Dangos 10 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 18th century.
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Correspondence of Mary Owen of Brogyntyn,

Letters to Mary Owen (née Godolphin), wife of William Owen of Brogyntyn, 1730-1784, mainly from her immediate family, Godolphin and Owen relatives, friends and other close associates. They constitute a rich, lively source of information on the personal, domestic and social circumstances of an eighteenth century gentry family. Many of the letters reflect Mrs Owen 's own interests in music, theatre, literature, political news and high society gossip among her contemporaries. Recurrent topics include the ecclesiastical career of Lewis Owen; renovations at Porkington, 1735-1743; the estates of Richard Clayton and Arthur Owen; Elizabeth Longueville 's settlement; Jacobite disturbances; elections in North Wales and Shropshire; church preferments in England and Wales; and court life under the Hanoverian royal family, 1731-1752.

Letters to John Lloyd of Wigfair,

Sixty-four holograph letters and three formal notes from [Sir] Jos[eph] Banks, from Soho Square [London], from Spring Grove [Isleworth, co. Middlesex], from Revesby Abbey [Lincolnshire], etc., to John Lloyd at Hafodunos, at Soughton, Northop, at Wygfair, St. Asaph, etc., 1778-1814 and undated (personal and family news and news of acquaintances, and more specifically an invitation to a Royal Society club dinner (1778); Lord Mahon's book on electricity [Principles of Electricity, 1779] and his promise of another in which he would refute Mr. [Benjamin] Wilson's deductions, news of Lord Mulgrave and [Sir Charles] Blagden, and a request for a specimen of saxifraga umbrosa from Ireland (1780); a paper on new double stars to be read to the R[oyal] S[ociety] by [William] Herschel, the death of [? Dr. Solander] and a request for a specimen of Crataegus Aria from the cliffs near the top of Pen Man Mawr [co. Caernarvon] (1782); a balloon flight across the English Channel by [John] Jefferies and [François] Blanchard [this letter is dated January 1784 but this is probably a mistake for 1785, the flight having been made in January of that year], the resignation of the clerkship of the R[oyal] S[ociety] by Robertson and a contest for the post between Messrs. Coppard and Gilpin (1785); [William] Herschel's visit to Germany to take a telescope of his own making as a present to the University of Gottingen, Herschel's progress with his forty feet [telescope], the discovery of a new comet by Caroline, Herschel's sister, a 'bill intended by the manufacturers to restrain the growers of wool' and a meeting to be held in Denbighshire to consider the bill, the teaching of classics in England as compared with the continent (1786); the receipt of a box of plants from the Snowdon area, Danish and Roman antiquities found in the bed of the river Witham [co. Lincoln], the danger of wheat which was imported from America being infected by insects unknown in this country (1788); comments on Shetland sheep and a request for a specimen (1791); the political situation with comments on democrats, constitutionalists, the Whig club, etc., (1793); a visit from David Pennant, the ill treatment of recipient by a riotous mob at Denbigh, the presence of 'dangerous mobs in many counties' caused by 'the first Raising of the Militia', the price of corn, damage estimated at £ 750,000 by floods in Cambridgeshire, Lloyd's service to the country as a magistrate and the value of this office to the constitution, sheep rearing, the discovering of gold in Ireland (1795); the result of the [parliamentary] election in [co. Caernarvon] with mention of the contestants Sir Robert [Williams] and Lord Penrhyn, acknowledgement of receipt of copies of 'Shon Gwialen', the ill effects of apple insect, good wishes to recipient should he 'undertake the arduous task of becoming Knight of your shire', criticism of Thomas and David Pennant (1796); a request by Lloyd for a copy of the map which accompanied Dr. [Christopher] Packe's Ancographia sive Convallium Descriptio (1798); [Frederick] Hornemann's journey to Africa [on behalf of the African Association], the effects of prolonged drought, comments on Adam Smith's theory of 'perfect freedom in trade' (1800); the abundant crops and the price of grain (1801); the result of the [parliamentary] election in co. Kent, the West India docks in the Isle of Dogs and the Wapping Docks, the health of the members of the Royal Family whom the writer had seen at Weymouth (1802); the possibility of an invasion of England by Buonaparte (1803, 1805); Lloyd's wish to become a trustee of the [?British] Museum (1804); the death of [Alexander] Aubert at Lloyd's home, the draining and selling of land by the writer (1805); the writer's anger on seeing the spires of Lincoln minster pulled down, a request for Lloyd's help in procuring answers to a questionnaire concerning alleged damage to cathedral fabrics, comments on 'the Political Hurricane' which had taken the King out of the hands of a Whig administration, the political changes in England, wire worms, the anniversary of the Club, astronomical data (1807); the cultivation of cranberries, news of crops (1808); receipt of a Brazil coin and of tokens for his sister's [Sarah Sophia Banks] collection, Sir H. Englefield's circular letter and canvass of the Society of Antiquaries (1811)). 'Shon Gwialan' probably refers to the pamphlet entitled 'A Letter to the Right Reverend Dr. Warren on his conduct as Bishop of Bangor', published in 1796, in which the writer, 'Shon Gwialan', attacks the bishop of Bangor for alleged nepotism, etc. The identity of the writer has not been discovered.

