Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 151 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Archif Y Lolfa,

  • GB 0210 LOLFA
  • fonds
  • 1964-2000 /

Gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â gwaith dydd i ddydd Y Lolfa yn trafod cynigion am gyhoeddiadau, y broses gyhoeddi ei hun, offer argraffu'r Lolfa, staff, grantiau Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru a materion yn codi o gyhoeddiadau'r Lolfa. Ymhlith y gohebwyr mae artistiaid, awduron, gwleidyddion a ffigyrau blaenllaw Cymru, ac yn aml yn y llythyrau cymysgir trafodaethau busnes a materion cyfoes, hynt yr iaith Gymraeg, yr angen am gyhoeddiadau Cymraeg a Chymreig, a naws wleidyddol Cymru. = Correspondence relating to the daily work of the publishing firm Y Lolfa including offers of publications, the publishing process, publishing equipment, staff, Welsh Books Council grants and matters arising from Lolfa publications. The correspondents include artists, authors, politicians and prominent figures in Wales, and the letters often contain a mixture of business discussions and current affairs, news concerning the Welsh language, the need for publications in Welsh and about Wales, and politics in Wales.

Papurau ychwanegol o'r Lolfa yn cynnwys papurau yn ymwneud a 'Y Byd' a 'Cymuned'.

Lolfa (Firm)

Archif sioeau cerdd Cymru,

  • NLW ex 2863.
  • ffeil

Casgliad o sgriptiau a geiriau sioeau cerdd, gwreiddiol ac addasiadau, a berfformiwyd yng Nghymru mewn eisteddfodau cenedlaethol a'r Urdd yng Ngogledd Cymru, gan gynnwys 'Ffantasmagoria', 'Olifar', 'Streic!', 'Wilco', 'Inc yn y gwaed', 'Hersprê' a 'Y seren ddwyfol'. Aled Lloyd Davies a fu'n gyfrifol am lawer iawn o'r geiriau.

Davies, Aled Lloyd.

Archif Plaid Cymru,

  • GB 0210 PLAMRU
  • Fonds
  • 1915-2016

Cofnodion Plaid Cymru, 1915-1999, yn cynnwys cofnodion, agenda and gohebiaeth y pwyllgor gwaith a phwyllgorau eraill, 1925-1997; gohebiaeth gyffredinol, 1925-1998, gyda nifer o aelodau a swyddogion blaenllaw y blaid; cofnodion, gohebiaeth a phapurau eraill y gwahanol bwyllgorau rhanbarthol, 1925-1997, a changhennau,1930-1992; cofnodion a dogfennaeth y Cyngor Cenedlaethol, 1967-1997; cofnodion ariannol, yn cynnwys rhai papur newydd misol y blaid Y Ddraig Goch a Welsh Nation a Chronfa Gŵyl Ddewi, 1927-1996; rhaglenni a threfniadau ar gyfer cynadleddau ac Ysgolion Haf, 1933-1998; cofnodion aelodaeth, 1930-1996; papurau y Grŵp Ymchwil, [c.1960]-1995; papurau, yn cynnwys areithiau ac effemera, yn ymwneud ag etholiadau, 1929-1999; papurau yn ymwneud ag Adran y Menywod, 1924-1996, a'r Mudiad Ieuenctid, 1964-1998; papurau yn ymwneud â refferendwm datganoli 1979,1969-1983, a refferendwm 1997, a Chynulliad Cymru,1992-1998; papurau yn ymwneud â Y Ddraig Goch, Welsh Nation a chyhoeddiadau eraill, 1932-1996; deunydd printiedig gan Blaid Cymru ac eraill yn cynnwys llyfrau, cyfnodolion a phamffledi,1913-1996; torion o'r wasg, 1924-1996; cylchlythyron, 1938-1992; papurau yn ymwneud â'r Blaid Seneddol,1980-1996; papurau unigolion ac rhai ar wahanol bynciau amrywiol, 1926-1998 = Records of Plaid Cymru, 1915-1999, including minutes, agendas and correspondence of the executive and other committees, 1925-1997; general correspondence, 1925-1998, with many prominent party members and officials; minutes, correspondence and other papers of the various regional committees, 1925-1997, and branches, 1930-1992; minutes and records of the National Council, 1967-1997; financial records, including those of the party's monthly newspaper Y Ddraig Goch and Welsh Nation and Cronfa Gwyl Dewi, 1927-1996; arrangements for and programmes of conferences and Summer Schools, 1933-1998; membership records, 1930-1996; papers of the Grŵp Ymchwil (research group), [c.1960]-1995; papers, including speeches and ephemera, relating to elections, 1929-1999; papers relating to the Adran Menywod (Women's Section), 1934-1996, and the Mudiad Ieuenctid (Youth Movement), 1964-1998; papers relating to the 1979 devolution referendum, 1969-1983, and the 1997 referendum and Welsh Assembly, 1992-1998; papers relating to Y Ddraig Goch, Welsh Nation and other publications, 1932-1996; printed matter by Plaid Cymru and others including books, periodicals and pamphlets, 1913-1996; press cuttings, 1924-1996; circulars, 1938-1992; papers relating to the Parliamentary Party, 1980-1996; papers of individuals and to various miscellaneous topics, 1926-1998.

