Marriage records -- Wales -- Trefeglwys



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Marriage records -- Wales -- Trefeglwys

Termau cyfwerth

Marriage records -- Wales -- Trefeglwys

Termau cysylltiedig

Marriage records -- Wales -- Trefeglwys

3 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Marriage records -- Wales -- Trefeglwys

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

Transcripts from Trefeglwys parish registers, &c.,

Transcripts of baptisms, marriages, and burials from the parish registers of Trefeglwys, 1625-1722, taken from Collections Historical of Archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire, vols. XXXII-XXXIII; entries of Trefeglwys and Darowen interest from other parish registers, 1669-1805; and 'Stray Notes' consisting largely of extracts from the bishops' transcripts of the parish registers of Llanwrin, Mallwyd, Llangurig, Llanidloes, Trefeglwys, Llanymawddwy, and Penegoes, and lists of residents in the townships of Eskeirieth, Glyntrefnant, and Dolgooden in the parish of Trefeglwys during the period 1698-1709.

Transcripts from Trefeglwys parish registers, &c.,

Transcripts of baptisms, marriages, and burials from the parish register of Trefeglwys, 1723-1785; a list of vicars, curates, and churchwardens of the parish of Trefeglwys, 1723-1777; a list of 'Persons whose places of abode are mentioned in this book'; a pedigree of the family of Jarman of Trefeglwys, etc., and extracts from parish registers relating to the family; entries of marriages, burials, and baptisms extracted from the parish registers of Trefeglwys, 1795-1873; extracts from J. Spinther James: Hanes y Bedyddwyr Yn Nghymru . . ., vol. II (Caerfyrddin [1899]); and extracts of marriages, baptisms, and burials relating to the family of Hugh Wilson, clerk, vicar of Trefeglwys and Llangirricke (Llangurig).

Transcripts from Trefeglwys parish registers, &c.,

Transcripts of baptisms, marriages, and burials from the parish register of Trefeglwys, 1773-1812; an incomplete list of the churchwardens [of Trefeglwys], 1778-1812; extracts from a register of burials at Llawryglyn Cemetery, 1870-1914; a list of 'Persons whose abodes are mentioned in this book', 1773-1812; and extracts of marriages, baptisms, and burials relating to the families of Bennett of Glanyrafon, Lloyd of Cefnbarrach, Savage of Ch[urch] Farm, and Mills of Pwllglas, all in the parish of Trefeglwys.