Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 346 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

7 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Merioneth miscellanea

Transcripts of documents relating mainly to Merioneth: Instructions from the Council in the Marches to suppress felonies; charges to juries; a letter, with answer, to a gentleman in Wales touching suits in the Court of Star Chamber, 1598; a letter of recommendation of John Vaughan of Cair gay, 1601; a petition of the freeholders of Estymaner and Talpont; instructions to the Council in the Marches, 1606; a letter of Enianus, bishop of Bangor, to Lord John de Grey, 1310; orders for securing the peace of the Commonwealth; orders at Quarter Sessions, 1673; sentences against Hugh Nanney for incontinence, 1588, 1594; observations on tenures in Englefleld, Flintshire, and concerning a court held by Mr Mackworth; an order in the suit of Robert Lloyd v. Griffith Nanney, 1603; the opinion of George Lee concerning a Portuguese ship wrecked on the Merioneth coast, 1746; a draft petition for an Act to enclose Traeth Mawr and Traeth Bychan; a contract to erect a shire hall at Dolgelley, 1606; the divisions of Merioneth with their proportional assessments, 1689; a canvass for Mr Vaughan and a copy of R. W. Vaughan's address to Merioneth electors, 1796; a rental of Robert Morgan's estate; and the petition of Sir Robert Heath to Charles I.
Instructions to Sir William Bowes, Robert Bowes, and Lord Eure (Scottish border, 1589-1599), Sir George Carey in Ireland with the Earl of Essex, 1598, Mr Carrow Raleigh concerning musters, and Sir Thomas Shirley, Lord Sheffield, Dr Dale, and Mr Bodley (Low Countries, 1586-1598); instructions concerning the expedition to Spain, 1596; papers relating to the proposed Spanish marriage, 1623; speeches and petitions in Parliament, 1623-1626; a list of grants to the Duke of Buckingham and proceedings relating to his impeachment, 1626; and a letter by Ra: Eure, John Harbert, and Daniell Dunn from Breme, 1602.
Printed proclamations of the assumption of the style of King of Great Brittaine by James I, 1604, and of the calling in of testons, 2 Edward VI.
On the back of the former is a fragment of a Welsh poem beginning - 'a fi'n eiste'n obrydd...'

Barddoniaeth, etc.,

Folios removed at some time from Llanover MSS B.6 (NLW MS 13068B), B.9 (NLW MS 13070B), E.7 (NLW MS 13169B) and E.16 (NLW MS 13178B), and containing items of poetry, some incomplete, by Tudur Aled, Hyw [sic] Kae Llwyd, Daio ssion ab Howel, [Tomas Llywelyn Deio Pwel], Ievan Tew Brydydd , [? Sion Brwynog], Philip Ievan, and [Rhys Goch o Fochgarn], written in various hands of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries including that of Llywelyn Siôn, with one leaf from a (?) scriptural dictionary, Ra-Re, in a seventeenth century hand, giving definitions rather than scriptural references. Fuller details have been placed with the manuscript.

Llywelyn Siôn and others.