Sir Joseph Banks.

Letters to and from Hugh Howard,

Twenty-four holograph or autograph letters to and from Hugh Howard [brother of Robert Howard of Conway, the recipient of the letters contained in the previous manuscript, NLW MS 12426E]. (a) Six holograph letters, 1732-1737, bearing no addresses, from Hugh Howard in Tellicherry [India], 1. to his 'Dear Brother' [? Robert Howard of Conway], 1732 (family affairs, the writer's troubles with his superior officers in India, the possibility of his buying Griffith Williams's estate), 2. to [? Mrs. Gifford], 1733/4 (congratulations ? on her marriage, a gift of a set of china ware), 3. to his 'Dear Brother' [? Robert Howard as previously], 1733/4 (gifts sent to recipient and other persons named), 4. to his brother Rob[ert] Howard, 1737 (news of writer's acquaintances in India, recipient's intended purchase of land), 5. to Mrs. Gifford, 1737 (personal), 6. to Mrs. Howard [? his brother's wife], 1737 (personal). (b) Eighteen holograph or autograph letters to Hugh Howard, 1736-1746, most of them addressed to him in Bombay, from Ynyr Burges, East India House [London], 1746 (goods and a cask of arrack sent to England by Howard, news of events in Europe and in Britain including the crushing of the [Stuart] rebellion and the flight of the pretender's son to France, news of changes and rumoured changes affecting the personnel of the [East India] Company), Francesco Dias, Callicutt [India], 1743 (2) (personal, commercial transactions), Thomas Dorrill, Buss[orah, in the Persian Gulf], 1745 (1 + dup.) (commercial and financial), Rog[er] Kinsey, Surat [India], 1745/6 ( financial and commercial), Stephen Law, London, 1745/6 (financial), Tho[mas] Phillips, London, 1743 (military activity in Europe and the West Indies, the desertion of some two hundred soldiers of a Scotch regiment brought to London, news of friends and acquaintances), ?Domingos Rodrigues, Tellicherry [India], 1743-1746 (6 + 1 dup.) (financial and commercial [two of these letters are endorsed with English translations of the Portuguese originals]), Edward Ward, London, 1745 (personal, comments on the [Stuart] rebellion of 1745 a threatened invasion of England being prepared at Dunkirk), and M. Wynne, Bodysgallan, 1736-1737 (2) (family news, thanks for presents).

Hugh Howard and others.

