Dangos 103 canlyniad

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Swansea (Wales)
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1 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Congregationalist Memorial College,

Correspondence, papers and printed items, 1981-1993, relating to the Congregationalist Memorial College (Y Coleg Coffa). They include correspondence and papers relating to the attempts to unite Y Coleg Coffa and Coleg Bala-Bangor at Aberystwyth between 1981 and 1989. They also include the College's annual reports and accounts, financial papers, papers deriving from the proceedings of the committee set up to decide the location of a united college, and statistics relating to the attendance at the colleges. The correspondents include Elfed ap Nefydd Roberts, 1983, Dewi Eirug Davies, 1985, Gwynfor Evans (8), 1984-1989, and Derwyn Morris Jones (2), 1984-1989.

Roberts, Elfed ap Nefydd.

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