Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 45 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Evans, Evan, 1731-1788 Ffeil
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

2 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Llyfr Melyn Tyfrydog

  • NLW MS 23969F.
  • Ffeil
  • 1763-1769

Cyfrol o achau, cerddi a nodion hynafiaethol, dyddiedig 1766 (ond a luniwyd tua 1763-1769), yn llaw Hugh Hughes (Y Bardd Coch o Fôn), ac sy'n dwyn y teitl 'Llyfr Melyn Tyfrydog [ne]u'r Gell Gymmysg' (t. xxv). Canolbwyntia rhan gyntaf y gyfrol ar achau disgynyddion Pymtheg Llwyth Gwynedd, y mwyafrif yn deuluoedd o Fôn (tt. 1-91; rhestrir y teuluoedd ar tt. xxvii-xxix). Ychwanegwyd arfbais liwiedig teulu Llwydiarth Esgob i gyd-fynd ag ach Hugh Hughes ei hunan ar t. 40. = A volume of pedigrees, poems and antiquarian notes, dated 1766 (but compiled around 1763-1769), in the hand of Hugh Hughes (Y Bardd Coch o Fôn), and entitled 'Llyfr Melyn Tyfrydog [ne]u'r Gell Gymmysg' (p. xxv). Pedigrees of the descendants of the Fifteen Tribes of North Wales, mostly Anglesey families, fill the first part of the volume (pp. 1-91; the families are listed on pp. xxvii-xxix). The coloured arms of the family of Llwydiarth Esgob are appended to the pedigree of Hugh Hughes himself (p. 40).
Cynhwysa'r gyfrol hefyd nodiadau hynafiaethol (t. 97 passim), trioedd a chynghorion (tt. 107-110, 116-119), ynghyd â nifer helaeth o gerddi Cymraeg (t. xiii passim), rhai wedi eu copïo o 'Delyn Ledr' William Morris, Caergybi (bellach BL Add. MS 14873) (tt. xvi, 119), ac eraill o gyfrol Evan Evans, Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Antient Welsh Bards (London, 1764) (t. 182). Ymysg cerddi cyfoes y llawysgrif, ceir rhai gan David Ellis (t. 282), Evan Evans (Ieuan Brydydd Hir) (t. 269), Hugh Hughes (tt. 260, 272, 275), Robert Hughes (Robin Ddu yr Ail o Fôn) (t. 235), a Goronwy Owen (t. 263). Diweddarwyd rhai o nodiadau hynafiaethol y gyfrol mewn dwylo diweddarach, hyd oddeutu 1858 (t. 50). Am restr o gynnwys y gyfrol, yn llaw Hugh Hughes, gweler t. xvii. = The volume also contains antiquarian notes (p. 97 passim), triads and wisdom (pp. 107-110, 116-119), together with a great number of Welsh poems (p. xiii passim), some copied from the 'Telyn Ledr' of William Morris of Holyhead (now BL Add. MS 14873) (pp. xvi, 119), and others from Evan Evans' Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Antient Welsh Bards (London, 1764) (p. 182). Amongst contemporary poems in the manuscript are compositions by David Ellis (p. 282), Evan Evans (Ieuan Brydydd Hir) (p. 269), Hugh Hughes (pp. 260, 272, 275), Robert Hughes (Robin Ddu yr Ail o Fôn) (p. 235), and Goronwy Owen (p. 263). Antiquarian notes of a later period were added to the manuscript, until c. 1858 (p. 50). For a list of the volume's contents, in the hand of Hugh Hughes, see p. xvii.

Hughes, Hugh, 1693-1776

Y Gell Gymysg, etc.

A composite volume consisting of 'The Bardic Reminiscences. Neu'r Gell Gymmysg', containing, '... Rhagymadrodd a ysgrifenodd y Parch. T. Jones, o Creaton, i'r cyfieithiad Saesoneg o lyfr yn cynnwys 26 o Bregethau Cymraeg, a gyhoeddwyd gan y Parch. Morgan Lloyd, Periglor Ysbytty Evan ...' (Twenty-Six Sermons ... by the Rev. Morgan Lloyd ... London, 1832), Welsh translations of 'A Quaint Sermon and of 'Another ... Titus ii, 9', 'Cyfieithiad O Linellau Saesonaeg, a ysgrifenwyd ar ystôl-gadair y byddai y Parch. George Whitefield yn arfer eistedd arni ...' by [James Hughes] 'Iago Trichrug'; poetry, 1819-38 and undated, by [William Owen Pughe] 'Idrison', [David Owen] 'Dewi Wyn [o Eifion]', John Parry ('Cymmrodorion Llundain'), Mr Jones (Holborn, London), John Dryden, T. Evans ('Flaxd[resse]r Holywell), O. O. (Llanrwst), [Daniel Evans] 'Daniel ab Ieuan Ddu o Geredigion', 'Ieuan Ddu', 'Philogynes', [William Owen] 'Philotheoros', T. Wiliam (Bethesda), [Robert Williams] 'R[obert] ab G[wilym] Ddu, Eifion', R. N. (Cartside Street), [John Davies] 'Brychan', 'Iago Trichrug', J[ohn] Phillips ('Tegidon') (Caerlleon ar Ddyfrdwy), Reginald Heber ('Esgob Heber', bishop of Calcutta), J. Hopkins, R. O. (Llundain), 'Ambrosius' (Bron y Berllan), W. Griffith (Pwllheli), 'Joseph Callestr' (Treffynnon), William Cowper, Charles Mackay, M. B. Tuckey (Cork), Richard Jones (Wern), 'Pedr', [Robert Owen] 'Eryron Gwyllt Walia', Griffith Williams ['Gutyn Peris'] (Braich Talog, Llandegai), J[ohn] H[ughes] (Pont Robert), and W[illiam] W[illiams] (Pant y Celyn), a Welsh translation of an undated letter from R. Bloomfield expressing the willingness of the King to patronise institutions designed to foster the Welsh language, and English and Welsh versions of 'Rules To be observed by this Family (Rheolau i gael eu cadw gan y Teulu hwn. Gwel Psalm 101)'; and forms of letters, petitions, acknowledgments, characters, and addresses largely of Gwydyr estate and Llanrwst interest (e.g. from John Jones, Llanrhychwyn, concerning his rent, 1844, Richd. Williams, Dolwyddelen, concerning sub-letting, 1844, William Lloyd, near Llanrwst, soliciting charity towards a voyage to America, 1845, 'Cymdeithas Gwyr a Llangciau Glanau Lledr', Dolyddelen, on behalf of their Band, 1845, Robert Hughes, Trefriw, concerning a trial for ore in Trefriw, 1846, Jane Jones, soliciting relief to cure cancer, 1848, A. J., Llanrwst, petitioning for a Gwydyr's Pension, 1849, Wynnstay tenants in the township of Maenan, parish of Eglwys fach, soliciting an annual subscription towards the salary of a schoolmaster, 1849, etc., etc.). Inset are verses on the death of Evan Evans ('Ieuan Brydydd Hir') by the Rev. R. Williams, Fron, near Bala, 1790, a 'cywydd' by 'Ieuan Brydydd Hir' ('Af fal Merddin Ddewinwr'), and tables of commercial stamp duties, 1841.

