Bilingualism -- Wales.



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Bilingualism -- Wales.

Termau cyfwerth

Bilingualism -- Wales.

Termau cysylltiedig

Bilingualism -- Wales.

5 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Bilingualism -- Wales.

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

Papurau Rhieni dros Addysg Gymraeg,

  • GB 0210 RHIAEG
  • fonds
  • 1963-1988 /

Papurau'n ymwneud â Rhieni dros Addysg Gymraeg, 1963-1988, yn cynnwys copïau o gofnodion, 1963-1988, y Cyfarfodydd Cyffredinol Blynyddol a chofnodion y Pwyllgor Gwaith; adroddiadau blynyddol, 1984-1988; copi o gyfansoddiad y grŵp a luniwyd yn 1983; gwahanol adroddiadau a baratowyd gan y grŵp, 1983-1988; ac adroddiadau a baratowyd gan bwyllgorau sir y mudiad, 1981-1987. = Papers relating to Rhieni dros Addysg Gymraeg1963-1988, including copies of minutes, 1963-1988, of the AGMs and the executive committee minutes; annual reports, 1984-1988; a copy of the group's constitution prepared in 1983; various reports prepared by the group, 1983-1988; and reports prepared by the movement's county committees, 1981-1987.

Papurau ychwanegol gan gynnwys papurau'r Gynhadledd Flynyddol, 1983-1987; cyfrol yn cynnwys cyfansoddiad 'Undeb Rhieni Ysgolion Cymraeg', a chofnodion cyfarfodydd, 1963-1982; a papurau Taflen 'Holi ac Ateb'. Nid yw'r papurau hyn wedi eu catalogio eto.

Rhieni Dros Addysg Gymraeg (Organization)

Archif Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg,

  • GB 0210 CYMAEG
  • Fonds
  • 1967-1998 /

Mae'r archif yn cynnwys: pamffledi, cylchlythyron etc., amrywiol; dwy gyfrol o gofnodion cyfarfodydd Pwyllgor Canolog (1967-70) a Senedd (1970-Ionawr 1975) Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg a rhai y cyfarfodydd cyffredinol blynyddol; cofnodion y Senedd,1974-1981 ac adroddiadau gan wahanol grwpiau o'r Gymdeithas, 1976-1981; papurau gweinyddol,1970-1981, yn cynnwys copïau o benderfyniadau a gyflwynwyd yng nghyfarfodydd cyffredinol y Gymdeithas a deunydd printiedig; papurau yn ymwneud â Grŵp y Dysgwyr, 1974-1985; papurau yn ymwneud â Mudiad Rhyddid yr Iaith, 1977; papurau yn ymwneud ag ymgyrchoedd y bu'r Gymdeithas yn eu canlyn,1970-1981, gan gynnwys yr ymgyrch dros sianel deledu Cymraeg; ffeiliau gohebiaeth,1966-1986; ffeiliau swyddfa,1971-1981; datganiadau i'r wasg etc., 1970-1990; cofnodion y Senedd,1979-1991; ffeiliau amrwiol,1975-1991; papurau yn ymwneud â darlledu, 1974-1980; ffurflenni aelodaeth, 1979-1990; papurau ynghylch y grŵp addysg, 1982-1989; papurau ynghylch tanysgrifiadau i Tafod y Ddraig, 1980-1990; llyfrau lloffion, 1965-1967, yn cynnwys papurau yn adlewyrchu ymgyrchoedd a gweithgareddau y Gymdeithas; cofnodion cyfarfodydd, 1966; atgofion am sefydlu'r Gymdeithas yn 1962 a'i datblygiad cynnar; amrywiol dorion o'r wasg; a phosteri amryfal. Y mae grŵp Mai 1996 yn cynnwys papurau, 1971-1993, yn ymwneud â gwahanol ranbarthau y Gymdeithas a phapurau,1984-1993, yn ymwneud â'i chynghorau, cyfarfodydd seneddol etc. Y mae'r grŵp mawr o gofnodion a dderbyniwyd ym mis Gorffennaf 1998 a mis Ionawr 1999 yn cynnwys y canlynol: llyfrau lloffion,1971-1996,yn cynnwys torion o'r wasg yn disgrifio ymgyrchoedd a gweithgareddau y Gymdeithas a bywyd gwleidyddol Cymru; papurau yn ymwneud ag Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd a'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, 1986-1994, gohebiaeth oddi wrth y Swyddfa Ganolog,1988-1997; papurau ynglŷn â chelloedd a rhanbarthau y Gymdeithas, 1977-1996; papurau gweinyddol, 1977-1998, yn cynnwys dyddiaduron swyddfa, rhestrau aelodaeth, papurau yn perthyn i wahanol swyddogion y Gymdeithas, papurau ynglŷn â grŵp addysg y Gymdeithas, deunydd yn deillio o lawer o ymgyrchoedd y Gymdeithas, papurau ynglŷn â chyrsiau ar gyfer dysgwyr, papurau ynglŷn â'r Ddeddf Eiddo, a datganiadau i'r wasg. = The archive comprises: a series of forms bearing signatures supporting the Welsh Language Society's Petition to the new local authority bodies in Wales requesting them to strengthen the Welsh Language and Welsh Society; a series of forms bearing signatures supporting the Society's declaration of support for the workers of Shotton; miscellaneous pamphlets, circulars; etc.; two volumes of minutes of meetings of the Central Committee (1967-70) and Senate (1970-January 1975) of the Welsh Language Society and of some of the annual general meetings; minutes of the Senate, 1974-1981 and reports from various groups of the Society, 1976-1981; administrative papers, 1970-1981, including copies of resolutions presented to the general meetings of the Society and printed matter; papers concerning the Learners' Group, 1974-1985; papers concerning the Language Freedom Movement, 1977; papers concerning the campaigns pursued by the Society, 1970-1981, including the campaign for a Welsh language television channel; correspondence files, 1966-1986; office files, 1971-1981; press releases etc., 1970-1990; Senate minutes, 1979-1991; miscellaneous files, 1975-1991; papers relating to broadcasting, 1974-1980; membership forms, 1979-1990; papers concerning the education group, 1982-1989; papers concerning subscriptions to Tafod y Ddraig, 1980-1990; scrapbooks, 1965-1967, containing papers reflecting the campaigns and activities of the Society; minutes of meetings, 1966; reminiscences on the establishment of the Society in 1962 and its early development; miscellaneous press cuttings; and miscellaneous posters. The May 1996 group comprises papers, 1971-1993, relating to the various regions of the Society and papers, 1984-1993, relating to its councils, parliamentary meetings etc. The large group of records received in July 1998 and January 1999 comprise the following: scrapbooks, 1971-1996, containing press cuttings describing the campaigns and activities of the Society and Welsh political life; papers relating to the Urdd National Eisteddfod and the Welsh National Eisteddfod, 1986-1994, correspondence from the Central Office, 1988-1997; papers concerning cells and regions of the Society, 1977-1996; administrative papers, 1977-1998, including office diaries, membership lists, papers belonging to various officials of the Society, papers concerning the Society's education group, material deriving from many of the Society's campaigns, papers concerning courses for Welsh learners, papers concerning the Property Act, and press releases.

Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg.

Nodion cyffredinol VI,

A volume entitled 'Cyfrol VI. Nodion Cyffredinol', covering the period 2 October 1928-3 January 1930. The entries relate to domestic and international politics, Welsh orthography, the decline of the Welsh language, the bilingual problem in Wales, the forthcoming National Eisteddfod at Llanelly, the death of Sir John Morris-Jones and of J. B. Rees (Morleisfab), Llangennech, the general election, cancer research, etc. Inset are a few miscellaneous press cuttings.

T. Eurwedd Williams.

Prof. Richard Aaron papers

  • GB 0210 AARON
  • Fonds
  • 1904-1981

Papers of Prof. Richard Aaron, 1904-1981, comprising drafts of Knowing and the Function of Reason (Oxford, 1971), and of 'Comte, Mill and Durkheim: the epistemological issues', [?1970s]; reviews of Aaron's published works and related material, 1936-1972; draft lectures, articles and teaching notes, 1956-1977; personal and family papers, 1904-1977; personal and academic correspondence, 1932-1976; correspondence relating to the resignation of Goronwy Rees as Principal of UCW, Aberystwyth, 1956; minutes, correspondence and papers relating to the Central Advisory Council for Education (Wales), 1946-1951, the Council for Wales and Monmouthshire, 1958-1963, and the BBC General Advisory Council, 1963-1971; discussion papers for meetings of the British Academy, 1980-1981; and papers relating to Welsh-medium higher education, 1955-1975. With the exception of Knowing and the Function of Reason, there appear to be no papers relating to his books.

Aaron, Richard I. (Richard Ithamar), 1901-1987

Cliff Bere Papers,

  • GB 0210 CLIERE
  • Fonds
  • 1933-1998 /

Welsh Republican Movement and Plaid Cymru papers collected by Cliff Bere, 1940-1973, including correspondence, [c. 1947]-1965; membership forms and subscriptions, [c. 1948]-1957; constitution, meetings and reports, 1949-1952; newspaper cuttings, 1949-1991; political and personal correspondence, 1933-1997; papers relating to Plaid Cymru, [c. 1949]-1996, including the Parliament for Wales Campaign, Cymdeithas yr Iaith (Welsh Language Society) campaign for bilingual road signs, 1971; 'Cofiwn', the National Commemoration Association, 1976-1987; the Welsh Socialist Republican Movement (Mudiad Gweriniaethol Sosialaidd Cymru) 1975-1985; Cymdeithas Cyfamod y Cymry Rhydd (the Society of the Covenant of the Free Welsh) 1986-1994; Cardiff City Planning Department, 1965-1982; Harri Webb papers, 1949-1996; Eurig ap Gwilym [d. 1988], 1976-1988; papers relating to holiday homes arson campaign and Bere's arrest, 1980-1982; Yr Undeb Celtaidd /The Celtic League, 1988-1993; the Free Wales Army, 1993-1998; unpublished drafts of articles, 1934-1996; various journals and pamphlets, [c. 1946]-1976; newspapers cuttings, 1946-1997; undated translations of pamphlets published by the National Museum of Wales; papers, 1984-1998, relating to his publications, and other printed ephemera, 1935-1956.

Bere, Cliff, 1915-1997