


Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd


Termau cyfwerth


Termau cysylltiedig


151 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Wales.

151 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Cyfarthfa Papers,

  • GB 0210 CYFHFA
  • Fonds
  • [1706]-1878 /

Records relating mainly to the industrial concerns of the Crawshay family of Cyfarthfa, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, [1706]-1878, including letters and letter books of William Crawshay I and II and Robert Crawshay, 1806-1877; cash books, ledgers and bankers drafts, 1834-1888; deeds, [1706]-1885; wills, deeds and miscellaneous material, 1801-1838; balance sheets for ironworks, 1810-1867; will, valuation and probate for William Crawshay II, 1865-1869; shares and bills of exchange, 1870-1878; and Hilston Park estate papers, 1838-1862 and Caversham Park estate papers, 1826-1864. The archive represents the working papers of a major ironworking dynasty.

Crawshay family.

Welsh Political Ephemera Collection,

  • GB 0210 EPHEMERA
  • Fonds
  • 1837-2024 (accumulated [1911]-2024)

The collection consists of election addresses, leaflets, circulars and other printed matter, 1837-1991, generally acquired before the establishment of the Welsh Political Archive; election addresses, leaflets etc., 1905-2019, collected by the WPA; and printed materials, 1887-2019, concerning the political parties in Wales, various pressure groups and organisations, subject files, and other miscellaneous papers.

Welsh Political Archive.

Papers relating to the Welsh Liberal Party,

  • NLW ex 2365.
  • Ffeil
  • 1961-1962.

Papers relating to the Liberal Party of Wales, 1961-1962, mainly pertaining to appointing a national organiser for the Party.

Hughes, Glyn Tegai

Estate infrastructure,

Papers relating to estate infrastructure at Cefn Cribwr, 1771-1785, including notes on the state of the roads at the forge; plans for two new canals at the forge and at a small colliery nearby; and some notes on stirring canals, improving meadows by mixing canal soils and lime, and on mending a broken dam. The file also contains pages from various booklets on water wheels and troughs; justifications for using one water wheel at Cefn Cribwr; and a printed plan of the canal from Coventry to Oxford, 1771.

Fisheries and shipping,

A proposal, 1662, to establish a joint stock company for a fishery on the coast of Wales, together with a bill, 1730, concerning a cargo of French wine bound from Dublin to Chester. (Sir Richard Myddelton served as Collector and Surveyor of His Majesty's Customs from 1660 until 1686.)

Extracts relating to Wales

Extracts, arranged by county, taken from entries relating to Wales in Calendars of State Papers, temp. Henry VIII - James I.


A miscellaneous collection of tunes by E[dward] Stephen (Tanymarian) and others, copied by D. Emlyn Evans in 1870, and an unaccompanied part song, 'O, na bae', by D. Emlyn Evans.

Stephen, E. (Edward), 1822-1885

Radio scripts

Cyclostyled radio scripts, including poetry readings, and talks, 1949-1967, by Vernon Watkins or relating to him and his work.

L. Eirlys Williams Papers,

  • GB 0210 LERAMS
  • Fonds
  • 1905-1978 (accumulated [1949]-1978) /

Papers of Mrs L. Eirlys Williams, 1905-1978, relating to her work for the Baptist Union of Wales and other Baptist causes, including letters to the Rev. and Mrs E. J. Williams [L. Eirlys Williams], 1949-1964; letters from various correspondents addressed to Mrs M. Christy Davies, secretary of the Welsh Baptist Ministers' and Missionaries' Wives Prayer Union, 1950-1953; Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland papers and printed material, 1930-1978; Baptist Union of Wales papers and printed material, including copies of The Inset, 1941-1978; and Baptist Missionary Society papers and printed material, 1905-1974, including English and Welsh copies of Prayer Partners, 1933-1974.

Williams, L. Eirlys.

Edward Jones letter, national airs,

A copy of Edward Jones, Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards ... (London, 1794), with a few annotations by John Dovaston. Among items tipped in are transcripts by Edward Jones of Welsh, English and Irish airs (ff. 1, 73, 106) and a letter from him to Dovaston, 16 January 1817, concerning Welsh folk-tunes and other national airs (ff. 74-75). The letter is in answer to Dovaston's letter of 25 December 1816, which is part of Cardiff MS 4.130.