Miscellanies [of 'Ieuan Fardd'],

A composite manuscript of 'Miscellanies' largely in the hand of Evan Evans ('Ieuan Fardd', 1731-88), containing 'Ecloga. Argumentum. Frederici Serenissimi Wallice Principis Mors. Personae. Thyrsis Pastor et Corydon Bubulcus' by Evan Evans 'e Coll. Mert[on]. A.D. 1752 Aetatis 21'; 'An Extract from the Critical review for April 1773' relating to 'The Love of our Country a poem &c'; 'A copy of George Crochan's letter to Governor Dinwiddie concerning the Welsh Indians', written from Winchester, 24 August 1753, together with Dr Worthington's remarks thereon, 1766; 'The three most famous Musicians in King James 1st's time' [Lewis Penmon, Heilin, and Dic Bibydd] ('Ex MS Johannis Salusbtry d' Erb[istock]'); 'The Saxon Alphabet', 'The antient British Alphabet', and 'Alphabetum e nummis antiquis desumptum'; 'Notes on Giraldus Cambrensis', 'D'ni Johannis Davidis Rhesi de Gruffudd Robert Grammatices Cambrobrittanicae Mediolani impressi A.D. 1567', 'D. Rogeri Smyth Lanelwyensis testimonium de eodem', and other extracts from printed sources; 'A Description of Glyn Aeron', with a 'free' English translation; 'Priodas Gerdd or an Epithalamium address to the Revd. Mr. Hugh Lewis of East Grinstead' ('Y Brawd Du o Nannau ai Cant 1772 Aet. 65'); extracts ('Excerpta') from contemporary medical and other sources; a fragment (Abba - Achub) of a Biblical concordance entitled ''Cydfod yr Ysgrythyrau Sanctaidd' ('Llaw Ifan Wiliam hon yma. Yr oedd Rivington ar fedr copiaw'r holl lyfr, rhag dryllio'r eiddox wrth y wasg') (see NLW MS 254); a transcript of a letter from John Griffith, Oswestry, to his father, 1770, enclosing 'another piece in Heroics' (published in Y Brython, 1859, pp. 242-4); transcripts from newspapers reporting the installation of Lord [Frederick] North [2nd earl of Guilford] as chancellor of the University of Oxford, 1772; corrigenda by the author to Evan Evans: 'Haec veterum Bardorum Britannicorum specimina ...' [Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Antient Welsh Bards. Translated into English... (London, 1764)]; a list of sheriffs of Cardiganshire, 1540-1739; 'Bugeilgerdd, sef Ymddiddan rhwng dau Fugail, Gruffudd a Meurig...' by E[dward] Richards, Ystradmeurig, 1766; a transcript of a letter of Evan Evans, Gynhawdref, 20 June 1768 (the writer's translation of Mr Richards' Pastoral); English verses on the subject of the Carmarthen election of 1768, and 'The Character of a Rustic translated from the Greek Original by Theophrastus', by Jno. Beynon, 'Student at the Academy AD 1768 who is now a dissenting Minister in England ...'; etc. Inset is a holograph 'Cywydd Marwnad Mr. William Morris o Gaer Gybi ym Môn ...' by Evan Evans ('offeiriad Llanfairtalhaiarn. Ionawr 1764').

Gwaith Ieuan Brydydd Hir - II,

A composite volume similar in format to Cwrtmawr MS 445 containing further transcripts by W. H. M[ounsey], 1861 (pp. 1-62, 65-80), copies (typewritten) of letters from Evan Evans to David Jones, Trefriw and to Richard Davies at Oxford and Holywell (pp. 81-127), a transcript of the poem 'The Love of our Country', 1772, and of a letter, 1767, from Evan Evans to Dr Humphrey Owen, Principal of Jesus College, Oxford, with a note (crossed out), 1868, from Evan Jones, Lampeter, followed by transcripts of other poems and letters included in the printed volume (1876). Loose in the volume are a transcript of a letter, 6 January 1777, from [David Jones] 'Dewi Fardd', Trefriw to Evan Evans and of a 'cywydd' by the same to the same (inserted after p. 127), and notes on Evan Evans in an earlier hand. J. H. Davies has written on the fly-leaves at the end of the volume: 'All printed in Gwaith I[euan] B[rydydd] Hir 1876 Except pp. 81-127'. The loose items were not printed either.

Llyfryddiaeth y Cymry,

Extensive material relating to Welsh bibliography accumulated by, and mainly in the hand of, D. Silvan Evans. It includes a volume entitled 'Bibliotheca Cambrensis. Llyfrofyddiaeth Cymru' ('A[u]ctore Dan. Silvano Evans, Cereticense') (pasted on to the inside lower cover is a holograph letter from the Reverend David Williams, Llanedy Rectory, 1868, giving the entry of baptism of John, son of John Walter, cleric and lexicographer, on 22 August 1721); a home-made notebook entitled 'Llyvryddiaeth Gymreig' (pasted on to the inside lower cover is a note in the hand of Benjamin Williams, ('Gwynionydd')); another home-made notebook entitled 'Emynau detholedig at Wasanaeth yr Eglwys. Rhag. 29, 1862', being a bibliography of Welsh hymnals and relevant source material; copious unbound leaves containing book titles (one of the titles is written on the dorse of a letter from M. A. Lewis, Tredegar Post Office, 1868, requesting the return of the writer's copy of 'Dr. J. D. Rees's Old Grammar'); and letters from John Peter ('Ioan Pedr'), Bala to [Henri] Gaidoz, 1870 (publications not contained in Rowland's work [Llyfryddiaeth y Cymry]), to D. Silvan Evans from W[illia]m Price, Llanffwyst, Abergavenny, 1869 (an addition to Llyfryddiaeth y Cymry), [Robert John Pryse] 'Gweirydd ap Rhys', Bangor, [18]78 (the title of Llyfer Plygain, 1618, transcribed by the writer from a volume examined at the Pengwern [Mostyn] sale in 1874), W[illiam] Rowlands ('Gwilym Lleyn'), Machynlleth, 1862-4 (4) (additions and corrections to [Llyfryddiaeth y Cymru], with references to Evan Evans ('Ieuan Brydydd Hir'), to [Jane] Davies, Penmaen, to W. F. Skene, etc., a request by a local printer to be allowed to print the recipient's edition of the works of [Walter Davies] Gwallter Mechain', the writer's removal from the manse to another house in Machynlleth and subsequently to Oswestry, the reported cataloguing of 'Llyfrfa Coleg Dewi' [the library of St. David's College, Lampeter], the illness and voyage to Australia of the writer's son), and from W[illiam] Spurrell, Carmarthen to [William] Rowlands ('Gwilym Lleyn') at Brynmawr, 1851-2 (2) (the writer's copy of Sion Dafydd Rhys's Welsh Grammar, biography of John Daniel, printer of Carmarthen). Some of the unbound titles are in the hand of Richard Williams (1835-1906), Celynog, Newtown and there is some later and additional material in the hand of J. H. Davies.