Barddoniaeth, achau, etc.,

A composite manuscript lettered 'BARDDONIAETH &c.' on the spine. The volume, which contains 'englynion', 'carolau' and pedigrees, is written for the most part (ff. 1-52 verso and 75 verso-101 verso) by Wiliam Dafydd Llywelyn of Llangynidr (c. 1520-1606) (cf. NLW MS 15542B). Another hand is responsible for ff. 53- 75, but Wiliam Dafydd Llywelyn appears to have annotated this middle section. Folio 6 verso carries an eighteenth century list of payments, and folio 7 verso is blank. The contents are: ff. 1-2 verso, part of the story of 'Trystan ac Esyllt' (cf. 'englynion' 9 to 28 in Ifor Williams, 'Trystan ac Esyllt', The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies V, pp. 118-21); ff- 3-5v, a religious carol beginning 'hanpych well y gaua[. . .] . . .', with each stanza ending 'ora tu pro nobys'; f. 6 recto-verso, 'englynion': one by Huw Arwestl beginning 'medru tewi weithie yes medria[d] [sic] gydwedd . . .', as well as three written in praise of the song-thrush by Dauydd llwyd Mathe, 1581, Dafudd Benwyn, and Wm Mydleton; f. 8 recto-verso, a short extract of religious prose beginning 'Jessv grist yn keidwad y godoedd o feirw y fyw . . .'; f. 8 verso, an 'englyn' 'pen ddarffo rifo y ryfic, ymgais . . .'; ff. 9-46, 'Dyma englyn[ion ] . . .', a series of 226 'englynion' based on proverbs and epigrams, the first beginning '[D]auparth gwaith ganwaith rag wynebdychryn . . .', 'per Tho[mas] ap Hughe de Ewyas', the epigram or proverb is rubricated oftener than not; ff. 46 verso-48, '[ ] englynion y datts', beginning 'dau .cc. a v. mil digwyn / ont dayfis . . .'; f. 48 recto-verso, five 'englynion' beginning 'Un sir ar bymtheg medd sain / lliwgalch . . .'; ff. 49-51, a series of nineteen 'englynion' recording the accession dates of the kings and queens of England between Henry II and Elizabeth I, beginning 'pymp deg pedwar teg myn tain / ywch ka[nt] . . .'; ff. 51 verso-52, eight stanzas beginning 'hawdd o beth y[w] nabod cwilsen . . .'; f. 52, two 'englynion' beginning 'mi a gaf y geisaf fal negeswr / dof . . .'; f. 52, a 'hir a thoddaid' beginning 'Rag Kythrel anfwin . . .'; f. 53, the six last lines of a carol ending 'am y fordd [sic] y gorfydd myned'; ff- 53-73, a long carol based on biblical and historical events, entitled 'Iacob 4 Glanhewch ych dwylaw bechadurieit a phurwch ych calonaw [sic] dauddyblug feddwl', beginning ' fal iroeddwn i n effrv . . .'; f. 73 verso, five stanzas beginning 'Dues wyn diwad . . .', with the following note accompanying the text 'ymofynnrvch am ddiwedd hyn yma yn well o rhyw goppi arall oscat vidd nid oedd ef yn cesio oddli ne ni fedrei Amendiwch y dywaetha fal hyn i odli os mwnwch'; f. 74 recto-verso, lines in the 'cywydd' metre beginning 'Rhown moliant gan tant bob didd . . .'; f. 74 verso, an 'englyn' based on Mat. [xxiv, 35.], beginning 'Nef a daear wfir o wall / a dderfydd . . .'; f. 75, an 'englyn' by Simwnt Vychan beginning 'Pumptheccant gwyddant y gost / a decwyth . . .'; f 75, two 'englynion' by Da[vid] Johns beginning 'Mil a hanner noder yn wiwdec cynnwys . . .'; f. 75 verso, three 'englynion' beginning 'pwy ywr mares garw a gyrydd myrain . . .'; ff. 76-80, a description of arms of Welsh nobles entitled 'Dysgrifiad arfey y bryttan[ied] o vryttys hyd heddiw'; ff. 80 verso- 82, 'Disgliriad [sic] pob gwlad yn neilltyedic o waith Einion ap gwawdrydd mewn englynion', beginning 'Gnawd yngwynedd fokyssedd eirey . . .', [ usually attributed to Aneurin Gwawdrydd]; f. 82 recto-verso, seven 'englynion' of a prophetic nature beginning 'pan welych yr ych mawr ychod / antyrys . . .'; f. 83, a short English prophecy beginning 'Take hyd of Seuen . . .'; f. 83, a list of characteristics attributed to twelve areas of Wales and the Marches in which they surpass others, beginning 'Pen Bonedd Gwynedd'; and ff. 83 verso-101 verso, a list of pedigrees of noble Welsh families entitled 'llyma Betigriw y bryttanied' beginning 'llywelyn ab Gryffydd ap ll ap lorwerth drwyndwn ap Owain gwynedd . . .', continuing f. 84 'llyma Iach bryttys', f. 85 'Rodri Mawr ap merfyn frych . . .', f. 85 verso 'Plant Owein Gwynedd', f. 93 'llyma Wahelyth Deheybarth', f. 94 'kedewen', f. 99 'Dyma arfav Rys ab Morys goch . . .', f. 100 verso 'llyma Iach bleddyn ab kynfyn;, f. 101 'llyma bedwar post prydain', f. 101 'llyma Iach yr arglwydd Rys', and f. 101 verso 'llyma Iach Gryffydd ab kynan' (incomplete).

William Dafydd Llywelyn and others.


