Dangos 105 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Disgrifiadau lefel uchaf yn unig Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Ffeil
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

1 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Barddoniaeth John Jones, Glanygors

  • NLW MS 23942B.
  • Ffeil
  • [1795]-[1811]

Llawysgrif yn cynnwys pump cerdd ar hugain, [1795]-[1811] (dyfrnod 1795), yn llaw John Jones (Jac Glan-y-Gors), gan gynnwys tair cerdd ar ddeg nad ydynt, fe ymddengys, wedi eu cyhoeddi (ff. 1-39 verso); dyddiwyd y cerddi 1790-1811. = A volume containing twenty-five autograph poems, [1795]-[1811] (watermark 1795), by John Jones (Jac Glan-y-gors), thirteen of which are apparently unpublished (ff. 1-39 verso); the poems are dated 1790-1811.
Cyhoeddwyd naw o'r cerddi (ff. 6 verso-8, 16-18, 22-25, 31 verso-35 verso, 36 verso-39 verso) yn Cerddi Jac Glan-y-gors, gol. gan E. G. Millward (Llandybïe, 2003), tt. 26-30, 45-51, 57-58, 69-70, 76-81, 95-97, 137-138; cyhoeddwyd 'Litani Newydd...' (f. 15 recto-verso) ac 'Englynion er coffadwriaeth am Mr David Samwell...' (ff. 20 verso-21 verso) yn y Chester Chronicle, 5 Awst 1796 a 28 Rhagfyr 1798 yn eu tro (gw. Marion Löffler, 'Cerddi newydd gan John Jones, "Jac Glan-y-Gors"', Llên Cymru, 33 (2010), 143-150); cyhoeddwyd 'Cerdd o ymddiddan rhwng J. J. Glan y Gors a Daniel Davies o Gorwen y ngylch Tref Lundain' (ff. 10-12 verso) mewn pamffled, Dwy o Gerddi Newyddion ([Caer]: Thomas Huxley, [?1791]) (JHD 209bii; heb ei gofnodi yn ESTC). Nodwyd ar f. 8 bod 'Cerdd yn dangos meddyliau Morwyn Ieuangc ddydd ei phriodas' (ff. 8-10) wedi ei gyhoeddi yn Llundain ym 1797 ond ymddengys nad oes copi wedi ei gadw. Ceir cerdd arall [?mewn llaw wahanol] ar ff. 128 verso-129. Mae eitemau a ddarganfyddwyd yn rhydd ar gychwyn y gyfrol wedi eu tipio i mewn ar ff. i-iv; yn eu mysg mae rhestr o gynnwys y llawysgrif (f. i), marwnad brintiedig i William Owen Pughe gan John Jones (Tegid), 1836 (f. iii), a chyfres o englynion gan Siôn ap Morgan (f. iv). = Nine of the poems (ff. 6 verso-8, 16-18, 22-25, 31 verso-35 verso, 36 verso-39 verso) appear in Cerddi Jac Glan-y-gors, ed. by E. G. Millward (Llandybïe, 2003), pp. 26-30, 45-51, 57-58, 69-70, 76-81, 95-97, 137-138; 'Litani Newydd...' (f. 15 recto-verso) and 'Englynion er coffadwriaeth am Mr David Samwell...' (ff. 20 verso-21 verso) were published in The Chester Chronicle, 5 August 1796 and 28 December 1798 respectively (see Marion Löffler, 'Cerddi newydd gan John Jones, "Jac Glan-y-Gors"', Llên Cymru, 33 (2010), 143-150); 'Cerdd o ymddiddan rhwng J. J. Glan y Gors a Daniel Davies o Gorwen y ngylch Tref Lundain' (ff. 10-12 verso) was published in the pamphlet Dwy o Gerddi Newyddion ([Chester]: Thomas Huxley, [?1791]) (JHD 209bii; not recorded in ESTC). A note on f. 8 states that 'Cerdd yn dangos meddyliau Morwyn Ieuangc ddydd ei phriodas' (ff. 8-10) was published in London in 1797 but there are no known copies extant. A further poem [?in a different hand] is on ff. 128 verso-129. Items found loose at the beginning of the volume have been tipped in on ff. i-iv; these include a list of contents of the manuscript (f. i), a printed elegy for William Owen Pughe by John Jones (Tegid), 1836 (f. iii), and a series of englynion by Siôn ap Morgan (f. iv).

