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Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales File Patagonia (Argentina and Chile)
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Compañía Unida de Irrigación del Chubut.

  • NLW ex 2223
  • File
  • 1934

Tystysgrif cyfranddaliadau yng nghwmni cydweithredol dyfrhau Y Gaiman, Chubut, Patagonia, Yr Ariannin, yn enw Aaron Jenkins, 5 Medi 1934, wedi ei harwyddo gan John ap Hughes, Robert Evans a Myrddin Griffith.

Françoise Maurel thesis 'Gwladfa Patagonia ...'

  • NLW ex 2285
  • File
  • 2003

A copy of a thesis entitled 'Gwladfa Patagonia: La colonie galloise du Chubut 1865-1915', by Françoise Maurel, submitted for a Doctorate degree (Université de Bretagne Occidentale), 2003.

Maurel, Françoise

Hazel Charles Evans letter

  • NLW ex 1884/1
  • File
  • 1997

A letter, November 1997, in Welsh, from Hazel Charles Evans, Chubut, Patagonia, to William Howells, Aberystwyth, regarding Welsh books sent to Patagonia.

Llythyr, Tachwedd 1997, oddi wrth Hazel Charles Evans, Chubut, Patagonia, at William Howells, Aberystwyth, yn diolch iddo am anfon llyfrau Cymraeg i'r Wladfa.

Letter in the hand of 'Colonel' R. E. Jones, Patagonia.

  • NLW ex 2246
  • File
  • [1875]

Llythyr, tua 1875, yn llaw y 'Cyrnol' R. E. Jones, Rawson, Patagonia, yr Ariannin, lle mae'n sôn am yr helynt a fu pan gipiwyd pump ar hugain o Gymry a oedd yn byw yn yr ardal gan Indiaid, ynghyd â chopïau teipysgrif o'r llythyr a chyfieithiad Saesneg ohono gan y rhoddwr.

Jones, R. E. Rawson, Patagonia

Llyfr lloffion yn ymwneud â thaith i Batagonia,

  • NLW ex 2122.
  • File
  • 1988-1992.

Llyfr lloffion yn cynnwys papurau amrywiol, 1988-1992, wedi eu pastio yn y gyfrol, yn ymwneud yn bennaf â theithiau i Batagonia ac i Oberammergau.

Llyfrau lloffion yn ymwneud ag Elias Garmon Owen, Patagonia.

  • NLW ex 2121
  • File
  • 1913-1986

Dau lyfr lloffion yn cynnwys llythyron, ffotograffau, darnau o farddoniaeth, tystysgrifau geni, a thorion o'r wasg, 1913-1986, wedi'u pastio yn y cyfrolau, yn ymwneud ag Elias Garmon Owen, Gaiman, Chubut, Patagonia (1892-1986).

Owen, Elias Garmon, 1892-1986

Llythyr Glan Caeron,

  • NLW Facs 369/49.
  • File
  • 1925.

A photocopy of the last letter, 1925, written by 'Glan Caeron' (Guillermo H. Hughes, 1866-1926), Chubut, Patagonia, to his relatives in Wales. = Llungopi o'r llythyr olaf, 1925, a ysgrifennodd 'Glan Caeron' (Guillermo H. Hughes, 1866-1926), Chubut, Patagonia, at ei berthnasau yng Nghymru.

Llythyr W. H. Hughes ('Glan Caeron'),

  • NLW Facs 369/59.
  • File
  • 1925.

Llungopïau o lythyr W. H. Hughes ('Glan Caeron'), Dolavon, Patagonia, 1925, at Mrs Ellen Jones ('Nel Fach y Books'), Emporium, Llandysul, yn cydymdeimlo â hi ar farwolaeth ei thad, ei 'hen gyfaill' [John Davies] a fu'n byw yn Y Wladfa, ac yn cynnwys newyddion am y datblygiadau yn y wlad a'r twf yn y boblogaeth.

Hughes, W. H. (William Henry), 1858-1926.

Miscellaneous papers of Jonathan Ceredig Davies.