Lewis Morris ('Llewelyn Ddu o Fôn; 1701-65) material, etc.,

Six numbered portfolios containing originals and transcripts of material acquired by J. H. Davies which belong or relate to the Morrises of Anglesey ('Morrisiaid Môn') and especially to Lewis Morris ('Llewelyn Ddu o Fôn; 1701-65): I. Holograph letters and receipts to J. H. Davies from T. Hamer Jones, London, 1900-01, E. A Lewis, London, 1901, and T. Vaughan Roberts, London and Llangollen, 1901, and typescript copies of correspondence between T. Hamer Jones and E. Vincent Evans, London, 1900-01, all relating to the transcription of Morris letters and manuscripts in the British Museum. Ii. A mutilated lead mining account book (10 pp.) largely in the hand of Lewis Morris, 25 January-25 February 1756, including such entries as 'Received to subsist Cwmervin Ten Guineas by me Edward Hughes', 'To Evan Hugh for work at Galltvadog ... 1/6', 'at Cwmervin - 5 or 6 yards cleared to ye East', 'Brandi bach Galwyn 6/-', 'To David Headley for last week at Penbryn 4/-', 'To nans ty n y bedw for Jacks lodging 2 weeks 3/-', 'discovered ore in ye R. Rake Cwmervin', 'Sent ye Inspectors on acct. of Incidents £70', 'Cwm Ervin bottoms clear almost', etc.; two undated [c.1745] drafts in the hand of Lewis Morris of documents in a legal action touching the ownership of a lead mine called Bwlchgwyn in the manor of Perfedd, Cardiganshire, the first being entitled 'The Freeholds in the Neighbourhood of Bwlchgwyn Mine whose Tenants have always made use of the Lands where the Mine stands as well as of all the Mountains adjoyning as a Common, Have Cut Turf on the mountains as a Common over against their Tenements as Customary, and those that had no wood growing on their Lands made use of ye wood of allt rudd as a Common, and have always turn[e]d their Cattle to Graze on the Common, as belonging to the Tenants of the Mannor of Pervedd, and not to any other Person', and the second, in a very mutilated condition, comprising interrogatories, in Welsh, to be administered to witnesses [see D. Lleufer Thomas: 'Lewis Morris in Cardiganshire', Y Cymrodor, Vol. XV, 1901, pp. 8 ff.]; drafts in the hand of Lewis Morris entitled 'Holyhead. April 1736. Proposals for Printing by Subscription a Treatise ... Entitled Chwedlau Doethion Rhufain, or, The Tales of the wise men of Rome.... By L. Morris' (endorsed 'copied by D[afydd] Ddu Eryri'), '13 Aug[us]t 1740. Proposals for Carrying on a survey of ye Sea Coast of Wales &c begun under ye Probation of my L[or]ds Comm[issione]rs of ye Adm[iral]ty 1737 ... By L. Morris', 'August 1740. An Account of a Survey made of some part of ye Sea Coast of Wales in ye years 1737 & 1738. By L. Morris, Surveyor of ye Customs at Holyhead', and 'Remarks upon Mr Nicolson's first volume of his English ?Historical Library; more Particularly what regards the History of ye Ancient Britains or Welsh' ('Enterd in my Q[uar]to misscell[any] 1759'); an attested copy ('Concordat Cum originale. Llywarch Lechweddgam. D Registr.') of 'Private Queries to be answer'd before ye 1st of May under Pain of Excom' (endorsed: 'Penance to be Performd by Mr Richard Evans Surgeon at Llanerchmedd for defamation'); a holograph letter from An. Owen to Lewis Morris, 1748/9 (published in Hugh Owen (ed.), Additional Letters of the Morrises of Anglesey (1735-1786), Y Cymmrodor, Vol. XLIX, 1947-9, part I, p. 191); drafts of letters by L[ewis] M[orris], Holyhead to Thomas Corbett, MP, Adm[iral]ty Office, London, 1740-1 (3) (published in Hugh Owen, op. cit., part I, pp. 45-6, 98-9, 102-03), and a draft of a letter by L[ewis] M[orris], Galltvadog, near Aberystwyth to G[wyn] Vaughan, 1750/1 (published in Hugh Owen, op. cit., part I, pp. 97-8); a holograph letter from 'The Brawd Du' [William Vaughan], Plashen to [Lewis Morris], 1763 (published in Hugh Owen, op. cit., part II, pp. 597-8); an attested copy ('Concordat cum Originali. Anon.' of a letter, partly in verse, from Tho[ma]s Morgan [of Tredegar] from Privy Gardens, to [ ], 1755/6 (he hopes the recipient and his family will resent the ill usage that Mr [Roderick] Gwynne [of Glanbran] and 'his' family have given to 'my' good friend and 'your' near relation Sir Humphery [sic] and 'his' family 'these last Elections' [for Brecknockshire], greetings to the family at Maselwych) (with a descriptive note attached in the hand of [D. Lleufer Thomas]); a holograph letter from W. Skinner, Hereford to [ ], 1763 (requests the support of specified Brecknockshire 'Herefordians' for the candidature of Mr John Drummond, banker at Charing Cross, in the impending election for the city of Hereford, references among others to the 'Ladies at Blaen Nant'); a holograph letter from Tho[ma]s Vaughan to 'Dear Ned', undated [mid 17 cent.] (a debt claimed by Gab. Jeffres from the writer, the writer's relationship with his brother arising from the will of 'Aunt Madocks'); an undated [mid 17 cent.] volume (38 pp.) containing 'an Essay on Dramatic Poetry' (with a 'Dedication to Charles E[arl] of Dorset Lord Chamberlain') and 'Defence of an Essay of Dramatick Poesy', both texts extracted from the works of John Dryden, a sermon on Job 36, 2-3, 'The Preface w'ch has always been prefix'd to Moliere's Works', and 'The Life of Moliere'; transcripts [by T. Vaughan Roberts] from BM Add MS 15032 of a letter from E[dward] Williams to [Lewis Morris] [1740] (published in part in Hugh Owen: op. cit., part I, p. 91) and of a letter from Owen Holland to [William Morris] 1761 (published in Hugh Owen, op. cit., Part II, pp. 519-20; and a holograph letter from D. Lleufer Thomas, Swansea to J. H. Davies, Lincoln's Inn, 1903 (encloses remaining Morris letters for the recipient). Iii. Material largely in the form of drafts or copies by Lewis Morris and almost entirely relating to legal actions arising from the superintendency by him of the Esgair-y-mwyn lead mine in the parish of Gwnnws, Cardiganshire. The papers include 'The Joint and several answers of Lewis Morris and John Owen def[endan]ts to the Information bill of Complaint of Sr Robt Henley, Knight, his Majesty's Attorney General, for and on the part and behalf of his Majesty' [1758], with miscellaneous relevant drafts, among them being a list of 'Mismanagements at ye mine of Esg[air] y mwyn in 1757. for Lord Powis's Information'; annotated correspondence with John Sharpe, Zachariah Chambers, Tho[ma]s Walker, W[illia]m Corbett, Gwyn Vaughan, [Richard Morris], Tho[mas] Croso(e), Tho[mas] Evans and Lord Powis, 1744-63 (all published in Hugh Owen, op. cit., Part I, pp. 127-31, 133-8, 147-52, 163-72, 176-7, 185-7, 241-3, 287, 335-42, Part II, pp. 436-7); a holograph letter from John Charlton to [Lewis] Morris, 1757 (published in Hugh Owen, op. cit., Part I, pp. 330-1); a notebook (15 pp.) of affidavits, comparable in content but not to be identified with the book of 'Witnesses Examinat[ions]' quoted by D. Lleufer Thomas, op. cit., p. 22 ff.; an original lease, 1763, for 21 years from William Jones of Dol y Clettwr, esquire, to Lewis Morris of Penbryn, esquire, both of Cardiganshire, of mineworks, mines, and minerals upon a tenement called Troed y rhiw las, of late known as the Shop; and an original declaration of 'particulars', 1663, signed by fifty tenants of the lordship of Perveth, Carmarthenshire, and more especially the inhabitants of the parish of Llanthoysant, for the restoration of liberties of pasturage on 'our Common & mountaine' and for the cessation of payment of redemption dues for impounded cattle to the collectors of the Crown 'out of the great Forrest of Brecon adjoineing to our Common ...' (endorsed: 'Llanthoysant sub script. touching the gr[e]at Forrest'). Iv. A transcript [by T. Vaughan Roberts] from BM Add MS 14929 of 'The First Book of the Chroniclers of ye Mines' (published in Hugh Owen, The Life and Works of Lewis Morris ... (1951)' pp. 53-60); a transcript [by E. A. Lewis] from BM Add MS 15025 of the appointment, 1752, by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury of Lewis Morris to be Agent and Superintendent of the mine called Esgair y Mwyn 'lately discovered by him in his Majesty's mannor of Mevenyth ...'; typescript copies, with annotations, by T. H[amer] J[ones] of Morris letters in BM Add MS 15025 (published in J. H. Davies (ed.), The Letters of Lewis, Richard, William and John Morris, of Anglesey ... Vol. I (Aberystwyth 1907), pp. 103-08, 115-23, 136-8, 140-1, 144-7, 163-6, 172-3, 188-91, 200-02, 207-08, 210-11, 221-8, 233-8, 243-5, 290-2, 333-6, 370); brief extracts [in the hand of D. Lleufer Thomas] from Morris letters; and a holograph letter from T. Vaughan Roberts, Highbury [London] to J. H. Davies, Aberystwyth, 1905 (the proposed publication of the Morris letters) (together with a note on a letter in BM Add MS 15028, p. 49). V. Transcripts in a modern hand of manuscript compilations of Evan Evans ('Ieuan Fardd' or 'Ieuan Brydydd Hir'; 1731-88), being Panton MS 84 (NLW MS 2049), pp. 3-14, 25-59, 69-84, 101-03, 122, and Panton MS 75 (NLW MS 2041), pp.

1-11 (there is a version of the latter text also in Cardiff MS 2.271); and a transcript [by T. Vaughan Roberts] from BM Add MS 15033 of a letter from Ev[an] Evans, from Oxford, to Richard Morris, Navy Office, London, 1751 (published in D. Silvan Evans (gol.), Gwaith y Parchedig Evan Evans (Ieuan Brydydd Hir) (Caernarfon, 1876), p. 157). Vi. Transcripts [by T. Vaughan Roberts and E. A. Lewis] and typescript copies of material from BM Add MSS 14929, 15021, 15024-5, and 15029, being largely letters published in Hugh Owen, op. cit., Part I, pp. 15-19, 31-4, 36-7, 52-64, 105-06, 160-3, 177-182, 213-14, 246-8, Part II, pp. 400-2, 460-1, 526-9, 624-5, 650-1, 673-5, 684-6, 749-51, 762, 765, 775-7.

