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Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985
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David Jones

The file comprises letters and papers relating to David Jones, writer and artist, collected by Ray Howard-Jones, a friend of many years. The papers include correspondence with his niece after his death, letters from Saunders Lewis and Jack Raymond Jones, obituary notices, press cuttings relating to his life and career, papers relating to a memorial exhibition for him, in which Ray Howard-Jones took part, a newsletter of the David Jones Society, a poem by Ray Howard-Jones in his memory, and other papers, together with a photocopy of part of a letter in the hand of David Jones.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985


The file comprises a typescript copy (possibly a broadcast script) of an English translation of Siwan by Saunders Lewis. Siwan was translated as A King's daughter in 1954, and a translation by Emyr Humphreys was published in Presenting Saunders Lewis, ed. Alun R. Jones and Gwyn Thomas (Cardiff, 1973).

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Dwy briodas Ann,

Proflen hir o 'Dwy briodas Ann' yn dwyn cywiriadau Saunders Lewis [a gyhoeddwyd yn wreiddiol yn Taliesin, Rhagfyr 1973].

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Llythyrau K-P

Mae'r ffeil hon yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Abbe M. Klerg (4), Roparz Le Mason (6), Saunders Lewis (6), O. M. Lloyd (1), Per Loisel (1), Joseph-Marie Loth (1), Per Mocaer (4), Olivier Mordrel (2), Owain Llew Owain (1), John Dyfnallt Owen (1), Y Barnwr Dewi Watkin Powell (1), Caradog Prichard (1), Y Barnwr Alun Pugh (1) yn ogystal ag un llythyr Ffrangeg gan J. Nemo, mam Roparz Hemon.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985


Llythyrau, 1982-1988, 1992, gan gynnwys llythyr oddi wrth Saunders Lewis, Gwynfor [Evans] (2) a Neville Masterman, ynghyd â llythyr oddi wrth Phyllis Kinney (ar ran Ffilmiau Scan) yn ei wahodd i ymddangos yn y gyfres 'Mwynhau'r Pethe' a Bobi Jones ac eraill yn ei longyfarch pan ddyfarnwyd gradd DD er anrhydedd iddo yn 1987.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Llythyrau L (Saunders Lewis)

Yn eu plith ceir rhai'n ymwneud â sefydlu Plaid Genedlaethol Cymru. Yn ogystal â'r llythyrau, ceir copi teipysgrif o 'Cywydd Marwnad T. Gwynn Jones' gan, ac wedi ei arwyddo gan, Saunders Lewis; a 'Golygfa Mewn Caffe neu, Y Terfyn yng Nghymru', gan ac yn llaw Saunders Lewis. Hefyd, ceir un llythyr, dyddiedig 1931, at Saunders Lewis.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

List of beneficiaries

The file comprises a list of beneficiaries in David Jones' hand, and the same list in Saunders Lewis' hand (post 1962) , David Jones' 'diet sheet' and directions for convalescence, and a cheque, 1970.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985


  • NLW ex 2795.
  • File
  • [1958]

Proflenni gali o ddrama Saunders Lewis gyda nodiadau, a nodyn yn llaw'r dramodydd yn gofyn am broflen ychwanegol.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Addresses by Saunders Lewis,

  • NLW ex 2553.
  • File
  • [1947]-[1959] /

Addresses relating to the political scene in Wales, written by Saunders Lewis on behalf of his daughter, Mair Saunders Jones, the donor; three are from the late 1940s and another from the 1950s.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Serch yw'r doctor

  • NLW ex 2453.
  • File
  • 1958

Nodiadau cefndirol yn Saesneg i gyd-fynd gyda'r perfformiad cyntaf o'r opera Serch yw'r doctor (y geiriau gan Saunders Lewis a'r gerddoriaeth gan Arwel Hughes) ar Wasanaeth Cartref y BBC, 24 Chwefror 1958, ynghyd ag 'Opera ddigri Gymraeg newydd', erthygl Leslie Wynne Evans, Coleg y Brifysgol, Caerdydd.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Saunders Lewis letters to T. Charles Edwards