Letters to John Lloyd of Wigfair,

Seventy-five holograph and autograph letters, notes, etc., addressed to John Lloyd at Garden Court, London, at Hafodunos near St. Asaph, at Wigfair near St. Asaph and elsewhere, 1771-1809.
They comprise letters from L'abbé Andreii, 1777 (personal); R. P. Arden, 1786 (legal and financial); Alexander Aubert, London, 1793-1800 (2) (personal); Mrs. D [ ] Aubert, Highbury House [Islington], 1799-1803 (3) (personal and social); L[ewis Bagot, bishop of] St. Asaph, St. Asaph, Blithfield, and Oxford Street, [London], 1793-1802 and undated (17) (the war against the French and tumults near Mold (1793), the death of [?the Reverend William Stodart] and proposals for filling his vacant preferments, namely Abergele, Bettws and a [prebendal stall] (1794), the appointment of a postmaster at [St. Asaph], the wretched condition of the parish of [?St. Asaph] - allowances to the poor being in arrears, roads neglected, etc., Mr. Jackson's presentation to the living of Abergele (1794), the government's measures to meet the grain shortage (1796), the renewal of recipient's lease of [ ] from the precentor [of St. Asaph], plundering in the neighbourhood of Mostyn (1797), the conduct of Mr. Fox and his friends in Parliament and the raising of supplies for carrying on the war (1797), the need for economy in the consumption of barley, oats and potatoes, and the 'high' state of the market in spite of economies and of the importation of grain (1801), the repeal of the Brown Bread Act, the King's success in filling departments of state and law after the secession of ministers (1801), 'dangerous tampering with Lord Penrhyn's Slate Quarries and amongst the Miners both in Anglesea and Flintshire' (1801), a bill to be introduced in the House of Commons concerning the conduct of the clergy (1802), appointments to the deanery of York and the chair of Hebrew at Christ Church [Oxford] (1802), the arrival [in London] of antiquities from Egypt (1802)); Thomas Baldwin, Hool, [?Cheshire], 1771 (description of a journey in North Wales – Festiniog, Bala, Talardd, Dinas Mouthy, with ascents of Arran Ben Llyn, Cader Idris and ?Arran Mouthy, notes on stratification); M[argaret] Bankes, Old Palace Yard, [London], [?daughter of John Wynne, bishop successively of St. Asaph and Bath and Wells], 1804 (the illness and death of her brother and the disposal of his estate, other family news); Mrs. Bankes, Duke Street, undated (personal and social); Miss [Sarah Sophia] Banks, Soho Square, [London], [sister of Sir Joseph Banks], 1787-1795 (4) (personal and family news, a request for a copy of Regulations of the Society of Royal British Bowmen, and for help in procuring specimens of a Macclesfield ½[d] and a Cronebane ½[d]); J. Barff, Oswestry, 1795 (financial and legal matters); Daines Barrington, London, Beaumaris, Carnarvon, etc., 1772-1787 and undated (13) (personal news and news of acquaintances, instruments from Mr. Ramsden, a promise of Gothic and Runic alphabets and of an account of Elden Hole, [Derbyshire], proposed journeys by Mr. Banks to Iceland and by Mr. Forster to the South Pole (1772), a fire at Garden Court, London (1775), the height of Snowdon, the receiving of the two Forsters [Johann Reinhold Forster and his son Johann Georg Adam Forster, who had accompanied Captain Cook on his second voyage] by the King and Queen (1775), the preparation by Forster [senior] of a specimen narrative [in connection with his voyage] for Lord Sandwich's approbation (1775), the arrival of the Gymnotus Electricus, a letter to Mr. Panton stating that Lloyd would be glad to have copies of the correspondence between Sir John Wynne of Gwedir and Sir Hugh Myddelton, Mr. Panton's kindness in allowing the writer to peruse certain Gwedir papers, Lord Bulkeley's improvements at Baron Hill, [Anglesey], an ascent of Mont Blanc (1787), Mr. Herschel's discovery of two satellites to the Georgium Sidus [Uranus], a request for the return of 'the MS. Memoirs of Owen Glendower', the returning of