An imperfect manuscript in several hands containing Welsh poetry, including the works of Tudur Aled, Siôn Brwynog, Simwnt Fychan and others.

Poetry, vocabulary, Dafydd Ddu's Grammar, &c.

A manuscript containing poetry of Bedo Brwynllys, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Guto'r Glyn, Huw Cae Llwyd and others (pp. 1-136, 149-159); a vocabulary (pp. 137-149); Dafydd Ddu [Hiraddug]'s Grammar (pp. 161-198); the statutes of Gruffydd ap Cynan (pp. 199-206 (at the end of this extract is the note 'Dyma y maint a gebhais o'r Statut yn lhybhyr Meistr Sion ap Edward gam o drebh newydd, o blwybh Dewi yn Sir bhracheiniog . 1579 .'); a translation into Welsh of Genesis I (pp. 230-245); Biblical extracts and history (pp. 246-264) (a note on p. 252 records that the Biblical extracts were taken 'o lybhyr Mr Edmond Morgan o Bhedwelhty'); &c. All but pp. 256-259, 265-268 and part of p. 198 are in the autograph of the grammarian Dr John David Rhys (1534-1609); his peculiar orthography begins on p. 13, l. 21. The poetical extracts vary in length from three to fifty lines. The lines selected are not always consecutive; they are even occasionally fragmentary, and many words are explained or glossed. The awdl on p. 256 is in a different but contemporary hand from that of Dr John David Rhys. For p. 265, cf. the text on pp. 22-24, which agrees in part. For the dating of this manuscript see p. 207.
The text printed in Dr John David Rhys's Grammar (London, 1592), pp. 297-298, 301-302, 303 (cols. ii and iii), pp. 300-301, p. 303, col. iv, p. 303, 'Nota', and p. 304 is taken from, respectively, pp. 199-206, 207, 207b, 213, 214, and 224 of this manuscript.

Rhys, John David, 1534-1609


A manuscript containing Welsh poetry, the poets including Iolo Goch, Edmwnd Prys, Gutun Owain, Tudur Aled, Guto'r Glyn and Sion Phylip.
This forms one of the series of manuscripts of Welsh poetry copied under the superintendence of Dr John Davies, Mallwyd, and bears the reference B. 4°. Wherever the copyist failed to read the original he left blanks which Dr Davies filled in throughout the volume. Dr Davies also added an index, alphabetically arranged, to first lines of poetry (p. 567); added to this is an index to the authors of the poems, also alphabetically arranged, which bears the inscription 'Rhisiard Morys ai Sgrifennodd i Wm: Jones R.S.S. 1747' (pp. 577-588).

Rhisiart Morys and unknown scribe.

Poetry of Wmffre Dafydd ab Ifan and others

A manuscript, in several hands, containing the poetry of Wmffre Dafydd ab Ifan and others, including Siôn Tudur, Siôn Phylip, Rhys Cain and Dafydd ap Gwilym.
Pp. 1-62 are said to have been written in 1691 by Siôn Rhydderch (John Roderick) of Cemaes (see p. 62); pp. 63-77 are in an earlier hand; and pp. 79-82 are in the hand of Dr John Davies, Mallwyd.

Llyfr Pant Phillip

Pedigrees, mainly of North Wales families; a list of uncommon Welsh words taken from John Davies, Mallwyd: Dictionarium ... (London, 1632); a vocabulary of some 'hard' Latin words; 'cywyddau' and other poems by Rowland Williams, Rhys Meigen, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Rowland Vaughan, Siôn Cent, Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Wiliam Phylip, Owen Gruffydd, Edmwnd Prys, Robin Ddu, Siôn Phylip, Sion Tudur, Gruffudd Phylip, Maredudd ap Rhys, Gutun Owain, Iolo Goch, Morus Berwyn, Ffowc Prys, Owain Gwynedd, Roger [C]yffin, Siôn Brwynog, Syr Owain ap Gwilym, Wiliam Llŷn, Huw Arwystli, Richard Phylip, Dafydd Nanmor, [If]an Llwyd ('o wain Eingian'), Hywel Cilan, Edwart Urien, Lewis Glyn Cothi, Rhys Cain, Lewis Trefnant, Matthew Brwmffild, James Dwnn, Ieuan Dew Brydydd, Heilyn Fardd, Huw Machno, Guto'r Glyn, etc. ; a description of Britain based on the early chronicles; the triads of Dyfnwal Moelmud; etc.

