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Robert Leiaf
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A sixteenth century transcript of 'cywyddau' by Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Dafydd Nanmor, Iolo Goch, Morys ap Hywel, Maredudd ap Rhys, Robert Leiaf, Ieuan Brydydd Hir [Hynaf], Gwerful Mechain, Sion Cent, Wiliam Llŷn, Hywel ap Dafydd ab Ieuan ap Rhys, Wiliam Cynwal, Bedo Brwynllys, Dafydd ap Gwilym, 'Prydydd da', Sion Tudur, Gruffudd Hiraethog, Lewis Glyn Cothi, Bedo Aeddren, Lewis Menai, Simwnt Fychan, Edwart ap Raff, Roger Cyffin and Catrin ferch Gruffudd ab Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan; and prose extracts, including a translation of the first part of the Gospel of St John.


Cywyddau and other poetry by Robin Ddu, Sion Ceri, Gronw Ddu o Fôn, Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Maredudd ap Rhys, Guto'r Glyn, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Rhys Goch Eryri, Wiliam Llŷn, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Tudur Aled, Owain ap Llywelyn ap Moel y Pantri, Lew[y]s Morganwg, Dafydd Nanmor, Gruffudd Gryg, Iolo Goch, Sion ap Hywel, Lew[y]s Môn, Gruffudd ab Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan, Ieuan Deulwyn, Gruffudd Llwyd ab Ieuan, Siôn Tudur, Ieuan ap Rhydderch, Tudur Penllyn, Gruffudd Llwyd ap Dafydd, Siôn Cent, Gruffudd ab yr Ynad Coch, [Sir] Rhys ap Thomas, Hywel Swrdwal, Aneirin [Gwawdrydd], Lew[y]s Glyn Cothi, Ieuan Du'r Bilwg, Robert Leiaf, Gruffudd Hiraethog, Deio ab Ieuan Du, Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Ieuan ap Gruffudd Leiaf, William Cynwal, Llawdden, Ieuan Gethin ab Ieuan ap Lleision, Llywelyn ap Maredudd ab Ednyfed, Hywel Aeddren, Hywel ap Dafydd ab Ieuan ap Rhys, Morgan ap Huw Lewis, Sion Brwynog, 'Huw Llwyd', Roger [C]yffin, Daniel ap Llosgwrn Mew, Bleddyn Fardd, Dafydd Baentiwr, Gruffudd ab Ieuan ap Rhys Llwyd, Sion ap Hywel [ap Llywelyn] Fychan, Siôn Phylip, S[i]r Owain ap Gwilym, Syr Hywel o Fuellt, Rhys ap Hywel ap Dafydd and Ieuan Castell.


A seventeenth century transcript of 'cywyddau' and 'awdlau' by Huw Machno, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Sion Cent, Sion Tudur, Dafydd Nanmor, Iolo Goch, Tudur Penllyn, Guto'r Glyn, Tudur Aled, Ieuan Deulwyn, T[h]om[a]s Derllys, Robert Leiaf, Wiliam Llŷn, Sion Brwynog, Robin Ddu, Gruffudd Hiraethog, Lewis Daron, Owain Waed Da, Hywel Cilan, Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Rhys Goch Eryri, Sypyn Cyfeiliog, Lewis Glyn Cothi, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Ieuan ap Tudur Penllyn, Lew[y]s Morganwg (Llywelyn ap Rhisiart), Deio ab Ieuan Du, Bedo Brwynllys, Wiliam Cynwal, Huw Arwystli, Mor[u]s Dwyfech (Morus ap Dafydd ab Ifan ab Einion), Bedo Phylip Bach, Sion Phylip, Maredudd ap Rhys, Lew[y]s Môn, Ieuan ap Gruffudd Leiaf, Richard Phylip, Rhys Goch Glyndyfrdwy, Ieuan ap Rhydderch ab Ieuan Llwyd, Gruffudd ab Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan, Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Llywelyn ap Gutun [ap Ieuan Lydan], Sion ap Robert ap Rhys, Dafydd Benfras, Bleddyn Fardd, Edmwnd Prys, Gwilym ab Ieuan Hen, Syr Dafydd Trefor, Gruffudd Phylip, Ifan Llwyd (Gwaun Eingian), Edwart Ifans and Rhys ap Robert ap Hywel; 'englynion'; a vocabulary of old Welsh words; genealogies of the Lloyd family of Dulassau, etc.

