Netherlands -- Kings and rulers -- Genealogy.



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Termau hierarchaidd

Netherlands -- Kings and rulers -- Genealogy.

Termau cyfwerth

Netherlands -- Kings and rulers -- Genealogy.

Termau cysylltiedig

Netherlands -- Kings and rulers -- Genealogy.

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Netherlands -- Kings and rulers -- Genealogy.

1 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Les Comtes de Hollande &c.

A volume, [1690s], of biographies, painted armorials and pedigrees of the Counts of Holland, in French and Dutch.
The volume lists rulers from Dirk [I], count of Holland, Zealand and Frisia (916-959), to Jacqueline, countess of Hainaut, Holland, Zealand and Frisia (1401-1436) (ff. 3 verso-58); the lords of Brederode from Siegfried van Brederode (c. 1060-c. 1100) to Raynald van Brederode (17th century) (ff. 67-101 verso); and the lords of Teylingen, from Simon of Holland (11th century), to Vincent van Teylingen (16th century) (ff. 103-122). The manuscript is written in French (ff. 3 verso-58) and in Dutch with some French insertions (ff. 67-122).