Nuclear industry -- France -- Brittany.



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Nuclear industry -- France -- Brittany.

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Nuclear industry -- France -- Brittany.

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Nuclear industry -- France -- Brittany.

1 Archival description results for Nuclear industry -- France -- Brittany.

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C. E. S. (Economic and Social Council of Brittany) Records,

  • GB 0210 CESANY
  • Fonds
  • 1971-1980 /

Planning documents and reports relating to four-year development plans: Sixth Plan, 1971-1975; Seventh Plan, 1976-1980; Eighth Plan, 1980-1984; reports on administration of the Loire, Brittany and Ile et Vilaine region, 1974-1979; minutes of C E S and sub-committees, 1974-1979; miscellaneous pamphlets and publicity material on nuclear power, 1974-1979; printed and official reports, 1971-1980; correspondence and related papers of the Amoco Cadiz disaster, 1978-1979, the 'Plan medico-hospitalier breton', 1973-1975, and protests by medical students at Rennes, 1973, C E L I B (Comite d'etude et de liaison des interets bretons) [Breton studies committee]), 1972-1978, the Institut Culturel Breton, 1972-1979; the Charte Culturelle de Bretagne, 1975-1979; the Conseil Culturel de Bretagne, 1978-1979; and 'L'annee du patrimoine', 1979-1980.

Conseil regional de Bretagne Comite economique et social