Barddoniaeth; y XXIV brenin cadarnaf,

A small imperfect volume containing Welsh poetry and an item of prose written for the most part c. 1600 in various artificial scripts by the scribe of Peniarth MS 65 [Owen John, R.W.M., I, 454] and NLW MS 13081B (Llanover B. 23), with a few additions of slightly later date in other hands at the end. The contents are as follows: pp. 1-74, a series of 'cywyddau', numbered [4]-7 and 9-23, by John Phelip (beginning wanting), Morys ap Howel, Lewys y morganwg, Robert Leia (beginning wanting), John y kent, Gr. llwyd dap Einion lygwy [sic], Sr Owen ap Gwillim, Rys ap Hari 'o Eas', Iolo Goch, and Dafudd ap Rys 'ofeni' [sic]; 75-96, 'cywyddau' by unnamed poets and by Morgan ap hoell, Llywelyn sion, and Thomas lly'n; 97- 126, 'Llyma henway y Pedwar Brenin Ar higain ofrenhinnoedd ynys Brydayin y rhaini y farnwyd yn Gadarnaf . . . Ac felyma henway y brenhinnoedd awnaeth y Prif Geyrydd Penaf yn yr holl ynys brydayn ay henway Pwy ay Gwnaeth, A nef yddy ynt Os kenad Gan dduw y Erchi pod Gwir Amen'; 127-32, 'owdwl fair a Gant Gwilim I ddysgu or hen fesurau gorchestawl ac Nyd ydynt yw cael and y nti hi am farddoniaeth'; 134, lines beginning 'efo naeth panton . . . ' (? in another hand, incomplete); 136-9, a 'cywydd' by Rys ap hari; 141-60 (pagination confused) 'cywyddau', some imperfect and incomplete, by John y Kent, Sion Tydyr, Sieles ap Sion 'Gwas yr henaynt' and others (unnamed); 161-4 and 169-75, religious stanzas in free metre, the second series perhaps in the autograph of one Edward Watkin; and 1177, an 'englyn' by Siarles Siones [sic]. There is a note (? incomplete) mentioning Mary John, the wife late of Richard Lewys, and others who entered a house in the parish of Mynythusllon (167). The date 1625 occurs on p. 165.


Transcripts by Ioan Pedr and others of 'cywyddau' by Thomas Prys, Gruffudd Hiraethog, Siôn Tudur, Ieuan Llwyd o'r T[y]wyn, Guto'r Glyn, Llywelyn Goch ap Meurig Hen, Richard Gruff[y]dd ap Huw, Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Gruffudd Kenrick Coch, Edmwnd Prys, Owain Waed Da, Hywel Cilan, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Owain ap Llywelyn ap Moel y Pantri, Tudur Aled, Mor[y]s ab Ieuan ab Ein[io]n, Robert Leiaf, Ieuan Dyfi, Wiliam Llŷn, Huw Arwystli, Siôn Cent, Gruffudd ab Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan, Dafydd Nanmor, Siôn Phylip, Rhys ap Hywel ap Dafydd ab Einion, Lew[y]s Môn, Syr Dafydd Owain, Gruffudd Gryg and Dafydd ap Gwilym.


