Harpists MSS relating to (19 cent.), NLW MS 1464D -- Wales



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Harpists MSS relating to (19 cent.), NLW MS 1464D -- Wales

Termau cyfwerth

Harpists MSS relating to (19 cent.), NLW MS 1464D -- Wales

Termau cysylltiedig

Harpists MSS relating to (19 cent.), NLW MS 1464D -- Wales

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Harpists MSS relating to (19 cent.), NLW MS 1464D -- Wales

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

Welsh Harp, Harpists, &c.

  • NLW MS 1464D
  • Ffeil
  • 19 cent.

Notes, letters, illustrations, press cuttings, broadsides, circulars, etc., relating to Welsh harps, harposts, and Welsh and Irish music, collected by Thomas Price (Carnhuanawc).

Price, Thomas, 1787-1848 MSS collected by, NLW MS 1464D