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Papers, reports, documents about and or the work of INDICT ( The International Campaign to Indict Iraqi War Criminals)

Index of Candidates A-Z

Biographical material, (1885-2017), including campaign material, printouts, press cuttings, photographic prints, and copies of cuttings from published and printed material, relating to Welsh Assembly candidates and UK Parliamentary candidates standing in Welsh constituencies in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.

Ilisu Dam

Papers and reports on the Ilisu Dam, the background, the issues and the campaigns around it.


Various International Development Committee papers and reports on HIV/AIDS and the work being done to combat it.


The series comprises files relating to health issues including medicine safety, health conditions and public health

Gweithiau gan Emyr Humphreys / Works by Emyr Humphreys

Papurau (1931-2008), yn cynnwys nodiadau, drafftiau, proflenni, a pheth o ohebiaeth, yn ymwneud â gweithiau ffuglen a ffeithiol gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys ei gyfres 'Land of the Living' (1931-2000); 'Outside the House of Baal' (1996-1997); 'The Taliesin Tradition: A Quest for the Welsh Identity' ([?1979]-1983); 'Unconditional Surrender' (1988-1997); 'The Gift of a Daughter' (1996-1999), a 'The Shop' (2002-2008). / Papers (1931-2008), including notes, drafts, proofs, and some correspondence, relating to both fiction and non-fiction works by Emyr Humphreys, including his 'Land of the Living' series (1931-2000); 'Outside the House of Baal' (1996-1997); 'The Taliesin Tradition' ([?1979]-1983); 'Unconditional Surrender' (1988-1997); 'The Gift of a Daughter' (1996-1999), and 'The Shop' (2002-2008).

Gweithiau gan awduron eraill / Works by other authors

Papurau (1957-2017), yn cynnwys nodiadau, drafftiau, gohebiaeth, teipysgrifau, a phroflenni, yn ymwneud â gweithiau gan awduron eraill a chasgliadau o waith Emyr Humphreys a olygwyd gan awduron eraill, gan gynnwys y gweithiau cyhoeddedig ‘Dictionary of Literary Biography’ (1983-1992); ‘Writers of Wales: Emyr Humphreys’ gan Ioan Williams ([?1980]-1994); ‘Dal Pen Rheswm’ a olygwyd gan R. Arwel Jones (1998); ‘Welsh Time’ a olygwyd gan M. Wynn Thomas (2004); ‘Conversations and Reflections’ a olygwyd gan M. Wynn Thomas (1957; [?1981]-2002); ‘In the Shadow of the Pulpit: Literature and Nonconformist Wales’ gan M. Wynn Thomas ([?2010]); ac ‘Emyr Humphreys’ gan M. Wynn Thomas (2017); ynghyd a’r gwaith anghyhoeddedig 'Greasepaint and Compost: A Memoir' gan Oscar Quitak ([?2005]).

Papers (1957-2017), including notes, drafts, correspondence, typescripts, and proofs, relating to works by other authors and collections of Emyr Humphreys’ works edited by other authors, including the published works ‘Dictionary of Literary Biography’ (1983-1992); ‘Writers of Wales: Emyr Humphreys’ by Ioan Williams ([?1980]-1994); ‘Dal Pen Rheswm’ edited by R. Arwel Jones (1998); ‘Welsh Time’ edited by M. Wynn Thomas (2004); ‘Conversations and Reflections’ edited by M. Wynn Thomas (1957; [?1981]-2002); ‘In the Shadow of the Pulpit: Literature and Nonconformist Wales’ by M. Wynn Thomas ([?2010]); and ‘Emyr Humphreys’ by M. Wynn Thomas (2017); together with the unpublished work 'Greasepaint and Compost: A Memoir' by Oscar Quitak ([?2005]).

Groups, organisations and projects,

Papers collected and collated by Peter Reynolds for research and reference. The files are arranged by the original subject titles, papers reflect interests, projects and promotional work.

Gohebiaeth wedi'i threfnu yn ôl y wyddor / Correspondence arranged alphabetically

Llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys ([?1940au]-2010), yn cynnwys gohebiaeth lenyddol a phersonol yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth lenorion megis Sam Adams, Iwan Bala , Meredydd Evans ( Merêd ) a Phyllis Kinney , R. Geraint Gruffydd , ac M. Wynn Thomas, ymhlith eraill. / Letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys ([?1940s]-2010), consisting of literary and personal correspondence including letters from literary figures such as Sam Adams, Iwan Bala , Meredydd Evans (Merêd) & Phyllis Kinney, R. Geraint Gruffydd, and M. Wynn Thomas, among others.

Gohebiaeth wedi'i threfnu yn ôl pwnc / Correspondence arranged by subject

Llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys, ynghyd â rhai papurau cysylltiedig, wedi'u trefnu fesul pwnc yn bum grŵp: Papurau cynnar a llythyrau (1945-1972); gohebiaeth i ac oddi wrth gyhoeddwyr ac asiantwyr (1981-2007); gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â materion llenyddol eraill (1929; 1984-2002); gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â chomisiynau a digwyddiadau (1962-2009); a gohebiaeth arall ([?1933]-2015). / Letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys, together with some related papers, arranged by subject into five groups: Early papers and letters (1945-1972); correspondence to and from publishers and agents (1981-2007); correspondence relating to other literary matters (1929; 1984-2002); correspondence relating to commissions and events (1962-2009); and other correspondence ([?1933]-2015).

Gohebiaeth wedi'i threfnu yn ôl dyddiad / Correspondence arranged chronologically

Llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys (1999-2019), yn cynnwys gohebiaeth lenyddol a phersonol yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth ffigurau llenyddol megis Myrddin ap Dafydd, Menna Elfyn, John Barnie, Jan Morris, M. Wynn Thomas, Robert Minhinnick, Ned Thomas, R. Geraint Gruffydd, a Dannie Abse, ymysg eraill. / Letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys (1999-2019), comprising correspondence relating to personal and literary matters and including letters from literary figures such as Myrddin ap Dafydd, Menna Elfyn, John Barnie, Jan Morris, M. Wynn Thomas, Robert Minhinnick, Ned Thomas, R. Geraint Gruffydd, and Dannie Abse, among others.

Food and Drink

the series comprises files relating to food standards, licensing and protected geographic designations.

Results 121 to 140 of 3022