Jones, John, 1766-1821

Barddoniaeth Gymraeg (Casgliad William Bodwrda),

  • NLW MS 16129D.
  • Ffeil
  • 1958

Copi ffotostat o 'Harvard MS Welsh 8,' sef cyfrol yn perthyn i gasgliad llawysgrifau William Bodwrda yn cynnwys barddoniaeth Gymraeg gan feirdd o'r 14 gan. hyd at 17 gan., a gopïwyd [1640x1660]. = A photostat facsimile of 'Harvard MS Welsh 8' which is a volume from the collection of manuscripts of William Bodwrda containing Welsh poetry from 14 cent to 17 cent, copied [1640x1660]
Ceir awdlau, cywyddau a darnau o hen ganu brud yn y llawysgrif, nifer ohonynt yn canu i deuluoedd sir Gaernarfon; cerddi a briodolir i Daliesin a Llywarch Hen; a nifer o eitemau sy'n unig gopïau, sef gwaith Huw Pennant (tt. 13-17), Ifan Tew Brydydd (tt. 53-5), Howel ab Reinallt (tt. 65-7), Siôn Phylip (tt. 90-4), Syr Huw Roberts Llên (tt. 94-7), a Siôn Tudur (tt. 127-31). Mae'n debyg nad llaw William Bodwrda mo'r un o'r ddwy brif law yn y gyfrol, ond credir fod y llawysgrif yn gynsail i un neu fwy o lawysgrifau ffolio William Bodwrda, megis BL Add. 14966 a Mostyn 145 (NLW MS 3048D). = The manuscript comprises 'awdlau', 'cywyddau' and old vaticinatory poetry, many relating to Caernarfonshire families; poems attributed to Taliesin and Llywarch Hen; and a number of items which are unique copies, namely the works of Huw Pennant (pp. 13-17), Ifan Tew Brydydd (pp. 53-5), Howel ab Reinallt (pp. 65-7), Siôn Phylip (pp. 90-4), Sir Huw Roberts Llên (pp. 94-7) and Siôn Tudur (pp. 127-31). It seems that neither of the two main hands in the volume belong to William Bodwrda, although it is likely that the manuscript served as the basis for one or more of William Bodwrda's folio manuscripts, particularly BL Add. 14966 and Mostyn 145 (NLW MS 3048D).

