Tune books.



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

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Termau hierarchaidd

Tune books.

Termau cyfwerth

Tune books.

Termau cysylltiedig

Tune books.

85 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Tune books.

85 canlyniad yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig Eithrio termau culach

Llyfr tonau

An extensive collection of hymn-tunes begun by Thomas Jones at the age of twenty-three, in 1841. A large number of the signed tunes are by John Ambrose Lloyd. Other composers represented are J. Hughes [Allt-lwyd], R[obert] J[ohn] Pryse ['Gweirydd ap Rhys'], C. Jones, R. Williams, D. Williams, W[illiam] Owens [or Owen], W. Pritchard, R. Griffith, R[osser] Beynon ['Asaph Glan Taf'], D[avid] J[enkin] [Dafydd Siencyn] Morgan, W. Griffith, D[avid] Roberts ['Alawydd'] and D[avid] Hughes ['Cristiolus Môn']; and examples of Welsh hymns.

Llyfr tonau,

The tune book of David Lewis, 1842, containing hymn-tunes by John Ambrose Lloyd, W. Matthews, Richard Mills ['Rhydderch Hael'], T[homas] Jarman, Evan Davies, Llanymddyfri, D[avid] Lewis and others, and a few Welsh airs.

'Eos Cymru'

A transcript of Eos Cymru, sef casgliad o donau, erddyganau gwreiddiol, ac anthemau, addas i'w canu mewn addoliad dwyfol, gan William Jacob, Treffynnon. [Llanidloes], 1844.

Llyfr tonau

A collection of hymn-tunes, anthems, chants, carols and other songs made by David Lewis, 1845, including hymn-tunes by the compiler, by J. Hughes, Alltlwyd and G. Griffiths, Aberafon; and two waltzes: 'Morgiana in Spain' and 'The King of Rome'.

Llyfr tonau

The tune book of Richard Jones, Hafodwnog Isaf, Llansaintffraid, Cardiganshire, 1859, containing anthems and hymn-tunes.


A tune-book of Benjamin James [of Llanglydwen?]. The volume was begun in 1812 and contains unattributed hymn-tunes.

Benjamin James and others.


A volume containing copies in the hand of Philip Thomas of hymn-tunes by David Emlyn Evans, John Evans, Cynogfab, Horatio Richard Palmer, Joseph Parry (2), John Thomas Rees, and Arthur Sullivan.

Philip Thomas.

Llyfr emynau a thonau,

A large scrap-book containing a collection of tunes and hymns assembled by Dr. Joseph Parry, most of the hymns being in the form of cuttings from hymnals with a number of holograph contributions, the tunes composed or arranged by the compiler.

Joseph Parry.

Hymn-tunes and anthems,

  • NLW MSS 22119-21A.
  • Ffeil
  • [19 cent.].

Three tune books, [19 cent.], containing hymn-tunes and anthems.

Llyfr tonau,

  • NLW MS 23560A.
  • Ffeil
  • [?1880au] /

Tune book, compiled [?1880s], of Ann Jane Jones (née Hughes), Llangoed, Anglesey, and afterwards of the United States of America where she had emigrated with her husband John Ffowc Jones, Llanbedr-goch, containing hymn-tunes, psalm-tunes and anthems, with an index on ff. 257 verso-261 verso.

Jones, Anne Jane.

Llyfr tonau

The tune book of 'David Roberts, yr Allt Ddu, Llansannan, Denbighshire, aged 18, 1840', containing hymn-tunes and anthems, including an 'anthem gron' written in the form of an octagon.

Roberts, David, b. ca. 1822

Llyfr tonau

The tune book of Edward Humphreys, Dolbadarn, Llanberis, containing hymn-tunes, psalm-tunes and anthems by J[ohn] Ellis, Llanrwst, E[dward] Humphreys, 1854, John Owen, Chester ('Owain Alaw') and William Owen, Prysgol. The music by 'Owain Alaw' includes the 'Magnificat' and 'Nunc Dimittis' which he composed for the Llanberis church choir in June 1852, and another 'Magnificat' in 1859.

Humphreys, Edward, Dolbadarn, Llanberis

Llyfr tonau

The tune book of John Kenrick, Birkenhead, containing popular nineteenth century hymn-tunes.

Llyfr tonau

The tune book of Thomas Roberts, Runcorn, containing Welsh hymn-tunes and anthems.

Llyfrau tonau

Three music books bought by Isaac Williams 'of Mr. Parry, Relieving Officer, Dolgellau, Sept. 1903' and bound together into a single volume. They contain hymn-tunes, anthems and psalm-tunes, mainly by John Williams, Dolgellau, with a few tunes by R[ichard] Mills ['Rhydderch Hael'], one by I. R. Ellis, Dolgellau, 1841, and traditional and anonymous tunes; a poem entitled 'Amgylchiadau Marwolaeth Crist', an 'englyn' ('Y Farchnad Ysprydol'), 'englynion' by 'Shion Rhydderch', three hymns ('Mae'r gwaed a redodd ar y Groes', 7 stanzas, and 'Wrth edrych ar y sail', 4 stanzas, 'Ni'm diystyrir gan fy Nuw', 1 stanza), and a recipe for a cough.

Canlyniadau 61 i 80 o 85