Slate industry Letters and papers relating to, NLW MSS 4984-4985C -- Wales -- Merioneth



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Slate industry Letters and papers relating to, NLW MSS 4984-4985C -- Wales -- Merioneth

Termau cyfwerth

Slate industry Letters and papers relating to, NLW MSS 4984-4985C -- Wales -- Merioneth

Termau cysylltiedig

Slate industry Letters and papers relating to, NLW MSS 4984-4985C -- Wales -- Merioneth

2 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Slate industry Letters and papers relating to, NLW MSS 4984-4985C -- Wales -- Merioneth

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig


One of two volumes of miscellaneous papers collected by or relating to Samuel Holland and containing material relating to his life and work, including papers relating to the foundation and early history of Dr. Williams' School, Dolgelley, and other educational matters, particularly in Merioneth, local affairs in Ffestiniog, Harlech, Dolgelley, and other parts of Merioneth, press cuttings, etc., relating to his political work, etc., letters and papers relating to the slate-quarrying industry in Merioneth, the development of Portmadoc harbour and the construction of the Ffestiniog Railway and other industrial and commercial undertakings in North Wales, journal entries by Samuel Holland, personal, family, and business letters, etc.


One of two volumes of miscellaneous papers collected by or relating to Samuel Holland and containing material relating to his life and work, including papers relating to the foundation and early history of Dr. Williams' School, Dolgelley, and other educational matters, particularly in Merioneth, local affairs in Ffestiniog, Harlech, Dolgelley, and other parts of Merioneth, press cuttings, etc., relating to his political work, etc., letters and papers relating to the slate-quarrying industry in Merioneth, the development of Portmadoc harbour and the construction of the Ffestiniog Railway and other industrial and commercial undertakings in North Wales, journal entries by Samuel Holland, personal, family, and business letters, etc.