Llythyrau at David Jones ('Dewi Fardd')

A collection of letters to David Jones of Trefriw ('Dewi Fardd') from Lewis Morris, 1757-1759; Richard Morris, 1759-1767; their nephew John Owen, 1758; Margaret Davies of Coedcaedû, 1758; the Reverend Evan Evans ('Ieuan Brydydd Hir'), 1776; Owen Jones ('Owain Myfyr'), 1776-1778; John Powel of Llansannan (with a 'cywydd'), 1766; John Williams (with drafts of letters in the hand of David Jones), 1764; and copies of letters by Richard Morris to [Zachary Pearce], bishop of Bangor, 1753, concerning Goronwy Owen, 1752, and to [George Parker] Lord Macclesfield for the loan of the manuscripts of William Jones, F.R.S. (ie the Shirburn Castle manuscripts now in the Sir John Williams Collection at NLW), 1754, together with an undated draft in the hand of Lewis Morris concerning a proposal to deposit the manuscripts in the British Museum.

A Llanberis commonplace book,

An album or commonplace book originally kept at the New Inn, Llanberis. It contains a short sketch of the history of Llanberis, a note on John Closs, who died of exposure on Snowdon in 1805, with lines composed on the occasion by P[eter] B[ailey] W[illiams]; a 'Sonnet to Snowdon' by Miss Locke; odes to Snowdon, 1819; a 'Sketch of Snowdon for the benefit of sojourners at Llanberis' by Colonel Bell; a note on Evan Evans ('Ieuan Brydydd Hir') with an elegy by R. Williams of Vron near Mold, 1790; a sonnet by Kirke White; particulars of ashes carted, 1823-1827; and notes of visitors to the Inn, 1819.

Peter Bailey Williams and others.

'Gwersi doethineb yr hen Gymry',

A manuscript in the hand of Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg', entitled 'Gwersi Doethineb yr, Hen Gymry. a gasglwyd o'r Hên Lyfrau Ysgrifen, Gan Iolo Morganwg B.B.D. Yn y Flwyddyn 1800'. The contents include: p. 2, an announcement ('Ysbysiad') by 'Iolo Morganwg' in which he outlines his intentions in preparing the manuscript; pp. 3-26, 'Chwedlau'r Doethion (o Lyfr Tre Brynn)', being 160 'englynion milwr' (cf. Iolo MSS (1888), pp. 251-9); pp. 27-32, another series of 34 'englynion milwr' entitled 'Llyma chwedlau Doethion eraill, i ddoeth a'u deallo', (cf. Iolo MSS, pp. 260-1); pp. 32-34, 'Llyma Gynghorion y Bardd Glâs o'r Gadair i bob Gwr doeth a ddymunai rengu bodd Duw a Dynlon yn y Byd yma ac yn y byd arall . . .'; pp. 35-36, 'Llyma eraill o gynghorion Y Bardd Glas o'r Gadair' (end missing); pp. 37-41, [Cyfarddodau'r Bardd Glas o'r Gadair] being linked sequences of aphorisms (beginning missing); p. 42, 'Gnodiau y Bardd Glâs o'r Gadair', being six stanzas beginning 'Gnawd hir ofal i bob geuawg . . .'; pp. 43-47, 'Amryw Bethau gwiw eu dal ar gov. O Lyfr Rhys Thomas Argraphydd, a dynnawdd efe, meddai, o Lyfr y Parchedig Evan Evans', beginning 'Pump peth nid doeth ymddiried iddynt. . .'; pp. 48-56, 'Llyma Drioedd am a weddant fod ar ddyn ac ar Ddoethineb', beginning 'Tri pheth anhawdd eu cael . . .', said to be 'O Lyfr Edwd. Lewys, Yswain, O Ben Llin ym Morganwg'; pp. 57-58, 'Llyma rai drioedd eraill oddiar ddalen friw yn yr un llyfr', beginning 'Tri pheth a wnant wraig yn anniweir . . .'; pp. 58-60, 'Y to arall it ddalen y mae a ganlyn', beginning 'Tri pheth a attaliant wahoddedigaeth i wr . . .'; p. 60, 'ar ddarn arall o ddalen', beginning 'Tri pheth a wnant wr yn ddysgedig . . .'; p. 61, 'Llyma'r Naw celfyddyd Wladaidd - Y Naw Celfyddyd Dinesig', said to be 'O Lyfr y Parch. Evan Evans pan oedd ef yn y Caerau yn sir Fynwy'; pp. 62-66, 'Llyma Englynion Cain Cynwyre. (O Lyfr Joseph Jones)', being thirty stanzas purporting to be the work of Ystyffan Bardd Teilaw; pp. 66-70, 'Englynion Dead Fardd. (O Lyfr Sion Philip o Dre Os.)', beginning 'Bid goch crib ceiliawg yniawl ei lef . . . '; pp. 70-72, 'Trioedd', said to be from '(Llyfr Twm Robert)'; pp. 72-74, 'Llyma Ddewis bethau Bardd Ifor Hael. (O Lyfyr Mr. Cobb o Gaer Dydd.)', followed by a note by 'Iolo Morganwg' concerning the text; pp. 75-76, 'Casbethau Owain Cyfeiliawg. (O Lyfyr Mr. Cobb)', followed by a note on the text by 'Iolo Morganwg'; pp. 77-81, 'Dewisbethau yr Hen Fardd Llwyd o Forganwg'; pp. 81- 83, 'Dewisbethau Gwr doeth . . .', said to be 'O Lyfr Mr. Edward Sanders o Lansanffraid Fawr'; pp. 83-84, 'Dewis bethau Gwr. o Lyfr y Bardd Côch o Fôn, 1771'; pp. 84-85, 'Dewisav Gwr Taliesin', said to be from 'Llyfyr y Bardd Côch o Fôn'; pp. 85-87, 'Dewis Bethau Hywel Bwr Bach (LI. Mr. Sanders)'; pp. 87-89, 'Dewis Bethau Deio Maelinydd', '(Ll. Mr. Sanders)'; pp. 90-91, 'Casbethau Sion Goch o'r Hendref', '(Llyfyr Mr. Sanders)'; pp. 91-96, 'Dewis Bethau Sion Cwm Tridwr. (Ll. Sanders.)', followed by extensive notes on Sioni Cwm Tridwr by 'Iolo Morganwg'; pp. 97-98, 'Dewis Bethau yr hen Gap Du, (Llyfr Sanders.)', said to be by Wiliam Cap Du; pp. 98-103, 'Llyma Awdl y Gwaeau a gant Taliesin Ben Beirdd', beginning 'Gwae a gymmerth Fedydd . . . '; pp. 103-04, 'Casbethau Hen Goch y Dant'; p. 104, an 'englyn' by 'Iolo Morganwg' beginning 'Doethineb Da y'th enau yn siarad . . .'; pp. 105-07, 'Cerdd y Bardd Glas o'r Gadair, o Lyfyr Joseph Jones o Gaer Dydd, a ysgrifenwyd ynghylch y flwyddyn 1590', beginning 'Deg gormes caredforion . . .', followed by a note on Y Bardd Glas o'r Gadair; pp. 108-09, 'Llyma Englynion a fuant rwng Caradawg LlanCarfan a Gwgan Farfawg o Landathan (O lyvyr Joseph Jones o Gaer Dyv, 1590)', beginning 'Gwgan Farfawc, hanpyll gwell . . . '; and pp. 109-111, 'Atteb Gwgan Farfawg', beginning 'Hanpyll Gwell, ti Garadawg . . .'.

Correspondence and papers, II (Paul Panton, senior)

Letters, 1766-1778, to Paul Panton from Christopher Smart, 1766-1769, M. Waters, O. Meyrick, Ed: Hughes, Chwaen Wen, 1767-1768, Edward Hughes, Beaumaris and Plas Gwyn, 1766-1768, E. Pemberton, Warrington, J. Grimston, 1766-1769, J. Fremantle, Sir Roger Mostyn, Thomas Pennant, 1767-1769, John Royle, Holywell, Grey Cooper, of the Treasury, John Morton, Chief Justice, Thomas Totty, Holywell, 1766-1768, J. Wynne, Soughton, 1767, Henry Duncombe, 1767-1769, S. Mills, Norbury, 1767-1768, William Beard, Newcastle, 1767-1769, T. Broughton, of the S.P.C.K. (to Evan Evans concerning a Welsh Concordance, 1768), Lord Frederick Campbell, Wm. Butler, Dublin, the Duke of Ancaster, Tho. Prickard (to Evan Evans at Llanvihangel Crucorney, 1768), Wm. Wynne, Doctors' Commons, 1769, Thomas Whately, W. Falconer, J. Parry, Lincoln's Inn (concerning a road near Penmaenmawr, 1769), J. Stone, Chancery Lane, James Jones, Llanvihangel (Evan Evans's books, 1770), Thomas Williams, Llanidan, 1772, Thomas Smedley, Bagillt, 1774, Andrew Dalziel, Edinburgh (on the study of Greek, mathematics, etc., criticism of Gibbon, 1776), Daines Barrington (the discovery of bells at Bryn y Cloche, 1776), T. Crane, Chester, David Dalrymple, S. Pellet, Edinburgh, 1777-1778, R. Kenyon, J. More, bishop of Bangor, 1777, Thomas Hughes, Halkin, 1778, and G. Ravenscroft; together with miscellaneous documents: a petition of Philip Browne, bankrupt, 1768; pedigree of Catherine, heiress of Maesmore, 1767; poems on 'Westminster Abbey' and 'A Moment'; letters testimonial to Evan Evans from the vicars of Llanfihangel y Creuddyn and Llanilar and the rector of Rhostie, 1768; nomination of Evan Evans to the curacy of Llanberis, 1771; proposals by Paul Panton on white ore at Paris mountain, 1772; report of a journey by John Close to the Isle of Man, 1774; a plan of Talar Goch mine watercourse, 1777; and minutes of a meeting of Anglesey freeholders to consider the appointment of John Probert, 1779.