Bodwrda, William, 1593-1660

Barddoniaeth Dafydd ab Gwilym

  • NLW MS 24070C
  • Ffeil
  • 1863

Adysgrif, 1863, yn bennaf yn llaw D[aniel] L[ewis] Moses, gynt o Lanbedr Pont Steffan, o'r gyfrol Barddoniaeth Dafydd ab Gwilym, gol. gan Owen Jones a William Owen (Llundain, 1789). = Transcript, 1863, mainly in the hand of D[aniel] L[ewis] Moses, formerly of Lampeter, of the volume Barddoniaeth Dafydd ab Gwilym, ed. by Owen Jones and William Owen (London, 1789).
Mae'r llawysgrif yn cynnwys y cyfan o gerddi Dafydd ap Gwilym yn y gyfrol, heblaw am ambell i fwlch, damweiniol mae'n debyg, ar tt. 67, 354 a 423 ac eraill o bosib (tt. 1-210, 249-492). Mae hefyd yn cynnwys cerddi ffug Iolo Morganwg o'r atodiad (tt. 211-243); crynodeb, yng Nghymraeg, o hanes Dafydd (yn Saesneg) gan Owen Jones (ff. vi-xii); y marwnadau i Dafydd (ff. xii verso-xv verso); a chychwyn (Abermaw-Gwdion ab Don) yr eirfa Saesneg o bobol a llefydd yn y cerddi (tt. 493-502). Heblaw am Moses, ysgrifennwyd y llawysgrif mewn dwy law ychwanegol (tt. 249-279 a 297-328 yn eu tro). = The manuscript contains all the Dafydd ap Gwilym poems, except for a few apparently unintentional lacunae on pp. 67, 354 and 423 and possibly elsewhere (pp. 1-210, 249-492). It also includes Iolo Morganwg’s forgeries from the appendix (pp. 211-243); a precis, in Welsh, of Owen Jones's (English) biography of Dafydd (ff. vi-xii); the elegies to Dafydd (ff. xii verso-xv verso); and the beginning (Abermaw-Gwdion ab Don) of the English glossary of people and places mentioned in the poems (pp. 493-502). Besides Moses, parts of the manuscript are written in two additional hands (pp. 249-279 and 297-328 respectively).

Moses, D. L. (Daniel Lewis), 1822-1893

Barddoniaeth amrywiol,

  • NLW MS 21702E.
  • Ffeil
  • 1663-1994

Barddoniaeth o'r ail ganrif ar bymtheg hyd yr ugeinfed ganrif, gan gynnwys gweithiau gan Alan Llwyd (f. 2), W. J. Gruffydd (f. 14), Richard Davies (Mynyddog) (f. 76), Ray Howard-Jones (ff. 98-104), R. Williams Parry (ff. 106-110), Saunders Lewis (ff. 132-136), Vernon Watkins (f. 146), Harri Webb (ff. 153-154), Katherine Philips (The Matchless Orinda) (f. 158), ac Euros Bowen (ff. 161-169), ynghyd â nifer o feirdd llai enwog a rhai darnau anhysbys. Cynigiwyd rai o'r cerddi mewn cystadlaethau eisteddfodol (ff. 36-51, 53-61, 63, 113-124). Mae nifer o'r cerddi yn llaw y beirdd eu hunain, eraill yn gopïau neu mewn teipysgrif. Ceir hefyd garol plygain, a nodwyd i lawr [?19 gan., ¼ olaf] (ff. 155-157 verso), a llythyr, 1994, oddi wrth Jon Meirion Jones at Dafydd Ifans yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru yn ymwneud â Dafydd Jones (Isfoel) y Cilie (ff. 149-150). = Poetry, seventeenth to twentieth centuries, including works by Alan Llwyd (f. 2), W. J. Gruffydd (f. 14), Richard Davies (Mynyddog) (f. 76), Ray Howard-Jones (ff. 98-104), R. Williams Parry (ff. 106-110), Saunders Lewis (ff. 132-136), Vernon Watkins (f. 146), Harri Webb (ff. 153-154), Katherine Philips (The Matchless Orinda) (f. 158), and Euros Bowen (ff. 161-169), together with many lesser-known poets and some anonymous pieces. Some of the poems were submitted for competition at eisteddfodau (ff. 36-51, 53-61, 63, 113-124). Many of the poems are autograph while others are copies or in typescript. Also included is a plygain carol, noted down [?19 cent., last ¼] (ff. 155-157 verso), and a letter, 1994, from Jon Meirion Jones to Dafydd Ifans at the National Library of Wales regarding Dafydd Jones (Isfoel), Cilie (ff. 149-150).

Llwyd, Alan.