Poetry, prophecies, &c.

A manuscript containing cywyddau brud and other poetry (pp. 7-8, 13-78, 87-94, 101-111, 115-130, 135-136, 154-298), the poets cited including Taliesin, Dafydd Nanmor, Dafydd ab Edmwnd and Siôn Tudur; prophecies of Merlin (pp. 79-86, 112-114, 131-134, 137-140); two imperfect documents of the Bishops of St Asaph and Gloucester, dated 1627 and 1596 (pp. 9, 11); 'Swynion a Meddeginiaetheu'; &c.

Poetry, &c.

A manuscript collection of prose and verse in the hand of an amanuensis of Dr John Davies, Mallwyd. The volume comprises 'Ystori Peredur fab Efrawg', with five missing folios at the beginning supplied by John Jones ('Tegid'); 'Achau'r Kwrwf'; Caerwys Eisteddfod roll, May 26, 9 Elizabeth [1567]; triads; recipes; 'Tlysau Ynys Brydain'; 'Araith Wgan'; an extensive selection of 'cywyddau' and 'awdlau', mainly 'cywyddau merched', by Bedo Aeddren, Bedo Brwynllys, Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Dafydd Nanmor, Gruffudd Gryg, Gruffudd Hiraethog, Guto'r Glyn, Gutun Owain, Iolo Goch, Lewis Glyn Cothi, Rhisiart Phylip, Sion Cent, Sion Phylip, Simwnt Fychan, Tudur Aled and others; a collection of eulogies offered to Dr John Davies, Mallwyd, some of the poems having the date of composition recorded and including poems by Huw Machno, Sion Cain, Rhisiart, Gruffudd, Siôn and William Phylip and others; and miscellanea in various hands, including 'englynion marwnad Sion Dafis Athro parchedig mewn devinyddiaeth [Dr John Davies, Mallwyd]' by 'Rowland Vaughan esgwier o Gaergai' (1644), 'penillion gwr ifanc i'w gariad' (1688), 'moliant Sion Foulkes, Llanymowthwy', by Huw Morus (1674), 'moliant . . . maer Dinas Mowthwy' by Richard Lloyd, a fragment of 'Achau y Cwrw a'i hanes', an account of mizes paid (1646-1647), notes on Latin grammar, recipes, pedigrees, and a fragment of an interlude ('Argolws and Symoniax').

Llyfr Ifan Llwyd,

A collection of carols on biblical and religious themes by Thomas Iefan, Dd. ap Gruffudd o Drewyn, Edmwnt Prys, Siôn Morys, 'Un o Lunden', and others un-named; 'dyrïe karwssio'; 'englynion i wragedd'; various 'englynion'; 'Owdwl y gath' by Robert Klidro; 'Araith Wgan'; 'Ymddiddan rhwng yr wttreswr a'r dylluan' by 'Thomas y darlleniwr'; 'cywyddau' by Edward ap Raff, 'O.G.', and others un-named; and a draft letter from his children to Ieuan ap Thomas Lloyd containing a reference 'to the new found land wch is called Ferginiae'.

Ifan Llwyd.

Achau, barddoniaeth, etc.