Cywyddau and englynion by Morus ap Rhisiart Morus, Robert Hughes ('o Geint bach'), Lewis Morrus, Evan Evans, William Wynn (Llangynhafal), Llywarch Hen, Mabclaf ap Llywarch, Elaeth, Sion Powel, and anonymous writers; a letter by Evan Evans; triads, pedigrees, and notes.


Transcripts of 'cywyddau' by Sion Cent, Dafydd Gorlech, Robin Ddu, Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn, Lewis Powys, Gwilym Telyn, Maredudd ap Rhys, Owain Twna, [Sir] Gruffudd Fychan, Syr Huw Pennant, Edwart Owain and Ieuan Brydydd Hir (Ieuan Fardd).

Letters and papers of the Reverend Eliezer Williams,

(I and ii). An interleaved copy in two volumes of The English Works of the late Rev. Eliezer Williams with a memoir of his life by his son St George Armstrong Williams (London, 1840), with corrections and annotations by the Reverend St George Armstrong Williams. (Iii). (A) Letters addressed to the Reverend Eliezer Williams (1754-1820), vicar of Lampeter (1805-20), from St G[eorge] Armstrong, Whitehaven, 1803 (personal finances, expectations of war, intends applying for a company in the Leitrim Militia), [Susan] Lady Blandford, undated (gift of books for addressee), Charles Bowdler, Lampeter, undated (invites Evans ('Ieuan Brydydd Hir'), Aberystwyth, 1778 (the publication of writer's sermons and the addressee's subscription, writer's distrust of Evan James, hopes addressee and Richard Thomas will transcribe 'the Damhegion from the Llyfr Coch' for him, Sir Watkin [Williams Wynn]'s generosity, intends 'to print the Adagia Britannica and the Triades with Mr Vaughan of Hengwrt's notes in two volumes', hopes addressee, Mr Rice Jones and Mr Richard Thomas will help to obtain subscribers (published in D. Silvan Evans (ed.) Gwaith y Parchedig Evan Evans (Caernarvon, 1876), pp. 243-4)), H. Flemyng, Dublin, 1817 (addressee's claims on the estate of the late Captain Armstrong's estate), John Stewart, 7th Earl of Galloway, 1792-6 (12), from Galloway House, London, Bath, etc. (addressee's work on the earl's pedigree to establish his claim to an English peerage) [the Earl was created Baron Stewart of Garlies in the Peerage of Great Britain, 6 June 1796], Andrew Stuart, London, 1790 (Lord Galloway's pedigree, reference to documents, etc.), Thomas Thomas, Aberporth, 1819 (the tenant of Lluest farm feared the rights of Lluest might be overlooked by the commissioners partitioning the common), G. Williams, Limehouse, 1793 (rearrangement of meeting with addressee because of writer's funeral engagements), [Reverend] Peter [Bailey] Williams (1763-1836), Llanrug, 1793 (family and personal news, prejudice against his father wearing off, sales of his father's edition of the Bible, approved of addressee's plan of establishing a school at Paddington) and 1805 (addressee's return journey to Lampeter, little Harry to be innoculated with cowpox because of the smallpox in the parish, comments on Dolgellau, antiquarian notes, inscriptions at Pant y Polion, Carmarthenshire and Llanwnnen and Llanddewibrefi, Cardiganshire, names and dates of various Welsh saints' festivals), a copy ?of the previous letter which has been altered and contains some additions, [ ], London, 1785 (news of Oxford acquaintances, writer had been a candidate for an office in the University but had been unsuccessful, writer's interest and that of Crowe had clashed and he had thus been unable to solicit the support of Crowe's friends, who would normally have supported him). (B) Miscellaneous letters and papers relating to the Reverend Eliezer Williams, including drafts or copies of letters from the Reverend Eliezer Williams to his mother from Galloway House, 1791 (a translation of a letter written in Welsh) (religious sentiments, his father's writings), to Charles [?Stewart, later Bishop of Quebec], c. 1812 (family news, enquiries concerning addressee's family), a letter written from Lampeter, 1817 to [ ] (writer's claims on Captain Armstrong's estate, describes his own circumstances since he had married Captain Armstrong's daughter and the help he had given Captain Armstrong and his family); original letters from [William Stuart], Bishop of St Davids, c. 1795, to [? Lord Galloway] (the present state of the diocese rendered it important, to the King as well as to the people, that the residence of the clergy should be more exemplary than hitherto, hopes Mr Williams's absence will not be protracted), T [ ], 1799, to the Earl of Galloway (requests the loan of Mr Williams's two pamphlets), the Reverend Eliezer Williams, Lampeter, 1814, to his brother the Reverend Peter Bailey Williams, Llanrug (writer's involvement in the controversy relating to Welsh orthography in Seren Gomer, desires David Thomas to look over the writer's ode, [Lampeter] illuminated for the return of the Cardiganshire Militia, writer's opinion of the peace), a newspaper cutting relating to a meeting held by the pupils of the late Reverend Eliezer Williams held at the Star Inn, Lampeter, 14 June 1822, in order to open a subscription to erect a monument to his memory, 'An Acrostic to the Memory of the late Mrs Armstrong, the wife of St George Armstrong, Esq., of Annaduff in the County of Leitrim, Ireland'. (C) Letters relating to The English Works of the Rev. Eliezer Williams to the Reverend St George Armstrong Williams from Charles Cradock, London, 1840-1(2) (details of the cost of binding and despatching the book and the receipt of a remittance from addressee), Jenkin Davies, Talybont, Brecon, 1841 (details relating to sales of the book and of subscribers who had died or moved, etc.), Mathilde Tobler, Glangwna, 1840 (gratitude upon the receipt of a gift of the book), a letter from Dr [Joseph] Bosworth, Etwell, 1843, to the Very Reverend Dean of Bangor [James Henry Cotton] (obliged to addressee for recommending The English Works of the Rev. Eliezer Williams, it had revived his desire to become acquainted with the Welsh language and literature, intends applying himself to the subject as soon as his present work was finished, requests addressee to take charge of his subscription of a sovereign, his high opinion of the work). (D) Miscellaneous letters and papers, including letters (2) from A[nne] A[rmstrong] Williams, Fron, near Caernarvon, 1840, to her son [St George Armstrong Williams] (family news) and to her husband, the Reverend St George Armstrong Williams, at the Belle Vue Hotel, Aberystwyth (family and local news), copies of a letter from Cyril Williams, Talcymmerau, 1844, to [Christopher Bethel] Bishop of Bangor, with the bishop's reply (support for the retention of a curate in the parishes of Llannor and Denio, Caernarvonshire), a letter from ? George W. Edmonds, Middlesborough, 1880, to his grandfather (personal), a bill, 29 September 1797, for the funeral of the daughter of the Reverend Mr Williams, proposals (draft) for publishing an English edition of Peter Williams's annotated Bible, a blank Schoolmaster's Certificate (printed), a printed copy of the rules of the Carnarvon Clothing Club (Cymdeithas Dilladu y Tlodion yn Nghaernarfon) in English and Welsh, copies (drafts) of the rules of the Pwllheli Clothing Club (Cymdeithas Dilladu y tlodion y' Mhwllheli) in English and Welsh, and of the Llannor Clothing Club, Cymdeithas i ddilladu y tlodion yn Llannor, in Welsh.