Plaid Cymru

Archif Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin,

  • Fonds
  • 1971-2018

Papurau gweinyddol Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, 1971-1996, yn cynnwys cofnodion, ffeiliau gohebiaeth, papurau cyllidol, a deunydd yn ymwneud â chyhoeddiadau, cyrsiau a digwyddiadau = Administrative papers, 1971-1996, of Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, including minutes, correspondence files, financial papers, and material relating to publications, courses and events.

Papurau ychwanegol yn perthyn i Fudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, gan gynnwys cofnodion y Cyngor Cenedlaethol, 1971-1999; cofnodion Isbwyllgor Anghenion Arbennig, 1991-2005; cofnodion y Pwyllgor Cyhoeddi, 1975-1986; cofnodion is-bwyllgorau Ansawdd a Hyfforddiant, Cyllid a Staffio, Anghenion Arbennig, Cyhoeddusrwydd a Marchnata, 1991-1999; cofnodion y Bwrdd Cyfarwyddwyr Mabon a mabli, 1991-2003; cofnodion y Pwyllgor Gwaith, 1986-1990 a 1991-1999; papurau gweinyddol; cofnodion Is-bwyllgor Polisi, 1994-2004; a cofnodion y Pwyllgor Gweithredol, 1979-1985; ynghyd â ffeil yn cynnwys ffotograffau a sleidiau. Nid yw'r casgliad hwn wedi ei gatalogio eto.

Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin.

Anerchiadau a darlithiau,

Drafftiau o anerchiadau a darlithiau amrywiol gan Marion Eames, [1970]-[2007], yn sôn am ei nofelau a'i bywyd, ac yn trafod pynciau megis hanes y Crynwyr yng Nghymru. = Drafts of various speeches and lectures by Marion Eames, [1970]-[2007], discussing her life, her writing and topics such as the history of the Quakers in Wales.

Anerchiad gan Cranogwen

  • NLW MS 23895A.
  • Ffeil
  • [?1891]

Llyfr nodiadau, [?1891], yn cynnwys rhan o anerchiad gan Sarah Jane Rees (Cranogwen) ar yr Ysgolion Sul Cymreig a'r diffygion ymddangosiadol yn y dulliau dysgu a arferwyd ynddynt. = Notebook, [?1891], containing part of an address by Sarah Jane Rees (Cranogwen), on Welsh Sunday Schools and perceived deficiencies in the teaching methods employed in them.
Mae rhan cyntaf y testun ar gefn y dail yn unig (ff. 1-9), wedi hynny mae wedi ei ysgrifennu ar draws pob agoriad (ff. 9 verso-16 verso); mae'r diwedd, ac o bosib y dechrau, yn eisiau. = The first half of the text is on the rectos only (ff. 1-9), thereafter it is written across each opening (ff. 9 verso-16 verso); the end, and possibly the beginning, is missing.

Cranogwen, 1839-1916

Aelwyd lân a gwraig lon,

Cerdd o'r enw 'Aelwyd lan a gwraig lon' gan 'Gwr Mwyn' [o Lanfair Caereinion?], anfonwyd i 'Mr W. P.', Pwllheli, Ionawr 1863. = A poem entitled 'Aelwyd lan a gwraig lon' by 'Gwr Mwyn' [of Llanfair Caereinion?], sent to 'Mr W. P.', Pwllheli, January 1863.

Gwr Mwyn

Achos Brewer-Spinks,

  • NLW ex 2566.
  • ffeil
  • 1965.