An early seventeenth century manuscript, fragile, written c. 1611-1621 and possibly earlier by Roger Williams, clerk, rector of the parish of St. Nicholas, co. Glamorgan [the scribe of parts of Llanstephan MS 41] and containing pedigrees, Welsh poetry, medical and veterinary recipes, etc. Roger Williams [TLLM, 41n, 213-4] was the son of Roger William of Prisk [in the parish of Llanddunwyd (Welsh St. Donats)] and he married Elinor Rees [daughter of Rhys Amheurug (Rees Merrick)]: his pedigree is on p. 27 of this manuscript (cf. Llanstephan MS 41, p. 173). A folio or folios are wanting at the beginning and someone has written the words 'The Isue [sic] of Gruffydd fawr [De Radyr]' opposite the first page (p. 4). The contents, except where otherwise stated, consist of genealogical data relating to the persons or places specified as follows: p. 8, part of an account mentioning Pwllymyn, etc.; 9, the issue of Lle'n ap Kynwrige; 10, a 'cywydd' by Rys Brychan; 12, a 'cywydd' by Howel ap Davyd ap Ievan ap Rees; 14, mention of William Thomas, son of Thomas Gwilim Jenkin of Gwern ddy in the parish of St. Brids near Abergenvenye [sic]; 16, a copy of a general release, 1613, from Elizabeth Howell of Welshe St. Donettes, co. Glamorgan, spinster, to William Rosser of the same, yeoman, executor of the will of Thomas Rosser late of Welshe St. Donettes aforesaid, deceased; 17, recipes; 18, a 'cywydd' by Llewelyn ap Howell ap Ievan Gronow; 21, recipes, extracts, etc.; 24, pedigree of the Mansells; 26, a copy of a note from John Robertes, rector of Langan; 27, descendants of Howell Vawr apris ap Cradocke . . .; 28, Mansells, etc.; 29, descendants of Roger de Londres of Ogmor and Kydwelye; 29-30, 'englynion' by Thomas Lle'n and Sion Tomos Hwel, in another hand, followed by a note concerning the jointure of Agnes Rosser, wife of Thomas Edwardes late deceased of St. Hilarye, co. Glamorgan, gent.; 31, Rychard Thomas of Tree r groes within the parish of Coychurch (cf. 45), copy of a writ, 1598, medical recipes; 34, Bassetts [cf. Llanstephan MS 41, p. 62]; 35, lines of Welsh poetry and a note of a bond [1614], with an 'englyn' by Watkin apowell in the margin; 36, a copy of the will of John Bassett of Bewper in the parish of St. Hilary, 1512[/13] (Latin); 38, weather lore, husbandry, etc.; 45, an 'englyn' by Thomas William Howell, instructions for conducting prayers ('Chwi estyngwch y lawr ar dal ych glynie . . .'); 46, Thomas ap Rychard, register of the consistory court of Landaph, Rys Brydyth o Lanharan and his descendants including Lewis Morganwg (cf. p. 144); 47, Tho: ap Morgan, clerk, vicar of Pentrych [sic], Tho: ap ho'll ap ph'e; 48, veterinary recipes; 49, Sr Mathew Cradock, kt.; 116, Justyn, lo: of Glamorgan, Sr John Carn ('owt of Thomas Johns Collections'); 117, 'ach Godwyn Iarll Kernyw y dynnwyd o lyvyr Iollo goch'; 50, a 'cywydd' by Griffith llwyd davyd ap Inon Liglyw; 52, Collene [sic]; 53, descendants of Davyd Mathew including John Mathew Myles 'late gayler [sic] indicted for willfull escape of John Jenkin one of the murderers' [?1592-1593], Mayndy, Sr. Jo: Gams; 54, Bolston, George Gibon of Trecastell, Howell Johns 'yt dwellyth now in London', etc.; 55, Trym Bennoc ap Maynyrch; 56, 'englynion' by Thomas Lewis 'o Lleche'; 57, Lansannor gwin (Gwyn); 58, Coedbychan. . ., Miskin wrth gornel y park, Lanharan; (continued)