  • NLW MS 24189E.
  • File
  • 1918, 1935-1976

Papers of Thomas Charles Edwards, Ampleforth, 1918, 1935-1976, including fifty-seven letters, in Welsh and English, from Saunders Lewis to him, 1935-1976 (ff. 1-5, 7-11, 13-15, 18, 20-45, 47-48, 50-55, 58-69), to his wife Imelda, 1940-1941, 1950 (ff. 16-17, 19, 49), or to both, 1939 (f. 12), containing personal news and discussing politics, current affairs, the Catholic Church and articles by TCE.
Also included are letters to TCE from David Jones, 17 June 1937, seeking to send Lewis a copy of his 'In Parenthesis' (f. 6), G[riffith] J[ohn] Williams, 16 July 1948, concerning an R. W[illiams] Parry englyn (f. 46) and John B[arrett] Davies, St Dogmaels, 22 October 1962 (ff. 56-57); together with a letter, 19 May 1918, from TCE, Shrewsbury, to his mother (ff. 70-73); a script for Lewis's radio talk 'A Prospect of Wales: 7. Welsh Writers of Today', as transmitted on the Welsh Home Service, 25 April 1961, being the copy sent by Lewis to TCE (ff. 74-84); and seven press cuttings, 1935-1936, mainly relating to Lewis and the burning of the bombing school at Penyberth (ff. 85-91).

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Papurau Eileen Beasley

Papurau, 1955-1962, fu'n eiddo i Eileen Beasley, Llangennech, ac sy'n ymwneud â'r ymgyrch ganddi hi a'i gŵr Trefor am yr hawl i gael ffurflenni treth oddi wrth Gyngor Dosbarth Gwledig Llanelli yn y Gymraeg. = Papers, 1955-1962, of Eileen Beasley, Llangennech, relating to her and her husband Trefor's campaign for the right to have rate demand notices from Llanelly Rural District Council sent in Welsh.
Mae'r papurau yn cynnwys llythyr at y Beasleys oddi wrth GDG Llanelli, 24 Medi 1955 (f. 27), a llythyr oddi wrth Mrs Beasley at y Cyngor, 9 Tachwedd 1955 (f. 28); copi carbon o lythyr, [?1955], oddi wrth Janette Queillé, Cuingamps [?Guingamp, Llydaw], at GDG Llanelli (f. 29); dwy ffurflen 'Notice of Distress' a gyflwynwyd i'r Beasleys mewn perthynas ag eiddo a atafaelwyd gan y Cyngor, Mawrth 1956, Ionawr 1958 (ff. 30-31); a dau lythyr at Eileen Beasley, Rhagfyr 1961, Ionawr 1962, oddi wrth Saunders Lewis, ynglŷn â'i ymchwil ar gyfer ei ddarlith radio 'Tynged yr Iaith', lle bu'n trafod eu hymgyrch (gw. Saunders Lewis, Tynged yr Iaith (Llundain, [1962]), tt. 27-28) (ff. 32-33). = The papers include letters to the Beasleys from Llanelly RDC, 24 September 1955 (f. 27), and from Mrs Beasley to the Council, 9 November 1955 (f. 28); a carbon copy letter, [?1955], from Janette Queillé, Cuingamps [?Guingamp, Brittany], to Llanelly RDC, (f. 29); two Notices of Distress issued to the Beasleys, relating to property seized by the Council, March 1956, January 1958 (ff. 30-31); and two letters to Eileen Beasley, December 1961, January 1962, from Saunders Lewis, concerning his research for his radio lecture 'Tynged yr Iaith', in which he discussed their campaign (see Saunders Lewis, Tynged yr Iaith (London, [1962]), pp. 27-28) (ff. 32-33).

Beasley, Eileen.

Llythyr Saunders Lewis,

Llythyr, 12 Ebrill 1956, oddi wrth Saunders Lewis, Penarth, at Mrs Dodd, yn amgau geirda. = Letter, 12 April 1956, from Saunders Lewis, Penarth, to a Mrs Dodd, enclosing a reference letter.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Saunders Lewis letter,

Letter, 13 October 1982, from Saunders Lewis, Penarth, to Kathryn A. Klar, Richmond, California, replying to a letter concerning her research into Canu Aneirin at the University of California, Berkeley.
He describes the negative reaction of Ifor Williams, amongst others, to his book Braslun o Hanes Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg (Cardiff, 1932), the conclusions of which however correspond with those of Klar and her colleagues; he also describes his current state of health.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Llythyrau at Saunders Lewis