Awdl 'Iesu o Nazareth' gan Dyfed

  • NLW MS 23796E.
  • Ffeil
  • [?20 gan., cynnar]

Copi llawysgrif, [?20 gan., cynnar], mewn llaw anhysbys, o'r awdl 'Iesu o Nazareth' gan Evan Rees (Dyfed), yn cyfateb yn agos i'r testun a gyhoeddwyd yng ngyfrol Dyfed, Gwlad yr Addewid a Iesu o Nazareth (Caernarfon, 1894), tt. 155-220 (ff. 1-13 verso). = A manuscript copy, [?early 20 cent.], in an unidentified hand, of the awdl 'Iesu o Nazareth' by Evan Rees (Dyfed), corresponding closely to the version published in Dyfed, Gwlad yr Addewid a Iesu o Nazareth (Caernarfon, 1894), pp. 155-220 (ff. 1-13 verso).
Mae rhan o'r testun wedi ei gamleoli, a dylai f. 3 (sef diwedd rhan II) ddilyn f. 4 verso. Cynhwysir hefyd gopi teipysgrif o gerdd Dyfed 'Yr Iesu ar y ffynon' (gw. Gwlad yr Addewid a Iesu o Nazareth, tt. 109-110) (f. 14). = Part of the text is displaced, with f. 3 (the end of part II) following on from f. 4 verso. Also included is a typescript copy of Dyfed's 'Yr Iesu ar y ffynon' (see Gwlad yr Addewid a Iesu o Nazareth, pp. 109-110) (f. 14).

Dyfed, 1850-1923

Articles by Rev. Brynmor Davies,

  • NLW Misc. Records 558.
  • Ffeil
  • 1979-1980.

Cuttings, 1979-1980, from the South Wales Guardian of articles by Rev. Brynmor Davies. = Toriadau, 1979-1980, o'r South Wales Guardian o ysgrifau gan y Parch. Brynmor Davies.

David Blamires papers

  • NLW ex 3081
  • Ffeil
  • 1981-1996

Miscellaneous papers, 1981-96, belonging to Professor David Blamires, author of David Jones: Artist and Writer (1971), who established the David Jones Society in 1975. The collection includes exhibition notes, research papers, conference programmes, postcards, and correspondence. A separate file within the box contains a set of David Jones Society Newsletters, nos.1-38 (1976-84).

Blamires, David, 1936-

Saunders Lewis letters to T. Charles Edwards

  • NLW MS 24189E.
  • Ffeil
  • 1918, 1935-1976

Papers of Thomas Charles Edwards, Ampleforth, 1918, 1935-1976, including fifty-seven letters, in Welsh and English, from Saunders Lewis to him, 1935-1976 (ff. 1-5, 7-11, 13-15, 18, 20-45, 47-48, 50-55, 58-69), to his wife Imelda, 1940-1941, 1950 (ff. 16-17, 19, 49), or to both, 1939 (f. 12), containing personal news and discussing politics, current affairs, the Catholic Church and articles by TCE.
Also included are letters to TCE from David Jones, 17 June 1937, seeking to send Lewis a copy of his 'In Parenthesis' (f. 6), G[riffith] J[ohn] Williams, 16 July 1948, concerning an R. W[illiams] Parry englyn (f. 46) and John B[arrett] Davies, St Dogmaels, 22 October 1962 (ff. 56-57); together with a letter, 19 May 1918, from TCE, Shrewsbury, to his mother (ff. 70-73); a script for Lewis's radio talk 'A Prospect of Wales: 7. Welsh Writers of Today', as transmitted on the Welsh Home Service, 25 April 1961, being the copy sent by Lewis to TCE (ff. 74-84); and seven press cuttings, 1935-1936, mainly relating to Lewis and the burning of the bombing school at Penyberth (ff. 85-91).

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Boxing contract of Jimmy Wilde

  • NLW ex 3080
  • Ffeil
  • 1923

An agreement with American manager and promoter, Tom O'Rourke, the contract dated 1923 and relating to Jimmy Wilde's defeated challenge against Pancho Villa (or Frankie Genaro. The bout was Jimmy Wilde's unsuccessful return from retirement, held in New York. Former ownership of contemporaneous Welsh boxer Stan Roberts, by descent, private collection Caerphilly.