  • NLW ex 2179
  • File
  • 1841-1924

Miscellaneous papers, 1841-1924, which belonged to Jonathan Ceredig Davies (1859-1924), genealogist, missionary and folk-lorist, including letters and invitations, a passport, photographs, press cuttings, a bidding letter and a printed testimonial to Ceredig Davies, written in Trelew, Patagonia, 1891.

Davies, Jonathan Ceredig, 1859-1932

Miscellaneous papers relating to Patagonia.

  • NLW ex 2155
  • File
  • 1965

Papurau yn ymwneud ag ymweliad â Phatagonia yn ystod blwyddyn dathlu canmlwyddiant y Wladfa, 1965.

Griffiths, T. Elwyn (Thomas Elwyn), 1918-

Novels of Roy Centeno Humphreys

  • NLW ex 1923
  • File

A photocopy of a translation into Welsh, mostly in manuscript, by Eryl McDonald de Hughes of the novel El Evangelio y Don Eduardo (Buenos Aires, 1991) by Roy Centeno Humphreys, and an English translation 'Go Patagonia, said Edwin' by the latter of his novel Go Patagonia, dijo Edwin (Argentina, 1993), both of which relate to the Welsh colonization of the Chubut Valley and were declared works of National Cultural Interest by the Argentine Government in 1996; together with Roy Centeno Humphreys's curriculum vitae and photocopies of research papers including letters to Edward Humphreys, genealogical notes, and reviews of the novels, mainly in Spanish. The author is the great grandson of Elizabeth and Morris Humphreys, who came to Patagonia aboard the Mimosa in 1865; copies of both novels have been transferred to the Department of Printed Books.

Centeno, Roy

Owen, Australia, family letters,

  • NLW Facs 369/51.
  • File
  • 1915.

Llungopïau o bedwar llythyr, 1915, oddi wrth aelodau o'r teulu Owen a ymfudodd o Batagonia i Moora, Gorllewin Awstralia, at eu perthynas Maggie Owen yn Abergele. = Photocopies of four letters in Welsh, 1915, from members of the Owen family who emigrated to Moora, Western Australia, from Patagonia, to their relative Maggie Owen in Abergele.

Papurau'n ymwneud â John Murray Thomas, Patagonia

  • NLW Facs 184
  • File
  • 1893-2000

Llungopïau o bapurau'n ymwneud â John Murray Thomas (1847-1924) a ychwanegwyd at y rhai a roddwyd gan Olivia Hughes de Mulhall ym mis Medi 1975; yr oedd John Murray Thomas o Ferthyr Tudful yn wreiddiol ac ymfudodd i'r Wladfa ar y Mimosa gyda'r fintai gyntaf yn 1865. Casglwyd y papurau ynghyd gan Olivia Hughes de Mulhall, gwraig ei ŵyr, tra'n gweithio ar ei llyfr John Murray Thomas: pequeño hombre pero gran héroe para la historia de Chubut (Trelew, 1999), gydag adolygiadau, 2000, ohono. Ymhlith y papurau ceir rhannau o'i ddyddiaduron, 1877, 1878 ac 1893; ei gynllun o Gwm Hyfryd, 1885; ei ohebiaeth, 1888-1911, gan gynnwys deiseb a luniwyd ganddo, 1893, ynglŷn â hawliau tir; pedwar llythyr gwreiddiol at John Murray Thomas, 1895-1898, a chytundeb busnes gwreiddiol, 1893. Ceir papurau hefyd yn ymwneud â'i thad y bardd Morris ap Hughes, gan gynnwys enghreifftiau o'i farddoniaeth fel 'Cerdd ymson wrth feddrod Eluned [Morgan]' a 'Gwyl y Glaniad' mewn Sbaeneg; a chyfieithiadau o emynau adnabyddus Cymreig i'r Sbaeneg gan ei fab Osian Hughes, Eisteddfod Chubut 1988

Thomas, John Murray, 1847-1924

Patagonia Correspondence (Glenys Goossens)