Diary, etc., of John Davies, Ystrad

  • NLW MS 12350A.
  • Ffeil
  • 1796-1799

A diary and commonplace book of John Davies (David) ('Siôn Dafydd y Crydd'), bookbinder and cobbler, of Llanfihangel Ystrad, co. Cardigan. The diary covers the period from 1 January 1796 to 19 December 1799 (new style) and refers mainly to 'booking ', e.g., the binding of local Church Bibles, the making of a letter case for William Lewes, Llysnewydd, the purchase of pasteboard and glue, etc. Other entries consist of copious observations on the weather and on the health of the writer and of members of his family; records of other activities of the scribe and of his wife, such as the making up of club accounts and attendance at club feasts, the making up of churchwardens' and vestry accounts, the writing of documents (leases, wills, marriage settlements, letters, bidding letters, and club articles), estreating, attendance at religious services, the death and burial of local residents, visits to fairs, gardening, the raising of turf, the making of candles, watch repairing, the spinning of flax and hemp, grinding at the mill, etc.); and references to unusual or interesting contemporary incidents, e.g., the beginning of Bedlwyn bridge, 9 August 1796, 'great noise about the French landing in Pembrokshire', 1 March 1797, 'great alarm about mad dogs ', 17 March 1797, the eclipse of the sun, 24 June 1797, '2000 Irish emigrants in Pembrokshire', 15 June 1798, 'Terrible Rebellion in Ireland', 18 June 1798, '. . . the Buck wheat plowed with a new plow English fashion with foure Horses', 31 August 1798, etc. In the left hand margin of each page are two columns indicating each date in both the new and the old styles. The remainder of the volume contains miscellaneous poetry, including stanzas and 'englynion' by D. Davies, lines 'On Czar Peter of Russia', 1797, stanzas beginning 'God save the Rights of Man', 1795, 'Englynion I Lys Ifor Hael . . .' by Evan Evans ('Bardd ac Offeiriad'), 1779, with an English translation, 'Can, yr hon a genir gan filwyr Ffraingc wrth fyned it frwydr', 1797, stanzas entitled 'God Save the King' (beginning 'Fame let thy Trumpet sound') (extracted 5 January 1763 from The Gentleman's Magazine, December 1745), stanzas extracted in 1772 from William Lithgow's 'Book of . . . Travels', 'cywydd' couplets by Edmund Prys and Hug[h] Arwystl, stanzas entitled 'The Brittish Muse, The Banks of the Wye' (from the Hereford Journal, 18 June 1778), stanzas entitled 'Tweed's Side' (from The Gentleman's Magazine, May 1767), 'Chwanegiad at gân Rhydddid' (in a later hand), 'Can o Sen I Ficcar Coch Cayo' by Dafydd Manuel, 'General Thanksgiving. The following lines were found in St. Peters Church Yard in Colchester on Tuesday the 19 of Decr. 1797 being the Day appointed for a general thanksgiving . . .', 'On the Day of general thanksgiving on the 29th Day of November 1798 were the following lines stuck up on . . . the Church Door of Ystrad Church', 'An Epitaph on a Blacksmith', 'Lines written out of Temper, on a Pannel in one of the Pews of C . . .m Church' (from the Hereford Journal, 26 October 1791), 'Littani' by 'J[ohn] J[ones] Glangors', 1797, etc.; the score of a song entitled 'The Recess', 1794, and of 'A Gavot' by Correlli; a list of floruits of 'Brittish Poets' (from Myrddyn Emrys to Dafydd William o'r Nant); 'Coppi o Lythur Gruffudd ap Ieuan at Saer Pren o Lan Sain Sion Allan o Almanac am y Flwyddyn 1720'; notes on Nonconformist Sects, extracted from W[illiam] Mather: The Young Man's Companion (London, 1737); a pedigree of King George III; the Greek alphabet; recipes for sealing wafers and sealing wax; a table of cities, towns, and villages from Lampeter to London; memoranda of local births and deaths, e.g., the death of the Reverend David Lloyd, Castle Howel, 1779, and of the Reverend Richard Lloyd, Llwynrhydowen, 1797; the allocation of seats and pews newly erected in the body of the church of Ystrad, 1716; etc.

Davies, John, 1722-1799

Letters, etc. of Evan Evans ('Ieuan Fardd'),

A volume in the hand of J. H. Davies containing material on the life and work of Evan Evans ('Ieuan Fardd' or 'Ieuan Brydydd Hir'; 1731-88) mainly in the form of a chronological list of letters by him and some references to him from manuscript and printed sources (Cwrtmawr MS 446, D. Silvan Evans (ed.), Gwaith y Parchedig Evan Evans ... (Caernarfon, 1876) and J. H. Davies (ed.), The Letters of Lewis, Richard, William and John Morris of Anglesey (Morrisiaid Mon) (Aberystwyth, 1907-9). Among the insets are relevant extracts in the hand of William Llewelyn Davies, National Library of Wales from the Panton Papers (NLW MS 9070 ff.).

Composite volume of Henry Thomas Payne,

A composite volume which belonged to Archdeacon Henry Thomas Payne (1759-1832) containing the following printed works: (1) interleaved copy (title-page and preface wanting) of [A History of the island of Anglesey, ... to which are also added, memoirs of Owen Glendowr (London, 1775)], with some manuscript additions by Payne including 'Account of Parys Mountain, & the Copper Works in 1796'; (2) Evan Evans, Some specimens of the poetry of the antient Welsh bards, translated into English, with explanatory notes on the historical passages (London, [1764]), with the following manuscript note by Payne: 'This Copy was given to the Rev. Thomas Payne, late Rector of Llangattock in Brecknockshire, & Canon Residentiary of the Cathedral Church of Wells, by the author, who was then Curate of Llanvihangel Cilcornel [sic], in Monmouthshire - The Corrections are in the Authors own hand writing,' and also a printed list of '[Ad]denda et corrigenda' (insert); (3) George Richards, fellow of Oriel College, The Aboriginal Britons, a prize poem, ... second edition (Oxford, 1791); (4) [Alexander Geddes], Epistola macaronica ad fratrem ... (Londini: apud J. Johnson, 1790); (5) [Thomas Warton] Specimen of a history of Oxfordshire, second edition, corrected and enlarged (London, J. Nichols, etc., 1783); and (6) Robert [Clayton], bishop of Clogher, A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again. Translated from a manuscript ... (London, 1753). There is a brief list of contents in the autograph of Henry Thomas Payne.

Letters of John Owen,

Twenty holograph letters, 1755-9, from John Owen (d. 1759), Galltvadog and London, nearly all to his uncle, Edward Hughes. The letters are among those published in the supplement to Additional Letters of the Morrises of Anglesey (1735-1786) ed. Hugh Owen (Y Cymmrodor, Vol XLIX, Part II (1949), pp. 874-959). At the end of the volume are transcripts of six letters, 1758, from John Owen to E[van] Evans ('Ieuan Brydydd Hir'); the originals of these letters are in NLW MS 2039.

Gwaith Ieuan Brydydd Hir - I,

A composite volume (256 pp.) probably put together by J. H. Davies containing material gathered by D. Silvan Evans for Gwaith y Parchedig Evan Evans ('Ieuan Brydydd Hir'), with some additional items (typescript) transcribed by 'T. H. J.' The printed volume appeared in 1876 (Caernarfon: Argraffedig gan H. Humphreys); however, the work had been in progress for a number of years. Pages 1-150 are almost entirely in the autograph of D. Silvan Evans and date from 1853 while pp. 151-226 contain transcripts made in 1861 by 'W. H. M. [i.e. Captain W. H. Mounsey, Carlisle, whose help Silvan Evans acknowledges in the preface to the printed volume]. A sheet addressed to 'Mr John Pryse, Bookseller, Llanidloes' (p. 144) and a possible reference to him by W. H. M[ounsey] (p. 165) suggest a connection between D. Silvan Evans and John Pryse. It is known from Pryse's reprint [1862] of Evan Evans, Some Specimens of the Poetry of the ancient Welsh Bards ..., p. [212] that he intended to publish a volume of 'The Welsh Works of Ieuan Prydydd Hir, (Barddoniaeth, Pregethau, a Llythyrau)' to be edited by 'one of the most eminent Welsh Literateurs'; however, the intention does not seem to have materialised. J. H. Davies has written at the end of the text 'All printed' [referring to the 1876 volume]; this is the case except for pp. 249-251.