An imperfect volume, the contents consisting of transcripts, in a hand possibly of the first half of the seventeenth century, of Welsh poems being mainly strict-metre poems in the form of 'cywyddau'. These are numbered and, if the manuscript when complete contained the whole sequence, the folios at the beginning containing poems 1-18 and most of poem 19 are now wanting. Many mid-volume and possibly some end folios are also missing. Poems by the following poets are included - Iolo Goch (2), Siôn y Cent (13 ), Siôn Tydyr, Lewys Morgannwg (5), Davydd Epynt, Ieuanap Rydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd (3), Davydd Ddu Hiraddug, Davydd ap Edmwnt (3), Ieuan Brydydd Hir, Davydd Nannmor, Gytto'r Glynn (2), Lewis i Glynn (3), Gryffydd Llwyd ap Davydd ap Enion, Hyw Llvn, Syrr Philip Emlyn, Lle'n ap Howel ap Ieuan ap Gronw (4), William Egwad, Gwilim Tew, Iorwerth Vynglwyd, Howel Swrdwal, Howel Davydd ap Ieuan ap Res (4), Siôn Brwynog, Ievan Tew Brydydd, Thomas Lle'n, Hyw Davi, Rys Goch 'o Vachgarn', Robert Laia, Ieuan Tew Brydydd Ievanc, Risiart ap Rys, Thomas Derllysg (2), Wiliam Cynvol, Siôn Phylib, Edwart ap Rys, Morys ap Howel, Gwyrfyl verch Howel Vychan, and Meredydd ap Rys. One of the poems by Ieuan ap Rydderch contains stanzas in which Latin and Welsh words are intermingled. There are a few marginal entries by Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg').

Barddoniaeth, &c.

  • NLW MS 11816B.
  • File
  • [17 cent.]-[19 cent.]

An incomplete volume (ff. 1-85, 176-243) consisting largely of cywyddau and englynion by Sion Kent, Sion Tudvr, Grvffydd Grvg, Meredith ap Rees, Will'm ap Sion ap D'd, Gruff' Hiraethog, Will'm Llynn, Huw Arwistl, D'd ap Edmwnd, D'd ap Gwilim, Rob't Leiaf, Rys Goch or Yri, Mastr Hari, Ifan Tew Brydydd, Gytto Glyn, Sion Philipp, Roger Kyffyn, Ievan Fychan, Sr. Davydd Trevor, Tudur Penllyn, Rowland Fychan, Tomas Prys, Evan Tudvr Owen, Ievan Brydydd Hir, William Elias, Tudur Aled, Gruff' ap Ievan, Rys Pennarth, Bedo Aerdrem, Bedo Brwynllys, Iolo Goch, Ellis Rowland, Howel ap D'd ap Ievan ap Rys, D'd Namor, D'd Ddv o Hiraddvc, Lewys Glyn Kothi, Howel ap Ievan ap Rys, Owen Gruffydd, Michael Prichard, Edmwnd Price, Hughe ap Ed'd Lloyd, Rice Kain, Richard Hughes, [Richard Davies] 'Escob Dewi', Ed'd Maelor, Ievan ap Tudvr Penllyn, Harrie Howell, Sion Kain, and Robin Ddv. Towards the end of the volume there are short texts such as englynion in Latin, 'llyma gas bethav Owain Kyveiliog', 'xxiiij gwell', 'Geirie gwir Taliesin', triads, proverbs, the nine grades of kinship, medical recipes, 'Llyma henwau y pedair Caingc ar ddeg Cydwgan a Cyhelyn', and 'Henwau'r pedwar Gosdeg Cerdd dannau'. The greater part of the manuscript was written in the seventeenth century; but there are additions and marginal notes to the nineteenth century. There is an index ('Tabl y llyfr') to ff. 1--76, in a seventeenth century hand. Between ff. 4 and 6 are inserted two leaves (pp. 129-30, 135-6) of David Jones (Trefriw) (ed.): Cydymaith Diddan (Caer Lleon [1766]).