books, namely Milnes Dictionary, Hill's British Herbal, Watson's Chemistry, etc., a gift of a pamphlet ?Letter from the Hon. Daines Barrington, F.R.S., to William Heberden, M.D., F.R.S., giving an Account of some Experiments made in North Wales to ascertain the different Quantities of Rain which fell in the same Time at different Heights [a copy of which is attached]); [William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd duke of] Portland, Whitehall, 1795 (representations made by Lloyd that troops should be quartered at Ruthin, the writer's suggestion to the Secretary at War that this was necessary in order to protect the county gaol where rioters were imprisoned); John ?Binnie, St. Asaph, 1809 (personal); J. Blackburn, St. James Street, [London], [1784] (personal); C[harles] Blagden, Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania], and [London], 1778-1796 and undated (4) (mathematical instruments at the college in Philadelphia including a very fine orrery, public lectures to be delivered in the town [of Philadelphia] (1778), the evacuation of Philadelphia by British forces and news of the war in America, letters by Mr. Mills relating to volcanic appearances in the Western Isles, the discovery of two comets by Miss [Caroline] Herschel and [Pierre Francois Andre] Mechain (1790), an acknowledgement of the receipt, on behalf of the Royal Society, of a copy of Edward Jones's The Prevention of Poverty (1796), news of electrical experiments); Lord and Lady de Blaquieres, Denbigh, 1798 and undated (2) (personal and social); Thomas Bolt, Lerwick, [Scotland], 1792 (relief of poverty caused in the area by the effects of bad crops and poor fishing, comments on the opinion held by certain people that the sun was visible for twenty four hours at the summer solstice); B. S. Booth, undated (a request for a ticket to attend debates at the House of Commons); Thomas Boydell, Trevellyn, 1794 (a lease of land on Mold mountain); Dr. William Brownrigg, Ormathwaite [?Cumberland], 1778-1780 (2) (Lloyd's trip to [Cumberland] to see the black lead mines, a request for a specimen of native lead from Anglesea); [Elizabeth Harriet Bulkeley, nee Warren,] Lady Bulkeley, Stanhope Street, [London], undated (personal); [Thomas James Bulkeley, later Warren-Bulkeley, lord] Bulkeley, Stanhope Street, Old Windsor, 1788-1801 and undated (10) (personal news, the tactics of the Opposition in parliament with regard to the issues arising out of the illness of the King [George III] (1788), [William] Pitt [the younger]'s defence of the King and his three parliamentary resolutions for meeting the constitutional crisis and creating a Regency (1788), Captain Williams's canvass of the county of Carnarvon (1790), 'adventures in Copper & Slate' on the writer's land by recipient, the assassination of the Duke of Orleans, talk of sending a fleet to the Baltic (1791), the situation in the East Indies (1791), a meeting with the Duchess of York, the imminence of a French attack upon the Electors of Treves and Mayence and the emmigrants at Coblentz [1791], the destruction of the Duke of Richmond's house at Privy Garden by fire, Sir Watkin Williams's appointment to the stewardship of the lordship of Denbigh and his appointment of Mr. Wynne of Plasnewydd as his deputy (1795), a request for support for Sir Robert Williams against Lord Penrhyn in the [parliamentary election for Carnarvonshire] (1795), the King's recovery from his illness, the writer's opinion that the King could not 'go on without either Pitt or Fox as Prime Minister', his disgust with the political manoeuvering [in parliament], the danger to the country, the unhappy state of parts of the county of Carnarvon (1801), a visit to Paris); [Peter Burrell, Baron] Gwydir [of Gwydir, Caernarvonshire], White Hall [London], 1798 (an invitation to an anniversary dinner of the Honourable Society of Ancient Britons); and Lady Eleanor Butler and Miss [Sarah] Ponsonby, Plas Newydd [Llangollen, 'The Ladies of Llangollen'], undated (social).