A composite volume containing miscellaneous prose and verse items in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'). Page i is inscribed 'Brith y Coed Sef Cynnulliad Cymmysg o Hen Bethau Cymreig, Rhyddiaith a Phrydyddiaeth. Cynnulliad Iolo Morganwg. Rhifyn IV', and pp. iii-vii contain a list of ninety-four items being the contents of pp. 1- 144. These include, pagination in brackets, transcripts of Welsh poems (sometimes single stanzas) or extracts from Welsh poems attributed to Gwydion ap Don (from the Mabinogi) (1), Lln. Moel y Pantri (2), Lln. ab Hywel ab Ieuan ab Gronw (5, 101-04, with a note on the bard 104-05), Dafydd Gorlech (5), Gruff. ap Gronw Gethin (6), Rhys Llwyd Brydydd (6, 73), Ieuan Gethin ab Ieuan ab Lleison (17, 74, 122), Thomas Llywelyn 'o Regoes' (17), Siôn Tomas Hywel 'o Lanbedr ar Fro' (29), Thomas Wiliam Hywel (29), Thomas Lewys 'o Lechau' (29-30), Harri Meirig (35), Taliesin Ben Beirdd ( 49-55, 78-9), Dafydd ap Gwilym (72, 130), Iorwerth Fynglwyd (73-4), ? Rhys Nanmor (73), Ieuan Du'r Bilwg (74), Twm ab Ifan ab Rhys (75-7), Gruffydd Llwyd Dafydd ap Einon Lygliw (97-100, with a note relating thereto), Siôn Rhydderch (106-07), Dafydd Hopcin 'o'r Coetty' (108), Rhisiart Thomas (109 ), Teilo Sant (114-15), Casnodyn Fardd 'o Gil Fai' (116), Dafydd Lewys 'o Ferthyr' (120), Lleison Cradoc 'o Dregolwyn' (121), Rhys Brydydd (121), Owain Gwynedd (121), Dafydd Benwyn (122), Wm. Cynwal (122), Huw Machno (130), Edwd. Richards (130), Hywel Rhys (130), Hopcin ap Thomas 'o Lynn Tawy' (132), Llywelyn Goch ab Meurig Hen (132), Siôn Tudur (136-41), Siôn Mowddwy (141), Llawdden Fardd (143), Tudur Wiliam (144), John Daf. ap Jenkin (144), and Llywarch Hen (144); transcripts of unattributed Welsh verse including a series of fourteen 'Englynion yr Adar' with notes by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' relating thereto (37-9), a series of eighty-four 'Englynion Arthur a'r Eryr a hwnnw oedd Eliwlod Nai Arthur ag Arglwydd Llancarfan' with notes relating thereto by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (79-95), and an 'englyn' (131); notes on 'Adar Rhiannon' and 'Blynyddau'r haul a'r Lleuad' (2); genealogical data relating to the descent of King Arthur including an anecdote relating to Brân fab Llyr (3- 4); genealogical data relating to 'Taliesin Ben Beirdd' and 'Morganiaid Tredeger' (7-8); a copy of the inscription on the gravestone of William Hopkin [the reputed poet], ob. 1741, and of an 'englyn' thereon attributed to his mother, and a brief note on his family (9; see TLLM, tt. 251-9); notes, mainly genealogical, relating to Rhys Brydydd of Llanharan [co. Glamorgan] and his family (10); a brief genealogy of William Bleddyn, bishop of Llandaff [1575-1590] (11); notes relating to Cuneddaf Wledig and his sons (11-14); notes on Saint Brychan and Morgan ap Einydd from whom allegedly Brycheiniawg and Morgannwg derived their names (15-17); a copy of a version of the statute reputedly drawn up by Gruffudd ap Cynan for regulating the order of bards and musicians with brief notes on the said statute by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (18-28); miscellaneous genealogical data (30-36, 48, 113); horticultural and agricultural instructions extracted 'o Hen Lyfr Esaia Pywel o Lansainffraid ar ogwr' being a work allegedly compiled in 1591 by Rhisiart Siôn Huw 'o'r Coetty' ( 40-48) ; notes on the Welsh bardic order as it was previous to the time of Gruffydd ap Cynan ('Llyma Drefn ar wyr wrth Gerdd Dafawd a elwir Hen Drefn Deheubarth ag a fu yng Ngwynedd cyn nog amser Gruffydd ap Cynan') (56-60); a list of fifty Welsh triads headed 'Llyma Drioedd Cerdd' (60-68); a list of Welsh proverbs allegedly extracted from a larger collection 'Yn Llyfr Thomas Bona' (69-72); a transcript of a letter in Welsh from Llywelyn Siôn from Llangewydd to Meuryg Dafydd of Llan Nisian [both of co. Glamorgan and fl. late 16th cent.] (the books relating to the bardic craft 'Llyfrau cerdd dafawd . . . sef pump llyfr Cerddwriaeth' which he, Llywelyn Siôn, had been copying were ready for collection, recipient should receive one pound for them, he had heard that the person who wished to have the volumes intended publishing a work on the subject in Welsh and Latin, knowledge of the Welsh bardic craft would disappear except for the composing of 'cwndidau') (96; for the opinion that it is a forgery to be attributed to Edward Williams himself see TLLM, t. 93, n. 45, and t.158, n. 56); (continued)

Notes relating to 'eisteddfodau' held at Ystrad Owain, Glamorgan, with particular reference to an 'eisteddfod' held there in 1720, and transcripts of 'englynion' composed in connection therewith (105-12; see TLLM, tt. 272-7); a brief note on the connection between some of the gentry and clergy of Glamorgan and Welsh poetry until ? comparatively late in the eighteenth century (112); a short list of Welsh triads, a few Welsh proverbs, lists with the superscriptions 'Wyth prif Gampau Dedwydd', 'Naw Llawenydd y Nef', 'Yr Wyth Brifwyd', 'Wyth Weithred Trugaredd', and 'Wyth Defnydd Dyn', and a list of sayings attributed to Cattwg Ddoeth (117-20); notes relating to Rhys Brydydd of Llanharan [co. Glamorgan] and his sons Rhisiart and Ieuan and tales relating to his grandson Thomas (123-9; for the Welsh text see Iolo Manuscripts, pp. 200-03, and for an English translation ibid., pp. 614-17); miscellaneous triads (131); notes on and a list of 'Breiniau Gwyr Arfon' (133-6); and Welsh medicinal recipes (142-3). Pp. 153-5 contain a list of fifty-one items being an incomplete list of the contents of pp. 157-384 Previously paginated 1-228. Included, pagination in brackets, are a copy of 'Gwassanaeth Meir' [being a middle Welsh version of the 'Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis'] transcribed by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' in June 1799 from a manuscript in the hand of John Jones [of Gellilyfdy, co. Flint] then in the library of Thomas Johns of Hafod Ychtryd, co. Cardigan [now Hafod MS 23 in the Cardiff Free Library] (157-211); a section headed 'Tri achos y dioddefawdd Crist archollion . . . ' and two Welsh triads (212 ); transcripts of two sequences of 'englynion' the first attributed to Mab Claf ab Llywarch or Llogell Rhison and the second to the said Mab Claf ab Llywarch, and of a poem attributed to Taliesin Ben Beirdd (213-20); transcripts of seven prayers described as 'Emynau Curig Ferthyr' (221-5); a copy of an anecdote relating to Owain Glyn Dwr and Syr Lawrens Berclos (225-6); transcripts of three sequences of 'englynion' (each stanza commencing 'Coronog Faban') attributed to Aneurin Gwawdrydd, Jonas, athraw Mynyw, and Rhys Goch o'r Ryri respectively with notes [by Edward Williams] on the three sequences (227-38; for the Welsh text see Iolo Manuscripts, pp. 265-71 and for an English translation ibid., pp. 673 et seq.); four more sequences or 'awdlau' containing 'coronog faban' stanzas, the second being attributed to Gildas Broffwyd and the fourth being copied, with revised orthography, from Thomas Pugh: Brittish and Out-landish Prophesies . . ., London, 1658 (239-56; for the Welsh text see Iolo Manuscripts, pp. 271-82); an incomplete copy of an 'awdl' attributed to Cuhelyn Fardd (257); a brief note on Gruffudd Hiraethog's opinion of Siôn Tudur, Wiliam Cynwal, Simwnt Fychan, and William Llyn (269); a note headed 'Edifeirwch Owain Cyfeiliog' (269-70); a copy of 'Prophwydoliaeth Gildas Brophwyd' (270-73); an incomplete series of triads entitled 'Trioedd Cerdd gwasgaredig' (273-4 ); transcripts of two stanzas of the 'tawddgyrch cadwynog' measure attributed to Iorwerth ab Ieuan and Lewys Hopcin 'o Hendre Ifan Goch' and of 'englynion' attributed to Lewys Morganwg (277-8); a short list of names of places and persons mainly from Welsh literature and legend extracted from a manuscript collection of Welsh poetry compiled by D[afydd] Jones, vicar of Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd (279-81); a list of questions and answers headed 'Gofyniadau saith o wyr Doethion i'w gilydd a'u hattebion' (282-3); a transcript of an 'englyn' in Latin attributed to Grono Ywain (283); a series of thirty Welsh triads (284-9); a copy of a fable entitled 'Hanes y tri aderyn Llwch Gwin' (289-90; for the Welsh text see Iolo Manuscripts, p. 188, and for an English translation ibid., p. 600); copies of two prose items entitled 'Hanes y Pedwar Cefnderwydd Gwynedd' and 'Cynghor Taliesin i'w Fab Afaon' and a note re a Glamorgan tradition linking Wa[l]ter de Mapes with the parish of Llancarvan (290-92); (continued)