Barddoniaeth, etc.,

A slightly imperfect manuscript consisting mainly of transcripts of Welsh strict- and free-metre poems including poems by, or attributed to, Tal Iesin, [Rhys Prichard, 'Yr Hen Ficer'], Sir Rice ab Richard, John Tydyr, Dauydd Llwyd, Morgan ap Howel, Llywelyn Siôn, Thomas Llywelyn, Ioroeth Fynglwyd, Sieiles ap Siôn a Gwas yr henaynt, Ffylib Emlun, Dafydd Nawmor, Siôn Phelib, Morys ap Howel, Lewys Morganw[g], Llewelyn ap Howell, Robert Leia, Siôn Kent, Gryffydd Llwyd ab Einon Lygwy, Rys ap Hari, Iolo Goch, Dafudd Ddu 'o Euas', Lewys Glyn Kothi, Gwillim ap Ieuan, Ievan Glyn Cothi, Iefan ap Rydderch ap Iefan Llwyd, Dauydd ap Mredydd Tudyr, Thomas Gryffudd, ? Thomas Llewelyn Dd. ap Hyw[e]l 'o Flaengwrach', Thomas Jones, Hopgin Thomas Phulib, Thomas ap Ieuan ap Rhys, and Siôn Lewys Gwyn. Also included are a transcript of the Welsh tale of the birth of Taliesin (ff. 1-4), a few medicinal recipes, and some seventeenth century financial memoranda. The greater part of the volume is written in a number of artificial or contrived copying hands, the scribe in some instances appearing to simulate a gothic script. The initial capitals of some of the poems have elaborate decorative detail sometimes incorporating the outlines of human figures or faces, the latter mostly grotesques. The volume has been attributed to a Glamorgan or Gwentian copyist of the first half of the seventeenth century (see TLLM, t. 44). If this dating is accepted stanzas such as those by Rhys Prichard probably have to be regarded as later insertions. There are marginal annotations in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg').

Llyfr cywyddau,

A seventeenth century collection of 'cywyddau' including poems by Bedo Aeldrem [sic], Dafydd ab Edmwnt, Dafydd ab Gwilym, Dafydd Nanmor, Dafydd Nanconwy, Deio ab Ieuan Du, Edmwnd Prys, Gruffydd ap Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan, Gruffudd ap Dafydd ap Hywel, Gruffudd Gryg, Gruffudd Hiraethog, Guto' r Glyn, Huw Dafydd Llwyd o Gynfal, Huw Arwystli, Huw ap Rhys Wyn, Huw Pennant, Hywel ap Rheinallt, Hywel Cilan, Ieuan Dyfi, Ieuan Llwyd Brydydd, Ieuan Gethin ap Ieuan ap Lleision, Ieuan Brydydd Hir, Inco Brydydd, Iolo Goch, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Lewys Daron, Lewis Glyn Cothi, Lewys Môn, Lewis Menai, Maredudd ap Rhys, Morgan ap Huw Lewys, Morys ab Ieuan ab Eigan, Morus Dwyfech, Owain Waed Da, Rhys Goch Glyndyfrdwy, Rhys Goch Eryri, Rhys Pennardd, Rhisiart Gruffudd ap Huw, Rhisiart ap Hywel Dafydd, Robert Leiaf, Simwnt Fychan, Siôn Brwynog, Siôn Cent, Siôn Phylip, Siôn Mawddwy, Siôn Tudur, Sypyn Cyfeiliog, Syr Dafydd Trefor, Syr Huw Jones, Tudur Aled, and William Llŷn; 'cywyddau' and 'englynion' on the psalms; 'cywydd byr hanes . . . Crickieth'; an englyn by John Lloyd, Llysfasi. The manuscript belonged at one time to Lewis Morris, who filled in gaps, adding notes and some new material.

Lewis Morris and others.