Correspondence and papers relating to the Montgomeryshire election (Watkin Williams v Mostyn Owen), 1774; miscellaneous transcripts, partly by Mrs Elizabeth Baker, including letters and poems of the Reverend Evan Lloyd of Fron, 1761-1768; letters of Anthony Thomas, Hendre; letters of Elizabeth Chudleigh, afterwards known as the Duchess of Kingston, 1767-1788, with notes and extracts relating to the same by Mrs Baker; and transcripts of the Lords' Protests for the session 1722-1723.

Elizabeth Baker, Anthony Thomas, Elizabeth Chudleigh and others.

Llangibby Castle Estate Records.

  • GB 0210 LLABBY
  • Fonds
  • 1217-1930

Llangibby Castle estate records, including court rolls of manors in Monmouthshire, 1262-1911, Glamorgan, 1675-1739, Gloucestershire, 1427-1595, and Somerset, 1609-1691; title deeds, mainly Monmouthshire, 1217-1930, and correspondence, mainly 18-19 cent.; important letters and papers relating to the civil war in Monmouthshire; and manuscripts aquired by the family, including drafts and copies of Modus Tenendi Parliamentarum and Observata Parliamentaria by Henry Elsynge, junior (1598-1654), clerk to the House of Commons, together with minutes of the House of Commons, 1624-1626, calendar of the Journal of the House of Lords, 1647-1768, copies of the Journals of the House of Commons, 1547-1701, index to parliamentary proceedings, temp. Edward III-Edward IV, and, 1724-1743, civil war tracts, the journal of the missionary Dr Joseph Wolff, 1832, 'Prif Achae holh Gymru Benbaladr' in the autograph of Sir Thomas Wiliams, Trefriw, 1578-1609, a seventeenth-century collection of Welsh poetry by the principal 'cywyddwyr'; a memoir of Richard Robert Jones ('Dic Aberdaron', 1780-1843) in his own autograph; English sermons and miscellaneous notes by Rev. Edmund Jones, Pontypool, a sermon notebook of Rev. Philip Henry (1631-1696), the eminent Nonconformist divine, a survey of the lands of Henry, earl of Pembroke, in Glamorgan and Monmouthshire, 1570, and a survey of lands in the lordship of Usk, 1619; pedigree rolls of Sir Roger Williams of Penrhos, Monmouthshire, compiled by Thomas Jones ('Twm Siôn Catti'), 1591, and of the Williams family of Llangibby Castle, probably compiled by Sylvanus Morgan.

Addams-Williams family, of Llangibby Castle.

Cardiganshire C. M. trust deeds, etc.,

  • NLW MS 12163D.
  • Ffeil
  • 1736-1871.

A bound volume containing printed Acts of Parliament, 1736-1868, largely relating to the conveyance of lands for charitable uses; a printed circular letter, 1861, from the Wesleyan Chapel Committee to the Superintendents of Circuits, calling attention to the provisions of 'An Act to amend the Law relating to the Conveyance of Land for Charitable Uses', 17 May 1861; and a manuscript alphabetical list, compiled circa or after 1871, of trust deeds of Calvinistic Methodist churches, Sunday schools, day schools, dwelling and chapel houses, cemeteries and land in co. Cardigan.


Miscellaneous papers containing notes, lists, jottings, etc., of an extremely varied nature in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound into one volume. The contents, pagination in brackets, include a copy of a notice relating to the proclamation in 1816 of the holding of a bardic convention at Pen rhiw'r gwydd in the cantref of Garth Mathrin, co. Glamorgan, in the following year (30-31); a list of 'Druidical altars in Glamorgan' (38-9); brief genealogical data relating to Llywelyn Bren Ail of Sainghenydd [ob. 1317] (45); a list of 'Documents of Welsh History Translated from Ancient British Manuscripts by Edward Williams' and a list of four dissertations relating to early British history, 'ancient Welsh MSS.', etc. [by the said Edward Williams] ? to be published in part form (46-7); another list of source material headed 'By Edward Williams. Welsh Historical Documents Collections for a New History of Wales consisting of Translations of' (48); a list of events, etc., relating mainly to British history A.D. 79 - A.D. 460 (54-5); a brief note on the church and parish of Lanedarn, co. Glamorgan (61); a sketch ground plan of the lay-out of Rumney house and garden (62-3); brief lists or groups of Welsh words (64, 92, 105, 113, 117- 18, 123, 125, 133, 138, 155, 165, 204-12, 218-19, 259, 331-2, 334, 340-41, 361-2, 370, 371, 389); a short pedigree tracing the descent in direct line of Dafydd ap Hopkin from Bleddyn ap Maenarch (68); five draft stanzas of a Welsh hymn and two other stanzas of Welsh verse (70); a list of fifteen items under the heading 'Yniales' being presumably a list of items contained in an alleged manuscript volume bearing that name (74; see TLLM, sub nomine in index); an incomplete note on a meeting of bards and musicians at Castell Nedd, ? 1088, convened by Rys ap Tewdwr and attended by Iestyn ap Gwrgan and his wife and daughter Nest, and the saving of the daughter from Rys's intended abduction of her (73-4); miscellanea including Welsh triads, brief notes on Gower sheep, Hereford Ryelands in Glamorgan, the production of butter in Glamorgan, etc. (72, 75, 77); a list of Welsh names of grammatical tenses (83); a brief note on the village of Wrinston and its neighbourhood [co. Glamorgan] (84); an anecdote relating to Sir Gilbert Stradling's presence with Richard I at the siege of Acres and the creation of the order of the Knights of the Blue Garter (85); miscellaneous notes relating to Welsh triads and their attribution to fictitious names, the basic reasons for the continued existence of the bardic system of Glamorgan, etc. (87-8); a list of mythological items and persons headed 'Damhegion Beirdd Ynys Prydain' (89); an extract from the poem 'Angar Cyfyndawd' from the Book of Taliesin (91); copies of two 'englynion' by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (94); a remedy for asthma (95); a list of fifteen faults in metre and 'cynghanedd' which should be avoided by Welsh bards according to the Glamorgan system (98); a list of twelve ? subject or chapter headings under the superscription 'A brief analysis of the Cimbric or Welsh language' being ? the outline of an intended article or booklet on the said subject (101-02); a stanza of Welsh verse by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (106); a list of nine Welsh manuscript sources, e.g. 'Brut y Tywysogion', 'Brut y Saeson', 'Trioedd Ynys Prydain', under the heading 'Works in hand by Edwd. Williams. Collections for the History of Wales' (107); (continued)