59, Talygarn; 60, Castell Scurla . . ., Hendre vorgan; 61, Byrthyn, parish of Llanblethian; 62, Llanwensan, parish of Peterston super Eley [sic], Abergorky ('Morgan davyd Cadwgans petygree accordinge to Tho: Johns Collections'); 64, John ap Davyd ap Hopkyn ['Ynys Dawe']; 65, Bettus (Llwarch ap Aren); 66, Lantryssent, Kelly gronn nere Collenne . . ., Lanwinno; 67, Colleney (cf. p. 52), Turbills [sic]; 68, Morgan Cradock ap Ph'e . . ., Carries (Wenny); 69, Nash [Carne]; 71, Turbervills; 72, 'drawen owt of Rychard tho: ap gr' gochs Card of William llyn his drawing', Chadles; 74, Davyd ap hopkin ap tho: ap hopkin, Harrye John ap Richard; 75, Goed tree (cf. p. 144), Brigan; 76, Glynogwr; Ryw gwrach y blawd, Rywperrey; 77, Lanbradach and also a reference (twice) to the marriage of 'younge Mr Kemis of monmouth shire dwellynge verye nere to Catch asse', 1613[/14]; 78, Blaen Baglan, Aberavan, and Tir Iarll; 79, Langowyd [?Llangonydd], Neth (Mr Lyson Ievans); 80, Mr (Wm) Price, Cradock ap Iestyn - Blaen Baglan, Gwyrvill verch Hopkin ap d'd ap Hopkin; 81, Wm ap John ap Res ap Jenkin and Lantwyt vaer dree in miskin; 82, Bettus, Bridgend, William ffilib william; 83, Marlas (Rychard ap thomas ap gr' goch) 'drawen owt of Rychard tho: his Card'; 84, Caerwige (parish of Pendoylown), Jenkin ap wm ap gebb'n; 85, Rydlavar, Ystradvellte, Lantrissent; 86, Bach ap Gwayt, Lanylyd; 87, Landow; 88, Marcrosse [Vann], Splott. Bawdripps; 89, (?) Monnton ['Fflemings'], Lantrythed; 90, Groeswen, Sweldon, Margam; 91, Braych y kymor, Langynwyr; 92, Kelligaer i n Seynhenydd, Lewis ap Res, Pendoylon; 93, Broviskin; 94, St Nycholas, Lanharan, Saint fagans. Gibons; 95, Michelston, Bedwes, Broviskin; 96, Pendoylon; 97, 'from Ievan Jenkins of Langowyd' and [from] Thomas Jones; 98, Justyn lo: of Glamorgan; 99, Bleddyn ap Convyn, prince of powis, Griffith ap. Conan k of Gwynedd; 100, Rys ap Tewdwr k of Deheybarth, Elystan Glodrydd, prince betwyn wye and Severn; 101, Bleddyn ap Meynyrch lo: of Brecon, Trym bennog lo: of Cantre selyff, Guillyn lo: of ydstradyw, Einon ap gollwyn, and Argwydd [sic] lle'n; 102, Griffith ap yr argwydd [sic] Rys; 103, descendants of Ph'e fleming; 104, Baydan, parish of Langowyd - Gwayr ap Aren, Ystradyvodwg; 105, Cayre, Sergeant (d'd) Williams; 106, Brigan; 107, Ystrad ffin, Rys Gryg; 111, Aleth k of dyved; 112, Mathravan, followed by miscellaneous pedigrees; 118, (?) Abercrag; 119, Llanvrynach, Maesmawr; 120, Llandy bie, Kydweli, Aber Afan; 121, Brecon [Awbrey]; 122, Llandybie, Tir Rawlff, Arth brengi, Arwystly, Kaer Sws yn Arwystly; 123, Shere drevaldwyn. Kyviliog, Yskethrog Brecon, Sheree [sic] Gaervyrthin [Sr Rys ap tho:]; 126, Gada, Gwinionydd ywch kerdyn, Gwinionydd iskerdyn, Caer wedros; 127, Gwinionydd ywch aeron, Mab ffynion [sic] yn isaeron, Hirvryn, Eifel yn Swydd gaer, Penryn dyfed yn Swydd gaer, Mallaen yn Swydd gaer, Cayo yn Swydd gaer; 128, Carnwllon, Kydweli, Gener glyn yng Credigion, Cwmwd perfedd, Cryddyn ywch arfon ['aeron']; 128(a), Glyn aeron, Llangibi, with a note of the names of the sons of Rice Kemis of Llanvayr, co. Monmouth, 1617 and 1621; 128(b), descendants of Lle'n lia; 129, Ystradyvodwg, Brigan; 130, Langonoyd, Veddifnych yn Sheere gaer; 131, Y Slough, Aber yskyr; 132, Tyr Raulff (cf. p. 122), Pymtheg llwyth Gwynedd; 133, Mibon [sic] kynvarch oer, Shir Gaer [Griffith dwn]; 135, Owein glyndyfrdwy; 136, Langattwg dyffryn vsk; 137, Plant Ievan ap Jenkyn Kemys or began, Plant Sr Tho: Morgan hen o pencoyd, Mibon kenedda wledig ay tiveddiaeth; 139, Meibion kynwyd kynhwydion, Plant llwarch hen, Yal; 140, Pyctown in Pembroke Shire, Whit Church in monmoth Shire; 141, Penros, Troe, Tremsaran in Caerm'then Shire; 142, Aber Gwili Elystan glodrydd; 143, Wm Bleddyn Bishop of landaph, etc., and [(?) an extract from] Davydd Benwyn ' in an ould Rowl of Marlas'; 144, Goed tree (cf. p. 75), and Rys brydydd and his descendants (cf. p. 46); 145, a religious poem in Welsh consisting of thirty-three stanzas in free metre ('tribanau'); 150, recipes; 151, Caerwige, parish of Pendoylown, co. Glamorgan; 152 (insert, in another hand) 'of Troy'; and 155, 'Pymb Brenhinllwyth kymru'. The manuscript contains annotations by both Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg', and Taliesin Williams, 'Taliesin ab Iolo'.