'Llyfr Jenkin Richard',

An imperfect, seventeenth century manuscript. Pages 1-160 and 165-232 contain a collection of Welsh free- and strict-metre poems (medieval to seventeenth century) including poems by Howell Thomas Dauid, Jenk[in] Richard, William Jenkin, Giles ap John, David Du Hir Addig, Charles Thomas, Robert Lia, Rys Goch 'o Fochgoron', John Kent, John Jones, Rich. Watkins, clerk, John Tydyr, Rhys Parri, Dafydd Llwyd Mathey, Hugo Dauids, vicarius, Tho. Lewis, Charles Jones, Mredyth ap Rosser, Res Brychan, Ievan Rhydd, Dafydd ap Gwilim, Ioroth Fyngllwyd, Lln. ap Ho. ap Ivan ap Gronow, Hugh Dafydd (? the same as Hugo Dauids, vicarius, above), Bedo ap Phe. Bach, Dafydd ap Edmond, Iolo Goch, Lln. ap Howell, Howel Swrdwal, Tydyr Aled, Hyw Penmal, and Edward Dafydd (the seventeenth century poet concerning whose identity see TLLM, tt. 96-100, and, for a different opinion, IM, t. 260 and R. Geraint Gruffydd: 'Awdl Wrthryfelgar gan Edward Dafydd', Llên Cymru, cyf. V, tt. 155-63, and cyf. VIII, tt. 65-9). Intermingled with the Welsh poems are a few English items including religious verse by Richard Morgan, clerk, alias Sir Richard y Fwyalchen, and an anonymous poem entitled 'An Epitaph vppon ould dotard Wroth' [? William Wroth, Puritan cleric]. Pages 161-163 and possibly part of p. 159 contain a record of payments or contributions by an unspecified person or persons, 1643-1646, in connection with the maintenance of royalist forces in co. Monmouth. These include contributions towards the garrisons at Monmoth, Raggland, Colbroock, and Abergev[eny], and towards the cost of provisions, weapons, etc. The volume is referred to as 'Llyfr Jenkin Richard(s)' and this is the Jenkin Richard(s) of Blaenau Gwent whose own poems form part of the text (see IMCY, tt. 82, 176; IM., tt. 257-8, 259-60; TLLM, t. 100; and Llên Cymru, cyf. III, t. 98). In TLLM., tt. 97, 100, poems by Edward Dafydd are said to be in the poet's own hand, but R. Geraint Gruffydd in Llên Cymru, cyf. V, t. 158 infers that the whole volume is in the hand of the aforementioned Jenkin Richard(s).

Jenkin Richards.

Llyfr nodiadau o ryddiaith a barddoniaeth, etc.

  • NLW MS 6735B
  • File
  • 17-18 cents

A commonplace book of prose and verse, including a fragment on husbandry, recipes, a charm, astronomical and tide tables, 'Ystori Peilatvs', 'Ystori Adda', 'Ystori Noe Hen', 'Ystori Suddas', 'Araith Gwgan', an extract from Y Ffydd Ddi-ffvant, interpretations of dreams, a calendar for 1695, and poetry by Aneirin Gwawdrydd (fl. second half 6 cent.), Taliesin (fl. end 6 cent.), Hywel Cilan (fl. c. end 15 cent.), Sion Cent (c. 1400-15 cent.), Dafydd Nanmor (fl. 15 cent.), Dafydd ab Edmwnd (fl. 1450-1490), Dafydd ap Gwilym (fl. 1315/20-1350/70), Iolo Goch (c. 1320-1398), Morys ap Hywel (fl. c. 1530), Gruffudd ab Ieuan (c. 1485-1553), Sion Brwynog (d. ?1567), Sion Tudur (c. 1522-1602), Huw Morys (1622-1709), Dafydd ap Rhys (fl. c. 1550), Lewys Morganwg (fl. 1520-1565), Robert Leiaf, Guto'r Glyn (c. 1435-c. 1493), Gruffudd Gryg (fl. 1357-1370), Maredudd ap Rhys (fl. 1440-1483), Tudur Aled (c. 1465-c. 1525), Gruffudd ap Dafydd ap Hywel (fl. 1480-1520), Syr Dafydd, Rhys Cain (d. 1614), Gruffudd Llwyd ab Einion (fl. c. 1380-1410), Wiliam ap Sion ap Dafydd, and Thomas Prys (1564?-1634). Some 'englynion' and memoranda have been written in the margins by Evan Thomas, Cwmhwylfod (d. 1781).