Brief genealogies in direct line of Einion ap Gwalchmai and Bleddyn ab Llywarch (107); a list of Welsh proverbs or proverbial expressions (114, 186, 189, 398); nine stanzas of an English patriotic poem transcribed from the Bristol Gazette of 24 August 1803 (115-16); brief notes relating to inscribed stones in Glamorgan and the bardic 'Cadair Tir Iarll' (126); a brief note relating to Taliesin and the Welsh metres and the retention of knowledge of the ancient principles of poetry, etc., in Glamorgan (129); brief notes on Saint Caradoc (132); a note on the boundaries of Glamorgan (135-6); biographical data relating to Edward Ifan, 1716-98 [Presbyterian minister and poet], with transcripts of two commemorative 'englynion' to him attributed to Wiliam Harri 'o blwyf Penderyn' (142-5; see TLLM, and IM, sub nomine in index and more particularly TLLM, tt. 245-51); a note relating to the probable degree of civilisation prevailing amongst the early Cimmeri (149); a transcript of [Horace's Ode XXII from Book 1] (151-2); brief observations by E[dward] Williams on [Thomas] Gray' s poem '[The] Bard' (156-7); a draft version of six stanzas of English verse and a copy of an ? incomplete 'cywydd' by [Edward Williams] 'I[olo] Morganwg' (160-63); a note relating to the extent of Morgannwg and to the bardic 'Cadair Caerllion ar Wysg' and 'Cadair Dinefwr ag Ystrad Tywy' (170 ); a transcript of a 'cywydd' attributed to Ieuan Tew (173-4); a note on the bardic 'Trwyddedog Nawdd' (177); a brief note relating to Cuneddaf Wledig and his sons in North Wales (183); a draft version of an English sonnet written [by Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg'] in December 1792 (185 + 190); the introductory section of proposed notes on the history of Morgannwg allegedly extracted from a volume formerly in the possession of the Reverend Edward Gamais, rector of St. Athan, and then in the hands of Mr. John Spenser of the same parish (187); notes on the implications of civilisation in social polity, religion, social economy, domestic economy, etc. (192-7); an outline of a 'Letter to Napoleon by E[dward] W[illiams] in the Character of a Quaker', in which he sets out, in nine points, his advice to the recipient and his principles for government, etc. (200-03); notes on the organisation of the bards and bardic system by King Arthur (213 + 218); a list of Latin and English names of trees, grasses, etc., under the headings 'Additions to Turton' and 'Not in Bingley' (214-17); a genealogy showing the descent in direct line of Hu Gadarn (218); a stanza of Welsh free-metre verse by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (219); sketches of, and notes on,? the ruins of Gwern y Cleppa house [co. Monmouth] (220-22); notes relating to resolutions of the Welsh bardic fraternity in 1798 (235-6); a list of 'Rare plants in Glamorgan' (239 + 244); a notice relating to an advertisement concerning a proposed harbour and tramroad at Newton [co. Glamorgan] headed 'Cambrian, Aug. 11th 1819' (241-2); a list of 'Fish in Glamorgan' (247-8); brief architectural notes relating to Coyty Castle and Coyty Church [co. Glamorgan] (250); a draft of a statement [by Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg'] to the effect that certain authors who had published psalms had borrowed lines or couplets from his psalms and not he from theirs (253-4); a brief note referring to W[illiam] O[wen] P[ugh] and [Owen Jones] 'Owain Myfyr' in a derogatory manner (259-60); notes referring to developments in 'cynghanedd', etc., the Emperor Arthur and the bardic 'dosparth y Ford Gron', the rediscovery by Rhys ap Tewdwr, when in exile in Brittany, of books relating to the said 'dosparth y Ford Gron', the bardic chairs 'Cadair Morganwg', 'Cadair Gereinwg', 'Cadair Caerllion ar Wysg yn Nhir Iarll', 'Cadair Urien Reged', 'Cadair Gwynedd a Phowys', and 'Cadair Marchwiail', and 'Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain' (266-73); extracts from the Welsh Scriptures, all except one being from the New Testament (274-81); philosophical and religious observations (291-302) ? connected with the inscription 'Hints for an Essay on the Christian prophecies now fulfilling in the world' on p. 290; brief notes relating to 'flag and bastard lias' and 'rag lias' soils, an ancient course or rotation of crops on 'flag and bastard lias strong soils' in Glamorgan, species of wheat ? found in Glamorgan, etc. (310-12); (continued)

