Agriculture Translations relating to husbandry, NLW MS 5280B



Nodyn(nodiadau) cwmpas

Nodyn(nodiadau) ffynhonnell

Nodyn(nodiadau) darganfod

Termau hierarchaidd

Agriculture Translations relating to husbandry, NLW MS 5280B

Termau cyfwerth

Agriculture Translations relating to husbandry, NLW MS 5280B

Termau cysylltiedig

Agriculture Translations relating to husbandry, NLW MS 5280B

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Agriculture Translations relating to husbandry, NLW MS 5280B

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

Meddyginiaeth a hwsmonaeth

Translations of two texts, the first entitled 'Dangosiad am y Coed a elwir Gwaiacwm yssydd yn iachav y vrech ffrengic, a hefyd sydd yn helpio y gowt yn y traed, y tostedd, y palas, y klwy gwahanol, dropsi, klwy tegla, a chlevydion eraill', translated from 'Of the wood called Guaiacum that healeth the French pockes, and also helpeth the Goute in the feete . . .' (London, 1635, with subsequent editions), in its turn a translation by Thomas Paynel of Ulrich von Hutten: De Guaiaci Medicina et morbo Gallico. The text is incomplete, wanting the end of chapter 8, the whole of chapter 9, the beginning of chapter 10, the end of chapter 24, and the whole of chapters 25 and 26. It is followed by a translation of Sir Anthony Fitzherbert: 'Boke of Hvsbandry' (London, 1534). This text is also imperfect, wanting the first seven chapters, the beginning of chapter 8, chapter 51, the latter half of chapter 141, chapters 142-4, the beginning of chapter 145, the greater part of chapter 151, and the beginning of chapter 152. The Welsh translator is not identified.