'Llyfr Tomas ab Ieuan, Tre'r-bryn',

A manuscript in two volumes containing a corpus of Welsh strict-metre verse consisting almost entirely of 'cywyddau', and a few Welsh prose items. The foliation of the 'text' (original f. 1 missing, original ff. 2-21 renumbered 1-20, a previously unnumbered folio between original ff. 21-2 now f. 21, ff. 22-623 as originally numbered with 75 twice and 265 and 577 missed out) is continuous, and the division into vol. I (ff. 1-300), now NLW MS 13061B, and vol. II (ff. 301-623), now NLW MS 13062B, occurs in the middle of a poem. Unnumbered leaves of later origin than those of the text have been inserted at the beginning and end of each volume. The manuscript, sometimes referred to as 'Y Byrdew Mawr', is in the hand of Thomas ab Ieuan of Tre'r-bryn, parish of Coychurch, co. Glamorgan, the scribe of NLW MSS 13063B, 13069B, and 13085B, and was probably transcribed in the last quarter of the seventeenth century, partly from the manuscripts of an earlier Glamorgan copyist, Llywelyn Siôn (see TLLM, tt. 95, 167-73, 218-19, 268; IM, tt. 87, 154, 264; and IMCY, tt. 81, 175). It was probably presented to Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') by the copyist's grandson also named Thomas ab Ifan (see TLLM, tt. 170, 268). The contents include (revised foliation) :- 1 recto - verso, rules re interpreting the significance of dreams in relation to the phases of the moon (incomplete); 1 verso-8 recto, another set of rules (183) for interpreting dreams ('Deall braiddwydon herwydd Daniel broffwyd'); 8 recto-11 recto, a sequence of forty-eight 'englynion' entitled 'Englynion rhwng Arthur a Liflod i nai' (see The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, vol. II, pp. 269-86); 11 recto-verso, a poem attributed to 'Taliesin ben bayrdd'; 12 recto-15 verso, prognostications including 'Arwyddion kyn dydd brawd', and four 'englynion'; 16 recto-21 recto, 'Llyma anian diwarnodav y vlwyddyn o gwbl oll'; 21 verso, prognostications re birthdays; and 22 recto-623 verso, poems ('cywyddau' unless otherwise indicated) by Iorwerth Vynglwyd (17), Ieuan Rydd, Tydur Aled (12), Howel ap Rainallt (3), Mathav ap Lle'n Goch, Lewys y Glynn (7), Davydd ap Edmwnt (5), Siôn y kent (24), Davydd llwyd (2), Risiart Iorwerth (4), Llawdden (or Ieuan Llawdden) (6), Davydd Nanmor (5), Iolo Goch (8), Ieuan Daelwyn (13), Lewys Morgannwg ( 18), Thomas Lle'n (5, also 1 'englyn'), Howel ap Davydd ap Ieuan ap Rys (17), Ieuan Tew Bry[dy]dd Ievank (3), Huw Kae Llwyd (8), Ieuan Dyvi (2), Ieuan ap Howel Swrdwal (2), Davydd Llwyd Lle'n ap Gr' (3), Risiart ap Rys Brydydd (3), Tomos Derllysg (4), Gyttyn Kairiog, Ieuan Llwyd ap Gwilym, Ieuan Rydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd (3), Robert Laia, Ieuan Du Bowen Lle'nn