A formula for making 'water cement for cisterns, etc., or to plaister walls in houses to keep out water' (313); notes headed 'Farming Calendar, Glam[ organ], from observation', outlining the work to be done in every month of the year (314-17); names of the parts of speech in Welsh and a list of the letters of the Welsh alphabet (333 + 330); a brief note relating to Welsh literature in the Middle Ages (338); a Welsh version of an inscription on a column erected by the inhabitants of 'Môn ag Arfon' to honour Henry William, Marquis of Anglesey, and his heroism whilst fighting in Spain and at the battle of Waterloo (342); a short list of 'Silurian idioms' and 'Deudneudisms' (346); a list of Biblical texts ? containing references to the devil (347 + 352); a copy of what, by inference, was the allegedly concluding passage of the work called 'Cyfrinach Beirdd Ynys Prydain' in which the reputed author, Llywelyn Siôn of Llangewydd, co. Glamorgan [poet and copyist], claims that he extracted his information from various volumes in Raglan Castle [co. Glamorgan] in the possession of Sir William Herbert ('o Lyfrau Lewys Morganwg . . . ag o hen lyfrau eraill yno nid amgen na Llyfrau Edeyrn Dafawd aur'), and a copy of a note attributed to Edward Dafydd stating that the said Sir William had intended setting up a printing press in Cardiff Castle to print the Welsh works ('i brinto'r Llyfrau Cymraeg'), that he had died before doing so, and that Raglan Castle and its library ('a'r cyfan o'r llyfrau') had been set on fire by the followers of Oliver [Cromwell] (349-50); a list of five triads headed 'Trioedd Iaith ag ymadrodd' (353); draft stanzas of Welsh religious verse ? hymns (355); notes relating to metrical feet - 'corfannau cerdd dafod' (367- 8); a brief note on Ceraint Fardd and his contribution to 'cynghanedd' (369); an extract from the Gent[leman's] Mag[azine], December 1795, relating to a brass sword discovered at Buildwas, co. Salop (370); a list of 'Gower villages' (381 + 378); a transcript of a 'cywydd' attributed to Ior[werth] Fynglwyd (385-7); pencil sketches of ? sections of Dunraven peninsula (388 + 390); a brief biographical note relating to Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd of Glynn Aeron (392); miscellaneous stanzas of Welsh free- and strict-metre verse including a 'tawddgyrch cadwynog' attributed to Gwilym Tew 'o Lynn Taf' and two free-metre stanzas by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (393-6); versions of an 'englyn' in Latin, English, and Welsh, the Latin version bearing the name of Daf. Nicolas (399); an 'englyn' by [ Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (399); a twenty-point plan being a 'Sketch of a New System whereon a Religious Society may be formed' (400-09); a list of 'Meteorological observations and adages collected in Glam[organ]' (422-5); brief extracts from the poems of Cynddelw (97, 104, 206), Tudur Aled (133), Rhys Goch ap Rhiccart (138), D[afydd ap] G[wilym] (141), and Ed[mund] Prys (369); and other miscellanea. Pp. 191, 255, 260, 364, 397 contain lines of musical notation being possibly in some instances the airs of tunes. Notes in some instances have been written on the verso or in the margins of the following, pagination in brackets, - an undated ? holograph letter from Thomas Rhys to Edward Williams (seeking aid for H. Walters) (53); a ? holograph letter, 1812, from John Bishop Estlin from Bristol to Thomas John of St. Athan (recipient's eyesight, the writer was sending two pairs of glasses) (71 + 76); an account from Taliesin Williams to Mr. Bradley in respect of cutting letters and painting (87); an incomplete holograph letter from Edwd. Williams to Sir Robert L. Blosse, Bart. (personal) (106); an undated holograph letter from Thos. William from Froom, Sumnerset, to his sister (he was at work 'in this town', his brother [Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg'] could have work 'in the Marble way' at Devizes for fifteen shillings a week) (131 + 140); a copy of a printed prospectus advertising a proposed new edition of poems by Charles James (147-8 and two unnumbered pages between p. 154 and p. 155); a copy of a printed circular from John Walter from Piccadilly, 1790, offering his services as an agent at the approaching General Election (150 + 153); a note in the third person, January 1815, from Dr. Prichard inviting Mr. Williams and his son to dinner (158); a copy of a printed account of the receipts and payments of the Cymmrodorion Society on behalf of the churchwardens and parishioners of the parish of Trefdraeth, co. Anglesey, in their suit, 1769-1773, against Dr. Bowies, rector of the parish, concerning the legality of presenting non Welsh-speaking incumbents to livings in Wales (two unnumbered pages between p. 204 and p. 205 and two unnumbered pages between p. 210 and p. 211); an incomplete draft of a petition from Edward Lloyd, schoolmaster, to persons in the town and vicinity of Neath, recounting his war service, 1756-1763, on board H.M.S. Trident (212 + 2190); a receipt, 8 February 1794, from J. C. Matthews [bookbinder] to Mr. Williams [? Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg'] for sixteen shillings received by the hand of Mr. Bingley 'for 100 Setts Poems', and a note from W. Bingley to [? Edward Williams] relating to the said account and 'your other binders bill' (234 + 237); a copy of printed proposals for publishing Edward Williams's two volumes of English poems Poems Lyric and Pastoral (263-4, 290 + 309); and a copy of printed proposals for publishing in monthly parts Hanes Bywydau, Dioddefiadau, a Marwolaethau y Merthyron Cristianogol translated from the English martyrology of [John] Fox[e] with other additional material (327 + 336).