O'Rourke, Tom, 1856-1936

William Williams' book of manuscript music

  • NLW ex 3077
  • Ffeil
  • 1813

A manuscript music book of popular songs originally belonging to William Williams, cabinet maker, including ballads and operatic pieces such as The Highland Laddie and Robin Hood. The volume then passed on into the possession of Thomas Llewelyn, Newbridge.

Williams, William

Documents of Kanonier Obergefreiter Kurt Kruger, P.O.W.

  • NLW ex 3093
  • Ffeil
  • 1946-1973

A binder containing various documents relating to Kanonier Obergefreiter Kurt Kruger, a WWII Luftwaffe P.O.W held at Camp 70 in Henllan, Pembrokeshire, 1946-1948. Includes Kruger's 'Soldbuch', the standard identity document in the German military. Also includes December 1947 issue of 'Der Wegweiser' (The Signpost) from Henllan Camp, as well as Kruger's certificate of discharge, certificate of registration, ID document for foreigners in Britain, work permit, and passport (1968-1973).

Kruger, Kurt, 1922-2014

Proflenni Llyfryddiaeth Gymreig o 1801-1810

  • NLW ex 3086
  • Ffeil
  • 1908

Copi E. Vincent Evans o broflenni cyfrol Charles Ashton Llyfryddiaeth Gymreig o 1801 i 1810 (Croesoswallt, 1908), yn cynnwys cywiriadau ac ychwanegiadau ar gyfer 1811 ac 1812. Ceir nodiadau yn llaw E. Vincent Evans ar y tudalennau drwyddi draw y gyfrol yn awgrymu cywiriadau.

Evans, Vincent, Sir, 1851-1934

Observations upon the picturesque scenery of North Wales

  • NLW MS 24199C.
  • Ffeil
  • [late 1790s]

Travel journal, [late 1790s] (watermark 1796), of Richard Cust [stationer and gentleman naturalist, of Westminster and Carlisle], containing his 'Observations on the Picturesque Scenery of North Wales in the Autumn of the year 1783' (ff. 7-73 passim), together with thirteen monochrome wash watercolours of landscapes viewed (ff. 15, 16, 23, 25, 26, 28, 35, 41, 42, 46, 47, 49, 50). The journal primarily describes Cust's impressions of the scenery in terms of the ideals of the picturesque and the sublime; the entries are undated.
As explained in the introductory section (ff. 2-5) the Observations were transcribed by Cust from his original 1783 travel journal, with the illustrations being based on brief sketches. Cust and his unnamed companion(s) travelled by coach from London (f.7) to Llangollen (ff. 8 verso-9), then via Conwy (f. 10) and Bangor (f. 13) to Anglesey (ff. 13 verso-17 verso) and Caernarfon (ff. 19 recto-verso, 22 recto-verso). From there they went on excursions up Snowdon (ff. 24-34 passim) and to [Aberglaslyn] (ff. 34 recto-verso, 37-38) and Llanbenys [Llanberis] (ff. 39-40 verso, 43 recto-verso, 44 verso-51 passim, 54-55 verso), before returning to Conwy (ff. 57 recto-verso, 59-61 verso) and Llangollen (ff. 64-65 verso, 68-69, 70 verso, 72-73). There are descriptions of the castles at Caernarfon (ff. 19 recto-verso, 22 recto-verso), Dolbadarn (ff. 40 verso, 43, 55) and Conwy (ff. 57 recto-verso, 59-60); four of the watercolours also depict Dolbadarn Castle (ff. 41, 42, 46, 47), the others are mostly views of mountains and rocky outcrops. The narrative is incomplete and breaks off after a description of the River Dee at Llangollen (f. 73); additionally, eleven pages have been left blank to provide space for further illustrations (ff. 20, 21, 29, 32, 36, 53, 56, 58, 66, 67, 71, usually with indicative captions written in pencil on the otherwise blank versos).

