pp. 221-33), and instances of the work of the following poets: Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg' (pp. 43-5, ?523-4, holograph), William Philyp [sic] (pp. 170-1), William Wynn, Person Llan- Gynhafal (pp. 189-96), Edm[un]d Price, Archiagon Meirionydd (pp. 197-8), Ieuan ap Hywel Swrdwal or Ieuan ap Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd (pp. 235-7), [David Thomas], 'D[afydd] Dd[u] Er[yri]' (pp. 253-4, holograph), D. Pugh (pp. 529- 30), Robert Davies, Nantglyn (pp. 535-8), Jo. Davies ['Siôn Dafydd Las'] (p. 548), and 'Owen ap loan', Caer-gybi (pp. 553-6) with anonymous pieces on pp. 517-8 and 561-8. Miscellaneous items include the following: pp. 173-84, a transcript in the autograph of Evan Evans, 'Ieuan Fardd' or 'Ieuan Brydydd Hir', of the 'Mirabilia' associated with the 'Historia Brittonum' and of c. 57-66 of the Historia (cf. NLW MS 7011D, pp. 202-12, and NLW MS 1982 (Panton 13), ff. 42 verso-58 recto); pp. 259-62, extracts from certain Wynn of Gwydir papers headed 'Instances of the custom of making presents to the Judges' (? in the autograph of Paul Panton, senior); pp. 407-14, a list, under headings, of Welsh physical and geographical features (? in the autograph of David Thomas, 'Dafydd Ddu Eryri'); pp. 475-6, a list of diocesan registrars, etc.; p. 520, a note concerning the medals to be awarded at the Gwyneddigion eisteddfod of 1790 with mention of those for 1791; pp. 545-6, notes concerning Dr. John Davies of Mallwyd; and pp. 549-50, a list of 'British names of Shells & Crustaceous fish' and 'Prif gaerae ynys Brydain gynt'. The printed items comprise: p. 1, 'Trial by Jury' . . . A Song, sung . . . Feb. 4, 1795 in celebration of the . . . trials . . . and . . . acquittals of Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, and John Thelwall . . .' by Edward Williams ['Iolo Morganwg']; pp. 166-7, 514-5, 540-1, a broadsheet containing 'Dull ac amcanion Cymdeithas y Cymreigyddion' by E[dward] Charles, 1796, and 'Cerdd y Cymreigyddion' by J[ohn] Jones, Glan y Gors (three copies, the first endorsed 'Mr. Owen from T. Roberts'); pp. 361- 3, 'Ode for the New Year', 1790, attributed elsewhere to David Samwell; pp. 365, 519, an announcement concerning the Gwyneddigion eisteddfod to be held at Bala the following Michaelmas [1789] and the subjects for the ensuing year (two copies); p. 521, 'Plan of the Triangles made use of for obtaining the Geometrical Distance and Altitude of Snowdon and Moel Eilio with respect to the Sea at Carnarvon. Augt. 1775' extracted from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. LXVII, Tab. XVIII, p. 788; pp. 525-8, 'The Arabic Alphabet' with notes (two copies); and p. 533, an announcement of the forthcoming publication of Heroic Odes and Elegies of Llywarch Hen, with translation by William Owen. There are also a few loose papers.