  • NLW Facs 898
  • File

Llungopïau o lythyrau, 1995-1996, a anfonwyd gan Glenys Goossens, Canada, at berthnasau yn Abergele yn rhoi gwybodaeth achyddol am ei thad William Edward Thomas (1895-1995), ŵyr i Robert a Catherine Davies, Llandrillo, a ymfudodd i Batagonia ar y 'Mimosa' yn 1865; ynghyd â llungopïau a chyfieithiadau o erthyglau, llythyrau, etc, yn ymwneud â chorff a ddarganfuwyd ar draeth Port Madryn yn 1995 a'r ymgais i geisio profi mai corff Catherine Davies ydoedd. / Photocopies of letters, 1995-1996, sent by Glenys Goossens, Canada, to relatives in Abergele containing genealogical information concerning her father William Edward Davies (1895-1995), grandson of Robert and Catherine Davies, Llandrillo, who emigrated to Patagonia in 1865 aboard the 'Mimosa'; together with photocopies and translations of press cuttings, correspondence, etc, relating to human bones discovered near Port Madryn in 1995, alleged to be the remains of Catherine Davies.

Patagonia visit,

Papers, 1967-1969, mainly comprising travel documents and correspondence, relating to Kyffin Williams's visit to Patagonia. Also included are typescript notes relating to Patagonia, [?1961x1962], belonging to John Ormond and used by him in preparation for his visit to the region to film 'The desert and the dream' (1962). These notes, which include an annotated script of the film, appear to have been given to Kyffin Williams, together with a holograph poem by John Ormond, 'Instruction to settlers', 1967, prior to his trip. In addition, the file includes a copy of the journal Argentina, vol. 4, no. 4 (April 1963), which contains an article entitled 'The desert and the dream'; a list of contacts in Patagonia, [1968], prepared by Valmai Jones in readiness for Kyffin Williams's visit; typescript questions and answers prepared before, or possibly at the beginning of, his visit; and a catalogue of the 'Photographs of Patagonia' exhibition at Oriel Môn, 1982, with photocopies of drawings contained in an album. The file also contains a photocopy of the book Tan tro nesaf by Gareth Alban Davies (Llandysul, 1976), which includes the titles of pictures by Kyffin Williams to be inserted in the work.

Pregethau Hywel Ddu o Arfon

  • NLW Facs 873-4
  • File

Photocopies of sermons, in Welsh, 1869-76, delivered at churches in Bangor and Dwygyfylchi by the Reverend Hugh Davies ('Hywel Ddu o Arfon', d. 1909), who emigrated to Patagonia in 1883 and was a Welsh Chaplain in the Chubut Colony (cf. NLW MS 23383B); and of the diary, 1909-10, of his son Robert Llywelyn Davies (b. 1878), Chubut.

Pregethau, &c.,

Sermons and sermon notes in Welsh by the Rev. Ben Davies; a printed sermon Y Gwyr Ieuainc, Pregeth gan y Parch. Ben Davies, Pantteg. Traddodwyd ar gais Cyfarfod y Bobl Ieuainc Nos Sul, Rhagfyr 3, 1922; and two letters, to and from Ben Davies, written during a preaching tour in Patagonia, 1923-1924.

Ben Davies.

R. J. Berwyn photocopies

  • NLW Facs 876
  • File

Llungopïau gan gynnwys erthygl 'Mynwent Rawson' gan R. J. Berwyn (1863-1917) ar gyfer Y Drafod; tystysgrif geni, 1912,yn Sbaeneg, y plentyn cyntaf a anwyd yn y Wladfa yn 1865 yn dwyn llofnod 'RJB'; a dau lythyr, 1912 a heb ddyddiad, oddi wrth R. J. Berwyn at aelodau o'i deulu. / Photocopies including an article 'Mynwent Rawson' by R. J. Berwyn (1863-1917) for Y Drafod; a birth certificate, 1912, in Spanish, of the first child born in the Welsh Colony, Patagonia, 1865, bearing the signature of 'RJB'; and two letters, 1912 and undated, from R. J. Berwyn to members of his family.

Berwyn, R.J.

The career of the athlete German 'Loly' Roberts.

  • NLW Facs 968
  • File
  • [1998]

A volume containing photocopies of press articles from Patagonian newspapers, on the life and career of Germán 'Loly' Roberts, an athlete of Welsh descent.

Results 1 to 20 of 23