Cyfrol yn cynnwys llythyrau o gefnofaeth yn ymwneud â safiad dau weithiwr ffatri ym Mlaenau Ffestiniog, wedi iddynt golli'u swyddi am siarad Cymraeg yn y gweithle yn 1965, a thorion o'r wasg yn ymwneud â'r achos. Enwyd yr achos ar ôl perchennog y ffatri sef Brewer-Spinks. = A scrapbook containing letters of support following the sacking of two factory workers in 1965 in Blaenau Ffestiniog for speaking Welsh in the workplace, and press cuttings relating to the case. It was named after the owner of the factory, Brewer-Spinks.

Various festivals,

A small group of correspondence relating to the following festivals: Abertawe Festival for Young Musicians, 1992-1993, relating to his role as President; Lower Machen Festival, 1998-1999, relating to a performance of 'One must always have love'; and Swansea Festival, 1984, relating to an invitation to conduct 'The sun, the great luminary of the universe'.

Clerical institutions,

A manuscript containing a list of parishes in Wales, with the names of the incumbents from the sixteenth century to 1840 and the dates of their institution.

D. R. Davies Collection of Drama Scrap Books,

  • GB 0210 DRDIES
  • Fonds
  • 1900-1982 (accumulated [c.1920]-1982) /

Scrapbooks containing press cuttings etc., 1900-1982, relating largely to Welsh drama, theatrical activities and popular entertainment in Wales and amongst Welsh communities in English cities, including material on dramatists of Wales, 1932-1953; drama in Wales, 1922-1982; Welsh actors, 1932-1946; theatre cuttings, 1931-1953; fairs, folklore and folk-dancing in Wales, 1936-1938; children's theatre, 1959-1967; Welsh National Theatre, 1900-1978; and information on theatre in Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece, Russia, America, and other countries.

Davies, D. R., (of Aberdare), 1919-1978

Teliesyn Archive,

  • GB 0210 TELSYN
  • Fonds
  • 1981-2003 /

Records of the Teliesyn film and television production company, comprising administration and production files.

Teliesyn Cyf

Triads, poetry, &c.

A manuscript in the autograph of Evan Evans (Ieuan Fardd) containing triads (pp. 1-32); poetry, the poets cited including Taliesin, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Siôn Cent and Gruffydd Dwnn (pp. 33-86, 95-102); a list of Welsh holy (saints') days (pp. 87-90); names of Welsh rivers and their sources (pp. 91-94); etc. The volume also contains an appendix in the hand of D[avid] Ellis, [1787x1788]. The section containing triads is apparently left unfinished as most of p. 32 and the whole of p. 33 are blank.

Ellis, David, 1736-1795

Inscriptions including 'ogham diaries',

Forty three notebooks, 1873-1915, the majority of which are numbered and labelled with a list of contents, recording inscribed stones examined by John Rhŷs mostly in Wales, the Isle of Man, Scotland, and Ireland. They contain descriptions of his journeys, of stones and inscriptions, folklore and other related notes. Also included are unbound diaries of 'ogham hunts', 1883-1899.

Sir Cadwaladr Bryner Jones Papers,

  • GB 0210 CBRNES
  • Fonds
  • 1600-1951 (accumulated [1900-1954]) /

Papers of Sir Cadwaladr Bryner Jones, including personal papers, 1902-1907; lecture notes, [1900s]; correspondence and papers relating to research into the history of cattle, [?1920s]-1951; and miscellaneous papers collected by Sir Cadwaladr Bryner Jones, 1600-1928. The archive does not include any papers relating to his public life.

Jones, Bryner.

Emynau, barddoniaeth a nodiadau ar Undodiaeth

'Hymnau o Fawl i Dduw' written by Evan Lewis, Carmarthen, 1798; poems by Evan Lewis, Rees Jones ['Amnon'], I. Thomas, R. Davies, 'Ioan Machno' [John M. Price], 'Britwn' [Edwin Foulkes], 'Eryr Trichrug', 'Meudwy', 'Dewi Glan Ffrydlas' [David E. Davies], 'Telynog' [Thomas Evans], 'Talhaiarn' [John Jones], 'Gwerydd Gwyllt' [Evan W. Jones], John Jones and Richard [Rhisiart] Phylip; 'englynion'; miscellaneous notes on Unitarians and Unitarianism.

Douglas B. Hague Research Papers,

  • GB 0210 DOUGUE
  • Fonds
  • 1960-1988 /

Research papers of Douglas B. Hague, including general correspondence relating to research work on lighthouses, 1960-1988; typescript drafts, correspondence, 1967-1975, and notes relating to the publication of Lighthouses: their Architecture, History and Archaeology; notes relating to the publication of Lighthouses of Wales; and miscellaneous papers, 1965-1987.

Hague, Douglas Bland

Canlyniadau 21 i 40 o 151