Cust, Richard, 1754-1844

Clifford Dyment printed material and personalia

  • NLW ex 2927
  • Ffeil
  • 1929-1978

Five printed volumes and a proof copy, 1935-1956, of poetry by Clifford Dyment, all containing annotations, emendations or inscriptions in his hand; together with a small bundle of miscellaneous personal items, 1929-1978.

Dyment, Clifford, 1914-1971

Barddoniaeth Huw Morys

  • NLW MS 14701D.
  • Ffeil
  • 1681-2

A volume, 1681-2, in the hand of Huw Morys ('Eos Ceiriog', 1622-1709), poet, Llansilin, co. Denbigh, containing mainly holograph Welsh poetry in strict and free metres, including a poem dated 1681 (ff. 10-11), together with a cywydd by Siôn Tudur (f. 16 verso), prophetic verses, some attributed to Taliesin (ff. 12 verso, 25 verso), and anonymous englynion (ff. 36 verso-37, 42); the original parchment cover, preserved at the beginning, contains copies by H.M. of 'Diarhebion o waith Taliessin', 'Cynghorion Taliessin' (f. i verso) and 'Tri Thlws ar ddeg o Ynys Brydaine' (f. ii). The manuscript was probably written for the poet's brother John Maurice (d. 1699), Bodlith, Llansilin, whose name appears on f. 1; other signatures in the volume suggest it to have remained in the possession of the family until the [mid-18 cent.].

Sgript ffilm Un Nos Ola Leuad

  • NLW ex 3083
  • Ffeil
  • 1990

Sgript y ffilm Un Nos Ola Leuad (1991), addasiad Gwenlyn Parry ac Endaf Emlyn o nofel Caradog Prichard. Mae'r sgript yn cynnwys nodiadau a darluniau o waith y cyfarwyddwr, Endaf Emlyn, sy'n ymwneud â'r cynhyrchiad.

Emlyn, Endaf, 1944-

Gibbet or Cross?

  • NLW ex 2938
  • Ffeil
  • [1896x1908]

Manuscript story, [1896x1908], entitled 'Gibbet or Cross?', by Allen Raine; together with a copy of Carmarthenshire Life (Autumn 2008), including an article 'Allen Raine, a voice from the past' by Carol Byrne Jones.

Raine, Allen, 1836-1908

Letters from R. Glynn Griffiths,

  • NLW ex 2942
  • Ffeil
  • 1915-1918

177 letters, 1915-1918, from Sapper Robert Glynn Griffiths (1898-1991), Royal Engineers, mainly to his parents in Deganwy whilst receiving military training in Bletchley and Birmingham, and in the battlefields of France. Also included is a volume compiled by his son D Geraint Griffith, the donor, entitled: ‘Letters of the First World War from Sapper Robert Glynn Griffiths’, 2009-2015, together with a Welsh version.

Griffiths, R. Glynn

'Election Bites' scripts

  • NLW ex 2943
  • Ffeil
  • 2016

Six scripts, 2016, of the television programme 'Adrian's Election Bites', being interviews between Adrian Masters, political editor at ITV Wales, and leaders of the political parties in Wales, broadcast on ITV Cymru Wales prior to the 2016 Welsh Assembly elections. The leaders interviewed were Alice Hooker-Stroud (Wales Green Party), Nathan Gill (UKIP), Kirsty Williams (Liberal Democrats), Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Andrew R. T. Davies (Conservatives) and Carwyn Jones (Labour).

Wales-Yemen exhibition visitors' book,

  • NLW ex 3052
  • Ffeil
  • 1990-1995

A visitors' book, 1990-1995, of the exhibition 'New Traditions: contemporary Welsh craft / Traddodiadau Newydd: crefftau Cymreig cyfoes' by Charles and Patricia Aithie, which accompanied the Welsh-Yemeni Festival held in Sana, Yemen. Most entries are in Arabic; a typescript containing an English translation is included in the front of the volume. The visitors' book was transferred to NLW among the Charles and Patricia Aithie photographic collection.

Aithie, Charles James

Canlyniadau 41 i 60 o 105