ap Howel ap Ieuan ap Gronw (7), Rys Goch 'o Vochgarn', Ieuan Brydydd Hir, Gytto'r Glynn (25), Maredydd Brydydd, Howel Swrdwal (3), Thomas Lle'n Dio Powell (2), William Kynwal, Siôn Tydyr (7), Hyw Davi 'o Wynedd' (3), Huw Davi, Tomas ap Siôn Kati (2), Syr Rys 'o Garno', Syr Lewys Maudw, Syr Phylip Emlyn (2), Huw Lewis, Davydd Ddu Hiraddug, Davydd ap Gwilym (10), Bedo Aurddrem, Morys ap Howel, Ieuan Tew Brydydd (9), Siôn Brwynog, Harri ap Rys ap Gwilym (3), Morys ap Rys, Davydd Benwyn (11), Rydderch Siôn Lle' nn, Sils ap Siôn (3), Lle'n ap Owain, Syr Huw Robert L'en (3), Davydd ap Rys, Thomas Gryffydd, Siôn Phylip, Gwyrfyl verch Howel Vychan, Morgan ap Howel (or Powel) (4), Lle'n Siôn (8), Gryffydd Gryg (5), Maredydd ap Rys, Tydur Penllyn (2), Gronw Wiliam, Bedo Phylip Bach (4), Siôn Mowddwy (11), Rogier Kyffin (4), Wiliam Gryffydd ap Siôn (2), Hyw Dwnn, Lewys Môn (5), Wiliam Egwad (2), Ieuan Du'r Bilwg (2), Rys Brydydd, Daio ap Ieuan Du or Daio Du o Benn Adainiol (3), Gwilim Tew Brydydd (10), Rys Brychan, Maredydd ap Roser, Daio Lliwiel, Lle'nn Goch y Dant, Gryffydd Davydd Ychan (2), Syr Gryffydd Vychan, Lang Lewys, Rys Llwyd Brydydd, Meistr Harri Le'n ( 2), Siôn ap Howel Gwyn (2), William Llvn (5), Ieuan Gethin (ap Ieuan ap Llaison) (3), Gwilim ap Ieuan Hen, Ieuan ap Hyw, Gryffydd Hiraethog (5), Rys Pennarth, Davydd Llwyd Mathav (4), Davydd Emlyn, Davydd Goch Brydydd 'o Vyellt' (2), Rys Nanmor (3), Risiart Vynglwyd (2), Watkin Powel (6), Mairig Davydd (4), Ieuan Rauadr, Owain Gwynedd, Morgan Elfel, Syr Davydd Llwyd (3), Ieuan Thomas (4), Rys Goch 'o Eryri' (3), Lle'n vab Moel y Pantri (2), Syr Davydd ap Phylip Rys, Rys Trem, Siankin y ddyfynog (3), Morys ap Lle'nn, Risiart Thomas, Lle'nn Mairig, Gryffydd Llwyd ap Davydd ap Einon, Gryffydd Llwyd ap Einon Lygliw, Hopgin Thom Phylip, Edward Davydd (4), Ieuan Du Davydd ap Owain, Bedo Brwynllys, Thomas ap Rys 'o Blas Iolyn', Thomas Wiliam Howel, Davydd ap Ieuan Ddu, Syr Owain ap Gwilym, Rys ap Harri 'o Euas' (2), Edwart ap Rys, Davydd Manuel 'o Sir Drefaldwyn', SiamsThomas, Thomas Brwynllys, and Swrdwal. The unnumbered folios at the beginning of each volume contain a list of the contents of the volume giving, in the case of the poems, the name of the poet, in a hand bearing a strong resemblance to that of William Owen Pughe, and the title of the poem, in the hand of Edward Williams. The folios at the end of the first volume contain an index of the bards whose works appear in both volumes. This is possibly in the hand of Hugh Maurice, tanner and copyist. On one of the added folios at the end of the second volume is a poem to the Reverend John Jones, D.D., dean of [the cathedral church of] Bangor. Both volumes contain marginalia in the hand of Edward Williams.

Thomas ab Ieuan, Coychurch