Political tracts,

Two political tracts, written in the same hand, arguing the merits of the Tories over those of the Whigs at the time of the parliamentary election of 1722. In the first tract (a) the Tories and the Whigs are referred to as the Country and Court parties respectively (ff. 1-71, rectos only), and in the second tract (b) the Tories are referred to as the Church Party (ff. 73-136, rectos only). Also included is a transcript (c) in another contemporary hand of the first 28 folios of the second tract (ff. 137-140 verso).

Miscellaneous documents

Papers relating to a petition, [c. 1715], to have the Great Sessions held in towns in Anglesey in addition to Beaumaris, with a printed Case of Most of the Considerable Gentlemen, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of the County of Anglesey; a statement concerning the parliamentary representation of Newborough; notes by Paul Panton on electoral law; draft letters by Paul Panton, 1801; letters by W. Bulkeley, 1715, and Daines Barrington, 1769-1770; notes, by Richard Fenton, for an itinerary in South Wales, [1812] (pp. 85-88); notes by Evan Evans on Cadnant and Gorsedd Nigri; printed votes of the House of Commons including an order on the petition of the Grand Jury of Anglesey on a bill to discourage the commencing of frivolous actions in the Westminster courts; and a copy of the charter of Englefield, Flintshire, 1242.

Bulkeley, William, 1691-1760