  • NLW MS 23918E.
  • File
  • 1908-1978

Papurau, gan gynnwys un llythyr ar bymtheg, 1933-1978, a ddarganfyddwyd yn rhydd y tu mewn i gyfrolau o lyfrgell Saunders Lewis. = Papers, including sixteen letters, 1908-1978, found loose inside volumes from the library of Saunders Lewis.
Maent yn cynnwys llythyrau at Lewis oddi wrth Sir John Herbert Lewis, 1933 (f. 1), Edouard Bachellery, 1950-1951 (ff. 2-4, yn trafod ei lyfr L'oeuvre Poetique de Gutun Owain (Paris, 1950, 1951)), Tony Conran, 1961 (f. 7), Gareth Alban Davies, 1964 (f. 8), Aneirin Talfan Davies, 1969-1970 (ff. 9-10 verso), R. Brinley Jones, 1970 (f. 11), Donatien Laurent, 1975 (f. 14), a Michael T. Davies, 1977 (f. 15). Mae yna hefyd nodiadau amrywiol, 1908-[?1971], yn llaw Saunders Lewis (ff. 18-27), gan gynnwys nodiadau ar G. J. Williams, Traddodiad Llenyddol Morgannwg (Caerdydd, 1948) a G. J. Williams, Iolo Morganwg: Y Gyfrol Gyntaf (Caerdydd, 1956) (ff. 22-25), a Gwaith Tudur Penllyn ac Ieuan Ap Tudur Penllyn, gol. gan Thomas Roberts (Caerdydd, 1958) (f. 27). = They include letters to Lewis from Sir John Herbert Lewis, 1933 (f. 1), Edouard Bachellery, 1950-1951 (ff. 2-4, commenting extensively on his own L'oeuvre Poetique de Gutun Owain (Paris, 1950, 1951)), Tony Conran, 1961 (f. 7), Gareth Alban Davies, 1964 (f. 8), Aneirin Talfan Davies, 1969-1970 (ff. 9-10 verso), R. Brinley Jones, 1970 (f. 11), Donatien Laurent, 1975 (f. 14), and Michael T. Davies, 1977 (f. 15). Also included are miscellaneous manuscript notes, 1908-[?1971], by Saunders Lewis (ff. 18-27), including notes on G. J. Williams, Traddodiad Llenyddol Morgannwg (Cardiff, 1948) and G. J. Williams, Iolo Morganwg: Y Gyfrol Gyntaf (Cardiff, 1956) (ff. 22-25), and on Gwaith Tudur Penllyn ac Ieuan Ap Tudur Penllyn, ed. by Thomas Roberts (Cardiff, 1958) (f. 27).

Lewis, J. Herbert (John Herbert), Sir, 1858-1933

'Have a Cigarette' by Saunders Lewis

  • NLW MS 23867D.
  • File
  • [?1960s]

A typescript draft of 'Have a Cigarette', an English translation by Saunders Lewis of his play 'Gymerwch Chi Sigaret? (Llandybie, 1956); the translation is apparently unperformed and unpublished.
The English translation amends the original Welsh version in some places, particularly in the second act, the most substantial emendation being an entirely new beginning to that act (ff. 18-21). There are also manuscript emendations and annotations by the author and another unidentified hand. The manuscript title-page (f. i) is in the hand of Saunders Lewis.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Excelsior gan Saunders Lewis

  • NLW MS 23785E.
  • File
  • [1962]-1980

A typescript copy, [1962]-1979, of Saunders Lewis's Welsh play 'Excelsior', first published Swansea, 1980, with corrections in the author's hand (ff. 1-56); together with correspondence, 1980, in English and Welsh, of the publisher Christopher Davies, regarding its publication in view of the allegation, when broadcast in 1962, that it libelled the Rev. Llywelyn Williams, MP (ff. 57-81).
The typescript consists of pages from the original script, [1962], transmitted on BBC TV on St David's Day 1962 (ff. 5-16, 20-21, 42-51), interspersed with revised sections, [1979], for an abortive stage version (ff. 17-19, 22-41, 52-56), and the new Preface for the published volume, April 1980 (ff. 2-4). The correspondence consists of nineteen letters, April-October 1980, including copies and drafts, mostly between Saunders Lewis, Christopher Davies, Sir Alun Talfan Davies and Glyndwr Williams, brother of Llywelyn Williams. A cutting of Clive Betts' article, 'Saunders Lewis publishes play BBC abandoned' (Western Mail, 1 December 1980, p. 9), is on f. 82. The 1962 and 1980 versions of the play both appear in Dramâu Saunders Lewis: Y Casgliad Cyflawn, Cyfrol 2, ed. by Ioan M. Williams (Cardiff, 2000), pp. 273-414.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Llythyrau Kate Roberts a Saunders Lewis

A letter, 5 September 1947, from Kate Roberts to Saunders Lewis (ff. 54-55), together with his reply, 9 September 1947 (f. 56, end lacking), concerning her forthcoming radio interview with him to discuss her writing technique.
The discussion was transmitted on the Welsh Home Service of the BBC on 15 October 1947 and a transcript was subsequently published in Crefft y Stori Fer, ed. by Saunders Lewis (Llandysul, 1949). The letters are published in Dafydd Ifans, 'Annwyl Kate, Annwyl Saunders - Atodiad', National Library of Wales Journal, 29 (1995-96), 341-345.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

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