Roger Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg' and Taliesin Williams.

Boundaries within Wales, &c.,

'Gossodedigaetheu a Messureu y Deyrnas, Cantrevi a Chymydeu Kymry', being a list of hundreds, commotes and other geographical divisions within Wales. At the end of every division is a list of its castles.
The list of 'Cantreds and Commotes of Wales' (p. 5) agrees practically with the one in Peniarth MS 163.

A 'Copy of the Dedication of, and Preface to Sir Thomas Wiliems's Latin-British Dictionary', together with notes on the life and work of Dr John Davies, Mallwyd, and ballads, which include the works of Rowland Fychan of Caer-gai, Lewis Morris and Richard Abraham, written c. 1738 (see p. 2). Also including englynion to Robert Vaughan, Caer-gai by Dr John Davies; a translation by Dr Davies of Thomas Wiliems's dedication of his Dictionary to Sir Richard Wynne, Gwydir; and notes concerning Thomas Wiliems's Dictionary at Hengwrt, with a copy of its Preface (see Peniarth MS 228).

Medical recipes similar to those of 'Meddygon Myddfai', written 1693 (see p. 73).

Barddoniaeth a nodiadau,

Three fragments mainly containing material in the hand of Morgan Llwyd: a) Sheets out of a notebook containing notes of sermons, one of which is said to have been delivered by 'Mr. Lloyd' [?Morgan Llwyd]. b) A copy (2 pp.) of the verses of lamentation and resolution by the Welsh saints, 1643, comprising ten out of the twenty verses printed by T. E. Ellis in Gweithiau Morgan Llwyd (Bangor, 1899), vol. I, pp. 3-6, in the following order - 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 9, 8, 7, 14, 18; a version, in the hand of Morgan Llwyd, of the first nine stanzas of a 'Thanksgiving song for Wrexham delivered from pest' (Gweithiau, vol. I, pp. 12-13); notes by Morgan Llwyd, including drafts of sermons, and a list of names (Ens. Roberts, Howell Thom., Ben. Rich., Walt. Thimble., Hugh Prich.) headed by a cancelled sentence - 'who should have the booke of my verse'; twenty-two stanzas beginning 'The lord is kind and merciful ...' in the hand of Morgan Llwyd, being apparently a draft of a poem or of a series of poems by him; thirteen stanzas based on Canticles, in the hand of Morgan Llwyd, ten roughly corresponding to those printed in E. Lewis Evans: Morgan Llwyd (Lerpwl, 1930), pp. 176-8, stanzas 11 and 12 corresponding respectively to 4 and 5 in Ellis: Gweithiau, vol. I, p. 10, and stanza 5 being possibly the basis of stanza 3 in Gweithiau; a transcript of the Canticle verses in another hand; a draft, in the hand of Morgan Llwyd, of the poem 'Hanes rhyw Gymro' (Gweithiau, vol. I, pp. 57-60); and a copy of verse xxviii in Gweithiau, p. 61. c) Draft translations of psalms by Morgan Llwyd. The translations are incomplete, and many stanzas have been cancelled. There are verses translated from Psalms 19, 37, 44-46, 121-122, and 126.

Llwyd, Morgan, 1619-1659

Immanuel neu Ddirgelwch Cnawdoliaeth mab Duw

A manuscript entitled 'Immanuel neu Ddirgelwch Cnawdoliaeth mab Duw' in the hand of the Reverend Samuel Williams. The text is a Welsh translation of Archbishop James Ussher's Immanuel: or, The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God (1638). Samuel Williams ends his text with a citation from the work of the poet Sion Phylip.

Samuel Williams.


A manuscript containing poetry by Bedo Brwynllys, Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Dafydd ap Gwilym and others in the hand of Samuel Williams.

Samuel Williams.