A note relating to Gruffudd Dwn of Ystrad Marchell and his relationship with William Llyn and William Salesbury, with a copy of an 'englyn' by the said Gruffudd Dwn to Salesbury (293-4); a note on the words 'ynad' and 'anynad' (295); transcripts of Welsh strict- and free-metre poems attributed to [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg', Hopcin y Gwaydd 'o Fargam', Thomas Llywelyn 'o Regoes', Hywel Rhys 'o Flaen Cannaid', Edward Richards 'o Ystrad Meuryg', Siôn y Cent, y Parchedig Roger Edwards 'offeiriad Llanaber yn Ardudwy', Evan Evans ( ), Edmund Prys, and Iorwerth Fynglwyd (296-317); notes relating to Elis Wynn [cleric and author] with a transcript of six of the 'englynion' published by him at the beginning of his [translation of Jeremy Taylor's Holy Living, i.e.] Rheol Buchedd Sanctaidd and of the six 'englynion' to the translator by Edmund Prys 'Ficar Clynog Fawr yn Arfon a mab yr hen Edmund Prys o Faen Twrog' also published at the beginning of the said volume (318-23); transcripts of strict-metre poems attributed to ? Ieuan ap Gruffudd, Siôn y Cent, Tomas Morgan 'o'r Tyle Garw', Wiliam Dafydd 'neu Wilym Tir Ogwr', Dafydd y Blawd, Y Bardd Glas o' r Gadair, Evan Evans 'sef Ieuan Gwynfardd Ceredigion', Goronwy Owain, Hopcin y Gweydd 'o Fargam', Huw Caerog, Huw Llyn, Huw Pennant, Wiliam Cynwal, Ieuan Tew Hynaf, Wiliam Byrcinshaw, Siôn Tudur, and Richard Dafies, Escob Mynyw, and of some unattributed verse, the poems in some instances being accompanied by notes relating to subject matter, circumstances of composing, etc. (323-57); a note relating to the grading or licencing of bards at the time of the 'eisteddfod' at Caerwys ? 1565 (357-8); notes relating to Elisabeth Price, cousin of Robert Fychan of Hengwrt [co. Merioneth], her work as a copyist of the works of Welsh poets from the earliest to her own times, some twenty manuscript volumes in her hand in the possession of the Reverend Mr. Dafis of Penegos near Machynllaith [co. Montgomery], the untrustworthy nature of the genealogical manuscripts of Gwynedd, the compilation of such works as Brut y Brenhinoedd, Brut y Tywysogion, and Brut y Saeson in South Wales, the preservation of the poetic compositions of the bards of the princes of Gwynedd in South Wales manuscripts such as Llyfr Coch Hergest, Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin, Llyfrau Gogerddan, and Llyfrau Castell Rhaglan, the use of 'Iaith Deheubarth' as a literary language by the poets of Gwynedd, etc. (359-61; see TLLM, tt. 173-4); an anecdote relating to the poet Gutto'r Glyn's visit to an 'eisteddfod' at Cardiff Castle with a transcript of an 'englyn' attributed to Syr Wiliam Herbert and of part of a 'cywydd' attributed to Hywel Dafydd ap Ieuan ap Rhys connected therewith (362-3); transcripts of 'englynion' attributed to Gruffudd ap Llywelyn Fychan and Ifan Brydydd hir (jointly), Lewis Môn, Tudur Aled, Rhisiart Iorwerth 'o Langynwyd', and Llywelyn Goch ap Meuryg Hen 'o Nannau', an 'englyn sathredig ym Morganwg', and a stanza attributed to Owen Brereton (363-5); brief genealogies of Taliesin Ben Beirdd (366); and brief genealogical and other data relating to the three bardic brothers Ednyfed, Madawg, and Llywelyn, sons of Gruffudd ap Iorwerth of Marchwiail [co. Denbigh] with reference to an 'eisteddfod' held at Marchwiail in the lifetime of the said three brothers (367-8). P. 385 is inscribed 'Brith y Coed, Rhann VI yn hwn y mae Statut Gruff. ap Cynan o Lyfr Siôn Brwynog', and pp. 387-8 contain a list of the contents of pp. 393-421 (previously paginated 1-29). Included, pagination in brackets, are prose items headed 'Llyma Saith weithred y Drugaredd yr rhai y bydd Crist ddydd brawd yn holi pob Criston yn galed am danynt' and 'Llyma beth o Gynghoreu Cattwn Ddoeth a'r Bardd Glas o'r Gadair i bob gwr doeth ar y fynno rengi bodd Duw a dynion . . .' (393-9); a short list of 'Geiriau gwir Taliesin' and a series of six Welsh triads (400); a series of sayings attributed to Y Bardd Glas o'r Gadair, and a sequence of questions and answers of a biblical - mythological nature (401-02); and transcripts of strict-metre poems attributed to Gutto'r Glynn, Iorwerth Fynglwyd, Dafydd Na[n]mor, Meilir Brydydd, Dafydd ap Gwilym or Iolo Goch, and Llawdden or Gwilym ap Ieuan hen (403-21). The remainder of the volume contains, pagination in brackets, a copy of rules relating to the holding of 'eisteddfodau' and of a version of the statute for the regulating of the bardic order attributed to Gruffudd ap Cynan as allegedly confirmed at the [mid] fifteenth century 'eisteddfod' held at Carmarthen (425-37; the present version, according to notes On p. 437, had been compiled by Siôn Brwynog from various sources and had been transcribed by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' from one of the manuscripts of the aforementioned Elizabeth Price in the possession of the Reverend Mr. Dafies of Penegos aforesaid); a note by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' relating to the authorship of the aforementioned rules for holding 'eisteddfodau' (438; see TLLM, t. 281); notes relating to an 'eisteddfod' held at Y Pil in co. Glamorgan in 1715 listing the names of bards who ? were present and containing transcripts of 'englynion' composed at or in connection with the said ' eisteddfod' allegedly by Nicolas Rhys, Wil Hopcin, Siôn Bradford ('Ieuan Tir Iarll'), Dafydd Hopcin 'o'r Coetty', Dafydd Nicolas, Gruffudd ap Hywel ('Y Digri Bach'), Rhys Morgan, Siôn Rhydderch, and Dafydd Thomas (441-6; see TLLM, tt. 258, 277 et seq.); a further note relating to the aforementioned Dafydd Thomas who was at Y Pil including a reference to Siôn Rhydderch (446-7; see TLLM, t. 244); and what appears to be the superscription for proposed notes on an 'eisteddfod' held at Ystrad Ywain in co. Glamorgan in May 1720 (448).


A collection of 'cerddi', 'englynion', and 'cywyddau', written about 1800, including poems by John Griffith, Llanddyfnan, John Dafydd Laes (Bardd Nannau), Thomas Prys (Plas Iolyn), Lewis Glyn Cothi, Siôn Tudur, Jonathan Hughes, Llewelyn ap Guttyn, Telynior Llwydiarth, Ieuan Fardd, John Rhydderch; 'caniad Mair' and 'Caniad Simion'; 'Cyneddfau amryw barthau Cymru'; and a copy of an inscription on the tomb of Mo: Lloyd, Cerrig Ceinwen, 1647.

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 45