A volume of English verse and translations from Horace, Martial and other Latin poets. The English verse includes poems 'Vpon ye death of a magpye that talkd very well, & was killd no body knew how, 1653'; 'To Mr. Frampton from my Lord of Stamfords at Broadgate in Leicestershire 1655, who was then Chaplaine to ye Earle of Elgin'; 'To Mr. Frampton my Lord of Elgin's Chaplaine 1654'; 'Vpon Mrs Rhods lending me an iuory Table, booke wh I returning not at the time was to expiate wth a paper of verses, 1654'; 'Vpon my Lady Bruce's being brought to Bed of my Lord Bruce now Earle of Ailsbury 1655'; 'Upon Waller's Panegyrick to ye Protector, 1656'; 'Too Mr Cheek by my Lord Bruce's appointment to begg a hound bitch for him of my L: Manchester, 1656'; 'To Mr. Cheeke upon his breaking his Legg very daungerously, 1657'; 'To Mr. Frampton chaplaine to my Lo: Elgin vpon our journey from Roehampton to Amptill, 1657'; 'An Epilogue vpon Sr Tho: Clarges Aeractions being translated out of French, 1664, by him'; 'Vpon Sam Parker Bp of Oxford'; 'Vpon my horse falling vpon the stones and breaking his skull'; 'In mortem Reginae Wmi Regis vxoris'; 'Vpon the young Duke of Gloster's death'; 'Vpon the birth of Mr. Tho: Bruce, now Earle of Alesbury'; Latin epitaphs:- 'Epitaphs vpon Dr Chamberlain's son & daughter buried in Chelsey church'; 'Epitaph on Dr Chamberlain's daughter buried in Chelsey Church'; 'Vpon the death of my Lord Chief Justice Ireby' with a translation; 'An inscription vpon ye King of France's statue'; and two prose items:- 'About the Controversy betwixt the Gentlemen and the Vestry in Clerkenwell', and an account of a journey from London to Graueling, 1658.