Y Llyfr Hir o'r Mwythig,

'Y Llyfr hir or Mwythig', being a collection of five hundred and sixty-six cywyddau, etc. by various authors arranged into 'books' according to subject. The poems in each 'book' are numbered separately. The poets cited include Iolo Goch, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Siôn Cent, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Bedo Brwynllys and Siôn Phylip. The volume is dated temp. James II (see p. 382). The text is followed by nine folios of index, arranged under authors' names, by Richard Morris. Following the index are three further poems (by Dafydd ap Gwilym, Siôn Cent and Dafydd ab Edmwnt) in the hand of the Reverend Samuel Williams.
The volume is in the same hand as Llanstephan MSS 47, 48 and the end of 164.

Richard Morris, Reverend Samuel Williams and another.

Poetry of Cynddelw, Bleddyn Fardd, &c.

A manuscript containing poetry by Cynddelw, Bleddyn Fardd, Dafydd Nanmor, Bedo Aeddren, Dafydd ap Gwilym and others. Pages 1-27 are in the autograph of James Davies ('Iaco ab Dewi'); pp. 29-121 were 'wrote by J. Morgan' (p. 121); pp. 122-126 are in the hand of Samuel Williams; pp. 127-41, 144-153 are in the hand of W[illiam] Maurice; and p. 154 is in the hand of the Reverend Moses Williams.

Davies, James, Iaco ab Dewi, 1648-1722


An imperfect manuscript consisting of thirty folios of uniform size and two smaller leaves, with the two halves of ? the lower cover of an early nineteenth century periodical or part publication, which at one time seems to have served as a protective covering, bound in at the beginning. A considerable part of the original manuscript appears to have been lost as the volume was described by the Reverend John Williams ('Ab Ithel'), circa 1856, as containing 'about 100 pages' (see L. James: Hopkiniaid Morganwg . . . (Bangor, 1909), p. 91). The former protective cover bears the inscription 'Llyfr Llanfihangel Iorwerth. Cywyddau amrafaelion. Siôn Cent hyd Dafydd Hopcin o'r Coetty. Englynion Eiry Mynydd, &c.', in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'), and the contents consist of transcripts of Welsh verse mainly in strict metre. Dafydd Hopkin of Coety, co. Glamorgan is sometimes named as the copyist (see L. James: op. cit., p. 91; TLLM, tt. 229, 267; and IMCY, t. 139). The poems include 'cywyddau' and 'englynion' by Thomas Prys, Ieuan Tew Brydydd, Dafydd Hopkin (1734), Ieuan Brechfa, Lewis Morganwg, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Rys Dynfwal (sic), Rhys ab Morys, ?Mredydd ap Rees, Swrdwal Hen, Huw Dafydd Probert, Siôn Tudur, Owain Gwynedd, Gwilim ap Ieuan Hen, Dafydd ap Edmwnt, Daio Lliwiell, Ieuan Tew Brydydd Ifangc, Huw Lewis, Gruffydd ab Ifan ab Llewelyn Fychan, Wiliam Cynwal, Morus ab Hywel ab Tudur, Siôn Cent, Hywel ab D'd ab Ieuan ab Rhys, Llywelyn Goch, Gruffydd Dafydd Fychan, Ieuan ab Hywel Swrdwal, Bleddyn Fardd, and Dafydd Llwyd Fach, a series of pseudo- gnomic poems with each stanza commencing with the words 'Eira mynydd' some of which are attributed to Llywarch Hen and Mabclaf ab Llywarch, and poems attributed to Taliesin and Aneurin. There are marginal notes by Edward Williams and his son Taliesin Williams.

Hopkin, Dafydd, fl. early 18 cent.

History of the Gwydir family; correspondence; &c.

A composite volume mostly in the hand of Evan Evans (Ieuan Fardd) containing a copy of Sir John Wynn's History of the Gwydir Family, taken from a transcript made by Thomas Mostyn of Gloddaith (ff. 1-74); extracts from papers of Robert Vaughan, Hengwrt (ff. 75-86); lists of manuscripts at Gwydir and Llannerch (ff. 89 verso-94, 185) (for the Llannerch manuscripts see Cambrian Register, Vol. i, p. 320, etc.); poetry by Siôn Cent, Tudur Aled, Siôn and Gruffydd Phylip and others (ff. 95-153, 190-203); a pedigree of the Panton family (ff. 186-189); copies of letters from Edward Lhuyd to Robert Davies, Llannerch (ff. 204-219), and of a letter from Thomas Price, Llanfyllin to Robert Davies, Llannerch (ff. 220 verso-225); extracts; etc.

Wynn, John, Sir, 1553-1627

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