Edward Jones and John Dovaston.

Multiple Sclerosis Research Fund Papers,

  • GB 0210 MULSIS
  • Fonds
  • 1961-1979 /

Papers relating to the work of E. D. Jones as Chairman of the Multiple Sclerosis Research Fund, comprising correspondence, 1961-1979; articles of association of the Multiple Sclerosis Research Fund Ltd, 1964; annual reports and accounts, 1965-6, 1971-2; notes on multiple sclerosis, [1961x1979]; and publicity material, newspaper cuttings and other printed material, [1961x1979].

Multiple Sclerosis Research Fund.

Flora and fauna of Anglesey,

  • NLW ex 2466.
  • Ffeil
  • [1953]-[2002].

Research papers of the botanist Richard Henry Roberts, [1953]-[2002], a county recorder for the Botanical Society of the British Isles. The papers including field notes on plants in Anglesey, together with a copy of The flowering plant and ferns of Anglesey (Cardiff, 1982) by him and heavily annotated, and offprints of articles relating to his research.

Roberts, R. H. (Richard Henry), 1910-

Iona Trevor Jones Papers,

  • NLW ex 2874 (i & ii)
  • Ffeil
  • 1967-2010.

Diaries, 1967-2010, of Iona Trefor Jones (1925-2011), relating mainly to her work with flowers, together with her reminiscences: ‘Cofio’ (in Welsh), and a scrapbook chronicling her contribution to flower festivals held in Chester Cathedral, Bangor Cathedral, Holyhead Parish Church and others.

Jones, Iona Trevor.

Cardiganshire Lead Mines Records,

  • Fonds
  • 1847-1937 /

Miscellaneous papers and plans relating to lead mining companies, Cardiganshire, 1847-1937, acquired by the British Geological Survey.

Cardiganshire Lead Mining Companies.

Reports re public library service delivery plans,

  • NLW ex 2459.
  • Ffeil
  • 1995-1996 /

Two reports written by the donor, 1995 and 1996, for the Welsh Library Association, relating to the 'proposed provision of public library services in the new unitary authorities for Wales', together with an appendix to the second report.

Bamber, Anthony L.

Iorwerth C. Peate's Welsh House

  • NLW MS 16271C.
  • Ffeil
  • 1940

A typescript, prepared for the press, of Iorwerth C. Peate's essay 'The Welsh House: a study in folk culture', published in Y Cymmrodor, 47 (1940).
The volume includes the title page, dedication and preface (ff. i-v), contents (f. vi), a list of illustrations (ff. vii-xxi; the illustrations are not included), the main text (ff. 1-254) and bibliography (ff. 255-275). There are some manuscript annotations and corrections, with a number of significant additions (ff. 11, 67, 154 verso, 163 verso, 179 and 249 verso). The printed version includes a few additional changes and an index. A revised edition was published in 1944.

Peate, Iorwerth Cyfeiliog, 1901-1982

Private presses : : with special reference to Wales,

  • NLW ex 2557.
  • Ffeil
  • 1937-1938 /

A copy of the publication given to James Ifano Jones by its author William Williams, Keeper of Printed Books at the National Library of Wales, and annotated by the recipient who was a Welsh Librarian at Cardiff City Library.

Williams, William, 1885-1950.

Letters from Henry Griffiths,

  • NLW MS 16836E.
  • Ffeil
  • 1847-1928.

Letters, 1847-1873 and n.d., from Henry Griffiths of Brecon, Liverpool and Bowden, mainly relating to education in Wales and to the proposed Normal School at Brecon. One letter, 1854, contains adjudications in both Welsh and English by Griffiths on essays submitted for competition at an eisteddfod (see also a letter, 1854, relating to the adjudications), while another, 1862, to William Roberts, tutor at Brecon Independent College, relates to Griffiths's application for the Theological Chair at Carmarthen Presbyterian College.
Also included is a letter, 1889, from Samuel Job of Illinois; a letter, 1906, from Hugh Williams ('Hywel Cernyw') at Pontypridd; and a letter, 1928, from Caleb Lewis at Blaina, Monmouthshire. The last two letters relate to the Welsh periodicals of the time.

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